221 research outputs found

    Protective redundancy overhead reduction using instruction vulnerability factor

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    Due to modern technology trends, fault tolerance (FT) is acquiring an ever increasing research attention. To reduce the overhead introduced by the FT features, several techniques have been proposed. One of these techniques is Instruction-Level Fault Tolerance Configurability (ILCOFT). ILCOFT enables application developers to protect different instructions at varying degrees, devoting more resources to protect the most critical instructions, and saving resources by weakening protection of other instructions. It is, however, not trivial to assign a proper protection level for every instruction. This work introduces the notion of Instruction Vulnerability Factor (IVF), which evaluates how faults in every instruction affect the final application output. The IVF is computed off-line, and is then used by ILCOFT-enabled systems to assign the appropriate protection level to every instruction. IVF releases the programmer from the need to assign the necessary protection level to every instruction by hand. Experimental results demonstrate that IVF-based ILCOFT reduces the instruction duplication performance penalty by up to 77%, while the maximum output damage due to undetected faults does not exceed 0.6% of the total application output.EC/FP6/027648/EU/Scalable Computer Architecture/SAR

    ALUPower: Data Dependent Power Consumption in GPUs

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    Existing architectural power models for GPUs count activities such as executing floating point or integer instructions, but do not consider the data values processed. While data value dependent power consumption can often be neglected when performing architectural simulations of high performance Out-of-Order (OoO) CPUs, we show that this approach is invalid for estimating the power consumption of GPUs. The throughput processing approach of GPUs reduces the amount of control logic and shifts the area and power budget towards functional units and register files. This makes accurate estimations of the power consumption of functional units even more crucial than in OoO CPUs. Using measurements from actual GPUs, we show that the processed data values influence the energy consumption of GPUs significantly. For example, the power consumption of one kernel varies between 155 and 257 Watt depending on the processed values. Existing architectural simulators are not able to model the influence of the data values on power consumption. RTL and gate level simulators usually consider data values in their power estimates but require detailed modeling of the employed units and are extremely slow. We first describe how the power consumption of GPU functional units can be measured and characterized using microbenchmarks. Then measurement results are presented and several opportunities for energy reduction by software developers or compilers are described. Finally, we demonstrate a simple and fast power macro model to estimate the power consumption of functional units and provide a significant improvement in accuracy compared to previously used constant energy per instruction models.EC/H2020/688759/EU/Low-Power Parallel Computing on GPUs 2/LPGPU

    MEMPower: Data-Aware GPU Memory Power Model

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    This paper presents the MEMPower power model. MEMPower is a detailed empirical power model for GPU memory access. It models the data dependent energy consumption as well as individual core specific differences. We explain how the model was calibrated using special micro benchmarks as well as a high-resolution power measurement testbed. A novel technique to identify the number of memory channels and the memory channel of a specific address is presented. Our results show significant differences in the access energy of specific GPU cores, while the access energy of the different memory channels from the same GPU cores is almost identical. MEMPower is able to model these differences and provide good predictions of the access energy for specific memory accesses.EC/H2020/688759/EU/Low-Power Parallel Computing on GPUs 2/LPGPU

    Hardware-based task dependency resolution for the StarSs programming model

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    Recently, several programming models have been proposed that try to relieve parallel programming. One of these programming models is StarSs. In StarSs, the programmer has to identify pieces of code that can be executed as tasks, as well as their inputs and outputs. Thereafter, the runtime system (RTS) determines the dependencies between tasks and schedules ready tasks onto worker cores. Previous work has shown, however, that the StarSs RTS may constitute a bottleneck that limits the scalability of the system and proposed a hardware task management system called Nexus to eliminate this bottleneck. Nexus has several limitations, however. For example, the number of inputs and outputs of each task is limited to a fixed constant and Nexus does not support double buffering. In this paper we present Nexus++ that addresses these as well as other limitations. Experimental results show that double buffering achieves a speedup of 54Ă—/143Ă— with/without modeling memory contention respectively, and that Nexus++ significantly enhances the scalability of applications parallelized using StarSs.EC/FP7/248647/EU/ENabling technologies for a programmable many-CORE/ENCOR

    Amdahl's law for predicting the future of multicores considered harmful

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    Several recent works predict the future of multicore systems or identify scalability bottlenecks based on Amdahl's law. Amdahl's law implicitly assumes, however, that the problem size stays constant, but in most cases more cores are used to solve larger and more complex problems. There is a related law known as Gustafson's law which assumes that runtime, not the problem size, is constant. In other words, it is assumed that the runtime on p cores is the same as the runtime on 1 core and that the parallel part of an application scales linearly with the number of cores. We apply Gustafson's law to symmetric, asymmetric, and dynamic multicores and show that this leads to fundamentally different results than when Amdahl's law is applied. We also generalize Amdahl's and Gustafson's law and study how this quantitatively effects the dimensioning of future multicore systems

