43 research outputs found

    Entwicklung eines generischen Gemeindereferenzprozess-modells in Anlehnung an das ARIS-Modell

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    Die durchgängige Einführung von E-Government geht im Gegensatz zum Thema E- Business in der Privatwirtschaft eher beschaulich voran. Dies hängt u.a. auch damit zusammen, dass an der Schnittstelle von Verwaltung und IT noch größerer Entwicklungsbedarf ersichtlich ist. Konzeptionell ist dazu noch einige Grundlagenarbeit zu leisten, bis hier mehr Konsistenz in eine Verwaltungseinheits-übergreifende Entwicklung entsteht, sodass sich Interoperabilität zu einem durchgängig umgesetzten Prinzip etabliert. Dieser Beitrag schildert ein integriertes Konzept aus Sicht von Gemeindeverwaltungen, das aber auf allen föderalen Ebenen umgesetzt werden kann. Das Konzept dient der Abbildung von Geschäftsprozessen und den damit verbundenen Aspekten wie Formulare, Informationen, Leistungen, Aufgaben-, Kompetenzund Veranwortungs-Zuordnungen sowie Organisationsund Governance-Aspekten. Als Grundlage dazu dient das für das vorliegende Vorhaben adaptierte ARIS-Modell. In einem iterativen Vorgehen ist das Modell mit Gemeindemitarbeitenden auf die Bedürfnisse einer Gemeinde angepasst worden. Die vorliegende Prozesslandkarte ist in die Bereiche Governance-, Führungs-, Kernund Unterstützungsaufgaben gegliedert. Differenziert werden die folgenden Sichten auf Prozessebene: Eigentliche Prozesssicht, Organisationssicht mit Aufgaben, Verantwortungen und Zuständigkeiten, Informationssicht mit Formularen, Dokumenten und relevanten Gesetzen, Sicht auf Kontrollflüsse, Gateways und Geschäftsregeln sowie die Sicht auf die vom Prozessablauf betroffenen IT-Systeme

    High Diversity of the Fungal Community Structure in Naturally-Occurring Ophiocordyceps sinensis

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    BACKGROUND: Ophiocordyceps sinensis (syn. Cordyceps sinensis), which is a parasite of caterpillars and is endemic to alpine regions on the Tibetan Plateau, is one of the most valuable medicinal fungi in the world. "Natural O. sinensis specimens" harbor various other fungi. Several of these other fungi that have been isolated from natural O. sinensis specimens have similar chemical components and/or pharmaceutical effects as O. sinensis. Nevertheless, the mycobiota of natural O. sinensis specimens has not been investigated in detail. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Based on the technique of PCR-single-strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP), the mycobiota of three different sections (stromata, sclerotia, and mycelial cortices) from natural O. sinensis specimens were investigated using both culture-dependent and -independent methods. For the culture-dependent method, 572 fungal strains were isolated, and 92 putative operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified from 226 sequenced strains with the threshold of 97%. For the culture-independent method, 490 fungal clones were identified from about 3000 clones of ITS fragments from the whole-community DNA; based on PCR-SSCP analyses, 266 of these clones were selected to be sequenced, and 118 putative OTUs were detected. The overwhelming majority of isolates/clones and OTUs were detected from mycelial cortices; only a few were detected from stromata and sclerotia. The most common OTUs detected with both methods belonged to Ascomycota; however, only 13 OTUs were detected simultaneously by both methods. Potential novel lineages were detected by each of the two methods. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: A great number of fungal species present in the mycobiota of naturally-occurring O. sinensis specimens were detected, and many of them may represent undescribed lineages. That only a few of the same OTUs were detected by both methods indicated that different methods should be used. This study increased our understanding about the fungal community structure of this valuable medicinal herb

    Business-IT alignment in municipalities – The Swiss case

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    Huge challenges face municipalities (in Switzerland) today, not merely as administrative units but also in the context of rapid technological development in information technology. There are calls for the increased implementation of E-government solutions. The relationship between business activities and IT ('busi-ness-IT alignment') plays a central role in this. This paper considers the rela-tionship between the use of IT solutions and the business activities of municipal authorities in general and specifically in the German speaking part of Switzerland. In this paper we investigate business-IT alignment using a deductive method that employs a survey and the development of a simple model on the basis of which exploratory bivariate relationships between different factors can be tested. The results of the empirical survey conducted in virtually all Swiss German-speaking municipalities. Business-IT alignment is more of an issue the larger the municipality. Based on this study, it can be concluded that business-IT alignment is being implemented in the following six (IT) areas: definitions of roles, competencies, tasks and responsibilities, artefacts required for IT management, sourcing, documentation artefacts, standards and frameworks. The results show significant indications that these artefacts and subjects/roles make a significant contribution to user satisfaction and hence to business-IT alignment