4,718 research outputs found

    Allosteric Modulators for GPCRs as a Therapeutic Alternative with High Potential in Drug Discovery

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    The superfamily of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) consists of biological microprocessors that can activate multiple signaling pathways. Most GPCRs have an orthosteric pocket where the endogenous ligand(s) typically binds. Conversely, allosteric ligands bind to GPCRs at sites that are distinct from the orthosteric binding region and they modulate the response elicited by the endogenous ligand. Allosteric ligands can also switch the response of a GPCR after ligand binding to a unique signaling pathway, these ligands are termed biased allosteric modulators. Thus, the development of allosteric ligands opens new and multiple ways in which the signaling pathways of GPCRs can be manipulated for potential therapeutic benefit. Furthermore, the mechanisms by which allosteric ligands modulate the effects of endogenous ligands have provided new insights into the interactions between allosteric ligands and GPCRs. These new findings have a high potential to improve drug discovery and development and, therefore, creating the need for better screening methods for allosteric drugs to increase the chances of success in the development of allosteric modulators as lead clinical compounds

    Spectroscopic Observations of Convective Patterns in the Atmospheres of Metal-Poor Stars

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    Convective line asymmetries in the optical spectrum of two metal-poor stars, Gmb1830 and HD140283, are compared to those observed for solar metallicity stars. The line bisectors of the most metal-poor star, the subgiant HD140283, show a significantly larger velocity span that the expectations for a solar-metallicity star of the same spectral type and luminosity class. The enhanced line asymmetries are interpreted as the signature of the lower metal content, and therefore opacity, in the convective photospheric patterns. These findings point out the importance of three-dimensional convective velocity fields in the interpretation of the observed line asymmetries in metal-poor stars, and in particular, urge for caution when deriving isotopic ratios from observed line shapes and shifts using one-dimensional model atmospheres. The mean line bisector of the photospheric atomic lines is compared with those measured for the strong Mg I b1 and b2 features. The upper part of the bisectors are similar, and assuming they overlap, the bottom end of the stronger lines, which are formed higher in the atmosphere, goes much further to the red. This is in agreement with the expected decreasing of the convective blue-shifts in upper atmospheric layers, and compatible with the high velocity redshifts observed in the chromosphere, transition region, and corona of late-type stars.Comment: 27 pages, LaTeX; 10 Figures (14 PostScript files); to be published in The Astrophysical Journa

    Diseases, lesions and malformations in the long-beaked common dolphin <i>Delphinus capensis</i> from the Southeast Pacific

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    Miscellaneous lesions of the head, skull, teeth, trunk, appendages, skin and genital tract were observed in 120 of 930 long-beaked common dolphins Delphinus capensis taken in fisheries off Peru between 1985 and 2000. Seven subsamples were defined according to the varying field sampling protocols. Forty-two dolphins showed at least 2 types of injuries or diseases affecting 1 or more organs. The majority (5 of 7) of traumas encountered were diagnosed as caused by violent, fisheries-related interactions, and the skin in 20.4% of specimens (n = 54) showed healed scars from such interactions. Prevalences of malformations and traumas of crania (n = 103) were 2.9 and 1.9%, respectively. Lytic cranial lesions were present in 31.1% of dolphins (n = 103) and accounted for 84.2% of all bone injuries. Skull damage diagnostic for Crassicauda sp. infestation was encountered in 26.5% of dolphins (n = 98) and did not differ among sex and age classes. Crassicauda sp. and tooth infections were responsible for, respectively, 78.8 and 6.1% of the lytic lesions. Adult dolphins showed a high prevalence of worn and broken teeth (35%, n = 20) as well as damaged alveoli (20%, n = 70). Prevalence of ‘paired teeth’, a congenital condition, was 9.4% (n = 32). Lesions of the head, body and appendages were present in 10 dolphins and included traumas, deformations (e.g. scoliokyphosis and brachygnathia) and chronic mastitis. Ovarian cysts suggestive of follicular cysts were observed in 1 of 24 females. Chronic orchitis affected 1 of 78 males. Of 12 dolphins 2 had vesicular lesions of the penis. Prevalence of cutaneous lesions, abnormalities and scars ranged between 1.8% (n = 56) and 48.2% (n = 27)

    Un método simple y preciso para la cuantificación específica de biomasa en cultivos mixtos de hongos filamentosos por PCR cuantitativa

