1,040 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Near-Infrared Photometry and Spectra for Y Dwarfs with a New Generation of Cool Cloudy Models

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    We present YJHK photometry, or a subset, for the six Y dwarfs discovered in WISE data by Cushing et al.. The data were obtained using NIRI on the Gemini North telescope. We also present a far-red spectrum obtained using GMOS-North for WISEPC J205628.90+145953.3. We compare the data to Morley et al. (2012) models, which include cloud decks of sulfide and chloride condensates. We find that the models with these previously neglected clouds can reproduce the energy distributions of T9 to Y0 dwarfs quite well, other than near 5um where the models are too bright. This is thought to be because the models do not include departures from chemical equilibrium caused by vertical mixing, which would enhance the abundance of CO, decreasing the flux at 5um. Vertical mixing also decreases the abundance of NH_3, which would otherwise have strong absorption features at 1.03um and 1.52um that are not seen in the Y0 WISEPC J205628.90+145953.3. We find that the five Y0 to Y0.5 dwarfs have 300 < T_eff K < 450, 4.0 < log g < 4.5 and f_sed ~ 3. These temperatures and gravities imply a mass range of 5 - 15 M_Jupiter and ages around 5 Gyr. We suggest that WISEP J182831.08+265037.8 is a binary system, as this better explains its luminosity and color. We find that the data can be made consistent with observed trends, and generally consistent with the models, if the system is composed of a T_eff = 325 K and log g ~ 4.0 secondary, corresponding to masses of 10 and 7 M_Jupiter and an age around 2 Gyr. If our deconvolution is correct, then the T_eff = 300 K cloud-free model fluxes at K and W2 are too faint by 0.5 - 1.0 magnitudes. We will address this discrepancy in our next generation of models, which will incorporate water clouds and mixing.Comment: 39 pages, 10 Figures, 8 Tables. Accepted by ApJ. This revision replaces Figures 9 and 10 with B & W versions, corrects figure captions for color online only, corrects references. Text is unchanged. Tables 3, 4 and 8 are available at http://www.gemini.edu/staff/sleggett, other model data are available at http://www.ucolick.org/~cmorley/cmorley/Data.htm

    The promises and pitfalls of sex integration in sport and physical culture

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    Scholars working in the academic field of sport studies have long debated the relationship between modern sport and gender (e.g. Hargreaves and Anderson, 2014; Hargreaves, 1994; Lenskyj, 1986; Messner, 2002). Within this body of work, modern sport forms – along with a great diversity of related activities, including dance, fitness training, physical education, etc. – have consistently been shown to carry meanings relative to the structures of gender prevailing in the wider social settings within which they take place, with patterns of participation and consumption clearly mapping onto gendered ideals. However, rather than simply mirroring such social norms, research suggests that many sporting practices were invented or have been purposefully developed in order to train young men and women in socially-approved gender behaviors to begin with (Cahn 1994; Hargreaves 1994; Theberge, 2000). Thus, much of contemporary physical culture finds its roots in the process which scholars describe as the ‘social construction of gender’; in other words, doing sports and other activities in gender-differentiated ways has long been a means of producing and maintaining difference in the lives of men and women, girls and boys.Peer reviewedAccepted author manuscript of a peer reviewed article accepted for publication by Taylor & Francis in Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics online on 28/12/2015

    High temperature condensate clouds in super-hot Jupiter atmospheres

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    Deciphering the role of clouds is central to our understanding of exoplanet atmospheres, as they have a direct impact on the temperature and pressure structure, and observational properties of the planet. Super-hot Jupiters occupy a temperature regime similar to low mass M-dwarfs, where minimal cloud condensation is expected. However, observations of exoplanets such as WASP-12b (Teq ~ 2500 K) result in a transmission spectrum indicative of a cloudy atmosphere. We re-examine the temperature and pressure space occupied by these super-hot Jupiter atmospheres, to explore the role of the initial Al- and Ti-bearing condensates as the main source of cloud material. Due to the high temperatures a majority of the more common refractory material is not depleted into deeper layers and would remain in the vapor phase. The lack of depletion into deeper layers means that these materials with relatively low cloud masses can become significant absorbers in the upper atmosphere. We provide condensation curves for the initial Al- and Ti-bearing condensates that may be used to provide quantitative estimates of the effect of metallicity on cloud masses, as planets with metal-rich hosts potentially form more opaque clouds because more mass is available for condensation. Increased metallicity also pushes the point of condensation to hotter, deeper layers in the planetary atmosphere further increasing the density of the cloud. We suggest that planets around metal-rich hosts are more likely to have thick refractory clouds, and discuss the implication on the observed spectra of WASP-12b.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 10 pages, 1 table, 5 figure

    Going 'Above and Beyond': Are Those High in Autistic Traits Less Pro-social?

