38 research outputs found

    The Role of National Social Security Fund to socioeconomic development in Tanzania; A case of Dar Es Salaam Region

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    This study aimed at analysing the role of NSSF in the socio-economic development of Tanzania. The Data collected was analyzed by Frequencies and Multinomial Logistic Regression tools and hence the study findings were sorted and coded using SPSS software. The researcher used questionnaire as a tool of data collection. The findings showed that, overall average of respondents showed that 69.7% responded. The hypothesis 1, 2, 3 and 4 were supported by 0.336 coefficient of 67.988, 0.825 0.05 at a beta coefficient of 69.7090, 1at a beta coefficient of 64.603 and 0.3020.05 a beta coefficient of 68.250 respectively. The researcher recommended that, the government should implement rules and regulations which favour NSSF operations and repay loans in time. NSSF should encourage the society to be members and the society should support NSSF by leaving some of their piece of land to be used in development project. It was concluded that investment project, employment opportunities, development project, credit facilities lead to increase in Gross Domestic Product, Gross National Product, and poverty alleviation. They also lead to social welfare, rise in standard of living, better education, greater income distribution and credit facilities. This also leads to socio-economic development of Tanzania as a community. Key words: National Social Security Fund, Social economic development, Tanzania

    Factors Contributing to High Prevalence of Teenage Pregnancy in Lindi Municipality, Tanzania

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    This study was carried out at Lindi Municipality, Lindi Region, Tanzania. Teenage pregnancy continues to be a social, economic and cultural problem due to its continuing rise that has an adverse impact to both teenage and the community as a whole. Teenage mothers are likely to suffer from several complications during delivery that result in higher morbidity and mortality for both mother and child. The study was aiming to determine environmental factors contributing to high prevalence of teenage pregnancy. The research methodology involved a descriptive crosssection study, where a simple random sampling was used to select a study population and sample size. The method used for data collection was interviews, administered questionnaires and focus group discussion (FGD). A total of 207 teenage interviewed, 101(49%) were males and 106 (51%) were females. The study has come out with the findings that majority 108 (52%) respondents have poor knowledge on methods of contraceptives. On other hand the study noted that early attending to initiation rites ceremony have an impact on early sexual practice were majority 95 (86%) of respondents attended initiation rites practiced sexual intercourse early compared to 16 (14%) of respondents who had not attend. This difference is statistically significant (2 = 4.38154; P < 0.05; df = 1; CI = 95%).It has noticed that the situation of sexual intercourse at the first contact was a coerced act. It is recommended that there is a need to strengthen reproductive health education programs in school and out of school that promote communication skills among males and females. Establishment of approach which is more holistic; equipping teenage with appropriate knowledge on sexuality, access to contraceptives rather than traditional coaching approaches that focus upon improving sexual ability

    Perhitungan Pencatatan dan Pelaporan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai pada PT. Simple Jaya Manado

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    Evaluasi terhadap Pencatatan, Pelaporan, dan Perhitungan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai pada Perusahaan berpengaruh pada besar pajak yang dilaporkan serta disetorkan terlebih pada peningkatan pendapatan Perusahaan itu sendiri. Tujuan Penelitihan ini adalah untuk mengetahui serta mengevaluasi perhitungan, pencatatan serta pelaporan pajak pertambahan nilai (PPN), apakah sesuai dengan peraturan UU No.1 Tahun 2012 tentang PPN dan jasa dan UU No. 18 Tahun 2000 Perubahan kedua dari UU No.8 1983 tentang PPN yang berlaku. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisa deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitihan menunjukan bahwa Perusahaan telah melakukan perhitungan, pencatatan, dan pelaporan dengan baik dan benar sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku. Manajemen Perusahaan melakukan pengurangan antara pajak keluaran dengan pajak masukan, dikarenakan Perusahaan mengalami kurang bayar akibat pajak keluaran lebih besar dari pada pajak masukan. Kata kunci: pajak pertambahan nilai, pajak masukan, pajak keluara

    Hang him high: The elevation of Jánošík to an ethnic icon

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    In this paper, Martin Votruba traces the evolution of the Jánošík myth. The highwayman Jánošík is a living legend in Czech, Polish, and Slovak cultures. Contrary to common claims, the modern celebratory myth of the brigand hanged in the eighteenth century is at odds with the traditional images of brigandage in the western Carpathians. Folk songs and The Hungarian Simplicissimus of the seventeenth century often anathematize highway robbery. High literature of the mostly Slovak counties of the Kingdom of Hungary in the Habsburg empire similarly cast Jánošík as a criminal. Yet some intellectuals, such as Pavol Jozef Šafárik, inspired by the robber in German literature, singled out Jánošík from among other brigands and reduced that folklore-based opprobrium. Others, such as Ján Kollár, resisted Jánošík's rehabilitation. Subsequent Central European national revivals and ethnic activism prompted the Slovak romantic poets to reinvent Jánošík as a folk rebel against social and ethnic oppression

    An Exploration of Alternative Means of Financial Sustainability for the Church in Tanzania, East Africa: A Donor and Donee Perspective