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    Production of lignocellulolytic enzymes by filamentous fungi have a great potential at industrial level due to their widespread applications. Mixed fungal cultures and particularly mixed fungal biofilms constitute a promising fermentation system for an enhanced enzyme production. However, it has not been addressed how much of this enhancement depends on the mixed biomass proportion. In this sense, the aim of this study was to develop a method to specifically and accurately quantify mixed fungal biomass. For this purpose, mixed biofilm cultures composed of Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma reesei, two filamentous fungi used industrially for cellulase production, were collected from 48 to 120 h of growth; mycelia were pulverized, and DNA was extracted for qPCR assays with specific primers for each fungus. Primers were designed from non-conserved regions of sequences of actin and β-tubulin genes of both A. niger and T. reesei. Specificity of these primers was tested in silico and experimentally. A statistically significant correlation was obtained between qPCR-calculated biomass and dry weight biomass data. By this method, it was possible to detect changes on mycelia proportions in biofilms over time, suggesting a competitive interaction between these two fungi. In conclusion, this method allows a specific and accurate quantification of mixed fungal biomass and could be also applied to different mixed culture systems for studying microbial interactions.La producción de enzimas lignocelulolíticas por hongos filamentosos tiene un gran potencial a nivel industrial debido a sus diversas aplicaciones. Los cultivos fúngicos mixtos y particularmente las biopelículas fúngicas mixtas constituyen un sistema de fermentación prometedor para una mayor producción enzimática. Sin embargo, no se ha abordado cuánto de esta mejora depende de la proporción de biomasa mixta. En este sentido, el objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar un método para cuantificar de forma específica y precisa la biomasa fúngica mixta. Para este propósito, se recolectaron cultivos mixtos de biopelículas de 48 a 120 h de crecimiento compuestos por Aspergillus niger y Trichoderma reesei, dos hongos filamentosos utilizados industrialmente para la producción de celulasas; el micelio se pulverizó y el ADN se extrajo para ensayos de qPCR con cebadores específicos para cada hongo. Los cebadores se diseñaron a partir de regiones no conservadas de las secuencias de los genes de actina y β-tubulina de A. niger y T. reesei. La especificidad de estos cebadores se probó in silico y experimentalmente. Se obtuvo una correlación estadísticamente significativa entre la biomasa calculada mediante qPCR y los datos de biomasa en peso seco. Mediante este método, fue posible detectar cambios en las proporciones de los micelios en las biopelículas a lo largo del tiempo, lo que sugiere una interacción competitiva entre estos dos hongos. En conclusión, este método permite una cuantificación específica y precisa de la biomasa fúngica mixta y también podría aplicarse a diferentes sistemas de cultivo mixto para estudiar interacciones microbianas

    Towards the theory of ferrimagnetism

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    Two-sublattice ferrimagnet, with spin-s1s_1 operators S1i\bf{S_{1i}} at the sublattice AA site and spin-s2s_2 operators S2i\bf{S_{2i}} at the sublattice BB site, is considered. The magnon of the system, the transversal fluctuation of the total magnetization, is a complicate mixture of the transversal fluctuations of the sublattice AA and BB spins. As a result, the magnons' fluctuations suppress in a different way the magnetic orders of the AA and BB sublattices and one obtains two phases. At low temperature (0,T)(0,T^*) the magnetic orders of the AA and BB spins contribute to the magnetization of the system, while at the high temperature (T,TN)(T^*,T_N), the magnetic order of the spins with a weaker intra-sublattice exchange is suppressed by magnon fluctuations, and only the spins with stronger intra-sublattice exchange has non-zero spontaneous magnetization. The TT^* transition is a transition between two spin-ordered phases in contrast to the transition from spin-ordered state to disordered state (TNT_N-transition). There is no additional symmetry breaking, and the Goldstone boson has a ferromagnetic dispersion in both phases. A modified spin-wave theory is developed to describe the two phases. All known Neel's anomalous M(T)M(T) curves are reproduced, in particular that with "compensation point". The theoretical curves are compared with experimental ones for sulpho-spinel MnCr2S4xSexMnCr2S_{4-x}Se_{x} and rare earth iron garnets.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Differential transcription profiles inAedes aegyptidetoxification genes after temephos selection

