12 research outputs found

    Collaborative Governance Model Program Job Market Special for Vocational High Schools in Banten Province

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    SMK sebagai subsistem pendidikan nasional bertanggung jawab dalam penyiapan sumber daya manusia (SDM) tingkat menengah yang andal, yang berorientasi kepada kebutuhan pasar. Bursa Kerja Khusus (BKK) SMK merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam mengukur keberhasilan pendidikan di SMK, karena BKK menjadi lembaga yang berperan mengoptimalkan penyaluran tamatan SMK dan sumber informasi untuk pencari kerja. Masih terdapat banyak persoalan yang menyangkut pengelolaan BKK. Salah satu kendala yang dihadapi oleh BKK SMK tersebut di antaranya adalah kurang optimalnya fungsi dan peran pemerintahan daerah serta kolaborasi dengan unsur lain yang mendorong Program BKK SMK, sehingga program tersebut tidak dapat berjalan dengan efektif. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengunakan teori yang dikemukakan oleh Emerson & Nabatchi yakni model Integrative Framework for Collaborative governance sebagai pisau analisis. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Untuk menghasilkan model collaborative governance yang efektif dalam Program BKK SMK di Provinsi Banten, peneliti menggunakan metode Soft System Methodology (SSM). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa collaborative governance dalam Program Bursa Kerja Khusus SMK di Provinsi Banten belum dilaksanakan dengan efektif. Faktor - faktor dalam pelaksanaan collaborative governance dalam Program Bursa Kerja Khusus SMK di Provinsi Banten adalah faktor system contex, drivers, collaboration dynamics, collaboration action, outcome collaborative dan adaptation yang belum optimal. Model yang ideal untuk diterapkan dalam collaborative governance dalam Program Bursa Kerja Khusus SMK di Provinsi Banten adalah model dengan melibatkan lima unsur kolaborasi dengan peran yang setara, serta penguatan dalam penyebaran regulasi kolaborasi yang mengatur peran masing-masing stakeholders kolaborasi yakni pemerintah, industri, masyarakat, akademisi, media massa, dan DPRD. Ditemukan kebaruan berupa kritik peneliti terhadap model integrative framework for collaborative governance yang dikemukakan oleh Emerson & Nabatchi (2015), yakni dimensi partisipasi dari unsur kolaborasi dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi kolaborasi. Pemerintah harus segera merumuskan konsep partisipasi unsur-unsur dalam program BKK SMK, serta direkomendasikan untuk mendorong dan memaksimalkan partisipasi seluruh stakeholders yang terlibat dalam program BKK SMK di Provinsoi Banten. Kata Kunci : collaborative governance, Bursa Kerja Khusus SM

    Newly Discovered Topological Insulator Sr3SnO for Spintronics, Optical and Electronic Properties

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    A theoretical study of the electronic and optical properties of dilute magnetic semiconductor Sr3SnO is presented, using the full potential linearized augmented plane wave method. The Perdew Burke Ernzerhof (GGA08) (generalized gradient approximation) is used for the total energy calculations, while the Modified Becke Johnson (MBJ) is used for electronic structure calculations since this functional was designed to reproduce as well as possible the exact exchange correlation potential rather than the total energy, and as a result gives significantly improved results such as band gap and electronic structure. In this study, we have investigated the optical properties by means of first-principles density-functional total-energy calculation using the all-electron full potential linear augmented plane-wave method (FPLAPW)

    Qur’anic Ethics for Environmental Responsibility: Implications for Business Practice

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    Despite the growing interest in examining the role of religious beliefs as a guide towards environmental conscious actions, there is still a lack of research informed by an analysis of divine messages. This deficiency includes the extent to which ethics for environmental responsibility are promoted within textual divine messages; types of environmental themes promoted within the text of divine messages; and implications of such religious environmental ethics for business practice. The present study attempts to fill this gap by conducting a thorough content analysis of environmental themes within the divine message of Muslims (the Qur’an) focusing on their related ethical aspects and business implications. The analysis has revealed 675 verses in 84 chapters throughout all 30 parts of the Qur’an, with environmental content relating to the core components of the natural world, i.e. human beings, water, air, land, plants, animals, and other natural resources. This environmental content and its related ethics are grounded on the belief that humans are vicegerents of God on the earth and their behaviours and actions are motivated by earthly and heavenly rewards. Implications of these findings for different sectors/businesses are also highlighted

    Newly discovered Topological Insulator Sr3SnO for Spintronics, Optical and Electronic properties

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    A theoretical study of the electronic and optical properties of dilute magnetic semiconductor Sr3SnO is presented, using the full potential linearized augmented plane wave method. The Perdew Burke Ernzerhof (GGA08) (generalized gradient approximation) is used for the total energy calculations, while the Modified Becke Johnson (MBJ) is used for electronic structure calculations since this functional was designed to reproduce as well as possible the exact exchange correlation potential rather than the total energy, and as a result gives significantly improved results such as band gap and electronic structure. In this study, we have investigated the optical properties by means of first-principles density-functional total-energy calculation using the all-electron full potential linear augmented plane-wave method (FPLAPW)