141 research outputs found

    Prácticas jurídicas y estrategias familiares en el norte de Siria durante el Bronce Final (ss. XV-XII a. C.)

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    El sistema legal atestiguado en Siria durante el Bronce Final (ss. XV-XII a. C.) presenta varias diferencias con el que encontramos en el Próximo Oriente Antiguo en épocas anteriores y posteriores. En la Siria de este período se generalizaron prácticas jurídicas mediante las cuales era posible evadir ciertos compromisos legales perjudiciales para la estructura familiar o su patrimonio. La presente contribución pretende dar a conocer las principales de estas prácticas, especialmente las relacionadas con el patrimonio familiar y la situación de las mujeres.The legal system attested in Late Bronze Age Syria (15th-12th century BCE) presents several differences with the one found in the Ancient Near East in both previous and following ages. During this period in Syria certain legal practises were generalised in order to evade juridical commitments inconvenient to the family structures or to their patrimony. The aim of this contribution is to show the most relevant of these practises, specially the ones related to family patrimony and the position of women

    Women and gender in Ancient Near Eastern historiography: past, present and future of the research

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    Desde hace cierto tiempo los estudios sobre mujeres y género se han centrado, en mayor o menor medida, en todas las etapas de la Humanidad. No obstante, algunas no han recibido la atención necesaria, como es el caso del Próximo Oriente Antiguo. En el presente trabajo proponemos un repaso historiográfico sobre el tema, incidiendo en las particularidades y los problemas propios de la disciplina. De igual manera se muestra, a modo de introducción bibliográfica, los temas que se han trabajado y las perspectivas de futuro, para poder apreciar la potencialidad de las fuentes.Studies on women and gender have focused, for some time and in major or minor measure, on all the stages of the Humanity. Nevertheless, some of them have not received the necessary attention, as it is the case of the Ancient Near East. In the present work I propose a historiographic revision on the subject, paying special attention to the particularities and the specific problems of the topic. Likewise it is shown, as a kind of bibliographical introduction, the concrete themes which have been treated and the future perspectives, in order to estimate the potential of the sources

    Brief intervention with music therapy stimulation in a case of dementia: neuroimaging effects

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    La demencia es un síndrome de prevalencia creciente a nivel mundial, que se caracteriza por deterioro cognitivo y la aparición de diversos síntomas. Del abanico de posibilidades en cuanto al abordaje para esta población se encuentran las intervenciones que provee la musicoterapia, una disciplina en pleno crecimiento dentro del área de salud. El objetivo del presente artículo es presentar el análisis de un estudio de caso clínico con diagnóstico de demencia vascular, a quien se le realizó una evaluación por neuroimagen con cámara gamma, antes y después del proceso de estimulación con musicoterapia. Los resultados evidenciaron una mejoría en el área de corteza frontoparietal izquierda, luego de la estimulación musicoterapeutica. Si bien el presente artículo es la presentación de un caso único, los datos permiten entrever las potencialidades que presentan las propuestas dentro del campo de la musicoterapia en el abordaje de pacientes con demencia.Dementia is a syndrome of increasing prevalence around the world, characterized by cognitive deterioration and the appearance of several symptoms. From the range of possibilities in terms of treating this population are the interventions provided by music therapy, a discipline that is growing within the health area. The aim of this article is to present the analysis of a clinical case study with a diagnosis of vascular dementia, to whom an evaluation of neuroimaging with a gamma camera was made, before and after the music therapy stimulation process. The results showed an improvement in the area of the left frontoparietal cortex after the music-therapy stimulation. Although, the current article is the presentation of a case report, the data allow to glimpse the great potentialities that the field of music therapy had in the approach of patients with dementia

    Maritime antarctic lakes as sentinels of climate change

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    Remote lakes, such as lakes from the Maritime Antarctica, can be used as sentinels of climate change, because they are mostly free of direct anthropogenic pressures, and they experience climate change as a main stressor capable of modifying the ecosystem structure and function. In this paper, the content of a lecture that has been presented at the First Conference of Lake Sustainability, which has been centred in our studies on lakes from Byers Peninsula (Maritime Antarctica), are summarized. These included physical, chemical and biological studies of these lakes and other freshwater ecosystems, which highlighted the relevance of biotic interactions for these ecosystems and its sensibility to temperature variations and to biological invasions, which is of rel- evance given the acute regional warming occurring during the last decades in the area, concomitant with the enhancement of dispersion of alien species linked to the increased presence of humans

    First Attempt to Implement Ophthalmia Neonatorum Prophylaxis in Angola: Microorganisms, Efficacy, and Obstacles

