447 research outputs found

    Single chain dimers of MASH-1 bind DNA with enhanced affinity

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    By designing recombinant genes containing tandem copies of the coding region of the BHLH domain of MASH-1 (MASH-BHLH) with intervening DNA sequences encoding linker sequences of 8 or 17 amino acids, the two subunits of the MASH dimer have been connected to form the single chain dimers MM8 and MM17. Despite the long and flexible linkers which connect the C-terminus of the first BHLH subunit to the N-terminus of the second, a distance of ∼55 Å, the single chain dimers could be produced in Escherichia coli at high levels. MM8 and MM17 were monomeric and no ‘cross-folding' of the subunits was observed. CD spectroscopy revealed that, like wild-type MASH-BHLH, MM8 and MM17 adopt only partly folded structures in the absence of DNA, but undergo a folding transition to a mainly α-helical conformation on DNA binding. Titrations by electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed that the affinity of the single chain dimers for E box-containing DNA sequences was increased ∼10-fold when compared with wild-type MASH-BHLH. On the other hand, the affinity for heterologous DNA sequences was increased only 5-fold. Therefore, the introduction of the peptide linker led to a 4-fold increase in DNA binding specificity from −0.14 to −0.57 kcal/mo

    Efficacy of bifocal diagnosis-independent group psychoeducation in severe psychiatric disorders: results from a randomized controlled trial

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    Despite evidence for its efficacy, diagnosis-specific psychoeducation is not routinely applied. This exploratory randomized controlled trial analyses the efficacy of an easily implementable bifocal diagnosis-mixed group psychoeducation in the treatment of severe psychiatric disorders regarding readmission, compliance and clinical variables, for example global functioning. Inpatients of the Psychiatric Hospital of the University of Basel (N=82) were randomly assigned to a diagnosis-mixed psychoeducational (PE) or a non-specific intervention control group. Relatives were invited to join corresponding family groups. Results at baseline, 3- and 12-month follow-ups are presented. Better compliance after 3months and a lower suicide rate were significant in favour of PE. For most other outcome variables, no significant differences, however advantages, in PE were found. In summary, it can be concluded that diagnosis-mixed group psychoeducation is effective in the treatment of severe psychiatric disorders. The effects can be classified as induced by distinctive psychoeducational elements. Findings similar to those on psychosis-specific programmes justify clinical application and further investigatio

    A hybrid of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease and human angiogenin: an external loop as a module controlling substrate specificity?

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    A comparison of the sequences of three homologous ribonucleases (RNase A, angiogenin and bovine seminal RNase) identifies three surface loops that are highly variable between the three proteins. Two hypotheses were contrasted: (i) that this variation might be responsible for the different catalytic activities of the three proteins; and (ii) that this variation is simply an example of surface loops undergoing rapid neutral divergence in sequence. Three hybrids of angiogenin and bovine pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase) A were prepared where regions in these loops taken from angiogenin were inserted into RNase A. Two of the three hybrids had unremarkable catalytic properties. However, the RNase A mutant containing residues 63-74 of angiogenin had greatly diminished catalytic activity against uridylyl-(3′ - 5′)-adenosine (UpA), and slightly increased catalytic activity as an inhibitor of translation in vitro. Both catalytic behaviors are characteristic of angiogenin. This is one of the first examples of an engineered external loop in a protein. Further, these results are complementary to those recently obtained from the complementary experiment, where residues 59-70 of RNase were inserted into angiogenin [Harper and Vallee (1989) Biochemistry, 28, 1875-1884]. Thus, the external loop in residues 63-74 of RNase A appears to behave, at least in part, as an interchangeable ‘module' that influences substrate specificity in an enzyme in a way that is isolated from the influences of other regions in the protei

    Why Are Some Enzymes Dimers? Flexibility and Catalysis in Thermotoga maritima Dihydrofolate Reductase

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    Dihydrofolate reductase from Thermotoga maritima (TmDFHFR) is a dimeric thermophilic enzyme that catalyzes the hydride transfer from the cofactor NADPH to dihydrofolate less efficiently than other DHFR enzymes, such as the mesophilic analogue Escherichia coli DHFR (EcDHFR). Using QM/MM potentials, we show that the reduced catalytic efficiency of TmDHFR is most likely due to differences in the amino acid sequence that stabilize the M20 loop in an open conformation, which prevents the formation of some interactions in the transition state and increases the number of water molecules in the active site. However, dimerization provides two advantages to the thermophilic enzyme: it protects its structure against denaturation by reducing thermal fluctuations and it provides a less negative activation entropy, toning down the increase of the activation free energy with temperature. Our molecular picture is confirmed by the analysis of the temperature dependence of enzyme kinetic isotope effects in different DHFR enzymes

