19 research outputs found

    Morphology of the atrioventricular valves and related intraventricular structures in the wild pig (Sus scrofa)

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    Morphology of the atrioventricular valves and the intraventricular related structures of 7 hearts of the wild pigs (Sus scrota) were observed by applying macroscopic and microscopic techniques and the findings were compared broadly to the literature. In all hearts examined, the tricuspid and mitral valves were normal and composed of 3 and 2 cusps, respectively. The papillary muscles observed in mammalian heart in general were found in both the ventricles; additionally, there were small unnamed papillary muscles in the left ventricle of the three samples. The sept marginal trabecula and false chords were present in the right ventricles, microscopically possessing myocardial fibres, connective tissue and Purkinje cells; while the false chords were located in all the left ventricles, but the sept marginal trabecula was found in the 3 samples only. Both the connective tissue and Purkinje cells were present in these two structures, but the myocardial fibres were not. Presence of the myocardial fibres in the right ventricle may have an effect on the ventricle geometry

    OIC/SMIIC Standartları Çerçevesinde Helal Gıda Üretimi ve Helal Belgelendirme Süreçleri

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    With the globalisationof the food sector in the World, halal food issue has frequently been brought tothe agenda everyday. Interest, need and expectation of the global consumershave fastly been increasing towards the halal products and halal services dueto the fact that they bring the cleanliness and naturalness to the minds, alongwith the increase at muslim population. Aware consumers always wish to know thequality, production processes, sources, contents, and most of all hyjen andhealth peculiarities of the products and services that they buy. In thisreport, halal food advanture and halal sertification processes have beensummarized regarding the OIC/SMIIC standards. After all, the term halal productwhich seems internationally becoming ‘’a reliable harbour’’ in the world, canonly be meaningful under the conditions of being healthy, hyjenic, genuine, and‘’natural’’. We believe that a universal standardization system like OIC/SMIIC standards is needed to acquire such halalproduct and service demands. Only in these conditions can the term halal find achance to address to the world globally. Dünyada gıda sektörünün globalleşmesiyle birlikte helal gıda kavramı daha sıklıkla gündeme gelmektedir. Müslüman nüfus artışının yanısıra, helal kelimesinin dünyada gittikçe artan bir oranda temizlik ve doğallık algısını çağrıştırmasıyla, global tüketicinin helal ürün ve hizmet sektörüne olan ilgi, ihtiyaç ve beklentisi artmıştır. Bilinçli tüketici aldığı ürün ve hizmetin kalitesini ölçmek, hangi aşamalardan geçerek üretilip sunulduğunu, bileşenlerini ve kaynağını öğrenmek, sağlığına zararı olmadığından ve hijyenik olduğundan emin olmak ister. Bu derlemede, helal gıda serüveni ve helal belgelendirme süreçleri OIC/SMIIC standardı çerçevesinde ele alınmıştır. Sonuç olarak, günümüzde uluslarası anlamda ‘’güvenilir bir liman’’ olmaya aday helal ürün kavramı, ürünün ancak sağlıklı, temiz, hijyenik, hilesiz ve ‘’fıtrata uygun-doğal’’ olması ile anlamlı hale gelmektedir. Bu şartlarda helal ürün ve hizmet talebinin sağlıklı bir şekilde karşılanabilmesi için OIC/SMIIC standardları benzeri uluslararası bir standardizasyon elzemdir. Ancak bu şekilde helal kavramı istisnasız tüm dünyaya hitab etme şansını yakalayabilecektir

    Elektrik ve elektronik mühendisliği öğrencileri için sözcüksel izlence hazırlanması üzerine derleme dayalı bir yaklaşım.

