581 research outputs found

    Radiological aspects of nonsurgical therapy of gallbladder stones

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    In the western world gallstones are a common finding in adults. Epidemiologic studies in Italy [1-3] reported the prevalence of gallstones to be between 8.3% [1] and 13.9% [3]. The prevalence increases with age and is higher for females. Over the age of 50 years the prevalence is 10-15% for males and 20-25% for females [4]. Although 80% of the subjects with gallstones are free of symptoms [3], gallstone disease is a major health problem. It is reported to be one of the most common causes of hospitalization for surgical procedures [5]. In the United States 500,000 - 600,000 cholecystectomies are performed annually with an estimated cost of over 1 billion dollars [5]. Cholecystectomy has a hospital stay of approximately 5 days and a subsequent significant disability of 3-6 weeks. It is a safe and effective procedure and has been the standard therapy for more than 100 years. McSherry [6] recently reviewed records of more than 14,000 cases over half a century of surgically treated patients with gallstones. The total mortality rate was I. 7% with age being the most important risk factor. The mortality rate was 0.4% in patients under 50 years, !.5% in patients between 50 and 65 years and 4.5% in patients 65 years and older. When elective cholecystectomy was performed the mortality rate was 0.09% for patients under 50 years and 0.8% for patients over 50 years

    Radiographic features of oral cholecystograms of 448 symptomatic gallstone patients: Implications for nonsurgical therapy

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    Since radiographic findings on oral cholecystography (OCG) have implications for the eligibility for nonsurgical therapy of elderly patients, we investigated the OCGs of 448 symptomatic gallstone patients (109 male, 339 female; mean age, 49.8 ± 14 (range, 21–88)). Opacification of the gallbladder was found in 323 cases (72.1%). Calcifications of gallstones were found in 85 opacified gallbladders (26.3%). Solitary and multiple stones were calcified in 35.3% and 18.2%, respectively (P 40 years), there was a significant increase in calcifications (P < 0.02) and a non-significant increase in opacification with increasing age. It is concluded that age is a determinant for calcification of gallstones and not opacification of the gallbladder. Since multiple stones are proportionately observed more in clinical studies than in epidemiologic studies, it is suggested that multiplicity of stones predisposes to biliary complaints. That solitary stones are more likely to be calcified than multiple stones, adds to the hypothesis that solitary and multiple stones have a different pathogenesis. Elderly patients, in whom nonsurgical therapy is most likely to be indicated and cost-effective, are less likely to be suitable for this form of treatment, since age is a determinant for stone calcification

    Development and validation of a severity scale for leprosy Type 1 Reactions

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    Objectives: To develop a valid and reliable quantitative measure of leprosy Type 1 reactions.Methods: A scale was developed from previous scales which had not been validated. The face and content validity were assessed following consultation with recognised experts in the field. The construct validity was determined by applying the scale to patients in Bangladesh and Brazil who had been diagnosed with leprosy Type 1 reaction. An expert categorized each patient's reaction as mild or moderate or severe. Another worker applied the scale. This was done independently. In a subsequent stage of the study the agreement between two observers was assessed.Results: The scale had good internal consistency demonstrated by a Cronbach's alpha &gt;0.8. Removal of three items from the original scale resulted in better discrimination between disease severity categories. Cut off points for Type 1 reaction severities were determined using Receiver Operating Characteristic curves. A mild Type 1 reaction is characterized using the final scale by a score of 4 or less. A moderate reaction is a score of between 4.5 and 8.5. A severe reaction is a score of 9 or more.Conclusions: We have developed a valid and reliable tool for quantifying leprosy Type 1 reaction severity and believe this will be a useful tool in research of this condition, in observational and intervention studies, and in the comparison of clinical and laboratory parameters.<br/

    Development of a scale to measure stigma related to podoconiosis in Southern Ethiopia