    Effiziente chemoenzymatische Synthese von dhydroartemisinaldehyd

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    Artemisinin aus der Pflanze Artemisia annua ist das wirkungsvollste Arzneimittel zur Behandlung von Malaria. Die Sesquiterpen-Cyclase Amorphadien-Synthase, ein Cytochrom-abhängiges CYP450 und eine Aldehyd-Reduktase wandeln in der Pflanze Farnesyl-Diphosphat (FDP) in Dihydroartemisinaldehyd (DHAAl) um, welches ein Schlüsselzwischenprodukt in der Biosynthese von Artemisinin und eine halbsynthetische Vorstufe in der chemischen Synthese des Arzneimittels ist. Hier berichten wir über einen chemoenzymatischen Prozess, der in der Lage ist, DHAAl nur mithilfe der Sesquiterpen-Synthase aus einem gezielt synthetisierten, hydroxylierten FDP-Derivat herzustellen. Dieser Prozess, der die natürliche Sequenz aus Cyclisierung von FDP und Oxidation des Kohlenwasserstoffs umkehrt, stellt eine wesentliche Verbesserung der DHAAl-Synthese dar und zeigt das Potenzial neuer Substrate in der Terpen-Synthase-katalysierten Synthese hochwertiger Naturstoffe auf

    Accelerating biphasic biocatalysis through new process windows

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    Process intensification through continuous flow reactions has increased the production rates of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals. Catalytic reactions are accelerated through an unconventional and unprecedented use of a high‐performance liquid/liquid counter current chromatography system. Product generation is significantly faster than in traditional batch reactors or in segmented flow systems, which is exemplified through stereoselective phase‐transfer catalyzed reactions. This methodology also enables the intensification of biocatalysis as demonstrated in high yield esterifications and in the sesquiterpene cyclase‐catalyzed synthesis of sesquiterpenes from farnesyl diphosphate as high‐value natural products with applications in medicine, agriculture and the fragrance industry. Product release in sesquiterpene synthases is rate limiting due to the hydrophobic nature of sesquiterpenes, but a biphasic system exposed to centrifugal forces allows for highly efficient reactions

    Novel olfactory ligands via terpene synthases

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    A synthetic biology approach to the rational design of analogues of olfactory ligands by providing unnatural substrates for the enzyme synthesising (S)-germacrene D, an olfactory ligand acting as a plant derived insect repellent, to produce novel ligands is described as a viable alternative to largely unsuccessful ligand docking studies. (S)-14,15-Dimethylgermacrene D shows an unexpected reversal in behavioural activity

    An unexpected co-crystal structure of the calpain PEF(S) domain with Hfq reveals a potential chaperone function of Hfq

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    Calpain is a Ca2+-activated, heterodimeric cysteine protease consisting of a large catalytic subunit and a small regulatory subunit. Dysregulation of this enzyme is involved in a range of pathological conditions such as cancer, Alzheimer's disease and rheumatoid arthritis, and thus calpain I is a drug target with potential therapeutic applications. Difficulty in the production of this enzyme has hindered structural and functional investigations in the past, although heterodimeric calpain I can be generated by Escherichia coli expression in low yield. Here, an unexpected structure discovered during crystallization trials of heterodimeric calpain I (CAPN1C115S + CAPNS1ΔGR) is reported. A novel co-crystal structure of the PEF(S) domain from the dissociated regulatory small subunit of calpain I and the RNA-binding chaperone Hfq, which was likely to be overproduced as a stress response to the recombinant expression conditions, was obtained, providing unexpected insight in the chaperone function of Hfq

    'Dark' singlet oxygen made easy

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    An operationally simple continuous flow generator of ‘dark’ singlet oxygen has been developed. The singlet oxygen was efficiently reacted with several chemical traps to give the corresponding oxygenated products in high yields. The developed ‘dark’ singlet oxygen generator has been successfully applied in the synthesis of the antimalarial drug artemisinin

    Enzymatic synthesis of natural (+)-aristolochene from a non-natural substrate

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    The sesquiterpene cyclase aristolochene synthase from Penicillium roquefortii (PR-AS) has evolved to catalyse with high specificity (92%) the conversion of farnesyl diphosphate (FDP) to the bicyclic hydrocarbon (+)-aristolochene, the natural precursor of several fungal toxins. Here we report that PR-AS converts the unnatural FDP isomer 7-methylene farnesyl diphosphate to (+)-aristolochene via the intermediate 7-methylene germacrene A. Within the confined space of the enzyme's active site, PR-AS stabilises the reactive conformers of germacrene A and 7-methylene germacrene A, respectively, which are protonated by the same active site acid (most likely HOPPi) to yield the shared natural bicyclic intermediate eudesmane cation, from which (+)-aristolochene is then generated