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    Few studies have explored how the cognitive differences associated with autistic spectrum disorder translate into everyday social behaviour. This study investigated pro-social behaviour in students scoring high and low on the autism-spectrum quotient (AQ), using a novel scenario task: 'Above and Beyond'. Each scenario involved an opportunity to behave pro-socially, and thus required balancing the needs of a character against participants' own interests. High AQ participants both generated responses and selected courses of action that were less pro-social than those of the low AQ group. For actions of low pro-social value they gave higher self-satisfaction ratings; conversely, they gave lower self-satisfaction ratings for high pro-social actions. The implications for everyday functioning are considered for those with high autistic traits

    Using and reasoning about social strategies in autism spectrum disorder in everyday situations

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    Although a substantial amount of previous work has been dedicated to the study of the possible theoretical mechanisms underpinning autism spectrum disorder (ASD), little research has examined the types of difficulties experienced by individuals in their everyday social functioning. University students with ASD and matched control participants performed the Social Strategy task. In this, they read a range of descriptions of social interactions, all ending with an awkward question asked by the story main character. The types of strategies they used to answer the awkward questions were examined. Compared to control participants, those with ASD used a more negative emotional tone in responding, generated more simple strategies including acquiescence or refusal, and fewer sophisticated strategies that considered all parties' perspectives. In a novel task condition, participants rank-ordered simple and sophisticated strategies, and gave justifications for their use. Rank-ordering did not differentiate the groups. Justifications given by those with ASD for simple strategies were more practical and less often character-based than those given by control participants; the groups did not differ in the justifications given for sophisticated strategies. The possible explanations of these findings and implications for informing current intervention programmes are considered

    Liquidus Phases of the Richardson H5 Chondrite at High Pressures and Temperatures

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    Part of early mantle evolution may include a magma ocean, where core formation began before the proto-Earth reached half of its present radius. Temperatures were high and bombardment and accretion were still occurring, suggesting that the proto-Earth consisted of a core and an at least partially liquid mantle, the magma ocean. As the Earth accreted, pressure near the core increased and the magma ocean decreased in volume and became shallower as it began to cool and solidify. As crystals settled, or floated, the composition of the magma ocean could change significantly and begin to crystallize different minerals from the residual liquid. Therefore, the mantle may be stratified following the P-T phase diagram for the bulk silicate Earth. To understand mantle evolution, it is necessary to know liquidus phase relations at high pressures and temperatures. In order to model the evolution of the magma ocean, high pressure and temperature experiments have been conducted to simulate the crystallization process using a range of materials that most likely resemble the bulk composition of the early Earth

    High Temperature Condensate Clouds in Super-Hot Jupiter Atmospheres

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    Deciphering the role of clouds is central to our understanding of exoplanet atmo- spheres, as they have a direct impact on the temperature and pressure structure, and observational properties of the planet. Super-hot Jupiters occupy a temperature regime similar to low mass M-dwarfs, where minimal cloud condensation is expected. However, observations of exoplanets such as WASP-12b (Teq∼2500 K) result in a transmission spectrum indicative of a cloudy atmosphere. We re-examine the temperature and pressure space occupied by these super-hot Jupiter atmospheres, to explore the role of the initial Al- and Ti-bearing condensates as the main source of cloud material. Due to the high temperatures a majority of the more common refractory material is not depleted into deeper layers and would remain in the vapor phase. The lack of depletion into deeper layers means that these materials with relatively low cloud masses can become significant absorbers in the upper atmosphere. We provide condensation curves for the initial Al- and Ti-bearing condensates that may be used to provide quantitative estimates of the effect of metallicity on cloud masses, as planets with metal-rich hosts potentially form more opaque clouds because more mass is available for condensation. Increased metallicity also pushes the point of condensation to hotter, deeper layers in the planetary atmosphere further increasing the density of the cloud. We suggest that planets around metal-rich hosts are more likely to have thick refractory clouds, and discuss the implication on the observed spectra of WASP-12b

