356 research outputs found

    Street Names Recognition from Images

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    Účelem této bakalářské práce je prostudovat a ověřit kvalitu detekce dostupných modelů pro strojové učení schopných rozpoznat název ulice a jiné informační cedule. Poté podobný model navrhnout, implementovat a otestovat na obrazech ve vysokém rozlišení obsahujících české názvy.The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to study and verify the quality of detection of available models for machine learning which are capable to recognize street name and other information signs. Then design, implement and test a similar model on high-resolution images containing Czech names.460 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    Usage of Quantum Information in Text Processing

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá využitím kvantové informace v analýze textu. Práce je rozdělena na teoretickou a praktickou část. Teoretická část se zabývá popisem kvantové logiky a její interpretací v textu, dále pak procesem získávání informací a zpracováním přirozeného jazyka. Jsou zde definovány modely a operace pro vyhledávání dotazů. Praktická část obsahuje popis experimentů, které mají za účel vyzkoušet vyhledávání dotazů.The diploma thesis deals with Usage of quantum information in text processing. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. Theoretical part explains quantum logic and its interpretation in text, as well as information retrieval and natural-language proccessing. The theoretical part also presesnts definitions of models and operation of query searching. The practical part then describes the experiments which were performed to prove the statement of query searching previously mentioned.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Autoritäre Europäisierung.: Stadtplaner und Westeuropa unter der Franco-Diktatur

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    Recent historiography has struggled to determine the place Spain had under the rule of Franco within post-war European history. Most authors have positioned Spain outside of a new liberal Western European order while highlighting the differences between authoritarianism and democracy. In examining influential groups of urban planners and architects, this essay however argues that the ties between expert groups in Franco’s Spain and Western Europe were much closer than has often been suggested. Not only were the urban planners part of a transnational expert community, they also propagated a Europeanization of Spain that would foster economic development, bring about social peace, and a happier way of life. In their view, Western European modernity essentially meant a rationalization of society and everyday life. Their utopian project of authoritarian Europeanization, however, clashed with capitalist interests of building companies and was in itself highly contradictory, which led to a new debate about urban reform in the 1960s

    Chapter 8 The Role of Constitutional Judges in Protecting Territorial Self- Government

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    This chapter seeks to explore to what degree judges have used their key role regarding the distribution of powers in order to protect the territorial self-government of subnational entities in federal systems, especially if they are characterized by the presence of national minorities. This question gains particular salience from the insight that the role of courts is often ambivalent, as they may in fact contribute to both “making” federalism and “unmaking” it. The chapter starts with a clarification of key concepts and a justification of the selection of federal systems that it draws evidence from. This selection is based on two criteria: first, the existence of a constitutional court entrusted with the ultimate interpretation of the country’s constitution and, secondly, the employment of federalism as a tool to ensure the territorial self-government of one or more national minorities. The chapter then goes on to analyze from a comparative perspective to what degree judges have protected territorial self-government in four countries, namely Canada, India, Belgium and Spain. It does so with a focus on the distribution of powers and thereby covers jurisprudence on three of the most important dimensions of how responsibilities are allocated. These dimensions are exclusive subnational powers, concurrent powers and the suspension of subnational powers under provisions of emergency rule, all of which are litmus tests for the judicial protection of self-government. On this basis, the chapter’s comparative conclusions point out that judges in each of the four countries have strongly protected territorial self-government in some of the three analyzed dimensions of the distribution of powers and less so in others, thus confirming the importance of a differentiated and in-depth approach. They also discuss whether a change from the traditional role of judges as federal arbiters enforcing the constitution to a new role as active facilitators of conflict management can be useful for guaranteeing that interests of subnational entities are respected

    Book review: Weller, M. and Nobbs, K. (eds.) 2010, Asymmetric Autonomy and the Settlement of Ethnic Conflicts

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    “It is fair to claim that no clear account of the concept of autonomy is available.“ (Wiberg 1998, 54) It is quite strange and indeed regrettable that the term autonomy is so frequently used (43) both in theory and practice of conflict settlement but still lacks a widely recognized definition

    Two-sided variable inspection plans for arbitrary continuous populations with unknown distribution

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    The ordinary variable inspection plans rely on the normality of the underlying populations. However, this assumption is vague or even not satisfied. Moreover, ordinary variable sampling plans are sensitive against deviations from the distribution assumption. Nonconforming items occur in the tails of the distribution. They can be approximated by a Generalized Pareto distribution (GPD). We investigate several estimates of their parameters according to their usefulness not only for the GPD, but also for arbitrary continuous distributions. The Likelihood Moment estimates (LME) of Zhang (2007) and the Bayesian estimate (ZSE) of Zhang and Stephens (2009) turn out to be the best for our purpose. Then we use these parameter estimates to estimate the fraction defective. The asymptotic normality of the LME (cf. Zhang, 2007) and of the fraction defective are used to construct the sampling plan. The difference to the sampling plans constructed in Kössler (1999, 2015) is that we now use the new parameter estimates. Moreover, in contrast to the aforementioned papers, we now also consider two-sided specification limits. An industrial example illustrates the method.Peer Reviewe

    Between Euphoria and a Stony Path Ahead

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    Review Article: Solidarität mit dem südlichen Afrika: Perspektiven aus Skandinavien

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    Reviewed Works: Norway and National Liberation in Southern Africa by Tore Linné Eriksen; Sweden and National Liberation in Southern Africa by Tor Seilström; Sweden and National Liberation in Southern Africa by Tor Seilström; Liberation in Southern Africa. Regional and Swedish Voices by Tor Seilström; Finland and National Liberation in Southern Africa by Iina Soiri, Pekka Peltola