9,733 research outputs found

    Polyethylene imine-based receptor immobilization for label free bioassays

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    Polyethylene imine (PEI) based immobilization of antibodies is described and the concept is proved on the label free assay of C-Reactive Protein (CRP). This novel immobilization method is composed of a hyperbranched PEI layer which was deposited at a high pH (9.5) on the sensor surface. The free amino groups of PEI were derivatized with neutravidin by Biotin N-hydroxysuccinimide ester and the biotinylated anti-CRP antibody immobilized on this layer. Direct binding assay of recombinant CRP was successfully performed in the low μg/ml concentrations using a label free optical waveguide biosensor

    Color-flavor locked strange matter

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    We analyze how the CFL states in dense matter work in the direction of enhancing the parameter space for absolutely stable phases (strange matter). We find that the "CFL strange matter" phase can be the true ground state of hadronic matter for a much wider range of the parameters of the model (the gap of the QCD Cooper pairs Δ\Delta, the strange quark mass msm_s and the Bag Constant BB) than the state without any pairing, and derive a full equation of state and an accurate analytic approximation to the lowest order in Δ\Delta and msm_{s} which may be directly used for applications. The effects of pairing on the equation of state are found to be small (as previously expected) but not negligible and may be relevant for astrophysics.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Inhibitory control hinders habit change

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    Our habits constantly influence the environment, often in negative ways that amplify global environmental and health risks. Hence, change is urgent. To facilitate habit change, inhibiting unwanted behaviors appears to be a natural human reaction. Here, we use a novel experimental design to test how inhibitory control affects two key components of changing (rewiring) habit-like behaviors in healthy humans: the acquisition of new habit-like behavior and the simultaneous unlearning of an old one. We found that, while the new behavior was acquired, the old behavior persisted and coexisted with the new. Critically, inhibition hindered both overcoming the old behavior and establishing the new one. Our findings highlight that suppressing unwanted behaviors is not only ineffective but may even further strengthen them. Meanwhile, actively engaging in a preferred behavior appears indispensable for its successful acquisition. Our design could be used to uncover how new approaches affect the cognitive basis of changing habit-like behaviors

    Neutrino oscillations with disentanglement of a neutrino from its partners

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    We bring attention to the fact that in order to understand existing data on neutrino oscillations, and to design future experiments, it is imperative to appreciate the role of quantum entanglement. Once this is accounted for, the resulting energy-momentum conserving phenomenology requires a single new parameter related to disentanglement of a neutrino from its partners. This parameter may not be CP symmetric. We illustrate the new ideas, with potentially measurable effects, in the context of a novel experiment recently proposed by Gavrin, Gorbachev, Veretenkin, and Cleveland. The strongest impact of our ideas is on the resolution of various anomalies in neutrino oscillations and on neutrino propagation in astrophysical environments.Comment: 6 page
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