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    TEZ12181Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2016.Kaynakça (s. 89-100) var.xv, 137 s. :_tablo ;_29 cm.Derleme dayalı yaklaşım gerçekçi ve güvenilir kaynaklar sağladığı için, ESP (Özel Amaca Yönelik İngilizce) alanında derleme dayalı yaklaşım üzerine son zamanlarda çeşitli çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmalar, hem ESP öğretmenleri hem de öğrencileri için ESP materyallerinin geliştirilmesine yönelik ihtiyaçların karşılanmasını amaçlar. Bu çalışmada, eğitim dili İngilizce olan Niğde Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Elektrik ve Elektronik mühendisliği bölümünde okutulan ders kitaplarından elde edilen gerçek verilere dayalı etkin ve gerçekçi bir sözcüksel izlence hazırlanması hedeflenmiştir. Ardından elde edilen veriler AntConc, AntWordfinder ve RANGE programları vasıtasıyla analiz edilebilmesi bilgisayar ortamına aktarılmıştır. Ardından, derleme dayalı yaklaşımla elde edilen verilerle sözcüksel izlence hazırlanmıştır. Daha sonra Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği (EEM) bölümündeki hem öğrenciler hem de akademisyenlere mülakat uygulanmıştır. Bundan sonra öğrencilerle bir anket çalışması yapılmıştır ve sonuçlar öğrencilerin İngilizce dil ihtiyaçlarıyla ilgili algılarını ortaya çıkartmak üzere değerlendirilmiştir. 94 öğrencinin mevcut dil seviyelerini görmek amacıyla bir ön-test uygulanmıştır. Öğrenciler; deney ve kontrol gurubu olmak üzere iki guruba ayrılmıştır. Öğrencilerin kendi alanlarını kapsayan kelimelerde ne açıdan bir ilerleme sağlayabileceklerini görmek amacıyla, sadece dört yetiye dayalı geleneksel İngilizce program birinci guruba, sözcüksel program ise ikinci guruba uygulanmıştır. 12 haftalık uygulamanın sonunda, iki gurup arasındaki farkı görebilmek için son test uygulanmıştır. Sonuçlar uygulama gurubunun lehine anlamlı bir fark olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. v Çalışmanın sonucu Niğde Üniversitesi EEM bölümündeki öğrencilerin teknik kelime kapasitesini artırma konusunda son derece istekli olduklarını ortaya koymuştur. Ayrıca, öğrencilerin çoğu, hem mevcut materyallerin hem de dersin içeriğinin yeniden gözden geçirilmesi konusunda hem fikir oldukları tespit edilmiştir.In recent years, there have been various studies on the corpus-based approach in the field of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) since the corpus-based approach provides the field with authentic and reliable sources. These studies aim to meet the needs for the development of ESP materials for both ESP practitioners and learners. In the current study, the aim was to design an effective corpus-based lexical syllabus based on authentic data which were gathered through materials such as textbooks, lecture notes and online resources at the Engineering Faculty, at the department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE) at Nigde University, where the majors are in English. Then, the collected data were converted into machine readable form to be analysed by means of AntConc, AntWordfinder and RANGE programmes. With the data obtained through a corpus based approach, a lexical syllabus was designed. After that, both the lectures and students at the department of EEE were interviewed. Then, a questionnaire survey was conducted with the students and the results were analyzed in order to find out their perceptions related to their English language needs. A pre-test was conducted with 94 students at the department in order to see the students’ current levels of English. Then, the students were divided into two groups, one of which was the experimental group and the other of which was the control group. The conventional General English syllabus, which is purely based on four skills, was applied in the former, whereas the lexical syllabus for students was applied in the latter in order to see to what extent the students could improve their vocabulary capacity in terms of their specialty subject. At the end of the 12-week treatment for the vii experimental group, a post test was conducted to see the differences between two groups. The results indicated a significant difference favouring the experimental group. The results of the study indicate that the students at department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) at Nigde University are eager to improve their technical vocabulary capacity. Moreover, the majority of the students are of the opinion that both the materials and the content of the course should be improved in terms of the lexical items it contains

