255 research outputs found

    Does the executive dominate the Westminster legislative process?: Six reasons for doubt

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    The British Westminster parliament is frequently dismissed as a weak policy actor, in the face of dominant executive power. But through analysis of 4361 amendments to 12 government bills, and over 120 interviews, we suggest six reasons for doubting the orthodox view. These fall into three groups: overstating government success in making amendments, overstating non-government failure, and overlooking parliamentary influence before and after the formal passage of bills. We demonstrate that Westminster in fact has substantial influence in the policy process, not readily visible through commonly published data. Uncovering influence requires careful tracking of amendments, but also qualitative analysis of actors’ motivations and the power of ‘anticipated reactions’. Because Westminster is often seen as being at the weak end of a comparative spectrum of parliamentary influence, these results are important for demonstrating both the dynamics of British politics, and of parliamentary systems more broadly

    Actors, Motivations and Outcomes in the Legislative Process: Policy Influence at Westminster

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    Legislatures in parliamentary systems are frequently seen as weak policy actors, and this is nowhere more true than of the British Westminster parliament. But real-world changes, and recent research, suggest that Westminster’s influence is significant and growing. This raises new questions about which non-government actors are influential, which we explore through analysing 4361 amendments proposed to 12 government bills. But assessing non-government amendment ‘success’ presents challenges, since many such proposals are clearly not sincere attempts at legislative change. We thus make two substantive contributions. First, we quantitatively assess the influence of different groups at Westminster, showing both non-government influence and cross-party working to be more extensive than traditionally assumed. Second, we link predictions about opposition and backbench parliamentarians’ motivations to the legislative amendment process, proposing a typology of motivations for such amendments, with wider application. Overall, we argue that understanding non-government parliamentarians’ diverse motivations shows that they ‘fail’ far less than commonly assumed

    A holonomy characterisation of Fefferman spaces

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    We prove that Fefferman spaces, associated to non--degenerate CR structures of hypersurface type, are characterised, up to local conformal isometry, by the existence of a parallel orthogonal complex structure on the standard tractor bundle. This condition can be equivalently expressed in terms of conformal holonomy. Extracting from this picture the essential consequences at the level of tensor bundles yields an improved, conformally invariant analogue of Sparling's characterisation of Fefferman spaces.Comment: AMSLaTeX, 15 page

    Higher Spin Gravitational Couplings and the Yang--Mills Detour Complex

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    Gravitational interactions of higher spin fields are generically plagued by inconsistencies. We present a simple framework that couples higher spins to a broad class of gravitational backgrounds (including Ricci flat and Einstein) consistently at the classical level. The model is the simplest example of a Yang--Mills detour complex, which recently has been applied in the mathematical setting of conformal geometry. An analysis of asymptotic scattering states about the trivial field theory vacuum in the simplest version of the theory yields a rich spectrum marred by negative norm excitations. The result is a theory of a physical massless graviton, scalar field, and massive vector along with a degenerate pair of zero norm photon excitations. Coherent states of the unstable sector of the model do have positive norms, but their evolution is no longer unitary and their amplitudes grow with time. The model is of considerable interest for braneworld scenarios and ghost condensation models, and invariant theory.Comment: 19 pages LaTe

    Gravity, Two Times, Tractors, Weyl Invariance and Six Dimensional Quantum Mechanics

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    Fefferman and Graham showed some time ago that four dimensional conformal geometries could be analyzed in terms of six dimensional, ambient, Riemannian geometries admitting a closed homothety. Recently it was shown how conformal geometry provides a description of physics manifestly invariant under local choices of unit systems. Strikingly, Einstein's equations are then equivalent to the existence of a parallel scale tractor (a six component vector subject to a certain first order covariant constancy condition at every point in four dimensional spacetime). These results suggest a six dimensional description of four dimensional physics, a viewpoint promulgated by the two times physics program of Bars. The Fefferman--Graham construction relies on a triplet of operators corresponding, respectively to a curved six dimensional light cone, the dilation generator and the Laplacian. These form an sp(2) algebra which Bars employs as a first class algebra of constraints in a six-dimensional gauge theory. In this article four dimensional gravity is recast in terms of six dimensional quantum mechanics by melding the two times and tractor approaches. This "parent" formulation of gravity is built from an infinite set of six dimensional fields. Successively integrating out these fields yields various novel descriptions of gravity including a new four dimensional one built from a scalar doublet, a tractor vector multiplet and a conformal class of metrics.Comment: 27 pages, LaTe

