12 research outputs found

    International norm diffusion? Durable solutions and displaced persons from post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina – 2000-2010.

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    The key aim in this study is to investigate the linkages, synergies and misalignments between the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ (UNHCR) ‘top-down’ policy development in relation to the specific case on durable solutions with a detailed exploration of the ‘bottom-up’ views of actual refugees and displaced migrants. Put simply the aim is to provide more detailed insight into whether the ‘top-down’ policy initiatives of UNHCR also take into account and are synergised with ‘bottom-up’ approaches and concepts of the actual refuges. By taking this approach, the thesis argues that if we are to meet the growing challenges of today, then there is a need to have very clear assessments of the performance of ‘top-down’ policy initiatives established by UNHCR and, in particular, in relation to the past and present approaches to durable solutions. Here the focus should be on not just establishing and outlining UNHCR’s awareness of the perceptions, interests, and perceived predicaments of displaced people, but also actually on emphasising a focus that seeks to identify and address any misalignments between the top-down policy development of UNHCR and the real-time ‘bottom-up’ perspectives of the refugees. This is especially important since refugee groups have – in practice – significant political capacity and considerable interest in shaping durable solutions to suit their needs. However, this thesis also argues that evidence suggests that there is – at present - insufficient awareness among refugees on how the development of policy themes at UNHCR level are actually informed by the ‘bottom-up’ refugee perspectives and norm diffusion. Furthermore, on this basis, there are notable asymmetries between the ‘top-down’ policy development of UNHCR and the actual ‘bottom-up’ perspectives of refugees that can explain why aspects of UNHCR’s durable solutions continue to be controversial and not always that successful

    Socialization of International Human Rights Norms: The Bosnian Case.

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    M.Phil.The thesis starts with a look at the theory of norm diffusion and the factors influencing states to institutionalize international norms. I examine how norms become embedded in post-conflict zones and measure the extent to which they are embedded in state practice. The causal relevance of international norms may be defined in terms of the ability to change state behaviour. The process of norm diffusion is made up of ideas and discussions that change the identities in the post-conflict state that are connected with the behaviour of violating human rights. My argument is based on a constructivist approach to international socialization. The main theoretical approach to international norm dynamics and political change which will be considered in this thesis is the approach presented by the norms life cycle, concerned mainly with how a norm emerges, is established and finally becomes commonly accepted. It conceives of socialization as a process of change in violations and has two major components: (I) diffusion of norms prior to war; (II) violations; (III) socialization. This thesis is an attempt to demonstrate a cause of foreign policy, ‘norm-driven change’, a domestic policy shift generated by the dynamics of the international normative environment. In accounting for Bosnian politics, this study highlights the causal role of international norms in affecting the domestic policy-making process. Unlike the mainstream international relations theories, which look into either the international material structure or domestic factors, this ‘norm-driven change’ model connects the international and domestic levels by examining the interaction between international norms and domestic policy-making

    Bourgeois fashion in the light of Baltazar Behem's Codex.

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    The subject of this thesis is bourgeois fashion, mainly during the decadent Middle Ages. The miniatures from Baltazar Behem’s Codex were treated as a point of reference. They are compared not not only with the temple reliefs located on the Altar of Wit Stwosz (Veit Stoss) in St. Mary’s Church in Cracow, but also with painting, sculpture and iconography of the sacred images from the National Museum in Cravow situated in The Bishop Erazm Ciołek Palace. The research work was also based on the extensive bibliography found in Jagiellonian Library and different libraries in Gdansk. The thesis covers information gathered in Rynek Underground Museum in Cracow. The miniatures from Baltazar Behem’s Codex were examined from that period ideologic-cultural point of view. The thesis includes Baltazar Behem’s autobiography and codicology of his miniatures. Not only were the medieval scales and measures worth to mention, but also fabrics. The types, names, such as silk or cloth, colors and finally, the way of producing them. The subject of anti-luxury act is brought up. The issue of guild clothing in late Middle Ages is also taken into consideration. The executioners’ outfit is regarded as a part of townsman’s image. There is a confrontation of a Cracovian and Danzinger fashion and an explanation how did the hanseatic trade influence medieval fashion. The main aim of the thesis is to present bourgeois fashion, its diversity and nomenclature. In order to explain an evolution of guild fashion, both outfits presented in the Crafts Book and Baltazar Behem’s miniatures were analyzed. It was investigated whether a Cracovian townsman was following the fashion. The thesis includes reproductions of works of art which illustrate medieval European fashion. There are also maps of hanseatic trade tracks. I hope this thesis will be helpful in understanding Middle Ages fashion phenomenon.Praca ta dotyczy mody mieszczańskiej głównie w schyłkowym okresie średniowiecza. Jako punkt odniesienia wzięłam miniatury z Kodeksu Baltazara Behema. Porównałam je pod kątem strojów z płaskorzeźbami z Ołtarza NMP W. Stwosza w Krakowie, z malarstwem, rzeźbą i ikonografią wizerunków sakralnych z Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie w Pałacu biskupa Erazma Ciołka. Do celów badawczych oparłam się również na bogatej bibliografii głównie z Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej i z bibliotek Gdańska. Wykorzystałam również dane z wystawy Podziemia Sukiennic w Krakowie. Opisałam miniatury kodeksu Baltazara Behema pod kątem ideologiczno-kulturowym tamtej epoki. Zawarłam w tej pracy krótki życiorys Baltazara Behema oraz kodykologię miniatur kodeksu. Jest tam również ukazany sposób wykonania niektórych materii jak jedwab czy sukno, rodzaje materii, jej nazwy i kolorystyka. Ciekawym zagadnieniem są miary i wagi średniowieczne. Ujęta jest również odzież cechowa w późnym średniowieczu i problem ustaw przeciw zbytkowych. Porównałam również modę krakowską z modą gdańską oraz wpływ na modę handlu hanzeatyckiego. Strój kata ukazany jest jako uzupełnienie wizerunku mieszczanina w średniowiecznym mieście. Głównym celem niniejszej pracy jest pokazanie mody mieszczańskiej, jej różnorodność oraz nazewnictwo. Porównując stroje cechowe z Księgi Rzemiosł z miniaturami z Kodeksu Baltazara Behema chciałam ukazać ewolucję mody cechowej w wiekach średnich. Opierając się na sztuce europejskiej zastanowić się nad zagadnieniem czy mieszczanin krakowski w późnym okresie gotyku był modny czy nie. Praca ta jest uzupełniona o całe ilustracje i fragmenty średniowiecznych dzieł sztuki czy malarstwa obrazujące ówczesną odzież Europy. Uzupełniłam te obrazy również o mapy dróg handlu hanzeatyckiego. Mam nadzieję że ta praca pomoże w zrozumieniu zjawiska mody w średniowieczu

