123 research outputs found

    Phonon Bloch oscillations in acoustic-cavity structures

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    We describe a semiconductor multilayer structure based in acoustic phonon cavities and achievable with MBE technology, designed to display acoustic phonon Bloch oscillations. We show that forward and backscattering Raman spectra give a direct measure of the created phononic Wannier-Stark ladder. We also discuss the use of femtosecond laser impulsions for the generation and direct probe of the induced phonon Bloch oscillations. We propose a gedanken experiment based in an integrated phonon source-structure-detector device, and we present calculations of pump and probe time dependent optical reflectivity that evidence temporal beatings in agreement with the Wannier-Stark ladder energy splitting.Comment: PDF file including 4 figure

    Décomposition chimique et isotopique d'un hydrogramme de crue d'un torrent méditerranéen - Réflexions méthodologiques

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    La décomposition chimique et isotopique d'un hydrogramme de crue d'un petit torrent méditerranéen (Cannone, Corse, France), a été tentée dans un cas simple, en confrontant les résultats des deux méthodes et en discutant leurs limites. L'outil isotopique permet de bien différencier l'eau préexistante et l'eau nouvelle. L'analyse de la variation des éléments chimiques met en évidence la participation d'eau du soi, sans qu'il soit possible de quantifier sa contribution; elle démontre que la composition de la pluie n'est pas conservative; le rôle du pluviolessivage est mis en évidence, conjointement à celui du transfert dans la zone non-saturée. Ainsi les décompositions chimiques des hydrogrammes (en particulier celles réalisées avec la conductivité) reposent le plus souvent sur des approximations théoriquement contestables et conduisent à des erreurs notables, à l'exception toutefois de celles réalisées avec la silice.Problems of environmental water quality such as transfer of pollutants and ecosystem acidification call for a new insight to the path and the contact time of water in the different subsurface reservoirs. An isotopic and chemical hydrograph separation is carried out for a flood in a small upland watershed in the Mediterranean region (Cannone, Corsica Island, France) with special attention to a comparison between the two methods and discussion of their limits. Here, old and new water are clearly distinguished by isotopic composition. The pattern of the dissolved constituents of stream water shows the contribution of ground water, often assumed to be negligible. The non-conservative behaviour of rain-water chemistry during its path to the stream channel due to enrichment by throughfall and leaching of soils, is the main obstacle to chemical separation. Chemical separation, especially through specific conductance seems generally to be hazardous, except perhaps for dissolved silica. Checking the variation of all dissolved constituents would prevent questionable approximations

    Sub-Terahertz Monochromatic Transduction with Semiconductor Acoustic Nanodevices

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    We demonstrate semiconductor superlattices or nanocavities as narrow band acoustic transducers in the sub-terahertz range. Using picosecond ultrasonics experiments in the transmission geometry with pump and probe incident on opposite sides of the thick substrate, phonon generation and detection processes are fully decoupled. Generating with the semiconductor device and probing on the metal, we show that both superlattices and nanocavities generate spectrally narrow wavepackets of coherent phonons with frequencies in the vicinity of the zone center and time durations in the nanosecond range, qualitatively different from picosecond broadband pulses usually involved in picosecond acoustics with metal generators. Generating in the metal and probing on the nanoacoustic device, we furthermore evidence that both nanostructured semiconductor devices may be used as very sensitive and spectrally selective detectors

    Apports des outils chiniques et isotopiques à l'identification des origines de la salinisation des eaux : Cas de la nappe de La Chaouia côtière (Maroc)

