4,588 research outputs found

    Doing the North-South splits: Post-modern Strain on a Pre-modern Institution

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    'The controversy in the Anglican Church around homosexuality within the priesthood is considered in terms of the kind of world-view held by an important faction of those in opposition. An example of research into the world-view of Charismatic Christians running an Anglican outreach project in the UK is taken to gain insight into the world-wide Evangelical Charismatic resurgence. Parallels are drawn with the position taken by the Southern hemisphere Anglicans and it is argued that this opposition is unlikely to be yielding to the secularising influences of pluralistic industrialised societies. Robertson (1985) proposes that religious forms in differentiated societies, such as Charismatic Evangelicalism, draw strength from global integration. It is argued that this thesis is relevant to understanding the nature of divisions within Anglicanism as these world-wide factions cut across and divide a broad church. That the world contains varying conditions of secularisation and counter-secularisation (Berger, 1999) places additional and intolerable strain on a world-wide communion that tries to embrace a plurality.'Charismatic Evangelicalism; Church Of England; Counter-secularisation; Globalisation; Secularisation.

    The K-theory of the C*-algebras of 2-rank graphs associated to complete bipartite graphs

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    Using a result of Vdovina, we may associate to each complete connected bipartite graph Îș\kappa a 22-dimensional square complex, which we call a tile complex, whose link at each vertex is Îș\kappa. We regard the tile complex in two different ways, each having a different structure as a 22-rank graph. To each 22-rank graph is associated a universal C*-algebra, for which we compute the K-theory, thus providing a new infinite collection of 22-rank graph algebras with explicit K-groups. We determine the homology of the tile complexes, and give generalisations of the procedures to complexes and systems consisting of polygons with a higher number of sides.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures. Revised 2020/10/05. Section 4 and Figure 8 added Revised 2021/02/17. New figure (7) added. Changes made for clarit

    Boston University Symphony Orchestra, November 2, 1995

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    This is the concert program of the Boston University Symphony Orchestra performance on Thursday, November 2, 1995 at 8:00 p.m., at the Tsai Performance Center, 685 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts. Works performed were Symphony No. 41 in C major, K. 551, "Jupiter" by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, La Valse by Maurice Ravel, and Sechs Monologe aus Jedermann by Frank Martin. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    Die k. k. Tabakfabrik zu Schwaz in Tirol

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    DIE K. K. TABAKFABRIK ZU SCHWAZ IN TIROL Die k. k. Tabakfabrik zu Schwaz in Tirol ([33]) I. Ortsgeschichte und GrĂŒndung der Tabakfabrik. ([33]) II. Grunderwerbung und bauliche Entwicklung. (36) Erste Bauperiode (1829 - 1842). (36) Zweite Bauperiode (1843 - 1855). (38) Dritte Bauperiode (1856 - 1884). (38) Vierte Bauperiode (1885 - 1907). (39) III. Fabrikation. (40) a) Gespunste, Rauch- und Schnupftabak. (40) [Abb.]: 1. Betrieb der KĂŒbeltabak- und Vorarlberger-Kautabak-Erzeugung vom 1. Dezember 1830 bis 1903. (41) [Abb.]: 2. Betrieb der KĂŒbeltabak-Erzeugung seit 28. JĂ€nner 1904. (44) [Tabelle]: In der folgenden Tabelle werden einige Erzeugungsausgaben ĂŒber die gesamte Schwazer Gespunstfabrik verzeichnet. (45) b) Zigarren- und Zigaretten-Erzeugung. (46) [Tabelle]: Zur Veranschaulichung des Betriebsumfanges in den Jahren 1903 bis 1905 mögen noch folgende Ziffern Platz finden: (50) IV. Maschinen-Betrieb. (50) V. Amtsorganisation und sonstige Betriebseinrichtungen. (51) [Abb.]: 3. Zunftfahne der Schwazer Tabakfabriks-Arbeiter vom Jahre 1850. (54) VI. Arbeiterwohlfahrt, wirtschaftliche und soziale VerhĂ€ltnisse. (55) [2 Tabellen]: (1)In der Zeit von 1848 bis 1850 finden sich folgende AnsĂ€tze der Krankenfondsgebarung: (2)Die fortschreitende, gĂŒnstige Entwicklung des Krankeninstituts Ă€ußerte sich in den nĂ€chsten Jahrzehnten durch das Anwachsen der RĂŒcklagen. (56) VII. Elementarereignisse. (57) Schlußwort. (59) [Abb.]: Tafel I. Ansicht der "alten Fabrik". ( - ) [Abb.]: Tafel II. Schematische Skizze der Entstehung der Baulichkeiten der k. u. k. Tabakfabrik zu Schwaz. ( - ) [Abb.]: Tafel III. Die Tabakhauptfabrik im Jahre 1904. ( - ) [Karte]: Tafel IV. Teil des Stadtplanes von Schwaz. ( - ) [Abb.]: Tafel V. Innungs-Schild der Schwazer Tabakfabriks-Arbeiter vom Jahre 1846. ( - ) Abbildung ( -

