1,030 research outputs found

    On Fast and Robust Information Spreading in the Vertex-Congest Model

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    This paper initiates the study of the impact of failures on the fundamental problem of \emph{information spreading} in the Vertex-Congest model, in which in every round, each of the nn nodes sends the same O(log⁥n)O(\log{n})-bit message to all of its neighbors. Our contribution to coping with failures is twofold. First, we prove that the randomized algorithm which chooses uniformly at random the next message to forward is slow, requiring Ω(n/k)\Omega(n/\sqrt{k}) rounds on some graphs, which we denote by Gn,kG_{n,k}, where kk is the vertex-connectivity. Second, we design a randomized algorithm that makes dynamic message choices, with probabilities that change over the execution. We prove that for Gn,kG_{n,k} it requires only a near-optimal number of O(nlog⁥3n/k)O(n\log^3{n}/k) rounds, despite a rate of q=O(k/nlog⁥3n)q=O(k/n\log^3{n}) failures per round. Our technique of choosing probabilities that change according to the execution is of independent interest.Comment: Appears in SIROCCO 2015 conferenc

    Suggestive Annotation: A Deep Active Learning Framework for Biomedical Image Segmentation

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    Image segmentation is a fundamental problem in biomedical image analysis. Recent advances in deep learning have achieved promising results on many biomedical image segmentation benchmarks. However, due to large variations in biomedical images (different modalities, image settings, objects, noise, etc), to utilize deep learning on a new application, it usually needs a new set of training data. This can incur a great deal of annotation effort and cost, because only biomedical experts can annotate effectively, and often there are too many instances in images (e.g., cells) to annotate. In this paper, we aim to address the following question: With limited effort (e.g., time) for annotation, what instances should be annotated in order to attain the best performance? We present a deep active learning framework that combines fully convolutional network (FCN) and active learning to significantly reduce annotation effort by making judicious suggestions on the most effective annotation areas. We utilize uncertainty and similarity information provided by FCN and formulate a generalized version of the maximum set cover problem to determine the most representative and uncertain areas for annotation. Extensive experiments using the 2015 MICCAI Gland Challenge dataset and a lymph node ultrasound image segmentation dataset show that, using annotation suggestions by our method, state-of-the-art segmentation performance can be achieved by using only 50% of training data.Comment: Accepted at MICCAI 201

    Replica Placement on Bounded Treewidth Graphs

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    We consider the replica placement problem: given a graph with clients and nodes, place replicas on a minimum set of nodes to serve all the clients; each client is associated with a request and maximum distance that it can travel to get served and there is a maximum limit (capacity) on the amount of request a replica can serve. The problem falls under the general framework of capacitated set covering. It admits an O(\log n)-approximation and it is NP-hard to approximate within a factor of o(log⁥n)o(\log n). We study the problem in terms of the treewidth tt of the graph and present an O(t)-approximation algorithm.Comment: An abridged version of this paper is to appear in the proceedings of WADS'1

    Budget-restricted utility games with ordered strategic decisions

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    We introduce the concept of budget games. Players choose a set of tasks and each task has a certain demand on every resource in the game. Each resource has a budget. If the budget is not enough to satisfy the sum of all demands, it has to be shared between the tasks. We study strategic budget games, where the budget is shared proportionally. We also consider a variant in which the order of the strategic decisions influences the distribution of the budgets. The complexity of the optimal solution as well as existence, complexity and quality of equilibria are analyzed. Finally, we show that the time an ordered budget game needs to convergence towards an equilibrium may be exponential

    AMS measurements of cosmogenic and supernova-ejected radionuclides in deep-sea sediment cores

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    Samples of two deep-sea sediment cores from the Indian Ocean are analyzed with accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) to search for traces of recent supernova activity around 2 Myr ago. Here, long-lived radionuclides, which are synthesized in massive stars and ejected in supernova explosions, namely 26Al, 53Mn and 60Fe, are extracted from the sediment samples. The cosmogenic isotope 10Be, which is mainly produced in the Earths atmosphere, is analyzed for dating purposes of the marine sediment cores. The first AMS measurement results for 10Be and 26Al are presented, which represent for the first time a detailed study in the time period of 1.7-3.1 Myr with high time resolution. Our first results do not support a significant extraterrestrial signal of 26Al above terrestrial background. However, there is evidence that, like 10Be, 26Al might be a valuable isotope for dating of deep-sea sediment cores for the past few million years.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of the Heavy Ion Accelerator Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Science, 2013, will be published by the EPJ Web of conference

    Combinatorial Assortment Optimization

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    Assortment optimization refers to the problem of designing a slate of products to offer potential customers, such as stocking the shelves in a convenience store. The price of each product is fixed in advance, and a probabilistic choice function describes which product a customer will choose from any given subset. We introduce the combinatorial assortment problem, where each customer may select a bundle of products. We consider a model of consumer choice where the relative value of different bundles is described by a valuation function, while individual customers may differ in their absolute willingness to pay, and study the complexity of the resulting optimization problem. We show that any sub-polynomial approximation to the problem requires exponentially many demand queries when the valuation function is XOS, and that no FPTAS exists even for succinctly-representable submodular valuations. On the positive side, we show how to obtain constant approximations under a "well-priced" condition, where each product's price is sufficiently high. We also provide an exact algorithm for kk-additive valuations, and show how to extend our results to a learning setting where the seller must infer the customers' preferences from their purchasing behavior