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    L'étude hydrochimique des eaux de la nappe libre de la Chaouia côtière montre une teneur excessive en sels dans ces eaux, spécialement des chlorures (jusqu'à 3 g.l-1).Cette salinité élevée peut, à terme, nuire gravement à l'économie de la région qui se consacre essentiellement à la culture maraîchère sous irrigation.Des mesures isotopiques (18O/16O, 2H/1H) couplées aux éléments chimiques, notamment Br-/Cl-, excluent l'hypothèse d'une intrusion marine généralisée. L'existence d'une paléosalinité (SHIVANNA andal.,1993) n'est pas soutenue par les mesures des teneurs en isotopes radioactifs (3H, 14C). Il en est de même pour le lessivage de dépôts chlorurés préexistants dans les sédiments. L'apport essentiel en chlorures provient de l'altération de la roche mère, des fertilisants et des embruns marins lessivés par suite de l'irrigation et entraînés vers la nappe par percolation. Le recyclage de l'eau souterraine depuis au moins trente ans, par l'irrigation, n'a fait qu'augmenter cette salinité.Toutefois en bordure de l'océan quelques puits semblent montrer la présence d'eau marine, en effet les débits d'exhaure des puits sont à la limite d'exploitation de la nappe et toute augmentation de débits dans ces puits engendrera fatalement une invasion marine généralisée.In West of Morocco, the coastal plain Chaouia is located between Casablanca and Azemmour (south-west of Casablanca) over a distance of 65km (Figure 1). This plain aquifer spreads over 1100 km2 in semi-arid climatic conditions with about 370 mm.year-1 of mean precipitation and 17°C in mean air temperature.Irrigated agricultural farming is the main economic resource of the region. The only source of water is provided by highly mineralized groundwaters, which are harmful for the rural population and agricultural irrigation. The chloride content represents the main contribution of the salinity of ground waters. Most of the previous authors and authorities have attributed the high mineralization to seawater intrusion (YOUNSI, 1994). The objective of the present study is to determine the cause of salinity, considering three hypothesis: seawater intrusion, leaching of salts and evaporation of water. The environmental isotopes (2H,18O, 3H, 14C) have been used with hydrogeology together with major and minor ion chemistry to identify the source of salinity and to estimate the residence time of ground water. Moreover an environmental isotope study was carried out in order to identify the origin of the salinization (MERLIVAT et al., 1970; COTECCHIA et al., 1974; GASPARINI, 1989; CABRAL et al., 1991; GOMEZ-MARTOS et al., 1993; HASHASH et al., 1995). Both isotopic studies and Br-/Cl- ratios have been used to identify the salinity origin. The potential sources for this salinization are: seawater encroachment as a consequence of intense exploitation of the aquifer, dissolution of the halite from the several diapiric structures intruded in the aquifers. The isotopic waters sampling were carried out in August 1993 on several wells (Figure 2), in order to study the variations of the oxygen-18, deuterium, tritium and carbon-14 isotopes. Table 1 shows the results of the isotope and chemical analyses carried out. As oxygen-18 data for local precipitation are not available in Morocco, the oxygen-18 and deuterium mean contents in precipitation were taken from stations of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) network near the studied area (Gibraltar, Faro, Ponta