78 research outputs found

    A fairytale example: the analysis of Ludwig Tieck’s Fairytale “the elves”

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    İlk kez 14. yüzyılda görülmeye başlayan peri masalları; içerisinde gizemi, büyüyü ve olağanüstüyü barındıran bir yazın anlayışına karşılık gelir. Gizem, insanoğlunda merak duygusunu tetikleyen ve bu bağlamda ilgi uyandıran başlıca olgulardan biridir. Peri masalı türü, içinde yaşanılan dünyanın gerçekliğe dayalı döngüsü içerisinde olağanüstüyü deneyimlemeye, gerçek yaşam düzleminin içerisine yerleştirilen bu olağanüstü deneyimlerden anlamlar çıkarmaya ve bu anlamlar doğrultusunda gizemin sır perdesini aralamaya hizmet eder. Türün görülmeye başlanmasından kısa bir süre sonra çok sayıda eserler verilmesinin ve bu denli ilgi görmesinin asıl sebebi de budur. İnsanoğlunun gizem karşısındaki ilgisi, Charles Perrault, Grimm Kardeşler ve Hans Christian Andersen gibi peri masalı yazarlarının popülarite kazanmasını sağlar. Her üç yazarın peri masalı (fairy tales) türündeki eserlerinin birçoğu (Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız, Uyuyan Güzel, Külkedisi, Pamuk Prenses v.b) ilk kez yayımlandığı yıldan günümüze değin hemen her çocuğun hayatında önemli ölçüde yer alır. Çocuklukta başlayan bu serüven hayat boyu sürer ve peri masalları artık yetişkinliğe erişmiş olan okurun ilgisini çekmeye devam eder. Çalışmada, peri masalı türü ekseninde Alman Romantik Dönemi yazarı Ludwig Tieck’in Elfler adlı masalı ele alınacak ve masal, peri masalı türünde sıklıkla yer alan öğeler ve karakterler bağlamında incelenecektir. Ayrıca çalışmada, kuramcıların peri masalı hakkındaki verileri esas alınacak ve masal, metin odaklı yöntem kullanılarak çözümlenecektir.Fairytales which first started to be seen in 14th century correspond to an understanding of literature which embodies mystery, magic and the extraordinary. Mystery is one of the main characteristics which triggers curiosity in people and inspires interest in this respect. The fairytale genre serves to experience the extraordinary, to derive meaning from these extraordinary experiences placed within the real life and in accordance with these meanings to lift the veil of mystery within the cycle of the world that is lived in which is based on reality. This is the reason why numerous works appeared a short period after this genre emerged and there was such a great interest in the genre. The interest of mankind in mystery allowed fairytale writers such as Charles Perrault, Grimm Brothers and Hans Christian Andersen to gain popularity. A majority of these three writers’ works in the fairytale genre (Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White, etc.) have taken a significant place in almost every child’s life since the first time they were published until the present time. The adventure that began in childhood drives for lifelong and fairy tales continue to attract the reader who has reached adulthood. In the study, German Romantic Period writer Ludwig Tieck’s fairytale The Elves will be dealt within the axis of the fairytale genre and the genre will be analyzed with respect to the characteristics and characters which frequently appear in fairytales. Besides in the study will be predicated on the theorists' datas about the fairytale and the tale will be analysed to use work-immanent method

    The Different Definitions, Classification, Properties and Usage Areas of the Mineralogical Additives (Part I)