    Approximating k-Forest with Resource Augmentation: A Primal-Dual Approach

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    In this paper, we study the kk-forest problem in the model of resource augmentation. In the kk-forest problem, given an edge-weighted graph G(V,E)G(V,E), a parameter kk, and a set of mm demand pairs ⊆V×V\subseteq V \times V, the objective is to construct a minimum-cost subgraph that connects at least kk demands. The problem is hard to approximate---the best-known approximation ratio is O(min⁥{n,k})O(\min\{\sqrt{n}, \sqrt{k}\}). Furthermore, kk-forest is as hard to approximate as the notoriously-hard densest kk-subgraph problem. While the kk-forest problem is hard to approximate in the worst-case, we show that with the use of resource augmentation, we can efficiently approximate it up to a constant factor. First, we restate the problem in terms of the number of demands that are {\em not} connected. In particular, the objective of the kk-forest problem can be viewed as to remove at most m−km-k demands and find a minimum-cost subgraph that connects the remaining demands. We use this perspective of the problem to explain the performance of our algorithm (in terms of the augmentation) in a more intuitive way. Specifically, we present a polynomial-time algorithm for the kk-forest problem that, for every Ï”>0\epsilon>0, removes at most m−km-k demands and has cost no more than O(1/Ï”2)O(1/\epsilon^{2}) times the cost of an optimal algorithm that removes at most (1−ϔ)(m−k)(1-\epsilon)(m-k) demands

    Pricing Multi-Unit Markets

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    We study the power and limitations of posted prices in multi-unit markets, where agents arrive sequentially in an arbitrary order. We prove upper and lower bounds on the largest fraction of the optimal social welfare that can be guaranteed with posted prices, under a range of assumptions about the designer's information and agents' valuations. Our results provide insights about the relative power of uniform and non-uniform prices, the relative difficulty of different valuation classes, and the implications of different informational assumptions. Among other results, we prove constant-factor guarantees for agents with (symmetric) subadditive valuations, even in an incomplete-information setting and with uniform prices

    Min-max graph partitioning and small set expansion

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    We study graph partitioning problems from a min-max perspective, in which an input graph on n vertices should be partitioned into k parts, and the objective is to minimize the maximum number of edges leaving a single part. The two main versions we consider are where the k parts need to be of equal-size, and where they must separate a set of k given terminals. We consider a common generalization of these two problems, and design for it an O(log⁥nlog⁥k)O(\sqrt{\log n\log k})-approximation algorithm. This improves over an O(log⁥2n)O(\log^2 n) approximation for the second version, and roughly O(klog⁥n)O(k\log n) approximation for the first version that follows from other previous work. We also give an improved O(1)-approximation algorithm for graphs that exclude any fixed minor. Our algorithm uses a new procedure for solving the Small-Set Expansion problem. In this problem, we are given a graph G and the goal is to find a non-empty set S⊆VS\subseteq V of size ∣SâˆŁâ‰€Ïn|S| \leq \rho n with minimum edge-expansion. We give an O(log⁥nlog⁥(1/ρ))O(\sqrt{\log{n}\log{(1/\rho)}}) bicriteria approximation algorithm for the general case of Small-Set Expansion, and O(1) approximation algorithm for graphs that exclude any fixed minor

    How asynchrony affects rumor spreading time

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    International audienceIn standard randomized (push-pull) rumor spreading, nodes communicate in synchronized rounds. In each round every node contacts a random neighbor in order to exchange the rumor (i.e., either push the rumor to its neighbor or pull it from the neighbor). A natural asynchronous variant of this algorithm is one where each node has an independent Poisson clock with rate 1, and every node contacts a random neighbor whenever its clock ticks. This asynchronous variant is arguably a more realistic model in various settings, including message broadcasting in communication networks, and information dissemination in social networks. In this paper we study how asynchrony affects the rumor spreading time, that is, the time before a rumor originated at a single node spreads to all nodes in the graph. Our first result states that the asynchronous push-pull rumor spreading time is asymptotically bounded by the standard synchronous time. Precisely, we show that for any graph G on n nodes, where the synchronous push-pull protocol informs all nodes within T (G) rounds with high probability, the asynchronous protocol needs at most time O(T (G) + log n) to inform all nodes with high probability. On the other hand, we show that the expected synchronous push-pull rumor spreading time is bounded by O(√ n) times the expected asynchronous time. These results improve upon the bounds for both directions shown recently by Acan et al. (PODC 2015). An interesting implication of our first result is that in regular graphs, the weaker push-only variant of synchronous rumor spreading has the same asymptotic performance as the synchronous push-pull algorithm