Delgada) and/or deduced from published isotopic composition of shallow groundwaters in Morocco (KABBAJ et al., 1978; LOUVA and BICHARA, 1990; BOUCHAOU et al., 1995); the mean values for the precipitation are -4.0 ± 0.5‰ and -23.0 ± 2 ‰ (vs. V-SMOW) respectively. The oxygen-18 and deuterium mean contents in ground waters are -3.7 ± 0.3 ‰ and -20.1 ± 1.8 ‰ (vs.V-SMOW) respectively. The relationship between the oxygen-18 and deuterium contents of some groundwater samples indicates a good fitting along the world meteoric line (CRAIG, 1961) (Figure 3), suggesting that the ground waters are mainly of meteoric origin. There is no indication of possible mixing with seawater because there is no indication of a relation between the oxygen-18 content of the wells and their distance from the sea (Figure 4). On the other hand, no isotopic enrichment is noted during the infiltration of water from precipitation and/or irrigation.The diagram d18O-Cl- (Figure 5) shows that all the data do not lie along a theoretical mixing line with seawater and/or an evaporation line. Every 18O data point is very close to the isotopic values of precipitation [-4.0± 0.5 ‰ (vs. V-SMOW)] but with a large scatter in Cl- content. In this zone, an increase in the salt concentration is not accompanied by an isotopic effect. The sources of the chloride must be found among the products of rock alteration, fertilizers and marine airborne salts. The recycling of salt water by irrigation increases the salinity of soil and ground waters. Halite is characterized by a very low Br-/Cl- ratio(0.183 x 10-3). Water in some wells presents Br-/Cl- ratios similar to those of halite, but most of the groundwater samples have a greater ratio. These results argue against the hypothesis of dissolution of halite in the aquifer formation. But the Br-/Cl- ratio alone is not sufficient for detecting a possible seawater intrusion.During August 1994, 20 drilled wells were sampled over the study area for determining tritium concentrations. Carbon-14 activities were measured only on some samples. The relatively high tritium content in the majority of the sampled waters [between 2 and 9 tritium units (TU)] indicates a recent groundwater recharge (Table 1). The use of natural radioactive isotopes (3H, 14C) in the ground waters gives an estimate of mean residence time of 50 ± 20 years (mixing model). Some waters show a mean residence time greater than 100 years because they are isolated from the general circulation and limited to local spots. The recent 14C activity of the groundwater (_100 pcm) allows us to reject the hypothesis of a mixing with paleoconnate waters as demonstrated elsewhere (SHIVANNA et al., 1993).In the case of the coastal Chaouia (semi-arid environment), the use of both chemical tracers (Cl-, Br-) and isotopes (18O, 2H,3H, 14C) has shown that rainfall constitutes the essential origin of ground water in the area. The high salinity caused by seawater intrusion is probably limited in space to some coastal wells; neither evaporation of water before and during percolation, nor dissolution of evaporitic deposits (halite), has been found. The past marine transgression salt origin has also been discarded. The main source of the salinity is the washout of the rock alteration salts, fertilizers, marine airborne salts, and the unusable salts rejected by plants in the soil. Thus the increase of salinity is well explained by the recycling of salty ground waters by irrigation during at least thirty years