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    Background: Health-related stigma adds to the physical and economic burdens experienced by people suffering from neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Previous research into the NTD podoconiosis showed significant stigma towards those with the disease, yet no formal instrument exists by which to assess stigma or interventions to reduce stigma. We aimed to develop, pilot and validate scales to measure the extent of stigma towards podoconiosis among patients and in podoconiosis-endemic communities. Methods: Indicators of stigma were drawn from existing qualitative podoconiosis research and a literature review on measuring leprosy stigma. These were then formulated into items for questioning and evaluated through a Delphi process in which irrelevant items were discounted. The final items formed four scales measuring two distinct forms of stigma (felt stigma and enacted stigma) for those with podoconiosis and those without the disease. The scales were formatted as two questionnaires, one for podoconiosis patients and one for unaffected community members. 150 podoconiosis patients and 500 unaffected community members from Wolaita zone, Southern Ethiopia were selected through multistage random sampling to complete the questionnaires which were interview-administered. The scales were evaluated through reliability assessment, content and construct validity analysis of the items, factor analysis and internal consistency analysis. Results: All scales had Cronbach’s alpha over 0.7, indicating good consistency. The content and construct validity of the scales were satisfactory with modest correlation between items. There was significant correlation between the felt and enacted stigma scales among patients (Spearman’s r = 0.892; p < 0.001) and within the community (Spearman’s r = 0.794; p < 0.001). Conclusion: We report the development and testing of the first standardised measures of podoconiosis stigma. Although further research is needed to validate the scales in other contexts, we anticipate they will be useful in situational analysis and in designing, monitoring and evaluating interventions. The scales will enable an evidencebased approach to mitigating stigma which will enable implementation of more effective disease control and help break the cycle of poverty and NTDs

    Disability in people affected by leprosy: the role of impairment, activity, social participation, stigma and discrimination

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    Background: Leprosy-related disability is a challenge to public health, and social and rehabilitation services in endemic countries. Disability is more than a mere physical dysfunction, and includes activity limitations, stigma, discrimination, and social participation restrictions. We assessed the extent of disability and its determinants among persons with leprosy-related disabilities after release from multi drug treatment. Methods: We conducted a survey on disability among persons affected by leprosy in Indonesia, using a Rapid Disability Appraisal toolkit based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. The toolkit included the Screening of Activity Limitation and Safety Awareness (SALSA) scale, Participation Scale, Jacoby Stigma Scale (anticipated stigma), Explanatory Model Interview Catalogue (EMIC) stigma scale and Discrimination assessment. Community members were interviewed using a community version of the stigma scale. Multivariate linear regression was done to identify factors associated with social participation. Results: Overall 1,358 persons with leprosy-related disability (PLD) and 931 community members were included. Seventy-seven percent of PLD had physical impairments. Impairment status deteriorated significantly after release from treatment (from 59% to 77%). Around 60% of people reported activity limitations and participation restrictions and 36% anticipated stigma. As for participation restrictions and stigma, shame, problems related to marriage and difficulties in employment were the most frequently reported problems. Major determinants of participation were severity of impairment and level of education, activity and stigma. Reported severity of community stigma correlated with severity of participation restrictions in the same districts. Discussion: The majority of respondents reported problems in all components of disability. The reported physical impairment after release from treatment justifies ongoing monitoring to facilitate early prevention. Stigma was a major determinant of social participation, and therefore disability. Stigma reduction activities and socio-economic rehabilitation are urgently needed in addition to strategies to reduce the development of further physical impairment after release from treatment

    Impact of basic psychological support on stigma and mental well-being of people with disabilities due to leprosy and lymphatic filariasis:a proof-of-concept study

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    Background: People with leprosy and lymphatic filariasis (LF)-related disabilities experience higher levels of poor mental well-being compared with the general community. Mental health services are often not available. This study was conducted to provide proof of concept that basic psychological support for people affected by neglected tropical diseases (BPS-N) can be given by peer supporters to reduce stigma, improve mental well-being and participation among clients. Methods: The BPS-N approach was tested in a quasi-experimental design using mixed methods. To provide psychological support using the BPS-N, peer supporters were selected and trained. They supported people with leprosy- and LF-related disabilities. Preintervention and postintervention, stigma, mental well-being, depression and participation were measured through standard scales within 4 wk of the intervention; differences were tested using standard tests of significance. Results: After 3 mo of intervention, the mean level of stigma had decreased (30.3 to 24, p&lt;0.001); high mental well-being increased (0% to 13.3%, p&lt;0.001); and moderate to severe depression decreased (88% to 47%, p&lt;0.001). No significant change occurred in participation restrictions (87% to 92%, p=0.497). Conclusions: Psychological peer support using the BPS-N guideline appears effective in reducing stigma and improving mental well-being and can be operationalised. However, this should be confirmed through a randomised controlled trial. </p

    Inkomen verdeeld, trends 1977-2019

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