15 research outputs found

    The morphine and cognitive functions

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    Prawidłowy przebieg procesów poznawczych, a nie tylko brak bólu, warunkuje dobre funkcjonowanie pacjentów z chorobą nowotworową w społeczeństwie oraz sprawne wykonywanie codziennych czynności. Jest zatem istotnym czynnikiem wpływającym na ogólną jakość życia. Wobec coraz powszechniejszego zastosowania opioidów w celu zwalczania bólu również w chorobach innych niż nowotworowe, istnieje potrzeba podjęcia badań nad rzeczywistym wpływem opioidów na te funkcje. Dotychczas, mimo braku dowodów negatywnego wpływu morfiny na sprawność umysłową i psychomotoryczną, w wielu krajach jej przyjmowanie skutkuje niemożnością podejmowania czynności prawnych, obsługiwania maszyn i prowadzenia pojazdów. Innym ważnym powodem jest fakt, że powyższe ograniczenia zaczynają dotyczyć coraz większej liczby chorych w ogólnie dobrej kondycji fizycznej, którzy przyjmują morfinę z powodu bólu przewlekłego.Both analgia and proper cognitive functioning are mandatory for social wellbeing of cancer patients and for continuing their normal everyday activities. Good cognitive functioning is a potent factor influencing the general quality of life. As the use of opioids in the treatment of pain is becoming more and more comon in cancer as well as in non-cancer conditions, there is a need for extensive research on the influence of opioids on cognitive functions. To date, despite the lack of evidence for negative effects of morphine on the intellectual and psychomotor performance, its use precludes that the patients take legal acts, operate machines and drive a car. Another important reason is that these limitations affect the continuously growing number of patients taking morphine for chronic pain

    Obraz pacjenta w terminalnej fazie choroby w świadomości osób zdrowych

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    Wstęp. Celem pracy było ustalenie opinii studentów medycyny dotyczących sytuacji pacjentów w stanach terminalnych. Materiał i metody. Badanie przeprowadzono wśród studentów VI roku medycyny Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego, przy zastosowaniu przygotowanej w tym celu anonimowej ankiety, wypełnianej przed zajęciami z przedmiotu medycyna paliatywna. Wyniki. W badaniu wzięło udział 76 respondentów. Wyrazili oni opinie na temat m.in. informowania pacjentów o stanie zdrowia, uczuć towarzyszących choremu w stanie terminalnym i jego bliskim, rodzajów opieki, jaką powinien zostać objęty, czynników mających najistotniejsze znaczenie dla dobrostanu psychicznego pacjenta oraz relacji pomiędzy jego stanem psychicznym a stanem fizycznym lub długością przeżycia. Wnioski. Badanie pokazało, że studenci VI roku medycyny dostrzegają problemy związane z sytuacją biopsychospołeczną osób umierających i ich rodzin. Jednocześnie odpowiedzi udzielane przez osoby badane wskazują na fakt postrzegania problemów związanych z końcem życia z perspektywy człowieka zdrowego. Medycyna Paliatywna w Praktyce 2011; 5, 1: 6–1

    Catalytic properties of metallosilicates

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    Metallosilicates with MFI structure containing metal atoms such as Ni, Co, Cu, Zn-Cu and Zn in framework have been synthesized with various metal/silicone (Me/Si) ratios (up to 0.1). The acidities of H-form metallosilicates were evaluated by some acid-catalyzed reactions (decomposition of 2-propanol, cracking of cumene and isomerization of 1-butene). The Zn-Si catalyst showed the highest acidities among various metallosilicates. In the metallosilicates-supported noble metal catalysts, 5%Pt/Zn-Si and 0.1%Pd/Cu-Si catalysts showed the highest activities for hydrodesulfurization of thiophene and hydrodechlorination of chlorobenzene, respectively.研究報

    Interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity of the medical profession. Opportunity or threat?

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    This article aims to describe the actual scope of requirements for physicians and analyse it as an opportunity for, or threat to, the development of the profession. The article will be subdivided into two parts. In the first, concerning the interdisciplinarity of the medical profession, we shall provide constructive criticism of the specialisation system within the medical profession. This part will be subdivided into two segments: the first will list the opportunities for physicians which result from often far-reaching specialisation, while the second will enumerate the threats. The second part, dealing with the multidisciplinarity of the medical profession will define the scope of actual competences required from physicians so as to judge whether such a large amount of additional knowledge is helpful for physicians in fulfilling their professional requirements, or if it overwhelms them

    Szanowni Państwo,

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    Dietary Acid Load and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors—A Narrative Review

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    The Western, diet rich in acidogenic foods (e.g., meat, fish and cheese) and low in alkaline foods (e.g., vegetables, fruits and legumes), is deemed to be a cause of endogenous acid production and elevated dietary acid load (DAL), which is a potential cause of metabolic acidosis. Multiple authors have suggested that such a dietary pattern increases the excretion of calcium and magnesium, as well as cortisol secretion. In addition, it is associated with decreased citrate excretion. All of these seem to increase blood pressure and insulin resistance and may contribute to the development of cardiometabolic disorders. However, there are inconsistencies in the results of the studies conducted. Therefore, this narrative literature review aims to present the outcomes of studies performed in recent years that investigated the association between DAL and the following cardiometabolic risk factors: blood pressure, hypertension, carbohydrate metabolism and lipid profile. Study outcomes are divided into (i) statistically significant positive association, (ii) statistically significant inverse association, and (iii) no statistically significant association

    The Influence of Nutrition on Adiponectin—A Narrative Review

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    The adipose tissue is an active endocrine organ which synthesizes and secretes a variety of adipokines, including adiponectin with its anti-inflammatory properties. Its expression is influenced by numerous factors such as age, sex, body weight and adipose tissue content. However, dietary factors, i.e., diet structure and the percentage of individual nutrients and products, are very important modulators. Beneficial dietary habits are the Mediterranean diet, DASH diet, diet based on plant products and diet with reduced energy value. Moreover, the share of individual products and nutrients which increase the concentration of adiponectin is worth noting. This group may include monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, dietary fiber, polyphenols, alcohol and milk products. Conversely, dietary ingredients which have a negative effect on the concentration of adiponectin are typical components of the Western diet: saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids, monosaccharides and disaccharides, and red meat. Furthermore, a diet characterized by a high glycemic index such as a high-carbohydrate low-fat diet also seems to be unfavorable. Due to the fact that available knowledge should be systematized, this study aimed to summarize the most recent research on the influence of dietary factors on the concentration of adiponectin