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    This academic enterprise is a result of careful research and detailed work that was done for the benefit of the Church in Tanzania in particular but with general implications to the Church in Africa and the Church Universal. According to Kalilombe (2002), Self-reliance of the local Church in Africa remains a crucial subject matter (p.2). The Catholic Church in Tanzania, as is true in most of other Churches in Sub-Saharan Africa, has traditionally been dependent to some extent on financial gifts and foreign aid (donations). However, as the financial needs of the rapidly growing dioceses are increasing, subsidies and donations are being reduced, and dramatically fewer religious personnel from abroad are available. Due to a series of circumstances explored and examined in this dissertation, it becomes clear that the Church of Africa must move to financial and personnel independence and self-sufficiency in the very near future. In general, this dissertation is a result of an exploratory study which describes the needs of the Catholic Church in Tanzania in particular and Africa in general. The study will be followed by an application of existing models of ongoing dependency. Such dependency possibly explains present reality and provide insights into courses of action that must be taken if a sustainable Church in Africa is to evolve. The insights will also be applied to the specific issues in the setting of the Church in Tanzania, with important implications for the broader Church in Africa

    Pengaruh Pembagian Tugas dengan Efektivitas Kerja Kepala Kampung Jengan Danum di Kecamatan Damai Kabupaten Kutai Barat

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    The purpose of this study is to find out whether the division of duties has anything to do with the effectiveness of the work of the Head of Kampung Jengan Danum in the Peaceful District of West Kutai Regency. Therefore, the author obtained an overview of the division of duties and the effectiveness of employee work is very important so that employees better understand more deeply about the concept of State Administration in the context of task division to support the successful implementation of tasks well in the environment of the Head of Jengan Danum Village, West Kutai Regency Peace District. Although the division of tasks is not the only factor that supports success to create employee work effectiveness, it turns out that the task division factor is quite affecting the effectiveness of employee work. As the Leader it is recommended that more attention to the individual needs of its employees, as well as provide freedom for their employees to develop their creativity and provide a broader experience to employees through continuous development activities. And to the employees, especially those who were respondents in this study, it is recommended that they continue to improve morale and ability to bring the mission of the organization under the level of increasingly tight competition, so that it will be created well, which can simultaneously improve the performance of the organization in the face of global competition. The purpose of this study is to find out whether the division of duties has anything to do with the effectiveness of the work of the Head of Kampung Jengan Danum in the Peaceful District of West Kutai Regency. Therefore, the author obtained an overview of the division of duties and the effectiveness of employee work is very important so that employees better understand more deeply about the concept of State Administration in the context of task division to support the successful implementation of tasks well in the environment of the Head of Jengan Danum Village, West Kutai Regency Peace District. Although the division of tasks is not the only factor that supports success to create employee work effectiveness, it turns out that the task division factor is quite affecting the effectiveness of employee work. As the Leader it is recommended that more attention to the individual needs of its employees, as well as provide freedom for their employees to develop their creativity and provide a broader experience to employees through continuous development activities. And to the employees, especially those who were respondents in this study, it is recommended that they continue to improve morale and ability to bring the mission of the organization under the level of increasingly tight competition, so that it will be created well, which can simultaneously improve the performance of the organization in the face of global competition

    Towards an integrated multi-scale zero energy building framework for residential buildings

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    In most developed economies, buildings are directly and indirectly accountable for at least 40% of the final energy use. Consequently, most world cities are increasingly surpassing sensitive environmental boundaries and continue to reach critical biophysical thresholds. Climate change is one of the biggest threats humanity faces today and there is an urgent need to reduce energy use and CO₂ emissions globally to zero or to less than zero, to address climate change. This often leads to the assumption that buildings must reduce energy demand and emit radically less CO₂ during construction and occupation periods. Certainly, this is often implemented through delivering ‘zero energy buildings’. The deployment of residential buildings which meet the zero energy criteria thereby allowing neighbourhoods and cities to convert to semi-autonomous energy systems is seen to have a promising potential for reducing and even eliminating energy demand and the associated greenhouse gas emissions. However, most current zero energy building approaches focus solely on operational energy overlooking other energy uses such as embodied energy and user transport energy. Embodied energy constitutes all energy requirements for manufacturing building materials, construction and replacement. Transport energy comprises the amount of energy required to provide mobility services to building users. Zero energy building design decisions based on partial evaluation and quantification approaches might result in an increased energy demand at different or multiple scales of the built environment. Indeed, recent studies have demonstrated that embodied and transport energy demands account for more than half of the total annual energy demand of residential buildings built based on zero energy criteria. Current zero energy building frameworks, tools and policies therefore may overlook more than ~80% of the total net energy balance annually. The original contribution of this thesis is an integrated multi-scale zero energy building framework which has the capacity to gauge the relative effectiveness towards the deployment of zero energy residential buildings and neighbourhoods. This framework takes into account energy requirements and CO₂ emissions at the building scale, i.e. the embodied energy and operation energy demands, and at the city scale, i.e. the embodied energy of related transport modes including infrastructure and the transport operational energy demand of its users. This framework is implemented through the development of a quantification methodology which allows the analysis and evaluation of energy demand and CO₂ emissions pertaining to the deployment of zero energy residential buildings and districts. A case study, located in Auckland, New Zealand is used to verify, validate and investigate the potential of the developed framework. Results confirm that each of the building (embodied and operational) and transport (embodied and operational) energy requirements represent a very significant share of the annual overall energy demand and associated CO₂ emissions of zero energy buildings. Consequently, rather than the respect of achieving a net zero energy building balance at the building scale, the research has revealed that it is more important, above all, to minimise building user-related and transportation energy demand at the city scale and maximise renewable energy production coupled with efficiency improvements at grid level. The application of the developed evaluation framework will enable building designers, urban planners, researchers and policy makers to deliver effective multi-scale zero energy building strategies which will ultimately contribute to reducing the overall environmental impact of the built environment today

    Satirae. Mit Komm. von Domitius Calderinus

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