    A Comparative L-dwarf Sample Exploring the Interplay Between Atmospheric Assumptions and Data Properties

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    © 2022. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, to view a copy of the license, see: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Comparisons of atmospheric retrievals can reveal powerful insights on the strengths and limitations of our data and modeling tools. In this paper, we examine a sample of 5 similar effective temperature (Teff) or spectral type L dwarfs to compare their pressure-temperature (P-T) profiles. Additionally, we explore the impact of an object's metallicity and the observations' signal-to-noise (SNR) on the parameters we can retrieve. We present the first atmospheric retrievals: 2MASS J15261405++2043414, 2MASS J05395200-0059019, 2MASS J15394189-0520428, and GD 165B increasing the small but growing number of L-dwarfs retrieved. When compared to atmospheric retrievals of SDSS J141624.08+134826.7, a low-metallicity d/sdL7 primary in a wide L+T binary, we find similar Teff sources have similar P-T profiles with metallicity differences impacting the relative offset between their P-T profiles in the photosphere. We also find that for near-infrared spectra, when the SNR is 80\gtrsim80 we are in a regime where model uncertainties dominate over data measurement uncertainties. As such, SNR does not play a role in the retrieval's ability to distinguish between a cloud-free and cloudless model, but may impact the confidence of the retrieved parameters. Lastly, we also discuss how to break cloud model degeneracies and the impact of extraneous gases in a retrieval model.Peer reviewe

    Predicting Cloud Conditions in Substellar Mass Objects Using Ultracool Dwarf Companions

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    © 2024 The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/We present results from conducting a theoretical chemical analysis of a sample of benchmark companion brown dwarfs whose primary star is of type F, G or K. We summarize the entire known sample of these types of companion systems, termed "compositional benchmarks", that are present in the literature or recently published as key systems of study in order to best understand brown dwarf chemistry and condensate formation. Via mass balance and stoichiometric calculations, we predict a median brown dwarf atmospheric oxygen sink of 17.82.3+1.7%17.8^{+1.7}_{-2.3}\% by utilizing published stellar abundances in the local solar neighborhood. Additionally, we predict a silicate condensation sequence such that atmospheres with bulk Mg/Si \lesssim 0.9 will form enstatite (MgSiO3_3) and quartz (SiO2_2) clouds and atmospheres with bulk Mg/Si \gtrsim 0.9 will form enstatite and forsterite (Mg2_2SiO4_4) clouds. Implications of these results on C/O ratio trends in substellar mass objects and utility of these predictions in future modeling work are discussed.Peer reviewe

    Atmospheric Circulation of a Nine-Hot-Jupiter Sample: Probing Circulation and Chemistry over a Wide Phase Space

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    We present results from an atmospheric circulation study of nine hot Jupiters that comprise a large transmission spectral survey using the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes. These observations ex-hibit a range of spectral behavior over optical and infrared wavelengths which suggest diverse cloud and haze properties in their atmospheres. By utilizing the specific system parameters for each planet, we naturally probe a wide phase space in planet radius, gravity, orbital period, and equilibrium tem-perature. First, we show that our model “grid” recovers trends shown in traditional parametric studies of hot Jupiters, particularly equatorial superrotation and increased day-night temperature contrast with increasing equilibrium temperature. We show how spatial temperature variations, particularly between the dayside and nightside and west and east terminators, can vary by hundreds of K, which could imply large variations in Na, K, CO and CH4 abundances in those regions. These chemical vari-ations can be large enough to be observed in transmission with high-resolution spectrographs, such as ESPRESSO on VLT, METIS on the E-ELT, or with MIRI and NIRSpec aboard JWST. We also compare theoretical emission spectra generated from our models to available Spitzer eclipse depths for each planet, and find that the outputs from our solar-metallicity, cloud-free models generally provide a good match to many of the datasets, even without additional model tuning. Although these models are cloud-free, we can use their results to understand the chemistry and dynamics that drive cloud formation in their atmospheres