    Saanen tekesinde rete mirabile epidurale rostrale’nin morfolojik görünümü

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    The rostral epidural rete mirabile in small ruminants is bilaterally located next to the hypophysis in the cranial cavity, lies in the cavernous sinus, and regulates arterial blood flow of the brain. In this study, structural peculiarity of the rostral epidural rete mirabile in the ten male mature Saanen goats (11 months old, approximately 42 kg in weight, with a known pedigree, and obtained from Bolu region) was examined by corrosion cast technique using Takilon. Dissections have demonstrated that general architecture of the rostral epidural rete mirabile in the Saanen goat agrees with that in other small ruminants. It is structured by the branches from the arteria maxillaris only. The triangular shaped right and left components (the right and left parts) anastomose, forming a rostrally V-shaped structure. This anastomose was not observed in one of the materials. Thus, gross views and diameters of the retial arteries were not markedly different on the left and right sides. The maxillary artery, the rostral and caudal rami, and the rostral epidural rete mirabile were visualized by the corrosion cast technique. The caudal epidural rete mirabile and the chiasmatic rete were observed to lack in the Saanen goat.Rete mirabile epidurale rostrale küçük ruminantlarda cavum cranii içinde, hipofiz bezinin her iki yanında, sinus cavernosus içinde yer alan ve beynin arteriel kan akışını düzenleyen bir yapıdır. Bu çalışmada, Takilon ile korozyon kast tekniği kullanılarak, Bolu bölgesinden temin edilmiş 10 adet Saanen tekesinde (11 aylık, yaklaşık 42 kg ağırlığında ve şecereli) rete mirabile epidurale rostrale’nin yapısal özellikleri gözlemlenmiştir. Yapılan diseksiyonda bu anatomik yapının, genel özellikleri itibariyle diğer küçük ruminant türlerinde gözlemlenen yapı ile benzerlik gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Bu atardamar ağının sadece arteria maxillaris’ten köken alan dallar tarafından oluşturulduğu ortaya konmuştur. Sağ ve sol tarafta yer alan ve üçgen görünümlü olan ağ bölümlerinin (pars dextra ve pars sinistra) ağızlaşarak ön tarafta ‘’V’’ şeklinde bir yapı oluşturduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Fakat bu ağızlaşma bir bireyde görülmemiştir. Ayrıca, atardamar ağının sağ ve sol yarımının makroskopik görünümleri arasında bir farklılık bulunmamıştır. Arteria maxillaris, ramus caudalis ad rete mirabile epidurale rostrale, rami rostrales ad rete mirabile epidurale rostrale adlı dallar korozyon kast tekniği ile net bir şekilde ortaya çıkartılmıştır. Yine, diseke edilen hayvanlarda rete mirabile epidurale caudale ve rete chiasmaticum’un şekillenmediği ortaya konulmuştur

    Tuj koyununda sinus interdigitalis’in morfolojik özellikleri

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    This research, for the first time, documented the interdigital sinuses and their glandular structures of the fore- and hindfeet of the 10 Tuj sheep (5 male and 5 female) at gross and subgross and light microscopic levels. They were noted in all feet as peculiar tubular invaginations in-between the proximal and middle interdigital joints. The shape of the interdigital sinus resembles that of the pipe, composing of a narrow and long neck and a blind sac. The vascularization was through the 3rd3^{rd} and 4th4^{th} palmar and dorsal digital arteries at the forefeet, and the 3rd and 4th plantar digital arteries at the hindfeet. The sinus was encircled with a thick capsule connected to the skin and the neighbor tissues through the connective tissue. On transversal section, there were numerous tenuous hairs clearly seen grossly on the section surface. Parenchyma and stroma units were observed in the interdigital gland. There were also hair follicles, sebaceous and sweat glands, muscle tissue and lymph follicles in the layer of the connective tissue. In this study, the morphological features of the interdigital sinuses and the glands that they contain was the first reported in the Tuj sheep. They were active in all feet, were supplied by different digital arteries and thus, it was supposed that the glands were very active on secretion.Bu araştırma, 10 adet Tuj koyununa (5 adet erkek ve 5 adet dişi) ait ön ve arka ayaklarda sinus interdigitalis ve barındırdığı bezsel yapıları ilk kez gross, subgross ve ışık mikroskobu düzeyinde ortaya koymuştur. Araştırma sonucunda, bu yapıların tubular invaginasyonlar şeklinde üst ve orta ayak eklemleri arasında aktif bir şekilde lokalize oldukları belirlendi. Şekilleri ise dar ve uzun bir boyun ve bir kör kese ihtiva eden bir pipoya benzemektedir. Beslenmeleri ön ayakta 3. ve 4. a. digitalis palmaris ve a. digitalis dorsalis, arka ayakta ise 3. ve 4. a. digitalis plantaris’ler tarafından sağlanmaktadır. Yapılar, histolojik olarak, bağ doku komşu dokulara ve deriye tutturulan kalın bir kapsül ile çevrilmiştir. Transversal kesitte, gross olarak açıkca görülebilen çok sayıda ince kıllar görülmüştür. İnterdigital bezde parenşim ve stroma üniteleri görüldü. Bağ dokuda kıl folikülleri, yağ ve ter bezleri, kas doku ve lenf foliküllerinin de varlığı tespit edildi. Bu çalışmada sinus interdigitalis ve bezin morfolojik özellikleri Tuj koyununda ilk kez ortaya çıkarıldı. Farklı digital arterler tarafından beslenen, bütün ayaklarda aktif olan interdigital sinuslerin bol miktarda sekresyon yapma özelliğinin olduğu kanaatine varıldı

