40 research outputs found

    Modulation of the oxidative stress in malaria infection by clotrimazole

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    Antimycotic clotrimazole (CTZ) has demonstrated remarkable activity against Plasmodium falciparum in vitro and in vivo. Hemoglobin degradation by Plasmodium parasites makes amino acids available for protein synthesis, inducing oxidative stress in infected cells and producing free heme. These events represent biochemical targets for potential antimalarials. In this study, we have tested the ability of CTZ to modify the oxidative status in Plasmodium berghei-infected erythrocytes. After hemolysis, activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione cycle and NADPH+H+-producing dehydrogenases were investigated using UV-visible spectrophotometry. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were evaluated as a marker of lipid damage. Results showed that CTZ significantly decreased the overall activity of 6-phosphagluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD) compared to infected and non-treated cells; consequently, the glutathione cycle was inhibited, leaving the parasite vulnerable to the oxidative stress originating from hemoglobin degradation. As a compensatory response, CTZ prevented some loss of SOD and CAT activities in infected cells. The infection triggered lipid peroxidation in erythrocytes, which was decreased by CTZ. These results suggest the presence of a redox unbalance in cells treated with CTZ, discussing a possible effect of this compound disturbing the oxidative status in a Plasmodium berghei-infection.O antifĂșngico clotrimazol (CTZ) tem demonstrado notĂĄvel atividade contra Plasmodium falciparum. A degradação da hemoglobina por Plasmodium para a obtenção dos aminoĂĄcidos necessĂĄrios Ă  sĂ­ntese protĂ©ica induz estresse oxidativo em eritrĂłcitos devido Ă  liberação de hemos oxidantes. Estes eventos representam alvos bioquĂ­micos para a produção de antimalĂĄricos potenciais. Neste estudo, testamos a capacidade do CTZ para modificar o estado oxidativo em eritrĂłcitos infectados com Plasmodium berghei. Depois da hemĂłlise, as atividades da superĂłxido dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), desidrogenases produtoras de NADPH+H+ e do ciclo de glutationa (GSH) foram investigados. A produção das espĂ©cies reativas ao ĂĄcido tiobarbitĂșrico (TBARS) foi avaliada como marcador de dano lipĂ­dico. Os resultados mostraram que o CTZ diminuiu a atividade da 6-fosfogliconato desidrogenase (6PGD), em comparação com eritrĂłcitos infectados e nĂŁo tratados. Consequentemente, o ciclo da GSH foi inibido, tornando os parasitas vulnerĂĄveis ao estresse oxidativo resultante da degradação da hemoglobina. Como resposta compensatĂłria, CTZ impediu a perda de atividade da SOD e CAT nas cĂ©lulas infectadas. A infecção induz peroxidação lipĂ­dica nos eritrĂłcitos, sendo esta diminuĂ­da pelo CTZ. Estes resultados sugerem a existĂȘncia de desequilĂ­brio redox nas cĂ©lulas tratadas com CTZ, interferindo, assim, com o estado oxidativo verificado durante a infecção malĂĄrica

    Superparamagnetic properties of hemozoin

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    We report that hemozoin nanocrystals demonstrate superparamagnetic properties, with direct measurements of the synthetic hemozoin magnetization. The results show that the magnetic permeability constant varies from mu = 4585 (at -20 degrees C) to 3843 (+20 degrees C), with the values corresponding to a superparamagnetic system. Similar results were obtained from the analysis of the diffusion separation of natural hemozoin nanocrystals in the magnetic field gradient, with mu = 6783 exceeding the value obtained in direct measurements by the factor of 1.8. This difference is interpreted in terms of structural differences between the synthetic and natural hemozoin. The ab initio analysis of the hemozoin elementary cell showed that the Fe3+ ion is in the high-spin state (S = 5/2), while the exchange interaction between Fe3+ electron-spin states was much stronger than k(B)T at room temperature. Thus, the spin dynamics of the neighboring Fe3+ ions are strongly correlated, lending support to the superparamagnetism

