98 research outputs found
The Catalog Of The Ottoman Court Registers Of Thessalonıkı
Türkiye dışında Osmanlı dönemine ait malzemenin bulunduğu ülkelerden birisi de Yunanistan'dır. Yunanistan'ın Selanik şehrinde bulunan Makedonya Tarih Arşivinde Osmanlı döneminden kalan çok değişik türde arşiv koleksiyonu ve katalogları bulunmaktadır. Bu kataloglardan birisi "Selanik Şeriyye Sicili Kataloğu" başlığı altında oluşturulmuştur. Bu Arşivin bir dönem müdürlüğünü de yapmış olan Vasilis DİMİTRİADİS tarafından hazırlanan bu Selanik Şeriyye Sicili Kataloğu 116 sayfadan oluşmaktadır. Katalogda ilki 1694 tarihli ve sonuncusu ise 1912 yılına tarihlendirilen 337 defter yer almaktadır. Bu katalogda yer alan defterlerin neredeyse tamamı Selanik ve civarındaki illerle ilgili tutulmuş Osmanlı Şeriyye Sicillerine aittir. Bu katalogda bulunan 337 defterin her biri fiziki olarak tanımlanmış, boyut ve sayfa adetleri belirtilmiştir. Bunun haricinde defterlerin sağlamlığı, kapaklarının durumu, sayfalarında varsa nasıl yıpranmalar olduğu, defterlerin kapağında hangi malzemenin kullanıldığı ve varsa ne tür süslemelere sahip olduğu açıklanmıştır. Defterlerdeki sayfaların ebatlarına ve muhtevasına bakılarak defterlerin başka defterlerle birleştirilip birleştirilmediği de incelenmiştir. İçerik olarak ise genelde defterdeki ilk kayıt ile sonuncu kayıt arasındaki tarih dilimi gösterilmiştir. Bunun haricinde defterdeki belgelerin hangi tür olduğu ve neler içerdiğine de değinilmiştir. Buna göre hüccet, ferman, vakıfname gibi içerik bilgilendirmesi de yapılarak çalışma yapacak kişilerin işlerini hızlandırmaya yönelik de katkı sağlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada orijinali Yunanca olan Selanik Şeriyye Sicili Kataloğu Türkçeye kazandırılarak Türk okuyucusunun hizmetine sunulması amaçlanmıştır.Greece is one of the countries that has Ottoman archival documents except Turkey. There are various collections and archival catalogues in the Historical Archives of Macedonia in Thessaloniki of Greece. One of these catalogues was formed under the title “Catalogue of Thessaloniki Court Records”. The Catalogue of Thessaloniki Court Records had been prepared by the former director of the archive (Vasilis DIMITRIADIS) and has 116 pages. It has 337 registers from 1694 to 1912. Almost all registers in the catalogue belong to Ottoman court records of Thessaloniki and nearby cities. All of the registers were physically identified and their dimensions and numbers of pages were stated. In the catalogue, the durability of the registers, condition of covers, wearing of the pages if there are any, which materials were used on the covers and what kind of ornaments were imprinted were explained in details. Moreover, considering the dimensions and the context of the registers, it was determined if different registers were united or not. In the context of registers, the historical interval between date of the first entry and the last entry was showed. In addition, it was also clarified what kind of documents the registers contain. Therefore, providing contextual information, such as huccet, ferman and vakifname, will contribute to the researchers in accelerating their study process. The aim of the paper is to translate the Catalogue of Thessaloniki Court Records from Greek into Turkish for the benefit of Turkish researchers
Fatty acid profile and sensory properties of lamb meat from males of five indigenous breeds
The objective of this study was to determine meat quality characteristics, fatty acid profiles, and sensory characteristics of 50 single-birth male lambs from five breeds: Artli (n = 10), Cepni (n = 10), Hemsin (n = 10), Karayaka (n = 10), and Of (n = 10). At the beginning of the experiment, the average age and weight of the lambs were 120 +/- 5 d and 30.7 +/- 0.68 kg respectively. After 60 d of intensive fattening, the average live weight before slaughter was 40.96 kg +/- 0.76 kg. All evaluations were performed on samples from the longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) muscle. There was no difference between breeds in terms of the pH values of the hot carcasses, whereas the cold carcass pH values were higher (P<0.001) in Hemsin animals than in the other breeds. Meat chemical properties (such as organic matter; dry matter; and fat, measured as the ether extract), physical properties (such as cooking loss; drip loss; and water-holding capacity, WHC), and instrumental values (such as colour, L* and b* values, chewiness, hardness, and resilience) were significantly affected by breed differences. Additionally, the differences between breeds were found to be significant in terms of the fatty acid composition and the evaluation of organoleptic properties, such as sensory characteristics, flavour, and juiciness of cooked (boiled or roasted) meat. The results show that lamb meat's physical, chemical, and sensory properties vary by breed. The differences found in the composition and presence of meat fatty acids between and within breeds can be used as a source of variation for future genetic improvement strategies
Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of coping with rheumatic stressors instrument into Turkish language
Evaluation of the protective effect of coenzyme Q10 against x-ray irradiation-induced ovarian injury
Aim: This study focused on the anti-oxidant and anti-apoptotic effects of CoQ10 in ovaries exposed to pelvic radiation. Methods: Thirty-two female rats were randomly assigned into four groups. Group I (control group), Group II: Only 2 Gy pelvic x-ray irradiation (IR) was administered as a single fractioned dose. Group III: 30 mg/kg CoQ10 was administered by oral gavage +2 Gy pelvic IR. Group IV: 150 mg/kg CoQ10 was administered by oral gavage +2 Gy pelvic IR. CoQ10 treatment was started 7 days before pelvic IR and completed 7 days later. The rats in Group III and IV were treated with CoQ10 for a total of 14 days. Results: Histopathological analysis showed severe damage to the ovarian tissue in the radiation group, while both doses of CoQ10 showed normal histological structure. Likewise, while there was a high level of staining in the IR group for necrosis and apoptosis, the CoQ10 treated ones were like the control group. Tissue Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were like the control group in the low-dose CoQ10 group, while the MDA levels of the high dose CoQ10 group were similar to the radiation group. Conclusion: Usage of low-dose CoQ10 has a radioprotective effect on radiation-induced ovarian damage. Although the use of high doses is morphologically radioprotective, no antioxidative effect was observed in the biochemical evaluation
Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase and Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Gene Polymorphisms in MigrainePatients
Giriş: Bu çalışmada migren ile endotelyal nitrik oksit sentaz (eNOS) geni intron 4de, 27 bazlık tekrarlardan oluşan Ardışık Kopya Sayısı Tekrarları (VNTR) ve anjiyotensin dönüştürücü enzim (ADE) genindeki insersiyon/delesyon polimorfizmlerinin ilişkisi araştırıldı. Yöntemler: Çalışmaya 105 migren başağrısı olan ve 97 sağlıklı kadın birey alındı. Migren hastaları auralı ve aurasız olmak üzere iki gruba ayrılırken, migren atak sıklığı ve şiddeti kaydedildi. eNOS VNTR (eNOS 4a/b) ve ADE insersiyon/delesyon polimorfizmleri (ADE I/D) polimorfizmleri polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu yöntemi ile belirlendi. Bulgular: eNOS 4 a/b gen polimorfizminin alel ve genotip sıklıkları migren ile kontrol grubu arasında farklılık göstermedi. ADE I/D gen polimorfizminin migren grubunda genotipik dağılımı kontrol grubundan anlamlı olarak farklı bulundu. DD ve ID genotiplerinin II genotipine göre migren olasılığını 2,571 (%95 CI- 1,138-5,811) ile 4,453 (%95 CI- 2,006-9,883) oranında artırdığı saptandı. Aynı risk artışı auralı migren alt grubunda her iki genotip için sürerken, aurasız migren grubunda sadece ID genotipi için korundu (OR- 3,750, %95 CI- 1,493-9,420). Migren sıklığı ve şiddeti ile gen polimorfizmleri arasında ilişki gözlenmedi. Sonuç: Çalışmamız ADE I/D gen polimorfizmi ile migren ilişkisini desteklemiştir. Ancak eNOS 4 a/b gen polimorfizmi ile migren arasında ilişki gösterilememiştir. (Nöropsikiyatri Arflivi 2013; 50: 274-278)Introduction: In this study, we investigated the association of migraine with the Variable Number of Tandem Repeats (VNTR), repeated as 27 base pair, gene polymorphism in intron 4 of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and the insertion/deletion of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene polymorphisms. Met­hods: One hundred and five migraine and ninety seven healthy female control subjects were enrolled in the study. The patients were subdivided as migraine with aura and without aura, and the frequency and severity of migraine headaches were recorded. The eNOS VNTR (eNOS 4 a/b) and ACE insertion/deletion gene polymorphisms (ACE I/D) were assessed by polymerase chain reactions. Re­sults: The allele and genotype frequencies of eNOS 4 a/b gene polymorphism showed no difference between the migraine and control groups. The genotypic distribution of the ACE I/D gene polymorphism in the migraine group significantly differed from that in the control group . The DD and ID genotype increased the risk of migraine as much as 2.571 (95% CI-1.138-5.811) and 4.453 (95% CI-2.006-9.883) compared to the II genotype. The same increased risk sustained for both genotypes in the migraine with aura subgroup, but only the ID genotype remained as the risk factor in the migraine without aura subgroup (OR- 3.750, 95% CI- 1.493-9.420). No association of gene polymorphisms with migraine frequency and severity was observed. Conc­lu­si­on: Our findings support the relationship between migraine and the ACE I/D gene polymorphism. However, no association was found between migraine and the eNOS 4 a/b gene polymorphism. (Arc­hi­ves of Neu­ropsy­chi­atry 2013; 50: 274-278