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    DergiPark: 246265trakyafbdDünya’ da ve Türkiye’ de mineralojik malzemeler çimento ve beton katkılarıdır. Mineralojik malzemelerin özelliklerinin bilinmesi bu malzemelerin çimento, harç ve beton özelliklerine etkilerinin daha iyi anlaşılmasını sağlar. Bu nedenle bu araştırmada mineralojik katkıların çeşitli tanımları, sınıfları, özellikleri ve kullanım alanlarının incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Mineralojik katkılar elde edilişlerine göre doğal ve doğal olmayan puzolanlar olarak ikiye ayrılır. Volkanik, sedimanter ve diyajenetik malzemeler doğal puzolanlardır. Doğal olmayan puzolanlar ise endüstri atıklarıdır. Literatürde incelenen çalışmalarda mineralojik katkılar, çimento, harç ve betonun dayanımını, bağlayıcılığını artırıp ve onları zararlı kimyasal etkilerden korumaktadır. Bu çalışmanın birinci bölümünde mineralojik katkıların çeşitli tanımları, sınıfları ve özelliklerinin bir kısmı anlatılmıştır. Mineralojik katkıların özelliklerinin devamı kullanım alanları, sonuçlar ve tartışmalar makalenin ikinci bölümünde açıklanacaktırMineralogical materials are cement and concrete additives in Turkey and the world. The fact that the properties of mineralogical materials are known enables the effects of these materials on the cement, mortar and concrete properties to be understood better. Therefore, in this study the different definitions, classification, properties and usage areas of the mineralogical additives are aimed. Mineralogical additives are divided into two types as natural and unnatural pozzolana in accordance with the way they are obtained. Volcanic, sedimentation and diagenetic materials are natural pozzolana. Artificial pozzolana is, on the other hand, industrial wastes. In literature examined papers were shown that the mineralogical additives are increasing cement, mortar and concrete strength and binding to protect them harmful chemical effects. In first part of this study was told the different definitions, classification and a part of the properties of the mineralogical additives. Continued of the properties and usage areas of the mineralogical additives, results and discussions will explain in the paper’s second par

    A Study on Associated Microcrustacea (Cladocera, Copepoda) With Macrophytes in Gala Lake National Park

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    DergiPark: 245959trakyafbdBu çalışma, Gala gölü milli parkında dominant olarak bulunan Typha spp., Ceratophyllum spp. ve Nymphaea spp. üzerinde yaşayan Cladocera ve Copepoda nın tespiti ve makrofit tercihlerini ortaya çıkarılması amacıyla gerçekleştirildi. Typha spp., Ceratophyllum spp. ve Nymphaea spp. üzerinde 8 Cladocera, 5 Copepoda türü bulunmuştur. Cladocera dan Chydorus sphaericus tüm makrofitler üzerinde bulunurken; C. latus Ceratophyllum spp. yi; Pleuroxus aduncus Nymphaea spp. yi; Alona guttata, A.costata A.rectangula, A.guadrangularis, Oxyurella tenuicaudis Typha spp. yi tercih etmektedir. Copepoda dan Nitocra hibernica yine tüm makrofitlerde yaşarken; N.lacustris Typha spp. ve Ceratophyllum spp. yi; Onychocamptus mohammed Nymphaea sp yi; Horsiella breviconis, H.trisetosa Typha spp. yı tercih etmektedir.This study was performed in order to determine the Cladocera and Copepoda living on Typha spp., Ceratophyllum spp. and Nymphaea spp. constituting the dominant species in Gala Lake National Park and to reveal their macrophyt preferences. 8 Cladocera and 5 Copepoda species were determined on these plants. The cladoceran Chydorus sphaericus was found on all macrophytes while C. latus preferred Ceratophyllum spp., Pleuroxus aduncus preferred Nymphaea spp. and Alona guttata, A.costata, A. rectangula, A.guadrangularis and Oxyurella tenuicaudis preferred Typha spp. The Copepoda species Nitocra hibernica was found on all macrophytes while N. lacustris preferred Typha spp. and Ceratophyllum spp., Onychocamptus mohammed prefered Nymphaea spp. and Horsiella breviconis and H.trisetosa prefered Typha spp

