786 research outputs found

    Implementation Of ALU sing Low Power Full Adder

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    This paper is resolved to structure a quick Arithmetic Logic Unit. We as a whole understand that, ALU is a module which can perform math and method of reasoning exercises. The speed of ALU essentially depends on the speed of the Multiplier. This paper demonstrates a strategy called, "Vedic Mathematics" for organizing the multiplier that is fast when diverged from various multipliers reliant on logical strategies that have been for all intents and purposes for a long time. Here, a quick 32x32 piece multiplier is organized and inspected which relies upon the Vedic science instrument. The proposed methodology is capable and snappy, wherein the planning incorporates the vertical and crossed growth of perspective Vedic math. Within multiplier is implemented using Vedic-Wallace structure for quick utilization. The case of the last result is gotten by using Brent-Kung snake for fast figuring’s with less zone use. The foreseen Vedic multiplier is coded in a High-level Digital Language (VHDL) trailed by synthetization using an EDA mechanical assembly, XilinxISE14.5. The proposed ALU can perform three different math and eight particular lucid assignments at quick. The major focus of this paper is to grow the speed of the multiplier and to reduce the delay, and region of the hardware


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    Objectives: Daclatasavir dihydrochloride (DCLD) is used to treat hepatitis C. DCLD can be used to patients with all stages of compensated liver disease including cirrhosis. The aim of the present study was to develop DCLD microspheres to improve the permeation and maximum accumulation in the liver and in vitro evaluation. Methods: DCLD microspheres were prepared with chitosan polymer using emulsion crosslinking technique. Twelve formulations were prepared, that is, F1-F12. The microspheres were evaluated for morphology, particle size, encapsulation efficiency, % yield, and permeability. FTIR studies were conducted on optimized formulation to check the drug-excipient compatibility. Results: The particle size of microspheres was in the range of 11.50±0.08 μm to 98.50±0.05 μm. Encapsulation efficiency of the formulations was observed in the range 47.8–69.2%. The ex vivo permeation studies revealed that 83.3±0.1% of drug was diffused from microspheres in 60 min, whereas from pure drug 49±0.7% of drug was diffused in 60 min. Conclusion: DCLD microspheres were shown good permeability when compared to pure drug which will improve the absorption

    Cost effectiveness analysis in the management of stroke in a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Stroke has a high economic impact on the society especially in a developing country like India. In India health insurance doesn’t cover all people leading to out of pocket expenditure. The objective of the present study was to study the cost of illness and outcome of stroke in a tertiary care hospital.Methods: Direct medical and nonmedical costs were obtained after 28 days of follow-up. The outcome of the stroke was measured by modified Rankin scale (mRS).Results: The mean age of the patients was 65.38±13.98 years. Majority of the patients suffered from ischemic stroke and belonged to lower middle socioeconomic group. The mean cost of stroke was INR 39819. There was improvement in the mRS score after 28 days following treatment of acute stroke.Conclusions:Direct medical costs forms major component of cost of stroke. Early management and hospital discharge can reduce the economic burden of stroke.


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    This research offers a comprehensive analysis of the structural aspects of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) in India, covering the period from the pre-liberalization era to the current time. The research paper examines the IPO landscape in India, a vibrant economy in Asia, by gathering a comprehensive dataset from various sources, including the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) archives, financial reports, and other pertinent sources. It analyzes the evolutionary patterns, regulatory changes, and significant events that have influenced the development of IPOs in the country. The primary findings indicate that regulatory changes, economic growth trajectories, and global financial conditions have significantly influenced initial public offerings (IPOs) volume and valuation. The research methodology involved meticulous data collection from reputable academic databases, primarily Mendeley and Scopus, spanning over five decades. This extensive dataset forms the foundation for our robust and insightful analysis. The study additionally emphasizes the significance of India's distinctive socio-economic structure, which has enabled and restricted the advancement of the capital market. By conducting a comparative analysis between India's framework and worldwide best practices, this study aims to identify areas of convergence and divergence. The paper finishes by providing policy proposals that enhance the resilience and inclusiveness of the Indian Initial Public Offering (IPO) market for a diverse range of issuers and investors. JEL: O10, O16  Article visualizations

    A23187-Channel behaviour: fluorescence study

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    Pyranine entrapped soylipid liposomes have been used as a model system to study the proton transport across membrane in the presence of A23187, a carboxylic ionophore specific for electroneutral exchange of divalent cations. An apparent rate constant (kapp) for transport of protons has been determined from the rate of change of fluorescence intensity of pyranine by stopped flow rapid kinetics in the presence of proton gradient The variation of kapp has been studied as a function of ionophore concentration and the results have been compared with gramicidin-a well known channel former under the similar experimental conditions. The rates thus obtained showed that A23187 is not only a simple carrier but also shows channel behaviour at high concentration of ionophore


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    This article aims to examine the hypothesis that local macroeconomic factors affect the volume of initial public offerings (IPOs) in a rising market, India, between 2015 and 2022. Initial public offerings (IPOs) are shown to have a positive correlation with industrial output and a negative correlation with interest rates. Using co-integration and Vector Error Correction models, we find a long-run equilibrium link between interest rates, industrial output, and initial public offerings (IPOs). Using a Markov regime-switching regression model, we also find that the effect of interest rates on IPO numbers is much more significant in the cold IPO regime than in the IPO hot regime. The empirical result seems to detect the IPO market's trend with a fair amount of accuracy. The findings demonstrate that a hot IPO market regime develops when investors start seeing extraordinarily high early returns, and their expectations about the future interest rate indicate the eagerness of entrepreneurs and managers to enter the IPO market. Conversely, a government's pursuit of monetary tightening causes investors to shy away from the IPO markets because they anticipate future profits will fall owing to rising interest rates and the price of shares will be harmed due to reduced dividend yield. JEL: O10, O16  Article visualizations

    Trends in world tuna fishery

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    Since the nineteenth century, indeed since a ncient times tuna fishing has been carried out in many places in the world. These fisheries were local and generally near the coasts. As most species of tunas are highly migratory, fishers caught them only at certain points in their life cycle. In other words, the fishing had to be seasonal