30 research outputs found

    Ukraina ja asevaraisen turvallisuuden haaksirikko

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    Vastine Sami Pihlströmin Kosmopolis-lehdessä 2/2022 julkaistuun keskustelupuheenvuoroon

    Paluu menneisyyteen: Kaksi suomalaista klassikkoa ja esivaltiolliset kansainväliset suhteet

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    Tämän katsausartikkelin kohteena ovat Rudolf Holstin ja Ragnar Numelinin kolme tutkimusta, joissa tutkimusongelmana on perinteisten yhteisöjen keskinäiset suhteet tai esivaltiolliset kansainväliset suhteet. Erityisesti mielenkiinto kohdistuu siihen, onko niin kutsuttu luonnontila, perinteisten tai esihistoriallisten yhteisöjen keskinäiset suhteet, anarkian tila: kaikkien sota kaikkia vastaan. Holstin ja Numelinin tutkimukset eivät tällaista ajatusta tue, vaan perinteiset yhteisöt pyrkivät heidän mukaansa pikemminkin säilyttämään rauhanomaiset keskinäiset suhteet. Kiintoisiksi ja ajankohtaisiksi Holstin ja Numelinin tutkimusten tulokset tekee se, että ilmastonmuutos muuttaa ihmisten elinympäristöjä ja pakottaa ihmisyhteisöjä muuttamaan yhtenäisvaltioiden valvottujen ja vartioitujen rajojen maailmassa. Miten tuossa maailmassa muutoksiin vastataan: asein vai rauhanomaisia suhteita rakentaen

    Amatöörien houkuttelemana Natoon?

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    Tämä essee on asiantuntijoiden laatiman turvallisuusympäristön muutosta käsittelevän selonteon kriittinen luenta. Sen kautta suhtaudun kielteisesti Suomen tulevaan Nato-jäsenyyteen. Tuon esiin, että selonteko on yksipuolisen johdatteleva. Se sulkee ulos kaikki muut Suomen turvallisuuden vaihtoehdot. Tämän voi ymmärtää niin, että Venäjän hyökkäystä Ukrainaan käytetään Natoon liittymisen perusteena vähän samaan tapaan kuin Venäjä oikeutti Naton uhalla oman aggressionsa Ukrainassa. Selonteko jättää myös ikävästi Suomen uuden ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikan tulevan jäsenyyden armoille

    Eesti välispoliitikat põhjendavad müüdid. Eesti positsioon maailmas president Lennart Meri narratiivides

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    Diskursuse analüüsil põhineva artikli eesmärk on tõlgendada president Lennart Meri kujutelma taasiseseisvumisjärgse Eesti positsioonist maailmas ja Euroopas. Eesti presidendil on küll riiki esindav funktsioon, kuid põhiseaduse järgi puudub tal reaalne poliitiline võim. Seetõttu ei käsitle artikkel tingimata Eesti tegelikku välispoliitikat pärast iseseisvuse taastamist, vaid pigem seda, kuidas Lennart Meri kui väga lugupeetud isik soovis Eestit rahvusvahelises kontekstis näha ning kuidas ta lõi müüte, põhjendamaks Eesti välispoliitilisi valikuid nii rahvusvahelisele üldsusele kui ka eestlastele endile. Artiklis püütakse analüüsida ka Meri arusaamu rahvusvaheliste suhete toimimise kohta ning leida, missugune teoreetiline lähenemine sobituks Meri nägemusega Eestist Euroopas ja maailmas. Märksõnad: Eesti, väikeriik, välispoliitika, julgeolek, integratsioo

    Energy Revolution in Cuba : Pioneering for the Future?