    Zirconium trisulfide as a promising cathode material for Li primary thermal batteries

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    In this work ZrS3 has been synthesized by solid state reaction in a sealed quartz tube and investigated as a candidate cathode material in Li thermal batteries. The structure of ZrS3 before and after cell testing has been studied using powder X-ray diffraction. A new spinel related material, LiZr2S4, has been identified as the product of the electrochemical process, which can be indexed to a = 10.452(8) Å cubic unit cell. The electrochemical properties of the batteries were investigated at 500 °C against Li13Si4 by galvanostatic discharge and galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (GITT). In a thermal Li cell at 500 °C a single voltage plateau of 1.70 V at a current density of 11 mA/cm2 was achieved with capacity of 357 mA h g-1. Therefore ZrS3 material has some promise as a cathode for Li thermal batteries.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Piecing Together Large Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Fullerenes: A Combined ChemTEM Imaging and MALDI-ToF Mass Spectrometry Approach

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    Motivated by their importance in chemistry, physics, astronomy and materials science, we investigate routes to the formation of large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules and the fullerene C60 from specific smaller PAH building blocks. The behaviour of selected PAH molecules under electron (using transmission electron microscopy, TEM) and laser irradiation is examined, where four specific PAHs—anthracene, pyrene, perylene and coronene—are assembling into larger structures and fullerenes. This contrasts with earlier TEM studies in which large graphene flakes were shown to transform into fullerenes via a top-down route. A new combined approach is presented in which spectrometric and microscopic experimental techniques exploit the stabilisation of adsorbed molecules through supramolecular interactions with a graphene substrate and enable the molecules to be characterised and irradiated sequentially. Thereby allowing initiation of transformation and characterisation of the resultant species by both mass spectrometry and direct-space imaging. We investigate the types of large PAH molecule that can form from smaller PAHs, and discuss the potential of a “bottom-up” followed by “top-down” mechanism for forming C60

    Non-linear Realizations of Conformal Symmetry and Effective Field Theory for the Pseudo-Conformal Universe

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    The pseudo-conformal scenario is an alternative to inflation in which the early universe is described by an approximate conformal field theory on flat, Minkowski space. Some fields acquire a time-dependent expectation value, which breaks the flat space so(4,2) conformal algebra to its so(4,1) de Sitter subalgebra. As a result, weight-0 fields acquire a scale invariant spectrum of perturbations. The scenario is very general, and its essential features are determined by the symmetry breaking pattern, irrespective of the details of the underlying microphysics. In this paper, we apply the well-known coset technique to derive the most general effective lagrangian describing the Goldstone field and matter fields, consistent with the assumed symmetries. The resulting action captures the low energy dynamics of any pseudo-conformal realization, including the U(1)-invariant quartic model and the Galilean Genesis scenario. We also derive this lagrangian using an alternative method of curvature invariants, consisting of writing down geometric scalars in terms of the conformal mode. Using this general effective action, we compute the two-point function for the Goldstone and a fiducial weight-0 field, as well as some sample three-point functions involving these fields.Comment: 49 pages. v2: minor corrections, added references. v3: minor edits, version appearing in JCA

    Galileons as Wess-Zumino Terms

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    We show that the galileons can be thought of as Wess-Zumino terms for the spontaneous breaking of space-time symmetries. Wess-Zumino terms are terms which are not captured by the coset construction for phenomenological Lagrangians with broken symmetries. Rather they are, in d space-time dimensions, d-form potentials for (d+1)-forms which are non-trivial co-cycles in Lie algebra cohomology of the full symmetry group relative to the unbroken symmetry group. We introduce the galileon algebras and construct the non-trivial (d+1)-form co-cycles, showing that the presence of galileons and multi-galileons in all dimensions is counted by the dimensions of particular Lie algebra cohomology groups. We also discuss the DBI and conformal galileons from this point of view, showing that they are not Wess-Zumino terms, with one exception in each case.Comment: 49 pages. v2 minor changes, version appearing in JHE