Microplastic pollution in Turkish aquatic ecosystems: Sources, characteristics, implications, and mitigation strategies
Aquatic environments are one of the final destinations for microplastics. In this review, a combination of systematic and narrative literature review was conducted to identify and summarise advances, gaps, and future directions in microplastic monitoring studies in the Turkish aquatic environment and in inhabiting aquatic organisms. A total of 62 peer-reviewed publications available on Web of Science were considered in the systematic review. Additionally, the current state of microplastic pollution in Turkish aquatic environments which includes marine and freshwater ecosystems, as well as aquatic organisms, and sources and characteristics of microplastics were reviewed narratively. Turkiye's position on the global plastic treaty and mitigation practices were also addressed. Although an increase in the number of publications over time was observed, the number and extent of studies carried out in freshwater ecosystems are limited. Strict legislation should be enacted and enforced to tackle plastic pollution in Turkiye. Additionally, nationwide, long-term monitoring studies at sufficiently regular intervals in aquatic environments should be considered
Analysis Of Cfrp Retrofitted Masonry Infilled Rc Frames Subjected To Cyclic Lateral Loads
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2010Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010İTÜ İnşaat Fakültesi Yapı ve Deprem Mühendisliği Laboratuvarında tamamlanmış olan ve karbon lifli polimerler (CFRP) ile dolgu duvarlı betonarme çerçevelerin güçlendirilmesini konu alan deneysel çalışmada incelenmiş bazı numuneler, bu tez kapsamında kuramsal olarak incelenmiştir. Analitik çözüm için IDARC2D yazılımı kullanılmıştır. Kolonlar ve kiriş çubuk eleman olarak modellenmiştir. Kesit moment-eğrilik ilişkilerinin belirlenmesinde XTRACT yazılımı kullanılmıştır. Tersinir tekrarlı statik yükler etkisinde incelenen numunelere ait sonuçlar, kesit davranışını tanımlayan çevrim parametrelerinin uyarlanması için kullanılmıştır. Tek çevrimli statik yüklemeler ile üç çevrimli statik yüklemeler arasında dayanım, riijitlik ve süneklik parametreleri açısından farklılıklar oluşmuştur. Kuramsal olarak belirlenen çevrimsel davranış büyüklükleri mevcut deney sonuçları ile farklı açılardan karşılaştırılmıştır. IDARC2D yazılımında mevcut olan duvar davranış modeli, CFRP ile güçlendirilmiş dolgu duvarın modellenmesinde kullanılmıştır. Statik ve dinamik yükler için elde edilen kuramsal sonuçlar mevcut deneysel sonuçlar ile karşılaştırılmıştır. CFRP ile güçlendirilmiş duvarda dayanım, süneklik ve çevre betonarme elemanlarla olan sürtünmedeki artış dikkate alındığında genel sistem davranışının başarı ile elde edilebildiği görülmüştür.An analytical study consisting of the simulation of some experiments related with the retrofitting of infilled RC frames with CFRP sheets tested in Structural and Earthquake Engineering Laboratory of ITU, was conducted in the scope of this thesis. The simulation study was performed by using IDARC2D computer program. In the program, columns and beam are modeled as frame members. Moment-curvature relations were defined for the end sections of the frame members. These relations were obtained from cross-sectional analysis program of XTRACT. The results obtained from the experiments which were subjected to quasi-staic loads, were used in the calibration of sectional response parameters. There exist some differences between the parameters of strength, stiffness and ductility for one cyclic and three cyclic quasi-static loadings. The analytical responses were compared with the corresponding experimental results. The infill panel constitutive model defined in IDARC2D were used for the CFRP retrofitted infill panel with the modification of some parameters such as strength, ductility, lateral yield force and friction. The comparison of the analytical and experimental results obtained for the static and dynamic load cases shows that the response of CFRP retrofitted infilled frame can be estimated accurately with the analytical model.Yüksek LisansM.Sc
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