    KĂŒhe melken und KĂ€lber saugen lassen – geht das?

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    Die arttypische Nahrungsaufnahme fĂŒr das Kalb ist sicher das Saugen am Euter der Mutter. Aber kann man dann die Kuh noch melken? Man kann. Es gibt drei grundlegende Systeme der mutter- oder ammengebundenen KĂ€lberaufzucht in der Milchviehhaltung. Einige BiobĂ€uerinnen und Biobauern haben die Systeme getestet, ein FiBL-Team hat die Erfahrungen zusammengetragen

    Von der Milch zum festen Futter : Von der AbhÀngigkeit zur SelbstÀndigkeit

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    Das Neugeborene ist bei SÀugetieren und beim Menschen zunÀchst völlig von der Mutter abhÀngig, denn die ErnÀhrung des oder der Nachkommen erfolgt erst einmal ganz auf Kosten der Mutter. Mit den Umstellungen auf dem Wege von der AbhÀngigkeit zur SelbstÀndigkeit befassen sich die hier dargestellten Untersuchungen


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    Moral to Rachels (2004: 35) is the problems to do something good or bad. Moral teaching is done in the framework of any kind, and is determined by the best reasons for doing so. In the novel, Erich Kästner life story also contains many moral messages that can be a lesson for the reader. Formulation of the problem in this research is: What is the mood in the novel "My uncle Franz" by Erich Kästner? The study specifically to describe the moral figures in the novel "My uncle Franz" by Erich Kastner. This research in the research descriptive kualtatif included. Moreover, in order to analyze the use of the theory of James Rachels. Theori "moral" according to Rachel in verwendba for Analisierung. Based on these Theori are the findings as; (1) The courage: Uncle Franz, Uncle Paul, Uncle Robert and Ida Augustin; (2) The generosity: Uncle Franz, Grandfather Augustin, Aunt Lina; (3) The Candid: Ida Augustin, Erich Kästner; (4) The reward: Uncle Franz, Ida Augustin, Augustin grandfather, aunt Lina, Tante Marie, and Dora; (5) The independence: Uncle Franz, Uncle Paul, Grandfather Augustin; (6) Humility: Uncle Franz, Ida Augustin, and Emil Kästner. The analytical method used is as follows: to read (1) and to understand the novel, (2) collect data quoted text with characterization methods, (3) the classification of Describe data in the form of words, sentences and phrases related to the behavior, moral good and bad, by the code the data, (4) describe the data, (5) take the conclusion that the results obtained by the analysis. And the results of this study consists of 6 moral details, 10 figures, and 19 written data. Keywords: morality, Roman, Kästne

    Junior Recital: Elizabeth K. Fanning, soprano

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    Grub first, then ethics| The significance of food in six of Brecht\u27s plays

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    Ancient Christian spirituality as evidence base for practice in psychology

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