224 research outputs found
A Newton-GMRES approach for the analysis of the postbuckling behavior of the solutions of the Von Kármán equations
We propose a Newton-GMRES-type algorithm to solve the discrete von Kármán problem. We show that this algorithm is efficient both in memory and computation time and robust in the neighborhood of the singular points of the bifurcation diagrams. Placing ourselves in the context of the Schaeffer and Golubitsky theory, we use this algorithm to study the postbuckling behavior of a rectangular plate clamped and compressed along its four sides
Analysis of diffraction gratings by using an edge element method
Typically the grating problem is formulated for TE and TM polarizations by using, respectively, the electric and magnetic fields aligned with the grating wall and perpendicular to the plane of incidence, and this leads to a one-field-component problem. For some grating profiles such as metallic gratings with a triangular profile, the prediction of TM polarization by using a standard finite-element method experiences a slower convergence rate, and this reduces the accuracy of the computed results and also introduces a numerical polarization effect. This discrepancy cannot be seen as a simple numerical issue, since it has been observed for different types of numerical methods based on the classical formulation. Hence an alternative formulation is proposed, where the grating problem is modeled by taking the electric field as unknown for TM polarization. The application of this idea to both TE and TM polarizations leads to a two-field-component problem. The purpose of the paper is to propose an edge finite-element method to solve this wave problem. A comparison of the results of the proposed formulation and the classical formulation shows improvement and robustness in the new approach. © 2005 Optical Society of America
Efficient slow-light coupling in a photonic crystal waveguide without transition region
We consider the coupling into a slow mode that appears near an inflection point in the band structure of a photonic crystal waveguide. Remarkably, the coupling into this slow mode, which has a group index n(g) > 1000, can be essentially perfect without any transition region. We show that this efficient coupling occurs thanks to an evanescent mode in the slow medium, which has appreciable amplitude and helps satisfy the boundary conditions but does not transport any energy. (C) 2008 Optical Society of AmericaPublisher PDFPeer reviewe
Problématique De La Gestion Durable Des Ressources En Eau Dans La Commune De Ketou (Département Du Plateau)
RésuméLa commune de Kétou est confrontée à d’énormes problèmes d’accès à l’eau potable. La présente recherche se veut une contribution à une meilleure gestion des infrastructures hydrauliques dans cette commune.L’approche méthodologique utilisée est basée sur la recherche documentaire et la collecte des données sur le terrain. L’utilisation des outils de la statistique descriptive a permis de traiter les données collectées.Les résultats ont montré que la commune de Kétou dispose de 311 ouvrages hydrauliques inégalement répartis. L’analyse diagnostique de la gestion des infrastructures hydrauliques indique que les modes de gestion, surtout l’affermage qui est le plus utilisé, n’assurent pas la mobilisation sociale et la pérennisation du service public de l’eau potable. Ce mode de gestion entraîne la mauvaise distribution des ressources en eau. Il convient de revoir la gouvernance des ressources en eau impliquant intimement les populations à la base.Mots clés : Kétou, gestion durable, ouvrages hydrauliques, ressources en eau AbstractThe municipality of Kétou is facing enormous problems of access to drinking water. This research aims at contributing to a better management of hydraulic infrastructures in this municipality. The methodological approach used is based on documentary research and the collection of data in the field. The use of descriptive statistics tools made it possible to process the data collected. The results showed that the commune of Kétou has 311 unevenly distributed hydraulic structures. The diagnostic analysis of the management of hydraulic infrastructures indicates that the management methods, especially leasing which is the most used, do not ensure social mobilization and the sustainability of the public drinking water service. This mode of management leads to poor distribution of water resources. It is necessary to review the governance of water resources intimately involving grassroots populations. Keywords: Kétou, sustainable management, hydraulic works, water resources
UV-induced modification of stress distribution in optical fibers and its contribution to Bragg grating birefringence
This paper discusses the importance of stress-induced contributions to the photo-induced birefringence observed in fiber Bragg gratings. Optical tomography measurements are performed in exposed and unexposed fibers to extract the stress profiles induced by UV-writing of fiber Bragg gratings for various exposure levels. A photoelastic analysis and a high-order isoparametric finite elements method are then used to calculate the birefringence caused by stress profile modifications. The results are compared to the birefringence directly measured by spectral analysis of a chirped fiber grating with multiple phase-shifts. We can therefore estimate the fraction of the photo-induced birefringence due to stress-induced anisotropy following UV exposure. © 2008 Optical Society of America
