34 research outputs found

    Re-evaluation of the Mesozoic complexes of Darnó Hill (NE Hungary) and comparisons with Neotethyan accretionary complexes of the Dinarides and Hellenides – preliminary data

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    Abstract The Mesozoic complex of Darnó Hill area in NE Hungary, according to well core documentation, is made up of two units. The upper unit, the Darnó Unit s.s., consists predominantly of blocks of ophiolitic rocks (pillow and massive basalt, gabbro) and subordinate abyssal sediments (red radiolarite and red pelagic mudstone of either Ladinian–Carnian or Bathonian–Callovian age, as well as bluish-grey, sometimes blackish siliceous shale of the latter age). The basalt is geochemically of MOR type, based on earlier evaluations. However, it comes in two types: reddish or greenish amygdaloidal pillow basalts with peperitic facies containing reddish micritic limestone inclusions, and green basalts without any sedimentary carbonate inclusion. The former type is probably MiddleTriassic, advanced rifting stage-related basalt, whereas the latter is probably of Jurassic age, corresponding to the Szarvaskõ-type basalt of the western Bükk Mountains. Pre-Miocene presence of an ultramafic sheet above the complex is indicated by serpentinite pebbles in the Lower Miocene Darnó Conglomerate. The lower unit, corresponding to the Mónosbél Unit of the western Bükk Mountains, consists of lower slope and toe-of-slope type sediments: dark grey shale and bluish-grey siliceous shale of Jurassic age, both showing distal turbiditic character, with frequently interbedded carbonate turbidites and debris flow deposits containing cm- to dm-sized limestone and micaceous sandstone clasts. One to ten m-sized slide blocks of reddish, siliceous Triassic Bódvalenke-type limestone associated with the above-mentioned reddish, amygdaloidal basalt also occur. In one of the studied cores a block comprising evaporitic siliciclastics akin to those of the Middle Permian Szentlélek Formation and black, fossiliferous limestone similar to the Upper Permian Nagyvisnyó Limestone Formation of the Bükk Mountains, was also encountered. A preliminary comparison with similar Triassic advanced rifting-type basalt and limestone/ radiolarite of the western ophiolite zone of the Balkan Peninsula is presented (Fig. 1): the Zagorje region of NW Croatia, the Zlatibor-Zlatar Mountains of SW Serbia, and the North Pindos and Othrys Mountains, as well as Euboea Island, of Northern Greece. We propose the terms "Loggitsi Basalt" for such Triassic basalt containing peperitic facies, after the village of Loggitsion located in the central part of the Othrys Mts, and "Bódvalenke Limestone" for the transitional facies between Hallstatt Limestone and Triassic red radiolarite, after the village of Bódvalenke located in the Rudabánya Hills. The northwesternmost occurrence of both of these typical Neotethyan formations can be found in NE Hungary (Darnó Hill and Bódva Unit of Rudabánya Hills, respectively)

    A téri tájékozódás és szorongás kapcsolatának bio-pszichológiai megközelítése. = Relationship between spatial orientation and anxiety: A psychological approach.

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    Megállapítottuk, hogy kompjuter által létrehozott virtuális, valamint valós útvesztő arénában, egyéni válaszminta formájában négy, a tanulás menetében különböző funkciót ellátó navigációs stratégia regisztrálható: a körkörös keresés, pásztázás, lokomóciót nem tartalmazó vizuális letapogatás és thigmotaxis. Ismeretlen helyen előbb a köröző és a falérintő stratégia működik, majd fokozatosan a pásztázás válik aktívvá. A falérintő stratégia lényege, hogy az aréna által körbezárt tér belső területének explorációjára vonatkozó instrukció ellenére először a céltárgy távolabbi környezetét vizsgálja meg a személy (határdefiníció), majd a globális struktúra biztonságos ismerete után közelíti csak meg a céltárgyat. Feltártuk, hogy a thygmotaxis humán egyedeknél is megjelenik és fontos részét képezi a pánik agorafóbiától szenvedő személyek extraterritoriális viselkedésének. Az ilyen idegen helyen kivitelezett viselkedés legfontosabb jellemzője az aktuális navigációs jelzések kontextustól való megfosztása (dekontextualizáció). Az agy strukturális és funkcionális állapotát vizsgálva (MR volumetria és fMRI) megállapítottuk, hogy a dekontextualizáció és a félelem által provokált tájékozódási zavarok, különösen az egocentrikus és az allocentrikus referencia választás integrációja, nagy mértékben kötődik a jobb oldali hippokampusz poszterior részének strukturális épségéhez ill. magas szintű aktivációjához. | We have stated: both computer generated virtual and real arena maze may be adequate tools to assess an individually consistent navigation pattern that involves four different exploration strategies: circling, enfilading, visual scanning without locomotion, and thigmotaxis. Exploring a strange and potentially dangerous space in the first part of the navigation the circling pattern is activated after gradually the enfilading becomes the dominant strategy. The more essential component of thigmotaxis is to avoid the central zone of the open field arena and to prefer the border of the enclosed place. During thigmotaxis the subject, against the instruction, in the first part of the navigation records safety knowledge on the global structure of the current space and after approaches the affected target. We suggested that thigmotaxis is exactly assessed in humans and an essential component of the panic and agoraphobic subject's extraterritorial behavior. The panic and agoraphobic subject overcoming a strange environment inclined cognitively to avoid the essential navigation cues and reduces the articulation of the current spatial context (decontextualization). Assessing the brain structural and functional state by MR and fMRI scan has revealed fear provoking spatial navigation disorders and the dexontextualization of the current context together with the disorder of egocentric and allocentric reference construction associated with the volumetric and functional data of the right posterior hippocampus

    XReport: An online structured reporting platform for radiologists

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    Currently the most widespread way of reporting in radiology is dictation mainly due to performance benefits. The output of this method is plain text, which varies in style (structure, nomenclature, abbreviations, etc.) and content between doctors even when reporting the exact same case. Templated radiology provides a structure for reporting and aims to help in generating more unified reports. We propose a web-based system for creating and using radiological structured reporting templates. We developed our software based on web technologies. We wrote the system with modular design in mind. We have separate libraries for the different functionalities: a rendering library which renders the templates based on a schema, an editor library which handles template creation, and an evaluator library, which parses, and executes our custom domain specific language, FormScript, which enables dynamic behaviour in our templates. We also developed a Single Page Application to create, browse, use and share templating reports. The backend of the application is powered by Firebase from Google. We deployed our system at a publicly accessible domain at https://app.radiosheets.com


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    Risk factors of migraine-related brain white matter hyperintensities: an investigation of 186 patients

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    Brain white matter hyperintensities are more prevalent in migraine patients than in the general population, but the pathogenesis and the risk factors of these hyperintensities are not fully elucidated. The authors analyzed the routine clinical data of 186 migraine patients who were referred to the Outpatient Headache Department of the Department of Neurology, Medical School, University of Pécs, Hungary between 2007 and 2009: 58 patients with white matter hyperintensities and 128 patients without white matter hyperintensities on 3 T MRI. Significant associations between the presence of white matter hyperintensities and longer disease duration (14.4 vs. 19.9 years, p = 0.004), higher headache frequency (4.1 vs. 5.5 attacks/month, p = 0.017), hyperhomocysteinemia (incidence of hyperintensity is 9/9 = 100%, p = 0.009) and thyroid gland dysfunction (incidence of hyperintensity is 8/14 = 57.1%, p = 0.038) were found. These data support the theory that both the disease duration and the attack frequency have a key role in the formation of migraine-related brain white matter hyperintensities, but the effects of comorbid diseases may also contribute to the development of the hyperintensities