654 research outputs found

    The correlation between auditory speech sensitivity and speaker recognition ability

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    In various applications of forensic phonetics the question arises as to how far aural-perceptual speaker recognition performance is reliable. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the relationship between speaker recognition results and human perception/production abilities like musicality or speech sensitivity. In this study, performance in a speaker recognition experiment and a speech sensitivity test are correlated. The results show a moderately significant positive correlation between the two tasks. Generally, performance in the speaker recognition task was better than in the speech sensitivity test. Professionals in speech and singing yielded a more homogeneous correlation than non-experts. Training in speech as well as choir-singing seems to have a positive effect on performance in speaker recognition. It may be concluded, firstly, that in cases where the reliability of voice line-up results or the credibility of a testimony have to be considered, the speech sensitivity test could be a useful indicator. Secondly, the speech sensitivity test might be integrated into the canon of possible procedures for the accreditation of forensic phoneticians. Both tests may also be used in combination

    An amplicon sequencing protocol for attacker identification from DNA traces left on artificial prey

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    1. Clay model studies are a popular tool to identify predator–prey interactions that are challenging to observe directly in the field. But despite its wide use, the meth-od's applicability is limited by its low taxonomic resolution. Attack marks on clay models are usually identified visually, which only allows classification into higher taxonomic levels of predators. Thus, the method is often biased, lacks proof and, above all, standardization.2. Here, we tested whether precise identification of attackers can be provided by amplification and sequencing of mitochondrial DNA left in bite marks on clay models. We validated our approach in a controlled laboratory study as well as in a field experiment using clay models of a common European amphibian, the European fire salamander Salamandra salamandra. DNA-based taxonomic assign-ments were additionally compared to visual assessments of bite marks.3. We show that trace DNA of attackers can be routinely isolated and sequenced from bite marks, providing accurate species-level classification. In contrast, visual identification alone yielded a high number of unassigned predator taxa. We also highlight the sensitivity of the method and show likely sources of contamination as well as probable cases of secondary and indirect predation.4. Our standardized approach for species-level attacker identification opens up new possibilities far beyond the standard use of clay models to date, including food web studies at unprecedented detail, invasive species monitoring as well as biodi-versity inventories

    Evolution of a new testis-specific functional promoter within the highly conserved MAP2K7 gene of the mouse

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    Map2k7(synonymMkk7) is a conserved regulatory kinase gene and a central componentof the JNK signaling cascade with key functions during cellular differentiation. It showscomplex transcription patterns, and different transcript isoforms are known in the mouse(Mus musculus). We have previously identified a newly evolved testis-specific transcript fortheMap2k7gene in the subspeciesM. m. domesticus. Here, we identify the new promoterthat drives this transcript andfind that it codes for an open reading frame (ORF) of 50 aminoacids. The new promoter was gained in the stem lineage of closely related mouse speciesbut was secondarily lost in the subspeciesM. m. musculusandM. m. castaneus. A singlemutation can be correlated with its transcriptional activity inM. m. domesticus, and cellculture assays demonstrate the capability of this mutation to drive expression. A mouseknockout line in which the promoter region of the new transcript is deleted reveals afunctional contribution of the newly evolved promoter to sperm motility and the spermatidtranscriptome. Our data show that a new functional transcript (and possibly protein) canevolve within an otherwise highly conserved gene, supporting the notion of regulatorychanges contributing to the emergence of evolutionary novelties

    Dietary history contributes to enterotype-like clustering and functional metagenomic content in the intestinal microbiome of wild mice

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    Understanding the origins of gut microbial community structure is critical for the identification and interpretation of potential fitnessrelated traits for the host. The presence of community clusters characterized by differences in the abundance of signature taxa, referred to as enterotypes, is a debated concept first reported in humans and later extended to other mammalian hosts. In this study, we provide a thorough assessment of their existence in wild house mice using a panel of evaluation criteria.We identify support for two clusters that are compositionally similar to clusters identified in humans, chimpanzees, and laboratory mice, characterized by differences in Bacteroides, Robinsoniella, and unclassified genera belonging to the family Lachnospiraceae. To further evaluate these clusters, we (i) monitored community changes associated with moving mice from the natural to a laboratory environment, (ii) performed functional metagenomic sequencing, and (iii) subjected wild-caught samples to stable isotope analysis to reconstruct dietary patterns. This process reveals differences in the proportions of genes involved in carbohydrate versus protein metabolism in the functional metagenome, as well as differences in plant- versus meat-derived food sources between clusters. In conjunction with wild-caught mice quickly changing their enterotype classification upon transfer to a standard laboratory chow diet, these results provide strong evidence that dietary history contributes to the presence of enterotype-like clustering in wild mice

    Common structuring principles of the Drosophila melanogaster microbiome on a continental scale and between host and substrate

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    Summary The relative importance of host control, environmental effects and stochasticity in the assemblage of host-associated microbiomes is being debated. We analysed the microbiome among fly populations that were sampled across Europe by the European Drosophila Population Genomics Consortium (DrosEU). In order to better understand the structuring principles of the natural D. melanogaster microbiome, we combined environmental data on climate and food-substrate with dense genomic data on host populations and microbiome profiling. Food-substrate, temperature, and host population structure correlated with microbiome structure. Microbes, whose abundance was co-structured with host populations, also differed in abundance between flies and their substrate in an independent survey. This finding suggests common, host-related structuring principles of the microbiome on different spatial scales

    Seed-derived microbial colonization of Wild Emmer and domesticated bread wheat (Triticum dicoccoides and T. aestivum) seedlings shows pronounced differences in overall diversity and composition

