14 research outputs found
Foams as carrier systems for pharmaceuticals and cosmetics
Foams are becoming more and more popular in several areas of our lives, including pharmaceutics and cosmetics. They are colloid systems where gas is dispersed in a liquid phase. Active ingredient bearing pharmaceutical foams are traditionally applied topically (dermal, local rectal, vaginal), but formulations for other delivery routes (e.g. nanosystems parenterally, solid foams orally) are also available. Numerous advantages are attached to foams when compared to traditional vehicles, resulting in increased patient compliance. Amongst others, the suitable composition contributes to quick, oily residue free and convenient application even on large or hairy areas, as well
as to good drug transfer rate
Advances in drug release investigations: Trends and developments for dissolution test media
Dissolution research started more than a century ago in the field of physical chemistry and went through several significant developments since. Yet, the explicit attention in drug-related dissolution has only started growing in the 1950s, after the researchers realized that drug release from orally administered solid pharmaceutical formulations significantly influences the bioavailability. Researches show that solubility and permeability of the drugs are key factors in the correlation between the in vitro examination and the in vivo determinations (IVIVC). This review aims to summarize the most relevant developments in chronological order, ranging from simple disintegration studies to biorelevant methods. Biorelevant methods can be used to recognize the effects of food on dissolution, as well as to identify solubility limitations and stability issues. The development of a biologically relevant dissolution method for oral dosage forms needs to take the physiological conditions of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract into account that may influence the drug dissolution. This review presents the simplest dissolution media, the composition of biorelevant media simulating gastrointestinal fluids, and the latest updates of the field
Significance of the Tks4 scaffold protein in bone tissue homeostasis
Abstract The main driver of osteoporosis is an imbalance between bone resorption and formation. The pathogenesis of osteoporosis has also been connected to genetic alterations in key osteogenic factors and dysfunction of bone marrow mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (BM-MSCs). Tks4 (encoded by the Sh3pxd2b gene) is a scaffold protein involved in podosome organization. Homozygous mutational inactivation of Sh3pxd2b causes Frank-ter Haar syndrome (FTHS), a genetic disease that affects bone tissue as well as eye, ear, and heart functions. To date, the role of Tks4 in adult bone homeostasis has not been investigated. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the facial and femoral bone phenotypes of Sh3pxd2b knock-out (KO) mice using micro-CT methods. In addition to the analysis of the Sh3pxd2b-KO mice, the bone microstructure of an FTHS patient was also examined. Macro-examination of skulls from Tks4-deficient mice revealed craniofacial malformations that were very similar to symptoms of the FTHS patient. The femurs of the Sh3pxd2b-KO mice had alterations in the trabecular system and showed signs of osteoporosis, and, similarly, the FTHS patient also showed increased trabecular separation/porosity. The expression levels of the Runx2 and osteocalcin bone formation markers were reduced in the bone and bone marrow of the Sh3pxd2b-KO femurs, respectively. Our recent study demonstrated that Sh3pxd2b-KO BM-MSCs have a reduced ability to differentiate into osteoblast lineage cells; therefore, we concluded that the Tks4 scaffold protein is important for osteoblast formation, and that it likely plays a role in bone cell homeostasis
Popularity of dog sport competitions in Hungary
Dolgozatom tĂ©mája a kutyás sportok magyarországi nĂ©pszerűsĂ©gĂ©t vizsgálja, illetve mutatja be. Az elejĂ©n betekintĂ©st nyĂşjtok az olvasĂł számára egy kicsit általánosságban a kutyatartásrĂłl, kutyákrĂłl. A továbbiakban pedig megismerkedhetnek kĂĽlönbözĹ‘ kutyás sportokkal. KĂ©szĂtettem egy esettanulmányt, kĂ©rdĹ‘Ăves felmĂ©rĂ©st Ă©s kĂ©t interjĂşt is. Ezek által fogok szĂnesebb kĂ©pet adni a kutyás sportokrĂłl.BSc/BASport-Ă©s rekreáciĂłszervez
A vasút hatása Karcag és Püspökladány fejlődésére
Szakdolgozatomban azt vizsgáltam, hogy milyen változásokat hozott a vasĂşt lakĂłhelyem Karcag Ă©s a közelĂ©ben fekvĹ‘, vasĂşti csomĂłponttá vált PĂĽspökladány Ă©letĂ©ben. Ehhez elengedhetetlen volt áttekintenem a vasĂşt törtĂ©netĂ©t, továbbá megnĂ©znem mennyire versenykĂ©pes ma ez a közlekedĂ©si ágazat, illetve hogy milyen fejlesztĂ©sek fognak megvalĂłsulni a közeljövĹ‘ben. MegállapĂtottam, hogy a vasĂşt segĂtette a városok fejlĹ‘dĂ©sĂ©t, modernizálta a gazdaságot,általa megváltozott a telepĂĽlĂ©sek arculata, továbbá az emberek számára lehetĹ‘vĂ© tette az utazás szabadságát, kultĂşrát közvetĂett. Azonban ma a többi közlekedĂ©si ágazathoz kĂ©pest elmaradottnak számĂt, Ăgy fejlesztĂ©sre szorul, melyek megvalĂłsulásával Ă©s a sok rejtett kapacitás kihasználásával sokkal környezetkĂmĂ©lĹ‘bb közlekedĂ©si mĂłddá válhat a többivel szemben.BSc/BAFöldrajzg
A kisváros, mint ipari telephely:Karcag iparföldrajzi vizsgálata
Diplomamunkám tĂ©májának az alföldi kisvárosok rendszerváltás elĹ‘tti Ă©s utáni iparfejlĹ‘dĂ©sĂ©nek vizsgálatát választottam, kĂĽlönös tekintettel lakĂłhelyem, Karcag iparosodási folyamatira.Fontosnak tartottam bemutatni azokat a telepĂtĹ‘ tĂ©nyezĹ‘ket, melyek szerepet játszottak a karcagi ipari vállalkozások letelepedĂ©sĂ©ben, ezzel hozzájárulva a város ipari telephely szerepĂ©nek növelĂ©sĂ©hez. Szerettem volna kĂ©pet adni Karcag jelenlegi iparárĂłl is, bemutatni a domináns iparágakat, illetve az ezekben működĹ‘ nagyobb ipari vállalkozásokat. Nem utolsĂł sorban cĂ©lom volt bemutatni Karcag iparának megjelenĂ©sĂ©t a városfejlesztĂ©si dokumentumokban, mely által alá kĂvántam támasztani azt a tĂ©nyt, hogy Karcag ipara Ă©rdemes a vizsgálatra.MSc/MAGeográfusg