    VComputeBench: A Vulkan Benchmark Suite for GPGPU on Mobile and Embedded GPUs

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    GPUs have become immensely important computational units on embedded and mobile devices. However, GPGPU developers are often not able to exploit the compute power offered by GPUs on these devices mainly due to the lack of support of traditional programming models such as CUDA and OpenCL. The recent introduction of the Vulkan API provides a new programming model that could be explored for GPGPU computing on these devices, as it supports compute and promises to be portable across different architectures. In this paper we propose VComputeBench, a set of benchmarks that help developers understand the differences in performance and portability of Vulkan. We also evaluate the suitability of Vulkan as an emerging cross-platform GPGPU framework by conducting a thorough analysis of its performance compared to CUDA and OpenCL on mobile as well as on desktop platforms. Our experiments show that Vulkan provides better platform support on mobile devices and can be regarded as a good crossplatform GPGPU framework. It offers comparable performance and with some low-level optimizations it can offer average speedups of 1.53x and 1.66x compared to CUDA and OpenCL respectively on desktop platforms and 1.59x average speedup compared to OpenCL on mobile platforms. However, while Vulkan’s low-level control can enhance performance, it requires a significantly higher programming effort.EC/H2020/688759/EU/Low-Power Parallel Computing on GPUs 2/LPGPU

    Nexus: hardware support for task-based programming

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    To improve the programmability of multicores, several task-based programming models have recently been proposed. Inter-task dependencies have to be resolved by either the programmer or a software runtime system, increasing the respectively. In this paper we therefore propose the Nexus hardware task management support system. Based on the inputs and outputs of tasks, it dynamically detects dependencies between tasks and schedules ready tasks for execution. In addition, it provides fast and scalable synchronization. Experiments show that compared to a software runtime system, Nexus improves the task by a factor of 54 times. As a consequence much finer-grained tasks and/or many more cores can be efficiently employed. example, for H.264 decoding, which has an average task size 8.1us, Nexus scales up to more than 12 cores, while when using the software approach, the scalability saturates at below three cores

    A case for hardware task management support for the StarSS programming model

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    StarSS is a parallel programming model that eases the task of the programmer. He or she has to identify the tasks that can potentially be executed in parallel and the inputs and outputs of these tasks, while the runtime system takes care of the difficult issues of determining inter task dependencies, synchronization, load balancing, scheduling to optimize data locality, etc. Given these issues, however, the runtime system might become a bottleneck that limits the scalability of the system. The contribution of this paper is two-fold. First, we analyze the scalability of the current software runtime system for several synthetic benchmarks with different dependency patterns and task sizes. We show that for fine-grained tasks the system does not scale beyond five cores. Furthermore, we identify the main scalability bottlenecks of the runtime system. Second, we present the design of Nexus, a hardware support system for StarSS applications, that greatly reduces the task management overhead.EC/FP6/027648/EU/Scalable Computer Architecture/SAR

    An efficient and flexible FPGA implementation of a face detection system

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    This paper proposes a hardware architecture based on the object detection system of Viola and Jones using Haar-like features. The proposed design is able to discover faces in real-time with high accuracy. Speed-up is achieved by exploiting the parallelism in the design, where multiple classifier cores can be added. To maintain a flexible design, classifier cores can be assigned to different images. Moreover using different training data, every core is able to detect a different object type. As development platform, the Zynq-7000 SoC from Xilinx is used, which features an ARM Cortex-A9 dual-core CPU and a programmable logic (FPGA). The current implementation focuses on the face detection and achieves a real-time detection at the rate of 16.53 FPS on image resolution of 640Ă—480 pixels, which represents a speed-up of 6.46 times compared to the equivalent OpenCV software solution

    A QHD-capable parallel H.264 decoder

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    Video coding follows the trend of demanding higher performance every new generation, and therefore could utilize many-cores. A complete parallelization of H.264, which is the most advanced video coding standard, was found to be difficult due to the complexity of the standard. In this paper a parallel implementation of a complete H.264 decoder is presented. Our parallelization strategy exploits function-level as well as data-level parallelism. Function-level parallelism is used to pipeline the H.264 decoding stages. Data-level parallelism is exploited within the two most time consuming stages, the entropy decoding stage and the macroblock decoding stage. The parallelization strategy has been implemented and optimized on three platforms with very different memory architectures, namely an 8-core SMP, a 64-core cc-NUMA, and an 18-core Cell platform. Evaluations have been performed using 4kx2k QHD sequences. On the SMP platform a maximum speedup of 4.5x is achieved. The SMP-implementation is reasonably performance portable as it achieves a speedup of 26.6x on the cc-NUMA system. However, to obtain the highest performance (speedup of 33.4x and throughput of 200 QHD frames per second), several cc-NUMA specific optimizations are necessary such as optimizing the page placement and statically assigning threads to cores. Finally, on the Cell platform a near ideal speedup of 16.5x is achieved by completely hiding the communication latency.EC/FP7/248647/EU/ENabling technologies for a programmable many-CORE/ENCOR
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