181 research outputs found

    A new species of Thecadactylus from Sint Maarten, Lesser Antilles (Reptilia, Squamata, Gekkonidae)

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    We describe a new species of Thecadactylusfrom the Caribbean island of Sint Maarten. The new species differs from all other species in the genus by having a distinct dorsal pattern of numerous irregular but sharply deliminated black spots and blotches on an otherwise almost patternless background

    Conservation Status of Spiny-tailed Iguanas (Genus Ctenosaura), with Special Emphasis on the Utila Iguana (C. bakeri)

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    None of the species in the genus Ctenosaura are currently listed under the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Despite their protected status by national law in México and most Central American countries, living specimens and eggs of the large species (e.g., C. acanthura, C. pectinata, and C. similis) can be found in markets or offered for sale along major roads by local people. An increasing threat to some of the smaller species is the international pet trade. Species of Ctenosaura with small geographic distributions are particularly vulnerable to these pressures, considerably more than their widely distributed congeners. The Utila Iguana (Ctenosaura bakeri), for example, is an endangered species endemic to Isla de Utila, which is located off the Caribbean coast of Honduras. To preserve the Utila Iguana in its natural environment, the “Conservation Project Utila Iguana” was founded in 1994. The main activities of the project include a broad education and information program for the local community, investigations into the biology of the species, a headstart program, and the protection of iguana habitat

    Conservation Status of Spiny-tailed Iguanas (Genus Ctenosaura), with Special Emphasis on the Utila Iguana (C. bakeri)

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    None of the species in the genus Ctenosaura are currently listed under the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Despite their protected status by national law in México and most Central American countries, living specimens and eggs of the large species (e.g., C. acanthura, C. pectinata, and C. similis) can be found in markets or offered for sale along major roads by local people. An increasing threat to some of the smaller species is the international pet trade. Species of Ctenosaura with small geographic distributions are particularly vulnerable to these pressures, considerably more than their widely distributed congeners. The Utila Iguana (Ctenosaura bakeri), for example, is an endangered species endemic to Isla de Utila, which is located off the Caribbean coast of Honduras. To preserve the Utila Iguana in its natural environment, the “Conservation Project Utila Iguana” was founded in 1994. The main activities of the project include a broad education and information program for the local community, investigations into the biology of the species, a headstart program, and the protection of iguana habitat

    Cryptic Diversity in the Neotropical Gecko Genus \u3cem\u3ePhyllopezus\u3c/em\u3e Peters, 1878 (Reptilia: Squamata: Phyllodactylidae): A New Species from Paraguay

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    The gecko genus Phyllopezus is distributed mainly along South America’s “Dry Diagonal” (Caatinga, Cerrado, and Chaco). The genus has been the subject of recent taxonomic analyses and includes four described species and seven candidate species referred to here as Phyllopezus pollicaris sensu lato. In Paraguay, Phyllopezus is known from the Chaco and Cerrado where it is abundant, and also from a small isolated population from a rocky hill formation named “Cordillera de Los Altos” (Los Altos mountain range). Here we analyzed genetic samples from across its range, including new samples from Paraguay, using DNA barcoding analysis of the mitochondrial 16S gene and phylogenetic analyses using both Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood methods. We found genetic and morphological differences among geckos from the Los Altos mountain range and the remaining Phyllopezus populations. Using both molecular and morphological evidence we describe a new Phyllopezus species, sister toP. przewalskii. Genetic differentiation among described and putative Phyllopezus species is greater than their morphological differences, which likely accounts for these cryptic taxa remaining undescribed for so long

    A new golden frog species of the genus Diasporus (Amphibia, Eleutherodactylidae) from the Cordillera Central, western Panama

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    We describe the frog species Diasporus citrinobapheussp. n. from the Cordillera Central of western Panama. The new species differs from all other species in its genus in coloration, disk cover and disk pad shape, skin texture, advertisement call, and size. It is most similar to Diasporus tigrillo, from which it differs in dorsal skin texture, relative tibia length, number of vomerine teeth, ventral coloration, dorsal markings, and relative tympanum size, and to Diasporus gularis, from which it can be distinguished by the lack of membranes between the toes, adult size, posterior thigh coloration, and position of the choanae. We provide data on morpho- logy, vocalization, and distribution of the new species, as well as brief information on its natural history.Describimos la especie de rana Diasporus citrinobapheus sp. n. de la Cordillera Central, occidente de Panamá. La nueva especie se distingue de otras especies del género por su coloración, su forma de la cubierta y la almohadilla de los discos, textura de la piel, canto de anúncio, y tamaño corporal. Se asemeja mas a D. tigrillo, del cual se distingue por la textura de la piel dorsal, longitud relativa de la tibia, número de dientes vomerianos, coloración ventral, patrón dorsal, y tamaño relativo del tímpano, y a D. gularis, del cual se diferencia por la ausencia de membranas entre los dedos de pie, tamaño corporal, coloración de la parte trasera del muslo, y posición de las coanas. Presentamos datos de la morfología, vocalización, y distribución de la nueva especie, así como notas concisas de su historia natural

    Field notes on findings of threatened amphibian species in the central mountain range of western Panama

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    During field work along a transect in the Cordillera Central of western Panama between 2008 and 2010, we detected several populations of amphibian species which are considered as “Endangered” or “Critically Endangered” by the IUCN. Some of these species had suffered from serious population declines, probably due to chytridiomycosis, but all are generally threatened by habitat loss. We detected 53% of the Endangered and 56% of the Critically Endangered amphibian species that have previously been reported from within the investigated area. We report on findings of species that have not been found in Panama for many years, and provide locality data of newly discovered populations. There is a need to create a new protected area in the Cerro Colorado area of the Serranía de Tabasará, where we found 15% of the Endangered and Critically Endangered amphibian species known to Panama.Durante trabajo de campo en un transecto a lo largo de la Cordillera Central en el oeste de Panamá entre 2008 y 2010, encontramos varias poblaciones de anfibios que son considerados “En Peligro” o “En Peligro Crítico” por la UICN. Algunas de estas especies habían sufrido serias disminuciones de sus poblaciones, probablemente causadas por la quitridiomicosis, pero todas se encuentran amenazadas por pérdida de hábitat. Detectamos el 53% de las especies En Peligro y el 56% de las especies En Peligro Crítico que se habían reportado previamente en el área de estudio. Reportamos hallazgos de especies que no se habían avistado en Panamá por muchos años, así como localidades de poblaciones descubiertas por primera vez. Se requiere crear una nueva área de protección en los alrededores del Cerro Colorado en la Serranía de Tabasará, donde se han encontrado 15% de los anfibios En Peligro y En Peligro Crítico de todo Panamá

    Spiny-tailed Iguanas: Captive Care

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