Flood Hazard Assessment in Agricultural Areas: The Case of the District of Pélébina in the Municipality of Djougou, Bénin
Flood is a natural disaster and causes loss of life and property destruction. Its impacts are large on agriculture especially in West African countries where smallholder farmers account for 80% of all the farms. The objective of this study was to assess flood risks in the inland valley of Dosir located in the district of Pélébina, northern Benin. Rainfall, discharge and water level in the riverbed were monitored using rain gauge, acoustic current meter and pressure sensors, respectively. The hydrological functioning of the inland valley was simulated using the Integrated Flood Analysis System (IFAS) model. The calibration was done based on the land use map (GlobalMap) and the soil water holding capacity map (UNEP). Our study demonstrated the existence of a high flood hazard in the inland valley of Dosir which reacts very quickly to rainfall solicitations. The IFAS model has shown a good performance in simulating the runoff in the riverbed of the inland valley with a coefficient of determination of 0.65. The IFAS model can be used to design a flood management system in the district of Pelebina. Further studies are needed to assess the exposure and vulnerability of farmers to flood risk
Effets de composts de déchets sur les propriétés chimiques du sol et la solubilité d’éléments minéraux sous deux régimes hydriques en conditions contrôlées au Togo
L'utilisation des composts de dechets en agriculture est lfune des voies principales dans la restauration de la fertilite des terres degradees. Cependant, les effets dfun compost dependent fortement de sa nature chimique et des conditions environnementales. Afin de mieux comprendre le mecanisme dfaction des composts de dechets sur les proprietes chimiques du sol et la solubilite des ions, cinq types de composts de dechets ont ete testes selon un dispositif en blocs de Fischer repartis en trois repetitions par traitements. Les resultats obtenus revelent que les composts de dechets ont en general eleve le pH du sol de 2,13 unites et la conductivite electrique de 1301,9 µS/cm. Les traitements a engrais synthetique NPK ont par contre reduit le pH de 0,51 unite. A lfexception du traitement a compost de dechets agroalimentaires, les traitements a compost ont en general reduit le potentiel Redox contrairement aux traitements temoin et a engrais synthetiques. Ainsi, les traitements a engrais synthetique et a compost de dechets agroalimentaires sous deficit hydrique presentent respectivement des potentiels de 307,5 mV et 265 mV contre 262,5 mV pour le temoin absolu sous deficit hydrique. Lfetude de la fraction hydrosoluble des elements mineraux montre que la solubilite des cations essentiels (Ca, Mg et K) est liee fortement a leur concentration dans le substrat de culture contrairement aux elements traces metallique dont la solubilite depend essentiellement du pH et du potentiel Redox. Par ailleurs, le deficit hydrique a entraine lfelevation de la conductivite electrique chez les traitements a composts. Ces resultats seront utilises dans la phytoremediation des sols pollues.Mots cles : engrais organiques, amendements, parametres chimiques, ions, biodisponibilite
Modes of symmetric composite defects in two-dimensional photonic crystals
We consider the modal fields and resonance frequencies of composite defects in two-dimensional photonic crystals (PCs). Using an asymptotic method based on Green's functions, we show that the coupling matrices for the composite defect can be represented as circulant or block-circulant matrices. Using the properties of these matrices, specifically that their eigenvectors are independent of the values of the matrix elements, we obtain modal properties such as dispersion relations, modal cutoff, degeneracy, and symmetry of the mode fields. Using our formulation, we investigate defects arranged on the vertices of regular polygons as well as PC ring resonators with defects arranged on the edges of polygons. Finally, we discuss the impact of band-edge degeneracies on composite-defect modes
Modal Analysis Of Enhanced Absorption In Silicon Nanowire Arrays
We analyze the absorption of solar radiation by silicon nanowire arrays, which are being considered for photovoltaic applications. These structures have been shown to have enhanced absorption compared with thin films, however the mechanism responsible for this is not understood. Using a new, semi-analytic model, we show that the enhanced absorption can be attributed to a few modes of the array, which couple well to incident light, overlap well with the nanowires, and exhibit strong Fabry-Perot resonances. For some wavelengths the absorption is further enhanced by slow light effects. We study the evolution of these modes with wavelength to explain the various features of the absorption spectra, focusing first on a dilute array at normal incidence, before generalizing to a dense array and off-normal angles of incidence. The understanding developed will allow for optimization of simple SiNW arrays, as well as the development of more advanced designs
Absorption enhancing proximity effects in aperiodic nanowire arrays
Aperiodic Nanowire (NW) arrays have higher absorption than equivalent periodic arrays, making them of interest for photovoltaic applications. An inevitable property of aperiodic arrays is the clustering of some NWs into closer proximity than in the equi
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