41 research outputs found

    BCAA catabolism in brown fat controls energy homeostasis through SLC25A44.

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    Branched-chain amino acid (BCAA; valine, leucine and isoleucine) supplementation is often beneficial to energy expenditure; however, increased circulating levels of BCAA are linked to obesity and diabetes. The mechanisms of this paradox remain unclear. Here we report that, on cold exposure, brown adipose tissue (BAT) actively utilizes BCAA in the mitochondria for thermogenesis and promotes systemic BCAA clearance in mice and humans. In turn, a BAT-specific defect in BCAA catabolism attenuates systemic BCAA clearance, BAT fuel oxidation and thermogenesis, leading to diet-induced obesity and glucose intolerance. Mechanistically, active BCAA catabolism in BAT is mediated by SLC25A44, which transports BCAAs into mitochondria. Our results suggest that BAT serves as a key metabolic filter that controls BCAA clearance via SLC25A44, thereby contributing to the improvement of metabolic health

    Complement as an Endogenous Adjuvant for Dendritic Cell-Mediated Induction of Retrovirus-Specific CTLs

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    Previous studies have demonstrated the involvement of complement (C) in induction of efficient CTL responses against different viral infections, but the exact role of complement in this process has not been determined. We now show that C opsonization of retroviral particles enhances the ability of dendritic cells (DCs) to induce CTL responses both in vitro and in vivo. DCs exposed to C-opsonized HIV in vitro were able to stimulate CTLs to elicit antiviral activity significantly better than non-opsonized HIV. Furthermore, experiments using the Friend virus (FV) mouse model illustrated that the enhancing role of complement on DC-mediated CTL induction also occurred in vivo. Our results indicate that complement serves as natural adjuvant for DC-induced expansion and differentiation of specific CTLs against retroviruses

    Different Modes of Retrovirus Restriction by Human APOBEC3A and APOBEC3G In Vivo

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    The apolipoprotein B editing complex 3 (A3) cytidine deaminases are among the most highly evolutionarily selected retroviral restriction factors, both in terms of gene copy number and sequence diversity. Primate genomes encode seven A3 genes, and while A3F and 3G are widely recognized as important in the restriction of HIV, the role of the other genes, particularly A3A, is not as clear. Indeed, since human cells can express multiple A3 genes, and because of the lack of an experimentally tractable model, it is difficult to dissect the individual contribution of each gene to virus restriction in vivo. To overcome this problem, we generated human A3A and A3G transgenic mice on a mouse A3 knockout background. Using these mice, we demonstrate that both A3A and A3G restrict infection by murine retroviruses but by different mechanisms: A3G was packaged into virions and caused extensive deamination of the retrovirus genomes while A3A was not packaged and instead restricted infection when expressed in target cells. Additionally, we show that a murine leukemia virus engineered to express HIV Vif overcame the A3G-mediated restriction, thereby creating a novel model for studying the interaction between these proteins. We have thus developed an in vivo system for understanding how human A3 proteins use different modes of restriction, as well as a means for testing therapies that disrupt HIV Vif-A3G interactions.United States. Public Health Service (Grant R01-AI-085015)United States. Public Health Service (Grant T32-CA115299 )United States. Public Health Service (Grant F32-AI100512

    A Crucial Role for Infected-Cell/Antibody Immune Complexes in the Enhancement of Endogenous Antiviral Immunity by Short Passive Immunotherapy

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    Antiviral monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) represent promising therapeutics. However, most mAbs-based immunotherapies conducted so far have only considered the blunting of viral propagation and not other possible therapeutic effects independent of virus neutralization, namely the modulation of the endogenous immune response. As induction of long-term antiviral immunity still remains a paramount challenge for treating chronic infections, we have asked here whether neutralizing mAbs can, in addition to blunting viral propagation, exert immunomodulatory effects with protective outcomes. Supporting this idea, we report here that mice infected with the FrCasE murine retrovirus on day 8 after birth die of leukemia within 4–5 months and mount a non-protective immune response, whereas those rapidly subjected to short immunotherapy with a neutralizing mAb survive healthy and mount a long-lasting protective antiviral immunity with strong humoral and cellular immune responses. Interestingly, the administered mAb mediates lysis of infected cells through an antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity (ADCC) mechanism. In addition, it forms immune complexes (ICs) with infected cells that enhance antiviral CTL responses through FcΞ³R-mediated binding to dendritic cells (DCs). Importantly, the endogenous antiviral antibodies generated in mAb-treated mice also display the same properties, allowing containment of viral propagation and enhancement of memory cellular responses after disappearance of the administered mAb. Thus, our data demonstrate that neutralizing antiviral mAbs can act as immunomodulatory agents capable of stimulating a protective immunity lasting long after the end of the treatment. They also show an important role of infected-cells/antibody complexes in the induction and the maintenance of protective immunity through enhancement of both primary and memory antiviral T-cell responses. They also indicate that targeting infected cells, and not just viruses, by antibodies can be crucial for elicitation of efficient, long-lasting antiviral T-cell responses. This must be considered when designing antiviral mAb-based immunotherapies

