170 research outputs found

    TelsNet: temporal lesion network embedding in a transformer model to detect cervical cancer through colposcope images

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    Cervical cancer ranks as the fourth most prevalent malignancy among women globally. Timely identification and intervention in cases of cervical cancer hold the potential for achieving complete remission and cure. In this study, we built a deep learning model based on self-attention mechanism using transformer architecture to classify the cervix images to help in diagnosis of cervical cancer. We have used techniques like an enhanced multivariate gaussian mixture model optimized with mexican axolotl algorithm for segmenting the colposcope images prior to the Temporal Lesion Convolution Neural Network (TelsNet) classifying the images. TelsNet is a transformer-based neural network that uses temporal convolutional neural networks to identify cancerous regions in colposcope images. Our experiments show that TelsNet achieved an accuracy of 92.7%, with a sensitivity of 73.4% and a specificity of 82.1%. We compared the performance of our model with various state-of-the-art methods, and our results demonstrate that TelsNet outperformed the other methods. The findings have the potential to significantly simplify the process of detecting and accurately classifying cervical cancers at an early stage, leading to improved rates of remission and better overall outcomes for patients globally

    The Effect of Smoking on the Ocular Surface and the Precorneal Tear Film

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    Background Smoking, both active and passive, creates a plethora of health-related problems, which primarily affect the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. There is very little evidence on the effects of tobacco smoke on the eye, especially regarding anterior ocular surface related pathology. This study was undertaken to determine the effects of smoking on the ocular surface and the tear film in smokers. Methods A total of 51 (102 eyes) smokers and 50 (100 eyes) age- and gender-matched healthy non-smokers were included in this study. The ocular surface was evaluated by measuring tear film break-up time, surface staining with fluorescein, and corneal and conjunctival sensitivities, and by completing the SchirmerтАЩs II test. Data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 11.5. A p value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results The smoker group had significantly lower tear film break-up time, and corneal and conjunctival sensitivity than the non-smoker group. Punctate staining was significantly higher in the smoker group than the non-smoker group. There was no statistically significant difference in SchirmerтАЩs II test results between the smoker and non-smoker group. Conclusion Smoking caused adverse effects on the precorneal tear film and there was strong association between smoking and tear film instability. Although a causative relationship could not be determined, there is a need for further longitudinal studies


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    The changing lifestyle and dietary pattern has given way to many gynecological problems in females. Uterine fibroids are one of leading concerns for women in reproductive age. Though uterine fibroids are non- cancerous in character; they exhibit a wide range of symptoms like dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, low backache etc. It significantly hampers the general health and quality of life in women causing great mental agony. Contemporary treatment protocols include hormonal therapy, hysterectomy, myomectomy and uterine artery embolization. Reluctance to undergo prolonged hormone therapy, the fear of surgery brings more and more patient to Ayurveda. Hence more systematic studies in conservative management in these areas of Stree Roga are need of the hour. Ayurveda classics mention various pathological conditions that have features similar to fibroids. Owing to its muscular origin, with slow growth may be better compared to Granthi in Garbhasya. In the modern era of busy lifestyle, intake of junk food, lack of exercise etc had lead to Agnivaishamya and Ama formation. This in turn vitiates Doshas like Kapha and Vata and Dushyas like Rasa, Raktha, Mamsa, Medas and Arthava resulting in Dhatwagnimandya leading to formation of Garbhasayagranthi. The treatment approach is directed towards reducing size of fibroids using Ushna, Tiskhna, Lekhana Dravyas along with management of symptoms. The inevitable roles of Vata in Yoniroga is also taken into account in its management. Combining different treatment aspects of Granthi and Yoni Roga Chitksa, a unique approach towards the management of its varied presentations added on with lifestyle modification can contribute to healthy social life. The current article focuses and explores potentials of Ayurveda in different aspects of uterine fibroid

    A rare case of urocolpos

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    Urocolpos (uro-urine, Colpos-vagina) is distension of the vagina due to the accumulation of urine; it is a rare occurrence.it can be seen from young pre-pubertal girls to post-menopausal women. Labia minora adhesions can be partial or complete.in pre-pubertal girls the fusion caused due to hypoestrogenic state may be asymptomatic and present only as urinary retention. It can be mistaken for haematocoplos, which should be ruled out. We present a case report of a young female patient who presented with complete labial fusion with urocolpos with urinary incontinence. She was surgically treated and is being followed up with no recurrence

    Significance of umbilical artery doppler velocimetry in the perinatal outcome of growth restricted fetuses

