1,066 research outputs found

    Observation of chaotic beats in a driven memristive Chua's circuit

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    In this paper, a time varying resistive circuit realising the action of an active three segment piecewise linear flux controlled memristor is proposed. Using this as the nonlinearity, a driven Chua's circuit is implemented. The phenomenon of chaotic beats in this circuit is observed for a suitable choice of parameters. The memristor acts as a chaotically time varying resistor (CTVR), switching between a less conductive OFF state and a more conductive ON state. This chaotic switching is governed by the dynamics of the driven Chua's circuit of which the memristor is an integral part. The occurrence of beats is essentially due to the interaction of the memristor aided self oscillations of the circuit and the external driving sinusoidal forcing. Upon slight tuning/detuning of the frequencies of the memristor switching and that of the external force, constructive and destructive interferences occur leading to revivals and collapses in amplitudes of the circuit variables, which we refer as chaotic beats. Numerical simulations and Multisim modelling as well as statistical analyses have been carried out to observe as well as to understand and verify the mechanism leading to chaotic beats.Comment: 30 pages, 16 figures; Submitted to IJB

    A Study on Neural Network Architectures

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    With the growing emphasis on autonomy, intelligence and an increased amount of information required by businesses, traditional processing technology can only cope through faster hardware with more complex customized software.  The traditional computation techniques of programming were not capable enough to solve “hard” problems like pattern recognition, prediction, compression, optimization, classification and machine learning. In order to solve such problems, an interest towards developing intelligent computation systems became stronger. To develop such intelligent systems, innumerable advances have been made by the researchers. An artificial neural network is a data processing system consisting of a huge number of simple, highly interconnected processing elements in an architecture inspired by the structure of the cerebral cortex portion of the brain. Hence, neural networks are often capable of doing things which humans or animals do well but which conventional computers often do poorly. These artificial neurons are pigeonholed on the basis of architecture, training or learning method and activation function. The neural network architecture is the arrangement of neurons to form layers and connections scheme formed in between and within the layers. Neural network architectures are broadly classified into feed-forward and feedback architectures that further contain single and multiple layers. The feed-forward networks provide a unidirectional signal flow whereas in the feedback networks the signals can flow in both the directions. These neural network architectures are trained through various learning algorithms for producing most efficient solutions to computation problems. In this paper, we present neural network architectures that play a crucial role in modelling the intelligent systems. Keywords: Artificial Neural Network, feed-forward networks, feedback networks

    The Role of Information and Communications Technology in Socializing Knowledge Management

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    The globalization of business, the shift from production-based to a knowledge-based economy, the growth of information communications technology (ICT), the strive to become learning organizations and the emergence of the needs for knowledge workers have made knowledge management practice a must today across all types and levels of firms However, because the concept is so new, there exist different views among practitioners and even researchers on how a knowledge management program can be designed and implemented in organizations. This paper posits that knowledge management can be socialized and works in an organization. It also review the related literature on the knowledge management strategy, including the review of the different definition of the knowledge management, types of the knowledge, processes of acquiring knowledge, and the knowledge management strategy according to various empirical studies conducted by scholars. This paper further reviews the technologies and the technology tools to be used in the development of social networks for KM in an organization. A brief description on knowledge processes and technology enabler, the impact of social networking site and socialized KM in today’s organization, the reason for socializing KM and the component of KM are discuss. The strategy for Km implementation and the two main strategies are discussed. The literature are based on the past studies and researches. Keywords: Knowledge Management, Social Networks, I

    Study on tourism industry and infrastructure development in the post-war peace-building initiatives in Ampara district

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    In a post-war country, tourism has the potential to not only contribute to economic growth and physical reconstruction, but also to sustainable development, affirmative action and the protection of vulnerable groups to promote their livelihood. Although, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LITE) frightened the Government of Sri Lanka with their demand for a separate home land in the Northern and Eastern Sri Lanka, they were militarily defeated in the east of the country in July 2007. The Eastern Province comprised of Trincomalee, Batticaloa and Ampara Districts (Eastern Revival: http://www.neweast.lk). This study covers the Ampara district which is the Southern Part of the Eastern Province. This is one of the attractive places for tourism in the Island. The tourism industry of the region has been greatly affected by the civil war and also by the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami Disaster. These tragic disasters contributed to insecurity, and, the loss of natural as well as man-made resources such as infrastructure, disruption of service and loss of livelihood. However, the perception of the insecurity since the civil war has been a strong deterrent for local and foreign tourists. Nevertheless, Total tourist arrivals to Sri Lanka were 494,000 and it brought Rs.42, 571mn to this sector in 2007. This is 1.9 percent to the GDP and 3.19 percent to the service sector in the same year. This study is an attempt to analyze how tourism industry fosters the ongoing post-war peace-building process in the region and to identify how and to what extend tourism activities and improvement of infrastructure facilities contribute in the socio-economic foundation of the district in the basis of peace-building. This is a descriptive analysis with the use of primary and secondary data sources. Primary data collected from hotel and restaurant owners, public in Potuvil, Arugambay and other parts of the district Secondary data is collected from Divisional Secretaries, planning division of district secretariat, and District Secretariat Office (Kacheri), Ampara. The Finding shows that die arrival of local and foreign tourists have significantly increased in this district This situation also leads to develop infrastructure such as road, hotel and other facilities. According to the findings, the tourism development of this district paves the way to the peace building and development not only in this district but also in the Island

