264 research outputs found

    RV Sonne Cruise 200, 11 Jan-11 Mar 2009. Jakarta - Jakarta

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    All plate boundaries are divided into segments - pieces of fault that are distinct from oneanother, either separated by gaps or with different orientations. The maximum size of anearthquake on a fault system is controlled by the degree to which the propagating rupture cancross the boundaries between such segments. A large earthquake may rupture a whole segmentof plate boundary, but a great earthquake usually ruptures more than one segment at once.The December 26th 2004 MW 9.3 earthquake and the March 28th 2005 MW 8.7 earthquakeruptured, respectively, 1200–1300 km and 300–400 km of the subduction boundary betweenthe Indian-Australian plate and the Burman and Sumatra blocks. Rupture in the 2004 eventstarted at the southern end of the fault segment, and propagated northwards. The observationthat the slip did not propagate significantly southwards in December 2004, even though themagnitude of slip was high at the southern end of the rupture strongly suggests a barrier at thatplace. Maximum slip in the March 2005 earthquake occurred within ~100 km of the barrierbetween the 2004 and 2005 ruptures, confirming both the physical importance of the barrier,and the loading of the March 2005 rupture zone by the December 2004 earthquake.The Sumatran Segmentation Project, funded by the Natural Environment Research Council(NERC), aims to characterise the boundaries between these great earthquakes (in terms of bothsubduction zone structure at scales of 101-104 m and rock physical properties), record seismicactivity, improve and link earthquake slip distribution to the structure of the subduction zoneand to determine the sedimentological record of great earthquakes (both recent and historic)along this part of the margin. The Project is focussed on the areas around two earthquakesegment boundaries: Segment Boundary 1 (SB1) between the 2004 and 2005 ruptures atSimeulue Island, and SB2 between the 2005 and smaller 1935 ruptures between Nias and theBatu Islands.Cruise SO200 is the third of three cruises which will provide a combined geophysical andgeological dataset in the source regions of the 2004 and 2005 subduction zone earthquakes.SO200 was divided into two Legs. Leg 1 (SO200-1), Jakarta to Jakarta between January 22ndand February 22nd, was composed of three main operations: longterm deployment OBSretrieval, TOBI sidescan sonar survey and coring. Leg 2 (SO200-2), Jakarta to Jakarta betweenFebruary 23rd and March 11th, was composed of two main operations: Multichannel seismicreflection (MCS) profiles and heatflow probe transects

    Promoting the Products of Speed Electronics Using a Commercial Website

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    Speed Electronics is a home industry which producing electronic spare-parts for electronic goods. Since this company is still developing, it has to deal with several promotion problems. To solve this problem, Speed Electronics really needs to have a media which can promote its products and attract prospective customers. Thus, a commercial website will be suitable for Speed Electronics. It will consist of “Home”, “About Us”, “Our Products”, “Our Service”, “Our Distributors/Stores” and “How to Contact Us” parts. I believe only by seeing the pictures and the descriptions inside the website, the customers will be updated with the newest information about the spare-parts that Speed Electronics sell. Moreover, when they want to order the spare-parts, they can directly look at this website to avoid miscommunication. Besides, Speed Electronics will expectedly be able to widen its market or even get a chance to export its products to other countrie

    The Perceptions of Petra Christian University Male and Female Students Toward the Language Used in a Hotel Website and the Hotel Itself

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the perceptions of the male and female students of Petra Christian University toward the language used in a three-star hotel website in Surabaya and toward the hotel itself. I want to know if the perceptions toward the language will influence the perceptions toward the hotel which writes the website. The respondents of this study are 30 male and 30 female students of Petra Christian University. Here, there are some similarities and differences found between the male and female students' perceptions toward the language used in a three-star hotel website in Surabaya and toward the hotel itself. It seems that the female students usually see language as one important way to know the hotel. On the other hand, it seems that the male students do not really care about what kind of language that is used in a hotel websit

    Analisis Efektivitas Expo dan Open House Serta Minat Calon Siswa Indonesia dan Asing pada English First (Ef) Malang

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    At this time, it is known that in the era of globalization people are required to have such a useful provision like the foreign language skills such as English. Many foreign language education institutions also have been established in Indonesia as well as in Malang for example English First (EF), The British Institute (TBI), Institute for Language and Education Professionals LIA (LBPP LIA). Therefore, many language institutions that hold promotions in attracting students and one of them is English First (EF).  There are two research problem: First, how is the differences in the effectiveness of the expo and open house to increase the number of students at the EF. Second, how is the differences in the effectiveness of expo and open house on the interests of prospective Indonesian and foreign students at EF. As this study used quantitative methods. In this research expo looks much more effective at getting students while held this event compared to the open house. In the expo can also be obtained advantages that could be closer to prospective customers and get a better response compared with the approach using the email or telephone. Effectiveness of the expo and open house at the interests of prospective Indonesian students and foreign students at the EF did not have a significant difference. In this case means that the two candidates both Indonesian and foreign students also have a passion for learning in EF

    Pengendalian Hama Terpadu Tanaman Hias Di Desa Kakaskasen Kota Tomohon (Jenis-jenis Hama Pada Tanaman Krisan Di Desa Kakaskasen Kota Tomohon)

