25 research outputs found

    K1K_1-groups via binary complexes of fixed length

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    We modify Grayson's model of K1K_1 of an exact category to give a presentation whose generators are binary acyclic complexes of length at most kk for any given k≥2k \ge 2. As a corollary, we obtain another, very short proof of the identification of Nenashev's and Grayson's presentations.Comment: 10 pages, minor changes following a referee report, to appear in HH

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    Nach wie vor findet Eduard Mörike (1804-1875) nicht die Aufmerksamkeit, die ihm eigentlich zukäme - wohl auch, weil er sich nicht leicht den großen Tendenzen des 19. Jahrhunderts zuordnen läßt: Er ist kein Intellektueller wie Heine. Er mischt sich nicht in die großen politischen Debatten ein. Er thematisiert nicht die wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Umwälzungen. Er begehrt nicht gegen die Dominanz der deutschen Klassik auf; er ist kein Denkmalstürzer. Das Nebensächliche bekommt bei ihm besondere Bedeutung; es wird in einen ästhetischen Reflexionsprozeß hineingezogen, der mit lebensweltlichen Konkretisierungen einhergeht, so daß sich 'Ästhetik' und 'Geselligkeit' gegenseitig hervorbringen und spiegeln

    Case report: Psychosis and catatonia in an adolescent patient with adipsic hypernatremia and autoantibodies against the subfornical organ.

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    This is the first description of a patient in which adipsic hypernatremia, a rare autoimmune encephalitis, presented in combination with complex psychiatric symptomatology, including psychosis and catatonia. Adipsic hypernatremia is characterized by autoantibodies against the thirst center of the brain. These autoantibodies cause inflammation and apoptosis in key regions of water homeostasis, leading to lack of thirst and highly increased serum sodium. To date, the symptoms of weakness, fatigue and drowsiness have been associated with adipsic hypernatremia, but no psychiatric symptomatology. Here, we showcase the first description of an adolescent patient, in which severe and complex psychiatric symptoms presented along with adipsic hypernatremia. The patient experienced delusion, hallucinations, restlessness and pronounced depression. Further, he showed ritualized, aggressive, disinhibited and sexualized behavior, as well as self-harm and psychomotor symptoms. Due to his severe condition, he was hospitalized on the emergency unit of the child and adolescent psychiatry for 8 months. Key symptoms of the presented clinical picture are: childhood-onset complex and treatment-resistant psychosis/catatonia, pronounced behavioral problems, fatigue, absent thirst perception, hypernatremia and elevated prolactin levels. This case report renders first evidence speaking for a causal link between the autoimmune adipsic hypernatremia and the psychotic disorder. Moreover, it sheds light on a new form of autoimmune psychosis

    Synthesis of 3-Alkyl Pyridinium Alkaloids from the Arctic Sponge Haliclona viscosa

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    3-Alkyl pyridinium alkaloids (3-APAs) are common secondary metabolites in marine sponges of the order Haplosclerida. In recent years, our laboratory has isolated and synthesized several new members of this family such as haliclamines C–F, viscosamine, viscosaline and a cyclic monomer. All of them were isolated from the Arctic sponge Haliclona viscosa collected in Spitsbergen, Norway. In this article we report the syntheses of these secondary metabolites from Haliclona viscosa and related compounds and give a short overview of the bioactivity

    UMBRELLA Deliverable D 2.1: "Report on uncertainty modeling”

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    The energy landscape of Europe has been altered heavily in recent years, especially due to an increase in power generation from variable renewable energy sources (RESs). Infeed from RESs and other uncertainties complicate the daily operational planning process and real time operation of transmission system operators (TSOs). Additionally, the uncertainties resulting from RESs are compensated by conventional power plants. The respective quantities are traded on intraday markets, which adds additional uncertainty to the decision making process in operational planning. The main contribution of this UMBRELLA project deliverable is to model relevant uncertainties for operational planning and real time operation while taking into account specific needs of TSOs. Therefore, uncertainties resulting from load forecasts, forecasts of infeed from RESs, intraday trades and power plant outages are modelled individually RES uncertainty is modelled non-parametrically at each grid node. The spatial correlation is taken into account by applying copula models. A similar approach is implemented for the load forecast uncertainty. Intraday uncertainties are modelled with an intraday market model. How the uncertainties can be reintegrated in order to make use of this information is addressed as well