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    Purpose. To determine the efficacy of povidone-iodine (P-I) prophylaxis for ophthalmia neonatorum (ON) in Angola and to document maternal prevalence and mother-to-child transmission rates. Methods. Endocervical samples from mothers n=317 and newborn conjunctival smears n=245 were analysed by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG), and Mycoplasma genitalium (MG). Newborns were randomized into a noninterventional group and an interventional group that received a drop of P-I 2.5% bilaterally after conjunctival smear collection. Mothers were trained to identify signs of ON and attend a follow-up visit. Results. Forty-two newborns had ocular pathology, and 11 (4.4%) had clinical signs of ON at the time of delivery. Maternal PCR was positive for MG n=19, CT n=8, and NG n=2. Six newborns were positive for CT n=4, MG n=2, and NG n=1. Mother-to-child transmission rates were 50% for CT and NG and 10.5% for MG. Only 16 newborns returned for follow-up. Conclusions. Lack of maternal compliance prevented successful testing of prophylactic P-I efficacy in ON prevention. Nevertheless, we documented the prevalence and mother-to-child transmission rates for CT, NG, and MG. These results emphasize the need to develop an effective Angolan educational and prophylactic ON program

    Clinical Study First Attempt to Implement Ophthalmia Neonatorum Prophylaxis in Angola: Microorganisms, Efficacy, and Obstacles

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    properly cited. Purpose. To determine the efficacy of povidone-iodine (P-I) prophylaxis for ophthalmia neonatorum (ON) in Angola and to document maternal prevalence and mother-to-child transmission rates. Methods. Endocervical samples from mothers ( = 317) and newborn conjunctival smears ( = 245) were analysed by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG), and Mycoplasma genitalium (MG). Newborns were randomized into a noninterventional group and an interventional group that received a drop of P-I 2.5% bilaterally after conjunctival smear collection. Mothers were trained to identify signs of ON and attend a follow-up visit. Results. Forty-two newborns had ocular pathology, and 11 (4.4%) had clinical signs of ON at the time of delivery. Maternal PCR was positive for MG ( = 19), CT ( = 8), and NG ( = 2). Six newborns were positive for CT ( = 4), MG ( = 2), and NG ( = 1). Mother-to-child transmission rates were 50% for CT and NG and 10.5% for MG. Only 16 newborns returned for follow-up. Conclusions. Lack of maternal compliance prevented successful testing of prophylactic P-I efficacy in ON prevention. Nevertheless, we documented the prevalence and mother-to-child transmission rates for CT, NG, and MG. These results emphasize the need to develop an effective Angolan educational and prophylactic ON program

    Dos biomarcadores de la plasticidad de la expresión génica en corales Pocillopora del arrecife Carrizales, Pacífico Tropical Mexicano

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    Background. Gene expression (GE) plasticity is an acclimation response that allows organisms to adjust rapidly to environmental changes, providing an adaptive advantage. GE biomarkers are emerging as a valua-ble tool for linking the organism’s physiological plasticitywith the synergetic effects of large-scale climatic conditions and local impacts such as temperature and nutrients. Objectives. In this study, we investigate the GE plasticity of the 70-kDa heat shock protein (hsp70) and the carbonic anhydrase enzyme (CA) to confirm the ability of those two genes as biomarkers of the Cellular Stress Response and Cellular Homeostasis Res-ponse, respectively. Methods. Using qPCR, we evaluate the GE plasticity of coral colonies from Pocillopora capitata, Pocillopora damicornis,and Pocillopora verrucosa at the Carrizales reef (Colima coast of Mexico) naturally exposed to environmental changes in the Sea Surface Temperature (SST), productivity and nutrients using the cellular density of Symbiodiniaceae and chlorophyll content as health indices. Results. Our results clearly show GE plasticity in the hsp70 for Pocillopora verrucosa and Pocillopora damicornis related to a daily environmental change in temperature and nutrients. On the other hand, the CA gene expression shows no change in response to daily variations. However, there was a significantly high expression of CA and a lower expression of hsp70 in Pocillopora capitata. Furthermore, we found no significant differences in the health in-dices, suggesting some degree of physiological plasticity in Pocillopora corals like its extensive morphological plasticity that could reflect different adaptation capacities to low temperatures and high nutrients during the spring season in the central Mexican Pacific. Conclusions. Evaluating the phenotypic plasticity (morphology and molecular physiology) could help identify coral colonies with a more significant potential to survive en-vironmental stressors. The latter is an essential consideration for managing, conserving, and restoring coral reefs in the Mexican Pacific.Antecedentes. La plasticidad de la expresión génica (GE) es una respuesta inmediata de aclimatación al cambio ambiental que puede proporcionar una ventaja adaptativa. Los biomarcadores de GE están emer-giendo como una herramienta valiosa para vincular la plasticidad fisiológica del organismo con los efectos sinérgicos del cambio climático y el impacto local como la temperatura y nutrientes. Objetivos. Investigamos la plasticidad de la expresión de genes que codifican para la proteína de choque térmico de 70-kDa (hsp70) y la enzima anhidrasa carbónica (CA) para confirmar su utilidad como biomarcadores de la respuesta de estrés y de homeostasis celular, respectivamente. Métodos. Evaluamos la GE mediante qPCR en colonias de corales Pocilloporacapitata, Pocillopora damicornis y Pocillopora verrucosa del arrecife Carrizales (Colima, México) expuestas a un cambio natural en la temperatura de la superficie del mar (SST), productividad pri-maria y nutrientes utilizando la densidad de Symbiodiniaceae y el contenido de clorofila como indicadores de salud. Resultados. La plasticidad de la GE de hsp70 en Pocillopora damicornis y Pocillopora verrucosa se asocia con la variación diaria de temperatura y nutrientes, mientras que el gen de la CA no muestra cambios de expresión relacionada con esta variabilidad. Sin embargo, en Pocillopora capitata se encontró una expresión significativamente mayor de CA y una menor expresión de hsp70. Estos resultados reflejan un grado de plasticidad fisiológica en corales Pocillopora similar a la extensa plasticidad morfológica dentro de este género, lo que podría sugerir diferentes capacidades de adaptación a la temporada primave-ral de bajas temperaturas y alto contenido de nutrientes en la región. Conclusiones. Evaluar la plasticidad fenotípica (morfología y fisiolo-gía molecular) podría ser útil para identificar colonias de corales con un mayor potencial de sobrevivencia al estrés ambiental. Lo anterior resulta relevante para la conservación, manejo y restauración de los arrecifes de coral del Pacífico mexicano.   &nbsp

