264 research outputs found

    Analisis terhadap Kesinambungan Lembaga Pembiayaan Pedesaan dalam Mendukung USAha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah

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    The research goal is to find how far the degree of sustainability of rural financialinstitutions that exist and to identify the variables that determine what operationalsustainability yaginstitutions concerned. From the results of statistical tests and thediscussion can be summarized as follows: The degree offinancial sustainability forrural finance institutions significantly affected by the variable operating cost andrevenue variables which level income has a positive relationship while variable costshave a negative relationship. The influence of variable operating costs are relativelygreater than the influence of income variable; Good Rate Revenues and Cost ofOperations has a positive relationship and the real magnitude of value of receivables/loan value; level offinancial sustainability of institutions did not show a clear patternof relationship with the efficiency (either from the indicator value of loans per staffand per-unit cost of borrowing/Cost per unit of Money Lent); Compared with theindicator Cost per unit of Money Lent, the value of loans per staff show a clearerpattern of relationship with the magnitude of the Average-Performing Asset (the Costper unit of Money Lent did not show a clear pattern of relationship with the Average-Performing Asset). Average value addition is dominated by the Performing AssetValue Receivable. It can be concluded that the greater the value of Average Perform-ing Assets, the greater the value of receivables and the more efficient institutions KSP

    Studi Gerakan Sloshing Terhadap Tangki Kotak (Rectangular Tank) Dengan Dan Tanpa Pelat Memanjang (Baffle) Akibat Gerakan Rolling Kapal Dengan Metode Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

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    Sloshing dapat diartikan sebagai gerakan bebas dari fluida cair di dalam sebuah wadah . Masalah sloshing menjadi fenomena penting dalam tangki muatan cair, karena dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada struktur dalam tangki . paper ini menjelaskan pengaruh besarnya pressure pada tangki kotak dengan dan tanpa penambahan pelat memanjang (baffle) ketika terjadi sloshing yang diakibatkan gerakan rolling yang terjadi pada kapal. Pemodelan tangki dilakukan 2D berbentuk tanki kotak (rectangular tank) dengan ukuran panjang 46.92 m dan tinggi 32.23 m menggunakan software gambit,. variasi model tangki ada 2 yaitu tanpa dan dengan penambahan 1 buah baffle dengan ukuran tebal 1 m dan tinggi 6 m dengan ketinggian cairan 15%, 45%, dan 75%. Proses simulasi dilakukan dengan meode Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) menggunakan software Fluent. Dari hasil simulasi dapat disimpulkan bahwa baffle berhasil berfungsi sebagai peredam pressure ketika volume muatan lebih rendah dari tinggi baffle yaitu dalam hal ini volume 15%, namun ketika pada volume muatan 45% dan 75% baffle tidak dapat berfungsi sebagai peredam pressure karena adanya baffle dapat menimbul gaya permukaan cairan ketika cairan lng menghantam baffle yang menyebabkan tinggi cairan lng menjadi lebih tinggi sehingga ketika terjadi gerakan tangki maka dapat menambah besar pressure untuk menghantam dinding-dinding tangki

    Role of Microfinance Institutions (MFI/LKM) Non Bank in Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises (SME/UMKM) in the Province Riau

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    This study was inspired from the difference between the role of non-bank MFI (MFI-NB) in support of SMEs under Law No. 01 of 2013 concerning the MFI and Law 20 of 2008 on SMEs which regulates the implementation and achievement of the performance of the microfinance sector in Riau Province. The purpose of this study are: a) determine the role of MFI-NB in support of SMEs in the province of Riau, b) know the quality of implementation and mechanism of MFI-NB terms of mechanisms (governance) in Riau Province, and c) develop strategies MFI-NB in improving the welfare of communities in Riau province. This study used qualitative research methods and review the existing legislation implemented or enhanced fit the facts on the ground conditions in Riau Province. Results of this study explains that: (a) The role of MFI-NB in Riau Province in support of SMEs are MFI-NB role as providers of capital to SMEs, the certainty that the capital is in the MFI-NB is intended for viable SMEs and the capital believed are not diverted to other uses or loans to large enterprises. And MFI-NB is believed not to be intervened by another party, another role of a given MFI-NB to SMEs is accelerating MFI-NB's capital to SMEs decent hands and responsible by using services such as energy contributors and coordinators who helped the function of the service of MFI-NB. (b) the quality of the implementation of the disbursement of funds by the MFI-NB to SMEs is less satisfactory because it is slow to respond to the desire of SMEs to additional capital. The quality of the implementation of the training held by the MFI-NB to SMEs say less than optimal. (c) MFI-NB Strategy to improve the welfare of the people in the province of Riau, with training materials that really demand so as to motivate SMEs to further develop their potential. MFI-NB continue to provide assessment and issue a certificate or award for outstanding SMEs so that SMEs can thrive in Riau Province. Another strategy to improve the welfare of the community is to help SMEs develop business, namely through the development, marketing (promotion, exhibition and clusters/groupings), partnerships, advocacy, implementation of management functions, so that SMEs have a good standard and credibility even when dealing with other financial institutions, Policies that there is or is believed to be held by the MFI-NB actors become the dominant factor in formulating strategies, policies and programs that support increasing the role of the MFI-NB in support of SMEs in the province of Ria

    Studi Pengembangan Ekonomi Kerakyatan di Kawasan Wisata Jawa Timur melalui Penguatan Kelembagaan Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Lokal

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    East Java Province is one of the Indonesia region which high in poverty rate,even higher than national average. One of the effective model to alleviate povertyimplemented in developing countries is the model that able to integrate the poor intothe tourism sector (Ashley, 2000; Cattarinich, 2001). General aim of this study is tobuild a proper institution which able to enlarge an opportunities to the poor to be-come an integral part of the tourism sector. Specific aim of this first year study are:to describe the tourism economic structure in research area of Batu; to describe therelationship intensity between tourism industry and the local economy; to identifythe capacity of economic resources of the poor households in term of education level,skills, and capital accessibility; and to identify the social capital and the existenceand the nature of local institutions. Analysis unit of this study are : the tourism busi-ness unit, the tourists; and the poor household. This study found that : The tourismsector has significance role in the economic structure of Batu. The relationship be-tween tourism industry and local economy is high. Man power, local fruits and veg-etable are the main production input for the tourism businesses. Education level ofthe poor household members is not so low. However, for high level positions in mod-ern tourists industry was mostly filled by people from other area. The role of formaleconomic institutions such as banks and cooperative business unit in study are notsignificant for the poor. In order to gain additional capital, the poor mostly rely onthe traditional capital accumulation revolving system (Arisan). Beside Arisan, socialcapital of the poor is also accumulated trough social and religious gathering

    Analisis Pengaruh Variabel Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Urban terhadap Kemandirian Ekonomi Ditinjau dari Aspek Keuangan, Energi, dan Pangan di Kecamatan Singosari Kabupaten Malang

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    This study aims to assess the contribution of local economic independence for theurban community village of Candi Renggo, Singosari District in the short term fromthe aspects of finance, energy and food; and analyze whether independence was simultaneously able to survive in the long run. The analysis showed that the economicand social resource for the urban community is quite adequate so that resources can besynergy between mutually exclusive and weaknesses. For the people in selected vil-lages have the ability to develop and demonstrate a significant contribution, althoughthe level is still low. The results of this study partially and simultaneously to thecombined respondents (agricultural and non agricultural sector) contribution provedadequate, but not yet able to explain in detail the contribution was sufficient forrespondents who work in agriculture and non agricultural sector alones
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