74 research outputs found

    Evidence for Unnatural-Parity Contributions to Electron-Impact Ionization of Laser-Aligned Atoms

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    Recent measurements have examined the electron-impact ionization of excited-state laser-aligned Mg atoms. In this work we show that the ionization cross section arising from the geometry where the aligned atom is perpendicular to the scattering plane directly probes the unnatural parity contributions to the ionization amplitude. The contributions from natural parity partial waves cancel exactly in this geometry. Our calculations resolve the discrepancy between the nonzero measured cross sections in this plane and the zero cross section predicted by distorted-wave approaches. We demonstrate that this is a general feature of ionization from p-state targets by additional studies of ionization from excited Ca and Na atoms

    Evidence for unnatural-parity contributions to electron-impact ionization of laser-aligned atoms

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    Recent measurements have examined the electron-impact ionization of excited-state laser-aligned Mg atoms. In this work we show that the ionization cross section arising from the geometry where the aligned atom is perpendicular to the scattering plane directly probes the unnatural parity contributions to the ionization amplitude. The contributions from natural parity partial waves cancel exactly in this geometry. Our calculations resolve the discrepancy between the nonzero measured cross sections in this plane and the zero cross section predicted by distorted-wave approaches. We demonstrate that this is a general feature of ionization from p-state targets by additional studies of ionization from excited Ca and Na atoms

    Caractérisation et étude structurale de NaHo(PO3_3)4_4

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    Crystals of NaHo(PO3_3)4_4 have been grown by the flux technique and characterized by X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. Single crystal structure of NaHo(PO3_3)4_4 has been solved, it crystallizes in the monoclinic P23_3/n space group with lattice parameters : a = 9,699(4), b = 13,0441(5), c = 7,1614(3) Å , ß = 89,314(1)° , Z = 4. The crystal structure has been refined yielding a final R(F2^{2}) = 0.033 for 2064 independent reflections (Fo_o2^{2} ≥\geq 2σ\sigma(Fo_o2^{2})). The NaHo(PO3_3)4_4 structure is characterized by helical ribbons (PO3_3)∞_\infty running along the c-axis. The HoO8 and NaO7 polyhedra form zigzag chains with common faces and surrounded by four (PO3_3)∞_\infty chainsLe polyphosphate NaHo(PO3_3)4_4 est synthétisé, sous forme de monocristaux, par la méthode de flux; ce composé est caractérisé par diffraction RX et spectroscopie de vibration IR. L’étude structurale de NaHo(PO3_3)4_4 a montré que ce polyphosphate cristallise dans le système monoclinique, de groupe d’espace P21/n, les paramètres de maille sont : a = 9,699(4), b = 13,0441(5), c = 7,1614(3) Å , ß = 89,314(1)° , Z = 4. L’affinement conduit à un facteur de confiance R1= 3,3 % pour 2064 réflexions indépendantes. La structure de NaHo(PO3_3)4_4 est caractérisée par une chaîne hélicoïdale (PO3_3)∞_\infty se développant le long de l’axe c. Les polyèdres HoO8_8 et NaO7_7 forment des chaînes en zigzag possédant des faces en commun et entourés par quatre chaînes (PO3_3)∞_\infty

    Caractérisation spectroscopique et étude structurale de RbEr(PO3_3)4_4

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    Crystals of RbEr(PO3_3)4_4 have been grown by the flux technique and characterized by X-ray diffraction, UV-Vis absorbance and infrared spectroscopy. Single crystal structure of RbEr(PO3_3)4_4 has been solved, it crystallizes in the monoclinic P21/n space group with lattice parameters : a = 10,2419(2), b = 8,8349(2), c = 10,9361(2) Å, ß = 106,229(2)°, Z = 4. The crystal structure has been refined yielding a final R(F2_2) = 0.026 for 2206 independent reflections (Fo_o2^{2} ≥\geq 2σ\sigma(Fo_o2^{2})). The RbEr(PO3)4 structure is characterized by helical ribbons (PO3_3)∞_\infty running along the c-axis. The erbium ions have an eightfold coordination. The ErO8_8 polyhedra are isolated from each other in the sense that they do not share any oxygen atom. The minimal distance between two atoms of erbium is 6,2583 Å.Le polyphosphate RbEr(PO3_3)4_4 est synthétisé, sous forme monocristalline, par la méthode de flux ; ce composé est caractérisé par diffraction RX, spectroscopie d’absorption optique et spectroscopie de vibration IR. L’étude structurale de RbEr(PO3_3)4_4 a montré que ce polyphosphate cristallise dans le système monoclinique, de groupe d’espace P21/n, les paramètres de maille sont : a = 10,2419(2), b = 8,8349(2), c = 10,9361(2) Å, ß = 106,229(2)°, Z = 4. L’affinement conduit à un facteur de confiance R(F2) = 0.026, pour 2206 réflexions indépendantes (Fo2 ≥\geq 2σ\sigma(Fo2)). La structure de RbEr(PO3_3)4_4 est caractérisée par une chaîne hélicoïdale (PO3_3)∞_\infty se développant le long de l’axe c. Les atomes d’erbium ont un environnement de 8 oxygènes. Les polyèdres ErO8_8 sont isolés les uns des autres, ils ne présentent aucun atome d’oxygène en commun. La distance Er-Er la plus courte mesure 6,258 (Å)

    Lower and Middle Jurassic ammonoids of the Shemshak Group in Alborz, Iran and their palaeobiogeographical and biostratigraphical importance

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    The Shemshak Group at Shahmirzad (northern Iran) is characterized by the most frequent and extensive marine intercalations and contains the most abundant and diverse ammonite faunas hitherto known from the Lower and lower Middle Jurassic strata of the Alborz Range. So far, 62 ammonite taxa have been recorded from this area, including 25 taxa from earlier studies. The taxa belong to the families Cymbitidae, Echioceratidae, Amaltheidae, Dactylioceratidae, Hildoceratidae, Graphoceratidae, Hammatoceratidae, Erycitidae, and Stephanoceratidae with the new species Paradumortieria elmii and Pleydellia (P.?) ruttneri. The fauna represents the Late Sinemurian, Late Pliensbachian, Toarcian, Aalenian, and Early Bajocian. Palaeobiogeographically, it is closely related to the Northwest European (Subboreal) Province, and exhibits only minor relations with the Mediterranean (Tethyan) Province

    Cationic doping effect on the structural, magnetic and spectroscopic properties of delafossite oxides CuCr1−x(Sc,Mg)xO2

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    International audienceThis article reports the effect of Sc and (Sc + Mg) substitution on the structural and physical properties of delafossite-type CuCrO2 oxide. X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy show that the structure is maintained for 10% Sc and (10% Sc + 4% Mg) substitutions for chromium. The incorporation of these elements generates very anisotropic microstrains in the structure. Strain also increases with oxygen intercalation, probably because a non-uniform distribution of intercaled oxygen. Thermal stability in oxygen was found to decrease with increasing the M3+ cation size. The evolution of relative intensities of Raman bands points towards an increase in lattice distortion with substitution, in agreement with ionic radii considerations. Comparing the substitution effect of Mg2+ to those of the nonmagnetic Sc3+, magnetization around the AF transition does not seem to correlate with randomness and lattice parameter but with itinerancy of the doped hole
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