    Riesgo de mortalidad total y cardiovascular según la clasificación propuesta por las guías KDIGO en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2

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    Antecedentes y objetivo: El objetivo del estudio fue comprobar la validez de la clasificación de riesgo KDIGO 2012 para predecir mortalidad total (MT) y cardiovascular (MCV) en diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2). Materiales y métodos: Estudio de cohortes prospectivo incluyendo pacientes con DM2. Los puntos finales clínicos fueron MT y MCV. La principal variable predictora fue la clasificación KDIGO, una variable que recoge 4 niveles de riesgo en dependencia de una combinación de la tasa de filtración glomerular y la excreción de albúmina urinaria. La evaluación del poder predictivo se realizó con el índice de mejora de discriminación integrada (IDI). Resultados: Se incluyeron 453 pacientes (39, 3% varones, edad 64, 9 [DE 9, 3] años y evolución de DM2 de 10, 4 [DE 7, 5] años). Durante una mediana de 13 años de seguimiento, hubo incremento significativo de la tasa/1000 pacientes-año de MT (26, 5 vs. 45, 1 vs. 79, 2 vs. 109, 8; p< 0, 001) y de MCV (8, 1 vs. 17, 4 vs. 24, 7 vs. 57, 5; p< 0, 001) en las sucesivas categorías de riesgo KDIGO. En análisis multivariante también hubo incremento de riesgo de MT (HR[riesgo moderado] = 1, 29; HR[riesgo alto] = 1, 83; HR[riesgo muy alto] = 2, 15; p = 0, 016) y MCV (HR[riesgo moderado] = 1, 73; HR[riesgo alto] = 2, 27; HR[riesgo muy alto] = 4, 22; p = 0, 007) en las sucesivas categorías. La clasificación KDIGO mejoró la predicción de MT (IDI = 0, 00888; p = 0, 047) y MCV (IDI = 0, 01813; p = 0, 035). Conclusiones: La clasificación de riesgo según guías KDIGO 2012 puede estratificar eficazmente el riesgo de MT y MCV en pacientes con DM2. Background and aims: Our aim was to assess the usefulness of KDIGO 2012 risk classification to predict total and cardiovascular mortality in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). Material and methods: Prospective cohort study that included DM2 patients. Clinical end-points were total and cardiovascular mortality. The main predictive variable was KDIGO risk classification, which is a combination of urinary albumin excretion and glomerular filtration rate. The predictive value was evaluated by the integrated discrimination improvement (IDI) index. Results: 453 patients (39.3% males, aged 64.9 [SD 9.3] and with a mean diabetes duration of 10.4 [SD 7.5] years) were included. During a median follow-up of 13 years, mortality rates per 1000 patients/year (26.5 vs. 45.1 vs. 79, 2 vs. 109, 8; p< 0, 001) and cardiovascular mortality (8.1 vs. 17.4 vs. 24.7 vs. 57.5; p< 0, 001) were progressively increased in successive KDIGO categories. In the multivariate analysis, there was also a progressive increase of mortality risk (HR[moderate risk] = 1.29; HR[high risk]) = 1.83; HR[very high risk] = 2.15; p =.016) and cardiovascular mortality risk (HR[moderate risk] = 1.73; HR[high risk] = 2.27; HR[very high risk] = 4.22; p =.007) in the successive categories. KDIGO classification was able to improve the mortality risk prediction (IDI = 0.00888; p =.047) and cardiovascular mortality risk prediction (IDI = 0.01813; p =.035). Conclusions: KDIGO risk classification can effectively stratify total and cardiovascular mortality risk in DM2 patients