8,973 research outputs found

    Avoiding Loopholes with Hybrid Bell-Leggett-Garg Inequalities

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    By combining the postulates of macrorealism with Bell locality, we derive a qualitatively different hybrid inequality that avoids two loopholes that commonly appear in Leggett-Garg and Bell inequalities. First, locally invasive measurements can be used, which avoids the "clumsiness" Leggett-Garg inequality loophole. Second, a single experimental ensemble with fixed analyzer settings is sampled, which avoids the "disjoint sampling" Bell inequality loophole. The derived hybrid inequality has the same form as the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt Bell inequality; however, its quantum violation intriguingly requires weak measurements. A realistic explanation of an observed violation requires either the failure of Bell locality, or a preparation-conspiracy of finely tuned and nonlocally correlated noise. Modern superconducting and optical systems are poised to implement this test.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    Implementation of Epidemic Routing with IP Convergence Layer in ns-3

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    We present the Epidemic routing protocol implementation in ns-3. It is a full-featured DTN protocol in that it supports the message abstraction and store-and-haul behavior. We compare the performance of our Epidemic routing ns-3 implementation with the existing implementation of Epidemic in the ONE simulator, and discuss the differences

    Weak values are universal in von Neumann measurements

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    We refute the widely held belief that the quantum weak value necessarily pertains to weak measurements. To accomplish this, we use the transverse position of a beam as the detector for the conditioned von Neumann measurement of a system observable. For any coupling strength, any initial states, and any choice of conditioning, the averages of the detector position and momentum are completely described by the real parts of three generalized weak values in the joint Hilbert space. Higher-order detector moments also have similar weak value expansions. Using the Wigner distribution of the initial detector state, we find compact expressions for these weak values within the reduced system Hilbert space. As an application of the approach, we show that for any Hermite-Gauss mode of a paraxial beam-like detector these expressions reduce to the real and imaginary parts of a single system weak value plus an additional weak-value-like contribution that only affects the momentum shift.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, includes Supplementary Materia

    Violating the Modified Helstrom Bound with Nonprojective Measurements

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    We consider the discrimination of two pure quantum states with three allowed outcomes: a correct guess, an incorrect guess, and a non-guess. To find an optimum measurement procedure, we define a tunable cost that penalizes the incorrect guess and non-guess outcomes. Minimizing this cost over all projective measurements produces a rigorous cost bound that includes the usual Helstrom discrimination bound as a special case. We then show that nonprojective measurements can outperform this modified Helstrom bound for certain choices of cost function. The Ivanovic-Dieks-Peres unambiguous state discrimination protocol is recovered as a special case of this improvement. Notably, while the cost advantage of the latter protocol is destroyed with the introduction of any amount of experimental noise, other choices of cost function have optima for which nonprojective measurements robustly show an appreciable, and thus experimentally measurable, cost advantage. Such an experiment would be an unambiguous demonstration of a benefit from nonprojective measurements.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Symmetric path integrals for stochastic equations with multiplicative noise

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    A Langevin equation with multiplicative noise is an equation schematically of the form dq/dt = - F(q) + e(q) xi, where e(q) xi is Gaussian white noise whose amplitude e(q) depends on q itself. I show how to convert such equations into path integrals. The definition of the path integral depends crucially on the convention used for discretizing time, and I specifically derive the correct path integral when the convention used is the natural, time-symmetric one that time derivatives are (q_t - q_{t-\Delta t}) / \Delta t and coordinates are (q_t + q_{t-\Delta t}) / 2. [This is the convention that permits standard manipulations of calculus on the action, like naive integration by parts.] It has sometimes been assumed in the literature that a Stratanovich Langevin equation can be quickly converted to a path integral by treating time as continuous but using the rule \theta(t=0) = 1/2. I show that this prescription fails when the amplitude e(q) is q-dependent.Comment: 8 page

    Implementing generalized measurements with superconducting qubits

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    We describe a method to perform any generalized purity-preserving measurement of a qubit with techniques tailored to superconducting systems. First, we consider two methods for realizing a two-outcome partial projection: using a thresholded continuous measurement in the circuit QED setup, or using an indirect ancilla qubit measurement. Second, we decompose an arbitrary purity-preserving two-outcome measurement into single qubit unitary rotations and a partial projection. Third, we systematically reduce any multiple-outcome measurement to a sequence of such two-outcome measurements and unitary operations. Finally, we consider how to define suitable fidelity measures for multiple-outcome generalized measurements.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Molecular-Kinetic Simulations of Escape from the Ex-planet and Exoplanets: Criterion for Transonic Flow

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    The equations of gas dynamics are extensively used to describe atmospheric loss from solar system bodies and exoplanets even though the boundary conditions at infinity are not uniquely defined. Using molecular-kinetic simulations that correctly treat the transition from the continuum to the rarefied region, we confirm that the energy-limited escape approximation is valid when adiabatic expansion is the dominant cooling process. However, this does not imply that the outflow goes sonic. In fact in the sonic regime, the energy limited approximation can significantly under estimate the escape rate. Rather large escape rates and concomitant adiabatic cooling can produce atmospheres with subsonic flow that are highly extended. Since this affects the heating rate of the upper atmosphere and the interaction with external fields and plasmas, we give a criterion for estimating when the outflow goes transonic in the continuum region. This is applied to early terrestrial atmospheres, exoplanet atmospheres, and the atmosphere of the ex-planet, Pluto, all of which have large escape rates. The paper and its erratum, combined here, are published: ApJL 768, L4 (2013); ApJ, 779, L30 (2013).Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Order-dependent mappings: strong coupling behaviour from weak coupling expansions in non-Hermitian theories

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    A long time ago, it has been conjectured that a Hamiltonian with a potential of the form x^2+i v x^3, v real, has a real spectrum. This conjecture has been generalized to a class of so-called PT symmetric Hamiltonians and some proofs have been given. Here, we show by numerical investigation that the divergent perturbation series can be summed efficiently by an order-dependent mapping (ODM) in the whole complex plane of the coupling parameter v^2, and that some information about the location of level crossing singularities can be obtained in this way. Furthermore, we discuss to which accuracy the strong-coupling limit can be obtained from the initially weak-coupling perturbative expansion, by the ODM summation method. The basic idea of the ODM summation method is the notion of order-dependent "local" disk of convergence and analytic continuation by an order-dependent mapping of the domain of analyticity augmented by the local disk of convergence onto a circle. In the limit of vanishing local radius of convergence, which is the limit of high transformation order, convergence is demonstrated both by numerical evidence as well as by analytic estimates.Comment: 11 pages; 12 figure

    Measuring a transmon qubit in circuit QED: dressed squeezed states

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    Using circuit QED, we consider the measurement of a superconducting transmon qubit via a coupled microwave resonator. For ideally dispersive coupling, ringing up the resonator produces coherent states with frequencies matched to transmon energy states. Realistic coupling is not ideally dispersive, however, so transmon-resonator energy levels hybridize into joint eigenstate ladders of the Jaynes-Cummings type. Previous work has shown that ringing up the resonator approximately respects this ladder structure to produce a coherent state in the eigenbasis (a dressed coherent state). We numerically investigate the validity of this coherent state approximation to find two primary deviations. First, resonator ring-up leaks small stray populations into eigenstate ladders corresponding to different transmon states. Second, within an eigenstate ladder the transmon nonlinearity shears the coherent state as it evolves. We then show that the next natural approximation for this sheared state in the eigenbasis is a dressed squeezed state, and derive simple evolution equations for such states using a hybrid phase-Fock-space description.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures; v2 published versio