13 research outputs found

    You‘ll never walk alone: Durchdringung digitaler Systeme in Hochzuverlässigkeitsorganisationen

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    Durch die Implementierung und Nutzung digitaler Technologien werden Arbeitsprozesse verändert und neue Aufgaben geschaffen. Dabei kann es zu Automatisierungs- und Verselbständigungsprozessen kommen, wenn digitale Technologien Tätigkeiten ausführen, welche zuvor von Menschen übernommen wurden oder mit einem begrenzten, aber zunehmenden eigenen Entscheidungsspielraum autonom mit Menschen zur Aufgabenerfüllung zusammenarbeiten. Mit der Durchdringung der Arbeitskontexte durch digitale Technologien gehen schließlich veränderte Kontrollmöglichkeiten sowie auch Kontrollnotwendigkeiten einher, deren Wahrnehmung seitens der Mitarbeiter:innen und insbesondere die Wechselbeziehung mit der Autonomiewahrnehmung zu berücksichtigen ist, da diese unmittelbar handlungswirksam werden. Dies ist speziell für Organisationen, die sich mit lebensbedrohlichen Situationen befassen – sogenannte Hochzuverlässigkeitsorganisationen (high-reliability organizations, HRO) – in hohem Maße relevant. Ziel dieses konzeptionellen Beitrages ist die Diskussion der Auswirkungen des Einsatzes von selbstständigen digitalen Systemen (SDS) auf die Autonomie- und Kontrollwahrnehmung von Mitarbeiter:innen in HRO-Arbeitskontexten, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Krankenhäusern als Hochzuverlässigkeitsorganisation liegt. Vor diesem Hintergrund ergänzt der Beitrag sowohl die arbeitssoziologische als auch organisationssoziologische Diskussion zu den Auswirkungen digitaler Durchdringung durch SDS auf die Wechselwirkung der Autonomie- und Kontrollwahrnehmung von Mitarbeiter:innen. Es lassen sich in HRO-Kontexten unterschiedliche Autonomie- und Kontrollwahrnehmungen gegenüber SDS beobachten: Autonomie bestärkende Kontrolle und Autonomie beschränkende Kontrolle. Die Wahrnehmung von Autonomie und Kontrolle ist dabei abhängig von Sensemaking-Prozessen, welche zur Legitimation von Kontrolle und damit zu einer Umdeutung dieser zuvor beschränkenden Maßnahmen in autonomiebestärkende dienen

    Teamkollaboration im Flughafenmanagement: Eine qualitative Inhaltsanalyse zur Untersuchung der Wissensbildung in Entscheidungsprozessen

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    Teamkollaboration im Flughafenmanagement: Eine qualitative Inhaltsanalyse zur Untersuchung der Wissensbildung in Entscheidungsprozesse

    Gender Health Gap: Health-related Inequality between the sexes at work.

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    Karina Becker, Thomas Engel, Lena Grebenstein und Laura Ku?nzel: Gender Health Gap: Gesundheitsbezogene Ungleichheit zwischen den Geschlechtern in der Arbeit. In dieser Arbeit werden die gesundheitsbezogenen Unterschiede von Belastungen und Ressourcen zwischen den Geschlechtern in der Lohnarbeit in Deutschland analysiert. Um das Problem zu kontextualisieren werden aktuelle Diskussionen der Arbeitssoziologie sowie feministischer Theorie nachgezeichnet. Die Datenbasis unserer Analyse stellt die BiBB/BAuA-Erwerbstätigenbefragung dar. Wir gruppieren die Arbeitnehmer*innen in elf Berufsklassen, die sich auf der Basis des von Daniel Oesch entwickelten Schemas anhand von Arbeitslogik und Bildungsniveau ergeben. In der interpersonellen und der technischen Arbeitslogik stellen wir eine Gratifikationskrise fest, von der Frauen besonders stark betroffen sind. Hohe psychische Belastungen stehen hier einer geringen Ausstattung mit ausgleichenden Ressourcen gegenüber. In unserem Fazit diskutieren wir Ursachen und mögliche Lösungsstrategien für diese nachgewiesene gesundheitliche Diskriminierung von Frauen in der Lohnarbeit.The paper analyses the differences of strains and resources between men and women at the workplace in Germany . To contextual- ize this problem recent discussions in sociology of work and feminist theory concerning this topic are reconstructed and links to our reasoning are shown . Data for the statistical analysis of strains and resources is drawn from the BiBB/BAuA-survey of the working population . We group workers in eleven occupational classes which reflect their work logic and level of education using the formula Daniel Oesch proposed . Looking at the most burdened on one hand and those with fewest resources on the other hand we find a “gratification crisis” to the disadvantage of women in two of the work logics . Both interpersonal and technical work- ers report high psychological strains and few resources which is even more prevalent among women . In our conclusion we discuss causes and solutions for the detected health discrimina- tion of women at work

    Future air transportation and digital work at airports – Review and developments

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    Air freight logistics has always been on the forefront of technological and international collaboration developments. With the increasing integration of digital systems at airports, issues in human-technology interaction are becoming important for efficient logistics processes. This paper provides a literature review with 123 analyzed papers from 2010 to 2021 about the core developments regarding the collaboration of humans and digital systems. Whereas for example autopilots were seen as a comfortable addition in the past, today digital systems emerge that fundamentally change the role of human workers and collaborative processes. This has to be integrated on all levels of management, not least due to safety and security regulations to keep up quality and efficiency. The importance of digitalization trends is also reflected in a rising number of research publications: Most topics are security, human-technology interaction and performance measurement in the wake of digitalization at airports and in the air transportation sector