    Gala Gölü (Edirne/Türkiye) fitoplanktonunun mevsimsel dağılımı

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    This study was performed from March 2004 to February 2005 in 4 stations in Gala Lake, a shallow lake located inside Gala Lake National Park in Meriç Delta. Water samples were taken from the lake in order to determine the phytoplankton present in the lake and to perform physicochemical analysis. A total of 112 taxa from 5 divisio were identified during the study period. Chlorophyta was the most diversed group in the lake with 47 taxa and diatoms were found to have the highest cell counts with a mean value of 670011 cell L-1. The general pattern of seasonal succession in phytoplankton of the lake was represented with Chlorophyta in June and with Cyanophyta in September and Diatoms were the dominant group of the lake in all other months. A spatial heterogeneity was observed in the lake where a slight Microsystis spp. increase occurred in early autumn months. Comparison with former phytoplankton data showed distinct differences in terms of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the phytoplankton community of Lake Gala, which indicates lake deterioration.Bu çalışma Meriç deltasında Gala Gölü Milli Parkı içerisinde bulunan ve sığ bir göl olan Gala Gölü’nde belirlenen 4 istayonda Mart 2004-Şubat 2005 tarihleri arasında yapılmıştır. Gölden alınan su örneklerinde fitoplanktonun belirlenmesinin yanı sıra bazı fizikokimyasal analizler de yapılmıştır. Çalışma süresince 5 divizyoya ait toplam 112 taxa gözlemlenmiştir. En fazla tür sayısının 47 tür ile Chlorophyta’ya ait olduğu gölde Diatomlar ortalama 670011 hücre L-1 ile en çok hücre sayısına sahip grup olmuştur. Göl fitoplanktonunun mevsimsel süksesyonunda genel yapı Haziran ayında Chlorophyta, Eylül ayında ise Cyanophyta hakimiyeti şeklindedir. Bu ayların dışında tüm örnekleme periyodu boyunca Diatomlar gölün hakim organizmaları konumundadır. Bunun yanısıra sonbahar aylarında hafif bir Microsystis spp. çoğalmasının meydana geldiği gölde fitoplanktonun yıl boyunca değiştiği gözlemlenmiştir. Daha önceki veriler ile karşılaştırıldığında Gala Gölü fitoplanktonunda nitel ve nicel olarak farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir

    Alterations in Biomechanical Properties of the Cornea After Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty

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    Aim:To investigate changes in corneal biomechanical properties after selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT).Methods:Patients who have received SLT and underwent evaluation of corneal biomechanical properties by ocular response analyzer (ORA) in the preoperative period, one week, and one month after SLT were analyzed. Statistical analyzes were performed by examining pre- and post-SLT examination findings and ORA measurement values from the patients’ files.Results:The mean corneal compensated intraocular pressure (IOP) values were found to be significantly reduced one week and one month after the SLT than the values before the treatment (17.14±4.06 mmHg, and 16.91±3.55 mmHg, 19.96±5.00 mmHg; respectively; p=0.004). The mean corneal hysteresis (CH) measurements one week and one month after the SLT were not different from the preoperative measurements (9.89±2.17, 10.12±1.90, and 9.81±2.46, respectively) (p=0.662). The mean corneal resistance factor (CRF) measured prior to the SLT was higher than that in the first week and first month after SLT (11.09±2.08, 10.16±2.04 and 10.39±2.13, respectively) (p=0.002).Conclusion:CH was found to be unchanged, while CRF was found to be decreased. The development of IOP reduction without statistically unaffected changes in CH and decreased CRF suggests that SLT does not have a significant side effect on the structural integrity of the cornea

    Factors affecting visual acuity after accelerated crosslinking in patients with progressive keratoconus

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    ABSTRACT Purpose: The present study aimed to report the outcomes of patients with progressive keratoconus who were treated via accelerated crosslinking (CXL) 6 months earlier and to determine the factors that promoted improved visual acuity after treatment. Methods: This retrospective study included 35 eyes of 34 patients with progressive keratoconus who underwent CXL. Topographical measurements were obtained preoperatively and in the first, third, and sixth months postoperatively using a rotating Scheimpflug camera. The uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA), best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), flat keratometry (K) value (K1), steep K value (K2), average K value (avgK), topographic cylindrical value (Cyl), apical keratoscopy front (AKf), apical keratoscopy back (AKb), symmetry index front (SIf), symmetry index back (SIb), and thinnest point of the cornea (ThkMin) were recorded. Results: At the 6-month follow-up, the mean UCVA and BCVA values were improved, and the K values remained stable. Statistically significant decreases in AKf (p=0.04) and the thinnest point of the cornea (p=0.001) and a statistically significant increase in AKb (p=0.01) were observed. A correlation analysis revealed that the preoperative BCVA, UCVA, K1, K2, avgK, AKf, and AKb values significantly affected visual acuity at the 6-month follow-up. Conclusions: Accelerated CXL is an effective treatment for the prevention or even reversal of keratoconus progression. The preoperative K values and apexes of the anterior and posterior cornea were found to affect visual acuity at 6 months after accelerated CXL. Both AKb steepening and AKf flattening appear to be important factors in the stabilization of keratometric values and improvement of visual outcomes