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    Tanaman krisan merupakan salah satu tanaman hias yang sudah dikembangkan oleh petani di daerah Kakaskasen Kota Tomohon. Serangga hama menjadi salah satu penghambat dalam upaya meningkatkan produksi tanaman potong bunga krisan. Banyak petani belum memahami jenis-jenis hama yang ada di pertanaman krisan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis hama yang menyerang tanaman krisan di desa Kakaskasen II Kota Tomohon dan untuk mengamati gejala serangan hama pada tanaman krisan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat tiga spesies utama hama yang menyerang krisan yaitu : Liriomyza spp., Thrips spp. dan Aphis spp. Gejala serangan Liriomyza adanya gejala gorokan larva yaitu : terowongan dalam daun, melingkar-lingkar di dalam epidermis daun. Hama Thrips spp. memperlihatkan gejala pada bunga yang terserang menunjukkan gejala seperti garis-garis yang memanjang yang berwarna coklat keperakanyang merupakan akibat dari alat mulut menusuk mengisap dari hama tersebut yang mengisap pada bunga. Gejala serangan Aphis sp. yaitu tanaman menjadi tumbuh agak kerdil, warna daun berubah menjadi kekuningan, dan tidak normal.Pengendalian hama tersebut di atas dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan pengendalian hama terpadu antara lain : monitoring keberadaan hama, penggunaan varietas resisten, mengeluarkan tanaman atau bagian tanaman yang terserang, penggunaan perangkap kuning berperekat, memanfaatkan musuh alami dan pengendalian kimia dengan dosis yang sesuai

    Eksplorasi Protein Toksin Bacillus Thuringiensis Dari Tanah Di Kabupaten Tangerang

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    Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) merupakan bakteri gram positif berspora penghasil protein toksin yang bersifat sebagai insektisidal dan sitosidal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengeksplorasi protein toksin yang dihasilkan dari isolat lokal B.thuringiensis hasil sampling di beberapa tempat di wilayah Kabupaten Tangerang dan memprediksi karakteristik protein tersebut berdasarkan bobot molekulnya.Beberapa wilayah yang dijadikan titik sampling antara lain : Ciherang, Ciputat, Pasar Kemis, Kosambi, Parung Secab, Puspiptek, Pamulang, dan Cileduk. Isolasi B.thuringiensis dari sampel tanah dilakukan dengan metode Travera et al. (1987) menggunakan medium T3.Isolat yang diperoleh dikultivasi selama 72 jam pada suhu 28oC hingga sporulasi dan dihasilkan protein kristal yang kemudian ditentukan kandungan proteinnya dengan metode Lowry. Analisis profil protein dilakukan dengan SDS-PAGE pada konsentrasi resolving gel 12 % dan stacking gel 4 %.Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh 6 sampel tanah yang positif mengandung B.thuringiensis, yaitu sampel Ciherang, Pasar Kemis, Kosambi, Parung Secab, Pamulang dan Cileduk. Analisis SDS-PAGE pada masing-masing sampel menunjukkan 5 jenis protein toksin yang diduga bersifat insektisidal, yaitu Cry 15, Cry 23, Cry 25, Cry 30, dan Cry 35, dan 3 jenis protein yang diprediksi bersifat sitosidal yaitu PS-2 (Cry 46), PS-3 (Cry41), dan PS-4 (Cry 45)

    Student’s Self-Confidence Restoration with Peer Mentoring Strategy

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    The research objective is to restore students’ self-confidence in learning process using peer mentoring strategies. The research design used is classroom action research by involving students who experience selfconfidence problems determined purposively (five participants). Data were collected using participant observation, in-depth interviews, and field notes. Data were analyzed quantitatively (frequence and percentage) and qualitatively using Creswell’s model with seven segments of analysis, ranging from the process of collecting data to interpreting themes. The results prove that the efforts to restore students’ self-confidence succeed in five strategies, including three initial strategies (cycle 1), forming limited and intimate group discussion, placing peers who inherit caring, supportive, and inspiring, attitude and providing clear or detailed assignments. While the next two strategies (cycle 2) are to give full trust to students to execute their duties in form of performance and to conduct evaluations based on improvement using students advantages. Consequently, the increase from the first cycle to the second cycle for each participant are P1 = 18.75%, P2 = 17.1875%, P3 = 23.4375%, P4 = 17.1875%, and P5 = 20.3125%. Peer mentoring is very helpful for educators to share roles in an effort to improve student learning performance, for instance improving self-confidence. In addition, peer mentoring can be used by educators to improve the quality of learning in other aspects such as learning outcomes, social intelligence, transformational leadership, and so forth


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    This research was conducted with an aim to examine the relationship of time management with the physical education learning outcomes in high-school students of both genders, aged 17.60±0.89 (Mean±SD). The data of Time management from respondents were taken using the Time Management Questionnaire (Alay & Kocak, 2002). Data on learning outcomes were taken from the learning value of Physical Education students in the first semester of the school year 2018/2019. The results of the descriptive test indicates that the time management of students was classified as fair (62.71%) and their learning outcomes were also good (83.05%), while the results of the Pearson test showed a significant relationship between time management with physical education learning outcomes (0.314) Thus, educators can train students to develop time management skills by arranging plans before doing, determining and setting work priorities, being responsible for work time and priorities, and avoiding unfavorable activities