    Spironolactone reduces biochemical markers of bone turnover in postmenopausal women with primary aldosteronism

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    CONTEXT: Primary aldosteronism (PA) is the most frequent form of endocrine hypertension. Besides its deleterious impact on cardiovascular target organ damage, PA is considered to cause osteoporosis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We assessed bone turnover in a subset of 36 postmenopausal women with PA. 18 patients had unilateral PA and were treated by adrenalectomy, whereas 18 patients had bilateral PA and received mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist (MRA) therapy respectively. 18 age- and BMI-matched females served as controls. To estimate bone remodeling, we measured the bone turnover markers intact procollagen 1 N-terminal propeptide, bone alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin and tartrate resistant acid phosphatase 5b in plasma by chemiluminescent immunoassays at time of diagnosis and one year after initiation of treatment. STUDY DESIGN: Observational longitudinal cohort study. SETTING: Tertiary care hospital. RESULTS: Compared with controls, patients with PA had mildly elevated osteocalcin at baseline (p = 0.013), while the other bone markers were comparable between both groups. There were no differences between the unilateral and the bilateral PA subgroup. One year after initiation of MRA treatment with spironolactone bone resorption and bone formation markers had significantly decreased in patients with bilateral PA. In contrast, patients adrenalectomized because of unilateral PA showed no significant change of bone turnover markers. CONCLUSION: This study shows that aldosterone excess in postmenopausal women with PA is not associated with a relevant increase of bone turnover markers at baseline. However, we observed a significant decrease of bone markers in patients treated with spironolactone, but not in patients treated by adrenalectomy

    Adult and Larval Tracheal Systems Exhibit Different Molecular Architectures in Drosophila

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    Knowing the molecular makeup of an organ system is required for its in-depth understanding. We analyzed the molecular repertoire of the adult tracheal system of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster using transcriptome studies to advance our knowledge of the adult insect tracheal system. Comparing this to the larval tracheal system revealed several major differences that likely influence organ function. During the transition from larval to adult tracheal system, a shift in the expression of genes responsible for the formation of cuticular structure occurs. This change in transcript composition manifests in the physical properties of cuticular structures of the adult trachea. Enhanced tonic activation of the immune system is observed in the adult trachea, which encompasses the increased expression of antimicrobial peptides. In addition, modulatory processes are conspicuous, in this case mainly by the increased expression of G protein-coupled receptors in the adult trachea. Finally, all components of a peripheral circadian clock are present in the adult tracheal system, which is not the case in the larval tracheal system. Comparative analysis of driver lines targeting the adult tracheal system revealed that even the canonical tracheal driver line breathless (btl)-Gal4 is not able to target all parts of the adult tracheal system. Here, we have uncovered a specific transcriptome pattern of the adult tracheal system and provide this dataset as a basis for further analyses of the adult insect tracheal system

    Influence of cortisol cosecretion on non-ACTH-stimulated adrenal venous sampling in primary aldosteronism: a retrospective cohort study

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    OBJECTIVE Cortisol measurements are essential for the interpretation of adrenal venous samplings (AVS) in primary aldosteronism (PA). Cortisol cosecretion may influence AVS indices. We aimed to investigate whether cortisol cosecretion affects non-adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)-stimulated AVS results. DESIGN Retrospective cohort study at a tertiary referral center. METHODS We analyzed 278 PA patients who underwent non-ACTH-stimulated AVS and had undergone at least a 1-mg dexamethasone suppression test (DST). Subsets underwent additional late-night salivary cortisol (LSC) and/or 24-h urinary free cortisol (UFC) measurements. Patients were studied from 2013 to 2020 with follow-up data of 6 months following adrenalectomy or mineralocorticoid antagonist therapy initiation. We analyzed AVS parameters including adrenal vein aldosterone/cortisol ratios, selectivity, lateralization (LI) and contralateral suppression indices and post-operative ACTH-stimulation. We classified outcomes according to the primary aldosteronism surgical outcome (PASO) criteria. RESULTS Among the patients, 18.9% had a pathological DST result (1.9-5 µg/dL: n = 44 (15.8%); >5 µg/dL: n = 8 (2.9%)). Comparison of AVS results stratified according to the 1-mg DST (≤1.8 vs >1.8 µg/dL: P = 0.499; ≤1.8 vs 1.8 ≤ 5 vs >5 µg/dL: P = 0.811) showed no difference. Lateralized cases with post DST serum cortisol values > 5 µg/dL had lower LI (≤1.8 µg/dL: 11.11 (5.36; 26.76) vs 1.9-5 µg/dL: 11.76 (4.9; 31.88) vs >5 µg/dL: 2.58 (1.67; 3.3); P = 0.008). PASO outcome was not different according to cortisol cosecretion. CONCLUSIONS Marked cortisol cosecretion has the potential to influence non-ACTH-stimulated AVS results. While this could result in falsely classified lateralized cases as bilateral, further analysis of substitutes for cortisol are required to unmask effects on clinical outcome

    Dinuclear p Complexes of Yttrium and Lutetium with Sandwiched Naphthalene and Anthracene Ligands: Evidence for Rapid Intramolecular Inter-Ring Rearrangements

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    Unusual, rapid fluxional behavior is exhibited by polyarene complexes of yttrium(III) and lutetium(III), which were obtained as intensely colored compounds by the reaction of [{(`P2N2')Ln}2(μ-Cl)2] with naphthalene or anthracene in the presence of KC8. Inter-ring migration of the Ln(`P2N2') unit is proposed on the basis of NMR spectroscopic data. The picture shows the structure of an yttrium naphthalene complex. `P2N2'=PhP(CH2SiMe2NSiMe2CH2)2PPh