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    The mosquito Aedes aegypti is the main vector of Dengue and Yellow Fever flaviviruses. The organophosphate insecticide temephos is a larvicide that is used globally to control Ae. aegypti populations; many of which have in turn evolved resistance. Target site alteration in the acetylcholine esterase of this species has not being identified. Instead, we tracked changes in transcription of metabolic detoxification genes using the Ae. aegypti ‘Detox Chip’ microarray during five generations of temephos selection. We selected for temephos resistance in three replicates in each of six collections, five from Mexico, and one from Peru. The response to selection was tracked in terms of lethal concentrations. Uniform upregulation was seen in the epsilon class glutathione-S-transferase (eGST) genes in strains from Mexico prior to laboratory selection, while eGSTs in the Iquitos Peru strain became upregulated after five generations of temephos selection. While expression of many carboxyl/cholinesterase esterase (CCE) genes increased with selection, no single esterase was consistently upregulated and this same pattern was noted in the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase (CYP) genes and in other genes involved in reduction or oxidation of xenobiotics. Bioassays using glutathione-S-transferase (GST), CCE and CYP inhibitors suggest that various CCEs instead of GSTs are the main metabolic mechanism conferring resistance to temephos. We show that temephos-selected strains show no cross resistance to permethrin and that genes associated with temephos selection are largely independent of those selected with permethrin in a previous study

    Leaf water δ18O reflects water vapour exchange and uptake by C3 and CAM epiphytic bromeliads in Panama

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    The distributions of CAM and C3 epiphytic bromeliads across an altitudinal gradient in western Panama were identified from carbon isotope (δ13C) signals, and epiphyte water balance was investigated via oxygen isotopes (δ18O) across wet and dry seasons. There were significant seasonal differences in leaf water (δ18Olw), precipitation, stored 'tank' water and water vapour. Values of δ18Olw were evaporatively enriched at low altitude in the dry season for the C3 epiphytes, associated with low relative humidity (RH) during the day. Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) δ18Olw values were relatively depleted, consistent with water vapour uptake during gas exchange under high RH at night. At high altitude, cloudforest locations, C3 δ18Olw also reflected water vapour uptake by day. A mesocosm experiment with Tillandsia fasciculata (CAM) and Werauhia sanguinolenta (C3) was combined with simulations using a non-steady-state oxygen isotope leaf water model. For both C3 and CAM bromeliads, δ18Olw became progressively depleted under saturating water vapour by day and night, although evaporative enrichment was restored in the C3 W. sanguinolenta under low humidity by day. Source water in the overlapping leaf base 'tank' was also modified by evaporative δ18O exchanges. The results demonstrate how stable isotopes in leaf water provide insights for atmospheric water vapour exchanges for both C3 and CAM systems

    Clinical Outcome Metrics for Optimization of Robust Training

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    Introduction: The emphasis of this research is on the Human Research Program (HRP) Exploration Medical Capability's (ExMC) "Risk of Unacceptable Health and Mission Outcomes Due to Limitations of In-Flight Medical Capabilities." Specifically, this project aims to contribute to the closure of gap ExMC 2.02: We do not know how the inclusion of a physician crew medical officer quantitatively impacts clinical outcomes during exploration missions. The experiments are specifically designed to address clinical outcome differences between physician and non-physician cohorts in both near-term and longer-term (mission impacting) outcomes. Methods: Medical simulations will systematically compare success of individual diagnostic and therapeutic procedure simulations performed by physician and non-physician crew medical officer (CMO) analogs using clearly defined short-term (individual procedure) outcome metrics. In the subsequent step of the project, the procedure simulation outcomes will be used as input to a modified version of the NASA Integrated Medical Model (IMM) to analyze the effect of the outcome (degree of success) of individual procedures (including successful, imperfectly performed, and failed procedures) on overall long-term clinical outcomes and the consequent mission impacts. The procedures to be simulated are endotracheal intubation, fundoscopic examination, kidney/urinary ultrasound, ultrasound-guided intravenous catheter insertion, and a differential diagnosis exercise. Multiple assessment techniques will be used, centered on medical procedure simulation studies occurring at 3, 6, and 12 months after initial training (as depicted in the following flow diagram of the experiment design). Discussion: Analysis of procedure outcomes in the physician and non-physician groups and their subsets (tested at different elapsed times post training) will allow the team to 1) define differences between physician and non-physician CMOs in terms of both procedure performance (pre-IMM analysis) and overall mitigation of the mission medical impact (IMM analysis); 2) refine the procedure outcome and clinical outcome metrics themselves; 3) refine or develop innovative medical training products and solutions to maximize CMO performance; and 4) validate the methods and products of this experiment for operational use in the planning, execution, and quality assurance of the CMO training process The team has finalized training protocols and developed a software training/testing tool in collaboration with Butler Graphics (Detroit, MI). In addition to the "hands on" medical procedure modules, the software includes a differential diagnosis exercise (limited clinical decision support tool) to evaluate the diagnostic skills of participants. Human subject testing will occur over the next year