    Tuj Koyununda kalbin venöz drenajı

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    This research aimed at observing the veins of the hearts of 10 Tuj sheep by latex injection. The results documented that the veins draining the heart of Tuj sheep were the great and middle cardiac veins, the right cardiac veins, and the minute cardiac veins. The coronary sinus was determined to be the continuation of the left azygos vein, receiving the great and middle cardiac veins. The left marginal ventricular vein in one heart and the veins draining the left atrium in five hearts were observed to terminate in the coronary sinus. In one cadaver, venous blood of the left atrium was shown to be emptied both into the left azygos vein and the caudal vena cava. Moreover, the left distal ventricular vein was displayed to discharge the venous blood into the coronary sinus in five hearts and into the great cardiac vein in two hearts, yet was not present in three hearts. Venous blood of the left atrium near the aortic arch was displayed to empty into the cranial vena cava in two cadavers. There was another vein ending within the angle where the paraconal interventricular vein became the left circumflex vein, which reflected the angular vein present in the cat and horse. The right semicircumflex vein was seen to be constituted by the right marginal ventricular vein and the right proximal ventricular vein and the right conal vein. The right distal ventricular vein was determined to drain directly into the right atrium. There were also eminent anastomoses between the branches of the cardiac veins observed.Bu araştırma, 10 adet Tuj koyununda kalbin drenajını gerçekleştiren venaların lateks enjeksiyonu ile ortaya çıkarılmasını amaçladı. Araştırma sonucunda kalbin drenajının; v. cordis magna, v. cordis media, vv. cordis dextrae ve vv. cordis minimae tarafından sağlandığı tespit edildi. Sinus coronarius’un v. azygos sinistra’nın devamı olduğu ve v. cordis magna ile v. cordis media’nın sinus coronarius’a açıldığı belirlendi. Aynı zamanda, bir kalpte v. marginis ventricularis sinistri’nin ve beş kalpte atrium sinistrum’u drene eden damarların da sinus coronarius’a döküldüğü saptandı. Bir materyalde atrium sinistrum’un venöz kanının hem v. azygos sinistra’ya hem de v. cava caudalis’e boşaldığı tespit edildi. V. distalis ventriculi sinistri’nin beş kalpte sinus coronarius’un oluşumuna katıldığı, iki kalpte v. cordis magna’ya açıldığı ve üç kalpte de bulunmadığı görüldü. Atrium sinistrum’un arcus aorta’ya yakın bölümünün venöz kanının iki kadavrada v. cava cranialis’e döküldüğü saptandı. V. interventricularis paraconalis’in v. circumflexa sinistra haline geldiği yerden ayrılan ve kedi ile attaki v. angularis’i anımsatan bir vena tespit edildi. V. marginis ventricularis dextri, v. proximalis ventriculi dextri ve v. coni arteriosi olarak isimlendirilen damarların birleşerek v. semicircumflexa dextri’yi meydana getirdikleri görüldü. V. distalis ventriculi dextri’nin ise, doğrudan atrium dextrum’a drene olduğu belirlendi. Koroner venlerin dalları arasında belirgin derecede anastomozların şekillendiği gözlendi