    Activation of slag through a combination of NaOH/NaS alkali for transforming it into geopolymer slag binder mortar – assessment the effects of two different Blaine fines and three different curing conditions

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    This study investigates the effects of two different Blaine fineness and three distinct curing conditions on the physico-mechanical properties of a geopolymer-ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) binder mortar activated through a combination of NaOH/NaS alkalis. By ensuring constant curing and mixing conditions, geopolymer mortar (GPM) specimens were prepared and evaluated to determine their capillary water sorption, capillarity coefficient, and change in unit weight, alongside their compressive strength and flexural strength 3, 7, 28, and 56 d after production. It was found that the capillary water sorption decreased by approximately 50% as the curing temperature of the water increased from ambient temperature to 22 °C. The coefficient of capillarity remained constant across the geopolymer materials, irrespective of the Blaine fineness of the GGBFS. Furthermore, the increase in the unit weight, owing to the variation in the Blaine fineness of GGBFS, results in a reduction in the water sorption properties of GPMs. The GGBFS and alkali-based binders imparted a continuous increase in the compressive and flexural strengths. The results revealed that a Blaine fineness of 6000 cm2/g in the GGBFS under water-curing conditions imparted the most significant advantageous effect on the physico-mechanical properties of a GGBFS binder mortar activated through a combination of NaOH/NaS alkalis

    Epithelial Inoculation After Small-Incision Lenticule Extraction (SMILE): A Case Report

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    Epithelial ingrowth is a rare condition that is generally seen after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) and has been reported in the literature in a small number of cases after small-incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) surgery. “Epithelial inoculation” should also be considered in patients presenting with decreased vision and an appearance similar to epithelial ingrowth in the early period after SMILE surgery. A 23-year-old woman presented to our clinic with a request for refractive surgery. Her manifest refractions were -7.50 -1.00 x 180° in the right eye and -7.25 -1.00 x 150° in the left eye, and best corrected distance visual acuity was 10/10 in both eyes. The SMILE procedure was performed with the Visumax femtosecond laser (Carl Zeiss Meditec AG). Slit-lamp examination at postoperative 1 week revealed a small grayish-white intrastromal opacity resembling epithelial ingrowth in the central optic axis of the right eye. Irrigation of the interface was performed with balanced salt solution using an irrigation cannula and the epithelial cluster was removed. The patient remained clinically stable 6 months after surgery and has experienced no recurrence. When epithelial inoculation is observed early after SMILE surgery, immediate irrigation of the interface appears to be an effective and safe treatment

    İlaçlarla etkileşim potansiyeline sahip hayvan sağlığında da kullanılan tıbbi bitkiler