    Optimization of Intelligent Transportation System using Biologically-Inspired Vehicular Ad hoc Networks for Achieve the Desired Performance

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    Many innovations made possible by the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), such as media apps, encrypted financial transactions, and effective traffic management, rely heavily on vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). Using bio-inspired methodologies, This study looks back at the past and forward to the future to examine all of the routing challenges in VANETs, whether they are associated with a chain of related routing tasks or are aimed at a group of distinct approaches to routing. The high node mobility and unpredictable vehicle distribution (on the road) lead to major issues for VANETs, including the design of a network's physical architecture and unstable connections. VANET's provision of reliable and appropriate vehicular contact in situations requiring good service is crucial. As a result, effective means of navigation are desperately needed in VANET. Hence, in this paper, we examine the Bio-Inspired vehicular ad hoc networks (Bio-VANETs), wherein, should a suggested algorithmic network fail at any given node or vehicle, the remaining vehicles may be able to take over the task of relaying the data to the necessary nodes to achieve the desired performance. Route lifetime increases, and connection failures are decreased when the shortest way is selected using the fewest possible hops over highly connected links. In addition, the received signal intensity fluctuations due to vehicle density and speed are assessed. Packet Delivery Ratio, Optimal Performance, Accuracy and Efficiency of Bio-VANET are discussed and simulated against other methods that are existing models

    Survey and Review on Various Topology and Geographical based Routing Protocol Parameters to Ensure the QOS Parameters of VANET

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    Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) is a type of wireless network that allows communication between vehicles and infrastructure. One of the critical considerations in VANET is Quality of Service (QoS) parameters, which determine the network's performance. The effective management of QoS parameters is essential for VANET's reliable and efficient operation. In this research paper, we aim to explore topology-based and geographical-based routing protocol parameters to ensure QoS parameters in VANET. The former uses the network topology to make routing decisions, while the latter uses the location information of vehicles.  We will first provide an overview of VANET and QoS parameters. Then, we will delve into the key parameters of topology-based and geographical-based routing protocols and how they affect QoS. We will also survey and review the existing routing protocols and parameter values used in these protocols. The findings of this research paper will provide insights into the effective management of QoS parameters in VANET and contribute to the development of more efficient routing protocols

    Nutritional requirements of Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer

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    Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) has emerged as an important candidate finfish species for aquaculture in many parts of the world. Availability of seed and appropriate feed are the two important prerequisites for development and propagation of aquaculture of any fish species. After considerable efforts and extensive research, the Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture (CIBA) has succeeded in developing captive brood stock and seed production technology for Asian seabass. Research efforts on nutritional requirements and development of suitable formulated feeds have been in progress simultaneously at CIBA. The nutritional requirements of fish vary with different growth stages and depend upon the feeding habits that change according to the morphology of digesting system. Considerable effort has been made in Australia, Thailand, Philippines and more recently Israel, in defining the nutritional requirements of this species in order to improve production. Understanding the nutritional requirements of the candidate species is the first and essential pre requisite for development of cost effective, efficient and eco friendly feeds

    Modeling Of Structural And Environmental Effects On Microelectromechanical (Mems) Vibratory Gyroscopes

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    In this paper we investigate the effects of stiffness, damping and temperature on the performance of a MEMS vibratory gyroscope. The stiffness and damping parameters are chosen because they can be appropriately designed to synchronize the drive and sense mode resonance to enhance the sensitivity and stability of MEMS gyroscope. Our results show that increasing the drive axis stiffness by 50% reduces the sense mode amplitude by ~27% and augments the resonance frequency by ~21%. The stiffness and damping are mildly sensitive to typical variations in operating temperature. The stiffness increases by 1.25%, while the damping decreases by 3.81%, when the temperature is raised from 0C to 45C. Doubling the damping reduces the oscillation amplitude by 80%, but ~1% change in the frequency. The predicted effects of stiffness, damping and temperature can be utilized to design a gyroscope for the desired operating condition

    Feeds and feeding of seabass in hatchery, nursery and grow out system using formulated feeds

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    The requirement of nutrients varies throughout the life cycle of an individual. At early stages, the requirement of nutrients is comparatively high which declines with age. Also the requirements depend upon the feeding habits that change accordingly to the morphology of digestive system. Considerable effort has been made in Australia, Thailand, Philippines and more recently Israel, in defining the nutritional requirements of seabass in order to improve production (Boonyaratpalin and Williams, 2001). Feeds and feeding are the critical factors that determine the economic viability of commercial aquaculture of the species concerned and this topic assumes much more significance in a carnivore species like seabass. Based on the nutritional requirements we know that this fish requires a high protein high energy diet. Further, being a predatory carnivore in nature, weaning them to formulated feed is the critical factor which influences the success of grow out culture of seabass. Understanding the nutritional requirements of the candidate species is the first and essential pre- requisite for the development of cost effective, efficient and eco friendly feeds