    A detailed evaluation of the skeletal elements of the skull in the grey heron ( Ardea cinerea )

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    This study was designed to reveal, in detail, the features of the skull bones in the grey heron, a species of the family Ardeidae, and to compare the fndings with previous related literature reports and with Nomina Anatomica Avium . The articulation between the nasal and frontal bones was observed to be through the movable frontonasal joint. The upper beak fused with the neurocranium via this joint and with the palatine and vomer. It was also bound indirectly through the zygomatic bone articulating with the quadrate bone. The frontal bone possessed the frontal depression dorsally. Wideness of the frontal bone and supranasal pila seemed to be unique for the grey heron. The quadrate bone was observed to play a primary role in the beak action. No medial process was present in the mandible. Overall, the results hereby indicate that the wider jaw opening and sharp and pointed nature of the beaks in the grey heron enable it to feed on such creatures as fsh, frogs, and crustaceans.This study was designed to reveal, in detail, the features of the skull bones in the grey heron, a species of the family Ardeidae, and to compare the fndings with previous related literature reports and with Nomina Anatomica Avium . The articulation between the nasal and frontal bones was observed to be through the movable frontonasal joint. The upper beak fused with the neurocranium via this joint and with the palatine and vomer. It was also bound indirectly through the zygomatic bone articulating with the quadrate bone. The frontal bone possessed the frontal depression dorsally. Wideness of the frontal bone and supranasal pila seemed to be unique for the grey heron. The quadrate bone was observed to play a primary role in the beak action. No medial process was present in the mandible. Overall, the results hereby indicate that the wider jaw opening and sharp and pointed nature of the beaks in the grey heron enable it to feed on such creatures as fsh, frogs, and crustaceans

    The lumbar dorsal rami of the wild pig : the intermediate branch

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    This study has documented the intermediate branch of the dorsal rami of the spinal nerves in the lumbar region of 4 adult wild pigs. The lumbar spinal nerves at the L1–L4 levels lef the vertebral canal through the intervertebral foramen. Upon the dissection of the 32 dorsal rami at these levels, 24 were displayed to construct 3 discrete branches while the remaining 8 were observed to form 2 typical branches. The dorsal rami were remarkably short, giving their branches in a fan-like spreading fashion. The lateral branches sent 2 to 3 smaller subbranches to the iliocostalis lumborum muscle, then became the cutaneous nerve. The medial branch innervated the medial component of the intertransversal and the multifdus muscles. The intermediate branch directed into the longissimus lumborum muscle, ramifying there and sending no cutaneous branches to the skin area. Four out of 8 dorsal rami dissected at L5 sent of the intermediate branch with roughly similar patterns and distributions to those seen at L1–L4. The dorsal branches at L6 were relatively longer, advanced dorsally, giving a constant branch, presumably the intermediate branch, to the caudal edge of the longissimus lumborum muscle. It then coursed upward through the subcutaneous fascia as the cutaneous nerve.This study has documented the intermediate branch of the dorsal rami of the spinal nerves in the lumbar region of 4 adult wild pigs. The lumbar spinal nerves at the L1–L4 levels lef the vertebral canal through the intervertebral foramen. Upon the dissection of the 32 dorsal rami at these levels, 24 were displayed to construct 3 discrete branches while the remaining 8 were observed to form 2 typical branches. The dorsal rami were remarkably short, giving their branches in a fan-like spreading fashion. The lateral branches sent 2 to 3 smaller subbranches to the iliocostalis lumborum muscle, then became the cutaneous nerve. The medial branch innervated the medial component of the intertransversal and the multifdus muscles. The intermediate branch directed into the longissimus lumborum muscle, ramifying there and sending no cutaneous branches to the skin area. Four out of 8 dorsal rami dissected at L5 sent of the intermediate branch with roughly similar patterns and distributions to those seen at L1–L4. The dorsal branches at L6 were relatively longer, advanced dorsally, giving a constant branch, presumably the intermediate branch, to the caudal edge of the longissimus lumborum muscle. It then coursed upward through the subcutaneous fascia as the cutaneous nerve