    Deep Eutectic Solvents and Their Uses for Air Purification

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    Chemical compounds released into the air by the activities of industrial plants and emitted from many other sources, including in households (paints, waxes, cosmetics, disinfectants, plastic (PVC) flooring), may affect the environment and human health. Thus, air purification is an important issue in the context of caring for the condition of the environment. Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) as liquids with environmentally friendly properties (non-volatile, biodegradable, non-toxic, cheap, easy to prepare) are a promising solution to this problem. This paper reviews the advances made in the application of DESs as sorbents for the purification of atmospheric and indoor air. The potential of DESs and their subclasses (including SUPRAmolecular Deep Eutectic Solvents, SUPRADESs) applications in air purification processes were also summarized.The authors believe that this review can be useful for future readers as a starting point for research in the field of DESs and their application in air purification

    Designing a Small Water Power Plant in Poland in the Aspect of Minimizing the Impact on River Ecosystem

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    A small hydro-power plant designing in aspect of current legislation is an interdisciplinary problem because of the fact that efficiency priority is not so important as ecological one. In this article the regulations concerning permissions for plant operation are discussed. The small hydro-power plant designing criteria are presented in the aspect of a plant impact on the river ecosystem

    Impact of a Synthetic Component on the Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds during the Combustion Process in a Miniature Turbine Engine

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    This paper refers to the study of biofuel as an alternative power source for turbine aviation engines. Blends of Jet A-1 fuel and synthesized hydrocarbons from Hydrotreated Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA) technology at different proportions, such as 25%, 50% and 75%, were used for tests. All the test results were compared with the neat Jet A-1 fuel. A miniature GTM series turbojet engine was used in the test rig studies. During the tests conducted at a specific rotational speed, selected engine operating parameters as well as the emission of volatile organic compounds were measured. In terms of engine performance, no significant differences were found between the test fuels. The results of volatile organic compound emissions indicate that among the most toxic compounds the highest concentrations were obtained for benzene. The addition of the HEFA synthetic component and increasing its proportion in the blend resulted in the obtained concentration values for benzene showing a decreasing trend. The plotted utility profile indicates that the most optimal blend, i.e., the least toxic, is the blend with the share (v/v) of 62.5% of Jet A-1 fuel and 37.5% of HEFA component

    Assessment of the Actual Toxicity of Engine Exhaust Gas Emissions from Euro 3 and Euro 6 Compliant Vehicles with the BAT-CELL Method Using In Vitro Tests

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    Legal restrictions on vehicle engine exhaust gas emission control do not always go hand in hand with an actual reduction in the emissions of toxins into the atmosphere. Moreover, the methods currently used to measure exhaust gas emissions do not give unambiguous results on the impact of the tested gases on living organisms. The method used to assess the actual toxicity of gases, BAT-CELL Bio-Ambient-Tests using in vitro tests, takes into account synergistic interactions of individual components of a mixture of gases without the need to know its qualitative and quantitative composition and allows for determination of the actual toxicity of the gas composition. Using the BAT-CELL method, exhaust gases from passenger vehicles equipped with spark-ignition engines complying with the Euro 3 and Euro 6 emission standards were tested. The results of toxicological tests were correlated with the results of chromatographic analysis. It was shown that diverse qualitative composition of the mixture of hydrocarbons determining the exhaust gases toxicity may decrease the percentage value of cell survival. Additionally, it was proven that the average survival of cells after exposure to exhaust gases from tested vehicles meeting the more restrictive Euro 6 standard was lower than for vehicles meeting the Euro 3 standard thus indicating the higher toxicity of exhaust gases from newer vehicles