8 research outputs found

    Road aggression - an underestimated hazard

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    Artykuł przedstawia rzadko podejmowaną w polskim piśmiennictwie problematykę agresji drogowej w 3 jej wymiarach: agresywnej jazdy, gniewu drogowego oraz furii drogowej. Pokazana jest skala zjawiska w Polsce i na świecie oraz przekrój czynników, wpływających na poziom agresji drogowej, zarówno indywidualnych, jak i środowiskowych. Zaprezentowano również techniki prewencyjne, mające na celu obniżenie własnego gniewu oraz łagodzenie agresywnej reakcji innych kierowców.This article presents a topic rarely undertaken in Polish writing, namely driving aggression in its three dimensions: aggressive driving, anger while driving and road rage. The scale of the phenomenon in Poland and in the world is presented, as well as an array of the factors, both indwidual and environmental, responsible for the level of aggression. Preventive techniques aimed at reducing anger and mitigating difficult situations on the road are also discussed

    Occupational burnout - a factor Iowering occupational safety level

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    Wypalenie zawodowe jest jednym z głównych psychologicznych predykatorów zwiększonego zagrożenia wypadkami przy pracy. Osoby doświadczające symptomów wypalenia są mniej zmotywowane do dbania o higienę pracy oraz do edukacji w tym zakresie, a towarzyszące temu zjawisku zmęczenie i dolegliwości psychosomatyczne ograniczają sprawność fizyczną i psychiczną, prowadząc do zwiększonego ryzyka wypadku. Z tego powodu istotne jest zrozumienie przez pracodawców i pracowników przyczyn zjawiska i przeciwdziałanie jego występowaniu.Burnout is one of the main psychological predictors of increased risk of accidents at work. People experiencing symptoms of burnout are less motivated to take care of their safety and to education in this field. Burnout is accompanied by a fatigue and psychosomatic symptoms, which limit physical and mental fitness and lead to an increased risk of an accident. For this reason it is important to understand this phenomenon by employers and employees and to prevent it

    That Obscure Concept of Desire: ideological wars over the pharmacological enhancement of female sexual desire

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    This article discusses the scientific debate surrounding the appropriateness of pharmacological interventions aimed at increasing female desire. The analysis of this debate shows how preferences for a given definition of desire, different ways of operationalizing it, as well as diagnosing and treating low levels of it are clearly motivated by a particular worldview. It also shows how selectively interpreted empirical data are used to produce ‘knowledge about desire’ that supports a specific value system or serves particular ends

    Defining Polyamory: A Thematic Analysis of Lay People’s Definitions

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    This study aimed to analyze laypeople’s definitions of polyamory and compare definitions presented by people who are not willing to engage in consensual non-monogamy (CNM) and those who are or are willing to be in a CNM relationship. This exploratory qualitative study used data collected from a convenience sample through a web survey, where people answered the question “What does polyamory mean?” We conducted thematic analysis to examine patterns in meaning and used demographic data to compare themes among groups. The final sample comprised 463 participants aged 18–66 years (M = 32.19, SD = 10.02), mostly heterosexual (60%). Of the total sample, 54% were in a monogamous relationship, followed by 21% not in a relationship, and 13% in a non-monogamous relationship. Analysis showed that people define polyamory mostly as a set of behaviors in a relationship, followed by the potential of multiple relationships or feelings for multiple people. Definitions also include emotional, sexual, and ethical aspects. People in CNM relationships are more likely to define polyamory as constituting a potential form of relating, focus more on interpersonal feelings and ethics, and include consent in their definitions than those unwilling to engage in CNM. People in CNM relationships also focus particularly on the non-central role of sex within these relationships, which might challenge assumptions about sexuality in these relationships in clinical and research settings