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    Bitkiler, binlerce yıldır hayvanlarda verimin artırılması, hastalıklardan korunma ve tedavi amacıyla kullanılmaktadır. Korunma ve tedavide konvansiyonel ilaçlarla eş zamanlı olarak kullanılan bitkiler, sahip oldukları ikincil bileşikler (alkaloidler, glikozitler, reçineler gibi) nedeniyle ilaçlarla aralarında farmakokinetik (Emilim: taşıyıcılar, kompleks oluşumu, gastrointestinal motilite ve pH; Dağılım: plazma proteinlerine bağlanma; Biyotransformasyon: Faz I ve II tepkimeleri; Atılım: idrar pH'sı ve taşıyıcıların modülasyonu) ve farmakodinamik (antagonizma, sinerjizma ve ilave etki) düzeyde etkileşme potansiyeline sahiplerdir. Bazı etkileşimler ilaç etkinliğinin artması veya potansiyel yan etkilerinin azalması şeklinde ortaya çıksa da bitki-ilaç etkileşimleri çoğunlukla istenmeyen etkiler şeklinde ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu istenmeyen etkiler farmakokinetik parametrelerde (Ydoruk, Cdoruk, EAA gibi), ilaç etkinliğinde ve toksisite düzeyinde değişiklikler şeklinde meydana gelebilmektedir. Bu derlemede ilaçlarla beraber kullanıldıklarında istenmeyen etkileşim potansiyellerine sahip hayvan sağlığında da kullanılan tıbbi bitkiler ve etkileşim sonucu meydana gelebilecek değişiklikler hakkında bilgi vermek amaçlanmıştır.Plants have been used for thousands of years to increase production, preventing and treatment of diseases in animals. Plants; used simultaneously with conventional drugs in prevention and treatment have the potential to interact with drugs at a pharmacokinetic (Absorption: transporters, complex formation, gastrointestinal motility and pH; Distribution: binding to plasma proteins; Metabolism: Phases I and II reactions; Excretion: urine pH and modulation of transporters) and pharmacodynamic (antagonism, synergism and additive effects) level due to secondary compounds (alkaloids, glycosides, resins, etc.) they have. Although some interactions occur in the form of increased drug efficacy or reduced potential side effects, plant-drug interactions often occur as unwanted effects. These unwanted effects can occur as changes in pharmacokinetic parameters (Cmax, Tmax, and AUC etc.), drug efficacy and toxicity. In this review, it is aimed to give information about medicinal plants, also used in animal health, which have unwanted interaction potential when used with medicines and changes that may occur as a result of the interaction

    Kedi ve köpeklerde göz ve göz kapağı hastalıklarının prevalansı: 201 olguda retrospektif çalışma (2015-2019)

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    Bu çalışmada, 2015-2019 yılları arasında Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Veteriner SağlıkUygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Hastanesi (HMKÜ-VSUAM) Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı Kliniği’nedeğişik oftalmolojik problemler ile getirilen kedi ve köpeklerdeki göz ve göz kapağı hastalıklarınınprevalansı incelendi. Değişik yaş, ırk ve cinsiyetteki toplam 201 hasta (137 köpek ve 64 kedi)çalışma materyalini oluşturdu. Mevcut çalışmada bu kapsamda karşılaşılan farklı 30 hastalıkarasında en çok görülen beş hastalık sırasıyla konjuktivitis %17.91, glandula niktitans prolapsusu%11.94, kornea hasarı %9.45, keratitis %8.96 ve entropiyon %5.97 olarak kaydedildi. Kedi veköpeklerde göz ve göz kapağı hastalıklarının cinsiyete göre dağılımı erkek hayvanlarda %64.18 vedişilerde %35.82 olarak belirlendi. Konjuktivitis olgularına köpeklerde %65.71 daha fazla rastlandığıtespit edildi. Anatomik yerleşim alanına göre ise oftalmolojik problemlerin %29.85’ine konjuktivada,%25.87’sine korneada, %14.43’üne göz kapağında, %11.44’üne ise göz kürenin tamamında,%18.41’ine ise gözün diğer bölümlerinde rastlanmıştır. Bu çalışma sonucunda Hatay bölgesindekikedi ve köpeklerde karşılaşılan göz ve göz kapağı hastalıklarının prevalansı ortaya konularakveteriner hekim ve araştırmacılar için önemli bilgiler sunulmuştur.In this study, the prevalence of eye and eyelid diseases in cats and dogs brought to the Department of Surgery, Hatay Mustafa Kemal University Veterinary Health Application and Research Center Hospital (HMKU-VSUAM) with various eye problems between 2015-2019 was investigated. A total of 201 patients (137 dogs and 64 cats) of different ages, breeds, and sexes were included in the study. In our study, within this scope, the five most common diseases were conjunctivitis 17.91%, third eyelid gland prolapse 11.94%, corneal damage 9.45%, keratitis 8.96% and entropion 5.97%, respectively. The distribution of eye and eyelid diseases according to gender in cats and dogs was determined in male animals 64.18% and females 35.82%. It was found that conjunctivitis cases were more common in dogs 65.71%. According to the anatomical localization, 29.85% of eye problems were in the conjunctiva, 25.87% in the cornea, 14.43% in the eyelid, 11.44% in the whole eyeball, 18.41% in other parts of the eye. As a result of this study, the prevalence of eye and eyelid diseases in cats and dogs in Hatay region has been presented and important information has been shared for veterinarians and researchers