    HDP—A Novel Heme Detoxification Protein from the Malaria Parasite

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    When malaria parasites infect host red blood cells (RBC) and proteolyze hemoglobin, a unique, albeit poorly understood parasite-specific mechanism, detoxifies released heme into hemozoin (Hz). Here, we report the identification and characterization of a novel Plasmodium Heme Detoxification Protein (HDP) that is extremely potent in converting heme into Hz. HDP is functionally conserved across Plasmodium genus and its gene locus could not be disrupted. Once expressed, the parasite utilizes a circuitous “Outbound–Inbound” trafficking route by initially secreting HDP into the cytosol of infected RBC. A subsequent endocytosis of host cytosol (and hemoglobin) delivers HDP to the food vacuole (FV), the site of Hz formation. As Hz formation is critical for survival, involvement of HDP in this process suggests that it could be a malaria drug target

    Biochemical and mutational investigations of the enzymatic activity of macrophage migration inhibitory factor

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    The protein mediator MIF has been identified as being released from immune cells by glucocorticoid stimulation and to counter-regulate glucocorticoid action. MIF also has been described recently to exhibit dopachrome tautomerase activity and to be structurally homologous to the bacterial enzymes 4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase (4-OT) and 5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconate isomerase (CHMI). We performed site-directed mutagenesis and biochemical analyses of mouse MIF in order to identify amino acid residues and protein domains that are essential for enzymatic reactivity. Mutant proteins which lacked a free N-terminal proline residue were enzymatically inactive, as was a preparation of native MIF modified covalently at its N terminus by 3-bromopyruvate, suggesting that this proline has a catalytic function. Substitutions of the internal histidine residues 42 and 63 did not affect enzymatic activity, indicating that these basic residues are not involved in dopachrome tautomerization. Carboxy-truncated forms of MIF (residues 1-110 and 1-104) also were inactive, affirming the role of the carboxy terminus in stable trimer formation and the importance of the trimer for enzymatic activity. Additional evidence for the homotrimeric structure of MIF under native solution conditions was obtained by SDS-PAGE analysis of MIF after chemical cross-linking at low protein concentrations. The enzymatic activity of MIF was found to be reversibly inhibited by micromolar concentrations of fatty acids with chain lengths of at least 16 carbon atoms. Of note, molecular modeling of the substrate L-dopachrome methyl ester into the active site of MIF suggests an acid-catalyzed enzymatic mechanism that is different from that deduced from studies of the enzymes 4-OT and CHMI. Finally, in vitro analysis of an enzymatically inactive MIF species (P2 --> S) indicates that the glucocorticoid counter-regulatory activity of MIF can be functionally dissociated from its tautomerization activity

    Disturbance in hemoglobin metabolism and in vivo antimalarial activity of azole antimycotics

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    Plasmodium parasites degrade host hemoglobin to obtain free amino acids, essential for protein synthesis. During this event, free toxic heme moieties crystallize spontaneously to produce a non-toxic pigment called hemozoin or ß-hematin. In this context, a group of azole antimycotics, clotrimazole (CTZ), ketoconazole (KTZ) and fluconazole (FCZ), were investigated for their abilities to inhibit ß-hematin synthesis (IßHS) and hemoglobin proteolysis (IHbP) in vitro. The ß-hematin synthesis was recorded by spectrophotometry at 405 nm and the hemoglobin proteolysis was determined by SDS-PAGE 12.5%, followed by densitometric analysis. Compounds were also assayed in vivo in a malaria murine model. CTZ and KTZ exhibited the maximal effects inhibiting both biochemical events, showing inhibition of ÎČ-hematin synthesis (IC50 values of 12.4 ± 0.9 ”M and 14.4 ± 1.4 ”M respectively) and inhibition of hemoglobin proteolysis (80.1 ± 2.0% and 55.3 ± 3.6%, respectively). There is a broad correlation to the in vivo results, especially CTZ, which reduced the parasitemia (%P) of infected-mice at 4th day post-infection significantly compared to non-treated controls (12.4 ± 3.0% compared to 26.6 ± 3.7%, p = 0.014) and prolonged the survival days post-infection. The results indicated that the inhibition of the hemoglobin metabolism by the azole antimycotics could be responsible for their antimalarial effect