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    The aim of this report is to make Cuban energy reforms more widely known. Cuba has succeeded in achieving high human development index while keeping its ecological footprint small. This is largely because of the low energy consumption in the country. At the same time the electrification rate is one of the highest in the Caribbean region. Even at the time of energy crisis the electrification continued in the remote rural areas, mostly based on renewable energy sources and having priorities set in electrifying schools, health centres and communal centres

    Energy Models and Scenarios in the Era of Climate Change : Briefing Report

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    This report “Energy models and scenarios in the era of climate change” has aimed to improve understanding on how energy models and scenarios are used and deployed, how dominant scenarios and future forecast can be challenged, in order to build up of capacity for the development of alternative energy scenarios. In relation to discussions about energy and climate change, the report summarizes experiences and benefits from past energy policy research in the Mekong region in Southeast Asia, Eastern Africa and Nordic countries. The report is a final report to the research project Access to Sustainable Energy for All

    Climate Mitigation in the Least Carbon Emitting Countries – Dilemmas of Co-benefits in Cambodian and Laos

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    Development has entered a time where it cannot be thought of without reference to climate change. While historically development in the industrialized countries has to a great extent been driven by a fossil fuel based economy, this option is no longer seen as viable for developing countries, which are expected to pursue different pathways of development. At the same time, the impacts of a changing climate affect the poorest countries and populations disproportionately, and multilateral policy declarations signed by most countries underline that there must be an effort to prevent and mitigate this. The effects of climate change onto development policies and practice is also reflected in donor countries&rsquo; change in perception. Donor countries have begun increasingly integrating climate change objectives into development cooperation programmes and official development assistance (ODA). While significant in terms of discontinuing support to fossil fuels and attempting to increase resilience, this trend also brings into the fore new dilemmas. The main dilemma which emerges &ndash; and is explored further in this book &ndash; is when development cooperation finance is used in the least developed countries for projects and policies which are principally oriented towards climate change mitigation.</span

    Climate Mitigation in the Least Carbon Emitting Countries : Dilemmas of Co-benefits in Cambodia and Laos

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    Development has entered a time where it cannot be thought of without reference to climate change. While historically development in the industrialized countries has to a great extent been driven by a fossil fuel based economy, this option is no longer seen as viable for developing countries, which are expected to pursue different pathways of development. At the same time, the impacts of a changing climate affect the poorest countries and populations disproportionately, and multilateral policy declarations signed by most countries underline that there must be an effort to prevent and mitigate this. The effects of climate change onto development policies and practice is also reflected in donor countries’ change in perception. Donor countries have begun increasingly integrating climate change objectives into development cooperation programmes and official development assistance (ODA). While significant in terms of discontinuing support to fossil fuels and attempting to increase resilience, this trend also brings into the fore new dilemmas. The main dilemma which emerges – and is explored further in this book – is when development cooperation finance is used in the least developed countries for projects and policies which are principally oriented towards climate change mitigation.This e-book has been carried out under the COOL-project (Adequacy of Climate Change Mitigation Initiatives in Laos and Cambodia: Comparing Options and Analysing Obstacles in Local Context), a commissioned research funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland

    Development Futures in Kenya and Tanzania Beyond 2015

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    On the road towards the post-2015 development framework, the “Development Futures in Kenya and Tanzania Beyond 2015” book presents views from Kenya and Tanzania to complement the post-2015 debate that thus far has taken place mostly at the international policy circles. The book is based on over fifty interviews in Kenya, Tanzania and Finland and ten workshops carried out in the first half of 2013. The research has been commissioned by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and has been carried out under the BEYOND 2015 project (Kenya and Tanzania Beyond 2015: Exploring domestic debates and envisioning development futures)

    Rising Powers and Order Contestation: Disaggregating the Normative from the Representational

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    One of the central themes of the current literature on rising powers is that new aspirants to great power status pose a challenge to the underlying principles and norms that underpin the existing, Western-led order. However, in much of the literature, the nature and significance of rising powers for international order is imprecisely debated, in particular the concept and practice of ‘contestation’. In this article we aim to establish a distinction between normative contestation and what can be thought of as ‘contestation over representation’: that is, contestation over who is setting and overseeing the rules of the game rather than the content of the rules themselves and the kind of order that they underpin. This distinction is important for providing a more nuanced understanding of the nature of the current power transition and therefore for guiding attempts at accommodation on the part of the established powers. Theoretically, the paper engages with debates on international order and international society. Its empirical basis is provided by a thorough analysis of the discourse of rising power summitry, in particular at meetings of the BRICS and Shanghai Cooperation Organization groupings