147 research outputs found

    Kurt Köhn

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    Das Ich ĂŒber der Natur (1927)

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    Entry on Alfred Döblin's book, Das Ich ĂŒber der Natur, in the 2016 Alfred Döblin Handbuch

    A Discrete Optimization Model to Minimize Organ Recovery Time Using Heuristic Algorithms

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    This study proposes a discrete optimization model to minimize the organ recovery time in an Organ Procurement Organization (OPO) by grouping its associated hospitals and transplant centers into several clusters, based on their available organ recovery groups. Typically, the OPO covers a relatively large geographical area to recover organs from donors and deliver them to the recipients. Organs and/or tissues need to be transplanted within their viable time. Therefore, a discrete optimization model is proposed, based on the -median approach to identify optimal locations of the organ recovery groups to recover the organs within a desired time interval. Three heuristic solution approaches, such as Multi-start Fast Interchange (MFI), Simulated Annealing (SA), and Lagrangian Relaxation Algorithm (LRA), are applied to solve the -median clustering problems. Numerical examples are tested to identify a better solution approach in terms of a set of key performance indicators, such as elapse time, Silhouette index, and objective function value. The experimental results indicate that the MFI approach is effective finding an initial solution in the shortest possible time. To find a non-dominant optimal solution, the LRA outperformed the initial solution. In the future, the experimental results will be compared with real data to ensure the effectiveness of the proposed model

    Swing into Action: The Political and Aesthetic Role of Jazz in Nazi Germany and Occupied France

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    MARIE ELIZABETH WICKS: Swing Into Action: The Political and Aesthetic Role of Jazz in Nazi Germany and Occupied France (Under the direction of Dr. Kees Gispen) The role of jazz in the culture of Nazi Germany and occupied France will be examined from a political and an aesthetic viewpoint in this thesis. Due to its American origins and close associations with freedom and independence, jazz was often championed as a statement against totalitarianism. Jazz was just as frequently listened to for its entertainment value and exhibited little, if any, political ramifications. This thesis will analyze jazz within the borders of the Third Reich and compare this atmosphere with that in German-occupied France. The methodology used consists of secondary sources: historians who have focused upon jazz in Europe during World War II. These sources will be examined within the body of this thesis, and the historians’ arguments will be compared to determine an accurate portrayal of jazz as it existed in Nazi Germany and occupied France. The findings of this thesis reveal a tendency on behalf of the Nazis to regard jazz from an aesthetic viewpoint. By detaching jazz from any political implications stemming from its origins, they were able to listen to jazz without contradicting Nazi ideals. In German-occupied France, however, the French citizens attached a deeper meaning to the music, for it represented their former freedom that was trampled underfoot by the invading Nazis. While some efforts were made to portray jazz as more acceptable to the Nazi authorities, French jazz retained much of its original quality throughout the war. After examining the various historical accounts of jazz’s role in wartime Europe, this thesis will conclude that though the atmosphere surrounding jazz was hostile in both Nazi Germany and occupied France, jazz in occupied France was a shade more rebellious. Due to the efforts of French jazz musicians who strove to undermine the Nazi regime, French jazz assumed a role that was closely associated with the Resistance. The Nazi regime, on the other hand, was much more interested in its image on the international stage, and therefore manipulated the shell of jazz into propaganda to further its own ideology. The combination of these forces ultimately caused jazz’s popularity to explode throughout the Occupation

    On the Challenges of Fully Incremental Neural Dependency Parsing

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    Since the popularization of BiLSTMs and Transformer-based bidirectional encoders, state-of-the-art syntactic parsers have lacked incrementality, requiring access to the whole sentence and deviating from human language processing. This paper explores whether fully incremental dependency parsing with modern architectures can be competitive. We build parsers combining strictly left-to-right neural encoders with fully incremental sequence-labeling and transition-based decoders. The results show that fully incremental parsing with modern architectures considerably lags behind bidirectional parsing, noting the challenges of psycholinguistically plausible parsing.Comment: Accepted at IJCNLP-AACL 202

    Konrad PĂŒschel - SchĂŒlerarbeiten am Bauhaus Dessau : Kabinettausstellung im Juni 1979 in Weimar

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    Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium vom 27. bis 29. Juni 1979 in Weimar an der Hochschule fĂŒr Architektur und Bauwesen zum Thema: '60 Jahre GrĂŒndung Bauhaus

    Die Aufhebung der Entscheidung: E.T.A. Hoffmanns "Elixiere des Teufels"

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    [...] Hoffmanns Roman "Die Elixiere des Teufels" [lĂ€ĂŸt sich] als gelungenes Beispiel einer 'totalen' Dissemination lesen, die keine der beteiligten Instanzen – den Autor, den oder die ErzĂ€hler, das Romanensemble, die Requisiten, den Leser – unbeschĂ€digt lĂ€ĂŸt. Schon eine erste LektĂŒre des Romans weckt ein GefĂŒhl irreduzibler Vieldeutigkeiten und Verdoppelungen, die keine nachtrĂ€gliche Reduktion zu gestatten scheinen und selbst den Versuch eines bloßen NacherzĂ€hlens vor immense Probleme stellen. Die folgende LektĂŒre wird methodisch den Weg gehen, den Roman von seinen RĂ€ndern her lesbar werden zu lassen. Sie beschrĂ€nkt sich in erster Linie auf den Schluß und den Beginn des Romans. Eine Analyse der 'eigentlichen' ErzĂ€hlung wird dabei nur am Rande und sehr summarisch erfolgen, auch wenn dies die Gefahr in sich birgt, die vorgeschlagene Textbasis als zur StĂŒtzung der Argumentation nicht ausreichend erscheinen zu lassen. Die Konsistenz und die GrĂŒnde dieser auf den ersten Blick scheinbar nicht naheliegenden LektĂŒre werden sich hoffentlich trotzdem im Verlauf der Arbeit erweisen. Der Fokus der Analyse wird zunĂ€chst auf der Praxis des ErzĂ€hlakts liegen, der den Roman konstituiert und perspektiviert. In diesem Ansatz, der der LiterarizitĂ€t des Romans gerecht zu werden versucht, werden sowohl die Figurationen des DoppelgĂ€ngertums als auch die rahmenden Pererga als Effekte einer fundamentalen und fĂŒr den Roman konstitutiven reflexiven Operation lesbar, die nicht mehr derjenigen der Romantik entspricht

    Voicing your voice : the fiction of a life : Early Twelfth-Century letter collections and the case of Bernard of Clairvaux

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    In following the evolution of the ordering principles of letter collections of the eleventh and twelfth centuries, this contribution tries to demonstrate that a corpus epistolarum is much more than a collection of individual missives. The collection as a whole has a message to convey. Careful analysis of the arrangement of the letters and of the different accents it creates does not perhaps teach the modern reader much about events of the time but it does have a great deal to teach him or her about the compilers' qualities and the messages they wanted to convey. The article wants to achieve this aim by presenting the epistolary collections of Gerbert d'Aurillac, Hildebert of Lavardin, and Bernard of Clairvaux