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    The composition of the plant microbiota may be altered by ecological and evolutionary changes in the host population. Seed-associated microbiota, expected to be largely vertically transferred, have the potential to coadapt with their host over generations. Strong directional selection and changes in the genetic composition of plants during domestication and cultivation may have impacted the assembly and transmission of seed-associated microbiota. Nonetheless, the effect of plant speciation and domestication on the composition of these microbes is poorly understood. Here, we have investigated the composition of bacteria and fungi associated with the wild emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccoides) and domesticated bread wheat (Triticum aestivum). We show that vertically transmitted bacteria, but not fungi, of domesticated bread wheat species T. aestivum are less diverse and more inconsistent among individual plants compared to those of the wild emmer wheat species T. dicoccoides. We propagated wheat seeds under sterile conditions to characterize the colonization of seedlings by seed-associated microbes. Hereby, we show markedly different community compositions and diversities of leaf and root colonizers of the domesticated bread wheat compared to the wild emmer wheat. By propagating the wild emmer wheat and domesticated bread wheat in two different soils, we furthermore reveal a small effect of plant genotype on microbiota assembly. Our results suggest that domestication and prolonged breeding have impacted the vertically transferred bacteria, but only to a lesser extent have affected the soil-derived microbiota of bread wheat.IMPORTANCE Genetic and physiological changes associated with plant domestication have been studied for many crop species. Still little is known about the impact of domestication on the plant-associated microbiota. In this study, we analyze the seed-associated and soil-derived bacterial and fungal microbiota of domesticated bread wheat and wild emmer wheat. We show a significant difference in the seed-associated, but not soil-derived, bacterial communities of the wheat species. Interestingly, we find less pronounced effects on the fungal communities. Overall, this study provides novel insight into the diversity of vertically transmitted microbiota of wheat and thereby contributes to our understanding of wheat as a “}metaorganism.{” Insight into the wheat microbiota is of fundamental importance for the development of improved crops

    Solid solution decomposition and Guinier-Preston zone formation in Al-Cu alloys: A kinetic theory with anisotropic interactions

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    Using methods of statistical kinetic theory parametrized with first-principles interatomic interactions that include chemical and strain contributions, we investigated the kinetics of decomposition and microstructure formation in Al-Cu alloys as a function of temperature and alloy concentration. We show that the decomposition of the solid solution forming platelets of copper, known as Guinier-Preston (GP) zones, includes several stages and that the transition from GP1 to GP2 zones is determined mainly by kinetic factors. With increasing temperature, the model predicts a gradual transition from platelet-like precipitates to equiaxial ones and at intermediate temperatures both precipitate morphologies may coexist.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Analysis of coupled heat and moisture transfer in masonry structures

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    Evaluation of effective or macroscopic coefficients of thermal conductivity under coupled heat and moisture transfer is presented. The paper first gives a detailed summary on the solution of a simple steady state heat conduction problem with an emphasis on various types of boundary conditions applied to the representative volume element -- a periodic unit cell. Since the results essentially suggest no superiority of any type of boundary conditions, the paper proceeds with the coupled nonlinear heat and moisture problem subjecting the selected representative volume element to the prescribed macroscopically uniform heat flux. This allows for a direct use of the academic or commercially available codes. Here, the presented results are derived with the help of the SIFEL (SIimple Finite Elements) system.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure

    Molecular diet analysis in mussels and other metazoan filter feeders and an assessment of their utility as natural eDNA samplers

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    Molecular gut content analysis is a popular tool to study food web interactions and has recently been suggested as an alternative source for DNA-based biomonitoring. However, the overabundant consumer's DNA often outcompetes that of its diet during PCR. Lineage-specific primers are an efficient means to reduce consumer amplification while retaining broad specificity for dietary taxa. Here, we designed an amplicon sequencing assay to monitor the eukaryotic diet of mussels and other metazoan filter feeders and explore the utility of mussels as natural eDNA samplers to monitor planktonic communities. We designed several lineage-specific rDNA primers with broad taxonomic suitability for eukaryotes. The primers were tested using DNA extracts of different limnic and marine mussel species and the results compared to eDNA water samples collected next to the mussel colonies. In addition, we analysed several 25-year time series samples of mussels from German rivers. Our primer sets efficiently prevent the amplification of mussels and other metazoans. The recovered DNA reflects a broad dietary preference across the eukaryotic tree of life and considerable taxonomic overlap with filtered water samples. We also show the utility of a reversed version of our primers, which prevents amplification of nonmetazoan taxa from complex eukaryote community samples, by enriching fauna associated with the marine brown algae Fucus vesiculosus. Our protocol will enable large-scale dietary analysis in metazoan filter feeders, facilitate aquatic food web analysis and allow surveying of aquacultures for pathogens. Moreover, we show that mussels and other aquatic filter feeders can serve as complementary DNA source for biomonitoring

    A de novo evolved gene in the house mouse regulates female pregnancy cycles

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    The de novo emergence of new genes has been well documented through genomic analyses. However, a functional analysis, especially of very young protein-coding genes, is still largely lacking. Here, we identify a set of house mouse-specific protein-coding genes and assess their translation by ribosome profiling and mass spectrometry data. We functionally analyze one of them, ̑extitGm13030}, which is specifically expressed in females in the oviduct. The interruption of the reading frame affects the transcriptional network in the oviducts at a specific stage of the estrous cycle. This includes the upregulation of ̑extit{Dcpp} genes, which are known to stimulate the growth of preimplantation embryos. As a consequence, knockout females have their second litters after shorter times and have a higher infanticide rate. Given that ̑extit{Gm13030 shows no signs of positive selection, our findings support the hypothesis that a de novo evolved gene can directly adopt a function without much sequence adaptation