13 research outputs found

    Why do Hungarian civil organisations not like to co-operate?

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    This essay is based upon the fact, backed by research, that co-operation today between civil organisations in Hungary is incidental (KSH 2003, Bartal, Kákai and Szabó 2005, Nárai 2007). Despite this, the question to which we rarely or never receive an answer is which theoretical and practical causes can be specified. The author therefore attempts herein to outline the socio-historic, welfare-politic and practical motive systems which provide a basis for the nonco- operative practice of civil organisations, and based on which, suggest more effective programs and interventions that can be implemented in order to support collaborative practice

    Social Sustainability Analysis in Szigetköz: A Study of Four Case Locations

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    This paper is based on research that examined civil and community life in 34 settlements of Szigetköz in 2021 and 2022. A total of 337 NGOs and countless informal groups operate in the region. The examination is based on questionnaire research (43 fillings), interviews (25 pieces), observations (9 times) and document analysis, and one of the results is four case studies about four settlements (Dunasziget, Kimle, Mecsér and Gyorladamér). The goal of this paper is to summarize the knowledge related to social sustainability and analyze its operation in these settlements. The principal finding of the research is that the four settlements coped with the challenges posed by their geographical location, economic situation and infrastructural capabilities in four ways. These roads show creative solutions using local resources, which are the key to the social sustainability of settlements

    Kapcsolatok jellemzői – jellemző kapcsolatok két régió szociális és gyermekvédelmi célú civil/nonprofit szervezetei között

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    A tanulmány egy nagyobb lélegzetvételű kutatás eredményei egy részének bemutatására vállalkozik. A 2009-2010-ben folytatott kutatás a szociális és gyermekvédelmi célú civilnonprofit szervezeteket És kapcsolataikat vizsgálta két régióban: a Nyugat-dunántúliban és az Észak-alföldiben. Ennek során azt kìvánta kiderìteni, hogy a két régió vizsgált szervezetei hogyan kapcsolódnak egymáshoz, az önkormányzatokhoz, a forprofit szervezetekhez és a szociális és gyermekvédelmi ellátórendszer túlnyomórészt önkormányzati-állami szolgáltatásaihoz, intézményeihez. Kérdés volt az is, hogy miképp Épülnek be ezek a szervezetek az informális szektor, a lakosság, a szolgáltatásokat igénybe vevők, a civil-nonprofit szervezetek alapját adó közegbe. Vajon az Észak-alföldi régió vagy a Nyugat-Dunántúl jobb kapcsolatépìtő, illetve inkább a társadalmi önszerveződések vagy a piac integrál jobban? A tanulmány ezekre a kérdésekre próbál választ találni

    Validation of distinct pathogenic patterns in a cohort of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis patients by cluster analysis

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    Background: A novel data-driven cluster analysis identified distinct pathogenic patterns in C3-glomerulopathies and immune complex-mediated membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis. Our aim was to replicate these observations in an independent cohort and elucidate disease pathophysiology with detailed analysis of functional complement markers. ----- Methods: A total of 92 patients with clinical, histological, complement and genetic data were involved in the study, and hierarchical cluster analysis was done by Ward method, where four clusters were generated. ----- Results: High levels of sC5b-9 (soluble membrane attack complex), low serum C3 levels and young age at onset (13 years) were characteristic for Cluster 1 with a high prevalence of likely pathogenic variations (LPVs) and C3 nephritic factor, whereas for Cluster 2-which is not reliable because of the small number of cases-strong immunoglobulin G staining, low C3 levels and high prevalence of nephritic syndrome at disease onset were observed. Low plasma sC5b-9 levels, decreased C3 levels and high prevalence of LPV and sclerotic glomeruli were present in Cluster 3, and patients with late onset of the disease (median: 39.5 years) and near-normal C3 levels in Cluster 4. A significant difference was observed in the incidence of end-stage renal disease during follow-up between the different clusters. Patients in Clusters 3-4 had worse renal survival than patients in Clusters 1-2. ----- Conclusions: Our results confirm the main findings of the original cluster analysis and indicate that the observed, distinct pathogenic patterns are replicated in our cohort. Further investigations are necessary to analyse the distinct biological and pathogenic processes in these patient groups

    C4 nephritic factor in patients with immune-complex-mediated membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis and C3-glomerulopathy

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