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    Background: The objectives of the study are to determine the relationship between the umbilical artery Doppler and perinatal outcome in growth restricted foetuses and to compare the outcome with those of normal foetuses.Methods: A prospective observational study in which subjects were divided into two groups, pregnancies affected with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and pregnancies with normal fetuses. Both the groups were followed with Doppler velocimetry of umbilical artery after 28 weeks till delivery. The perinatal outcome of both the groups with normal and abnormal umbilical artery Doppler (reduced/ absent/ reversed end тАУ diastolic flow) were analysed with Chi-square test and student t - test using SPSS software version 15.0.Results: Umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry showed significant abnormality in growth restricted foetuses in comparison to normal foetuses. There was significant increase in the delivery of IUGR foetuses <37 weeks gestation(p<0.05). There was a significant increase in operative deliveries in both the groups with abnormal umbilical artery Doppler. A significant rise in adverse perinatal outcomes, Apgar <7 at 5 min and low birth weight in IUGR foetuses in comparison to normal foetuses (p<0.05).Conclusions: There is a strict correlation between abnormal umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry and an increased incidence of perinatal complications in growth restricted foetuses compared to normal foetuses. Hence, umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry should be used in all patients with fetal growth restriction, to identify impending hypoxia, to optimise the time of delivery and to optimise the perinatal outcome in these patients

    Fetomaternal outcome following labour induction in oligohydramnios and borderline liquor: a retrospective study in a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Amniotic fluid provides a protective milieu for the growing fetus in pregnancy and labour. A decrease in the amniotic fluid volume has been associated with increased maternal morbidity and fetal morbidity and mortality. The purpose was to compare the effect of labour induction on the fetomaternal outcome in women with oligohydramnios, borderline liquor and normal liquor at term.Methods: A retrospective study of all the labour induction in women with oligohydramnios, borderline liquor and normal liquor volume at 37-42 weeks gestation in a tertiary care teaching hospital. The demographic characteristics, maternal outcomes like mode of delivery, indication for operative delivery, meconium stained liquor and perinatal outcomes were compared in between the three groups. Parametric data was compared by chi-square test and non-parametric data by studentsтАЩ-test. A p-value less than 0.05 was taken as significant.Results: Among the 2338 deliveries during the study period, labour was induced in 266 women (11.3%). Out of which, 109 cases (40.9%) in oligohydramnios group, 111cases (41.7%) in borderline liquor group and 46 cases in normal liquor group. The incidence of meconium stained liquor, the number of operative deliveries and fetal distress was significantly higher and significantly lower birth weight (<2.5 kg) in the group with oligohydramnios and borderline liquor (p <0.05). Low Apgar score and admission to neonatal intensive care unit was higher in the oligohydramnios group (p<0.05).Conclusions: Induction of labour on detecting borderline liquor at term may help in reduction of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality

    Induction and evaluation of triploidy in edible oyster, Crassostrea madrasensis (Preston) - an approach to enhance bivalve aquaculture

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    Induced triploidy can be used for enhancing production of commercially valuable bivalve species. Triploid individuals, having an extra set of chromosomes (3n) typically exhibit reduced gametogenic activity leading to better growth since the energy used for reproduction is reallocated for somatic growth. In India, research on genetic manipulation of the edible oyster, Crassostrea madrasensis by triploidy inducement and assessment of triploid performance as a strategy to increase production has been underway since 1998. This article outlines the potential of using triploidy in bivalve culture for better returns

    Growth of triploid oyster, Crassostrea madrasensis (Preston)

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    The performance of I and II meiotic triploids and control oysters (Crassostrea madrasensis) reared at Tuticorin Bay was compared to determine if the improvements in the growth of edible oysters were additive to faster growth in triploids. After a grow-out period of 12 months, both mean whole weights and shell heights were in order Imeiotic triploid4IImeiotic triploid control. Mean whole weights and shell height of diferent oyster lines were all signi┬вcantly different (Po0.05). On an average, larger morphological traits indicated that growth improvements from triploids were additive, and throughout the study triploid oystersmaintained faster growth rate than their diploid siblings. Condition index and adductormuscle diameter of both triploids were higher than those of control

    Induction of Triploidy in Indian Edible Oyster Crassostrea madrasensis (Preston) Using 6-Dimethylaminopurine

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    Triploidy was induced in the Indian edible oyster Crassostrea madrasensis, by treating the newly fertilized eggs with 6-Dimethylaminopurine.The effect of different concentrations and durations of treatment on triploidy induction and survival of embryos were examined. The optimum condition was found to be 100 ╬╝M concentration of 6-DMAP for 8 minutes when 50% of the freshly fertilized eggs have extruded the first polar bodies. This yielded 67┬▒1.7 % of triploid on the first day and 62┬▒1.5% on the D-stage larvae as determined by examination of the metaphase chromosomes. Survivability among the different treatment groups at D stage were not significantly different. This is the first demonstration of induction of triploidy in Crassostrea madrasensis using 6-DMAP and since edible oyster farming is becoming increasingly popular in India, application of this technique in the production of culture stock assumes importance
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