    Foxp3 and Treg cells in HIV-1 infection and immuno-pathogenesis

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    FoxP3+CD4+CD25+ regulatory T (Treg) cells are implicated in a number of pathologic processes including elevated levels in cancers and infectious diseases, and reduced levels in autoimmune diseases. Treg cells are activated to modulate immune responses to avoid over-reactive immunity. However, conflicting findings are reported regarding relative levels of Treg cells during HIV-1 infection and disease progression. The role of Treg cells in HIV-1 diseases (aberrant immune activation) is poorly understood due to lack of a robust model. We summarize here the regulation and function of Foxp3 in Treg cells and in modulating HIV-1 replication. Based on recent findings from SIV/monkey and HIV/humanized mouse models, a model of the dual role of Treg cells in HIV-1 infection and immuno-pathogenesis is discussed

    Independent roles of perforin, granzymes, and Fas in the control of Friend retrovirus infection

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    Cytotoxic T-cells (CTL) play a central role in the recovery of mammalian hosts from retroviral infections. However, the molecular pathways that mediate the antiretroviral activity of CTL are still elusive. Here we explore the protective role of the two main cytolytic pathways of CTL, that is, granule exocytosis and Fas/Fas ligand (FasL), in acute and persistent Friend retrovirus (FV) infection of mice. For this purpose, we have used mutant mouse strains with targeted gene defects in one or more components of the two cytolytic pathways including perforin, granzyme A, granzyme B, Fas, and FasL. The important function of CTL in resistance of C57BL/6 (B6) mice to FV is emphasized by the finding that depletion of CD8+ T-cells prior to virus infection resulted in severe splenomegaly and high viral loads in blood and spleen tissue. Analysis of primary FV infection in knockout mice revealed that acute infection was readily controlled in the absence of functional Fas. Most notably in the presence of Fas/FasL each of the three effector molecules of the exocytosis pathway (i.e., perforin, granzyme A, and granzyme B) was capable on its own to mediate suppression of virus replication and protection from leukemia. However, triple knockout mice lacking perforin and the two granzymes were fully susceptible to FV-induced leukemia. In contrast to acute infection the Fas/FasL pathway was mandatory for effective control of FV replication during persistent infection. These findings suggest novel pathways of CTL-mediated viral defense and contribute towards a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of CTL activity in retroviral infections

    IL-10 controls ultraviolet-induced carcinogenesis in mice

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    UV radiation-induced immunosuppression contributes significantly to the development of UV-induced skin cancer by inhibiting protective immune responses. IL-10 has been shown to be a key mediator of UV-induced immunosuppression. To investigate the role of IL-10 during photocarcinogenesis, groups of IL-10(+/+), IL-10(+/-), and IL-10(-/-) mice were chronically irradiated with UV. IL-10(+/+) and IL-10(+/-) mice developed skin cancer to similar extents, whereas IL-10(-/-) mice were protected against the induction of skin malignancies by UV. Because UV is able to induce regulatory T cells, which play a role in the suppression of protective immunity, UV-induced regulatory T cell function was analyzed. Splenic regulatory T cells from UV-irradiated IL-10(-/-) mice were unable to confer immunosuppression upon transfer into naive recipients. UV-induced CD4+CD25+ T cells from IL-10(-/-) mice showed impaired suppressor function when cocultured with conventional CD4+CD25- T cells. CD4+CD25- T cells from IL-10(-/-) mice produced increased amounts of IFN-gamma and enhanced numbers of CD4+TIM-3+ T cells were detectable within UV-induced tumors in IL-10(-/-) mice, suggesting strong Th1-driven immunity. Mice treated with CD8+ T cells from UV-irradiated IL-10(-/-) mice rejected a UV tumor challenge significantly faster, and augmented numbers of granzyme A+ cells were detected within injected UV tumors in IL-10(-/-) animals, suggesting marked antitumoral CTL responses. Together, these findings indicate that IL-10 is critically involved in antitumoral immunity during photocarcinogenesis. Moreover, these results point out the crucial role of Th1 responses and UV-induced regulatory T cell function in the protection against UV-induced tumor development