    Collective excitation of quantum wires and effect of spin-orbit coupling in the presence of a magnetic field along the wire

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    The band structure of a quantum wire with the Rashba spin-orbit coupling develops a pseudogap in the presence of a magnetic field along the wire. In such a system spin mixing at the Fermi wavevectors kF-k_F and kFk_F can be different. We have investigated theoretically the collective mode of this system, and found that the velocity of this collective excitation depends sensitively on the strength of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction and magnetic field. Our result suggests that the strength of the spin-orbit interaction can be determined from the measurement of the velocity.Comment: RevTeX 4 file, 4pages, 6 eps figures. To appear in Physical Review

    Essais de quantification du débit des résurgences sous-marines autour du Piton de la Fournaise (la Réunion, Océan Indien)

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    On étudie, par des mesures en plongée sous-marine, les émergences en mer des écoulements souterrains dans le Piton de la Fournaise (île de la Réunion) dans le cadre de recherches sur les relations entre circulations souterraines, flux de chaleur et phénomènes magmatiques. On établit:- que l'ensemble des émergences se situe au niveau du rivage, et non en profondeur- que grâce à des mesures approchées des phénomènes de mélange des eaux, on peut estimer le débit moyen des résurgences en mer à 0,4 m3s-1 par kilomètre de côte sur la façade sud de l'île. Ce chiffre est cohérent avec des estimations indirectes obtenues à partir du bilan hydrique.The « Piton de la Fournaise » on the island of la Réunion receives as much as 6 to 10 m y-l of rainfall, which almost immediately infiltrates due to the highly pervious nature of the basalt (microfissures, scoria). Very few springs or rivers drain the systeml however, numerous marine outlets have been observed by infrared thermographic surveys. Some of these outlets can also be observed on SPOT images, although no infrared charmel is available on SPOT.In an attempt to study the role of underground flow in the thermal balance of the volcano and its relation with magmatic phenomena, we have tried to observe the nature of these outlets by underwater exploration and to evaluate their flow rate by salinity and temperature mesurements.Longitudinal and transverse salinity profiles were measured by divers using a salinity-conductivity meter with automatic correction of temperature, transported in a waterproof container, on those plumes that had been observed on airborne images or by helicopter surveys.All the observed plumes are indeed mixing zones of seawater and freshwater, with salinity ranging from 29.9 to 35.1 %o (ocean salinity is35.2%o at la Réunion). Their temperature is in general lower than that of the sea, which explains why they are visible on infrared irnages.It was found, however, that all outlets are systematically situated very close to the shore line, with an elevation between + 1 and - 2 m of sea level. In none of the observations were outlets found that could originate deeper down in the sea. Most observable oulets are located at the base of basalt flows, in natural « tunnels » under such lava flows. This is consistent with the existence of an abrupt interface between seawater and freshwater on the island, which has been observed in a fewboreholes, and which forces the freshwater flow upwards towards the shore line, even if the nature of the flow is very discontinuous in the basalt.Based on the salinity profiles, we have attempted to estimate the flow rate. We focus here on a particular outlet at Vincendo. We liken the development and mixing of the plume to what occurs in an estuary with low flow. It has been observed that three mechanisms control the mixing in an estuary: wind which creates currents and pushes freshwater toward the edges; tidal effects and waves creating currents and turbulent mixing due to rugosity of the sides and bottom; density difrerences between seawater and freshwater, the latter floating on top of the former. Three cases are generally considered:a - Seas without tide: the interface is stratified;b - Seas with small tides: stratification and mixing occur sirnultaneously;c - Seas with large tides: no stratification and regular mixing in the vertical dimension.The observed salinity profiles at Vincendo clearly indicate that we are in the second case at la Réunion, where the tide amplitude is small (0.7 m).Two dimensionless numbers are used in estuaries: the Richardson and Froude numbers (see expression in text) (FISHER et al., 1979). It has been observed that the transition from case a to c corresponds to Richardson numbers in the range 0.08 to 0.8. Assuming that salinity profiles are consistent with case b, i.e. a Richadson number in the range 0.25 - 0.80, we find that the freshwater flowrate should be in the range 0.020 - 0.260 m3. s-1.A second independent estimation can be obtained by observing that the average concentration gradient in the 7,000 m2 of the obseved mixing zone (30 x 40 m) is on the order of 0.3 kg. m-3. m-1. Selecting (from FISCHER et al., 1979) a turbulent dispersion coefficient for coastal watcrs over the scale of several thousand m2 of 2 to 5 x 10-3 m2. s-1, we can estimate the vertical dispersive flux over the mixing zone and, by mass balance, we obtain another estimate of the flux in the range 0.150 - 0.400 m2. s-1.We conclude that the flowrate is on the order of 0.150 m3.s-1, with a plausible range of 0.100 - 0.300 m3.s-1.These results were extrapolated to the entire South and East shores ofthe island by assuming that the flow rate of an outlet was proportional to its area as observed on infrared surveys. We obtain an average flux of 0,4 m3.s-1 km-l for the southern flank of the volcano. This ligure is consistent with a global estimate (0,6 m3.s-1km-l) obtained by a surface hydrologic balance over this part of the volcano. The difference can represent diffuse outlets into the sea

    L'organisation biogéologique du lac Temsah (Ismaïlia, Egypte)

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    Le lac Temsah, situé sur le canal de Suez, à mi-distance entre Port Saïd et Suez, est étudié quant à son organisation hydrologique, hydrochimique, biologique et sédimentologique. Dans sa partie axiale, le bassin est alimenté par de l'eau de mer grâce au canal de Suez. Il est par ailleurs soumis à une influence continentale complexe et originale avec interférence d'un climat aride et d'apports d'eau douce en provenance du Nil. L'organisation hydrologique et hydrochimique du lac dépend de facteurs saisonniers qui gèrent notamment le débit du Nil et la circulation des eaux dans le canal de Suez. Malgré ce dispositif original, l'organisation biologique est semblable à celle des lagunes méditerranéennes; la partie centrale du bassin, modérément confinée, abrite des populations dominées par les mollusques. La région directement influencée par les apports nilotiques présente une forte biomasse phytoplanctoniques et des peuplements benthiques typiquement paraliques. La zone de contact entre les eaux du Nil en crue et celles du bassin est marquée par un fort engraissement organique des sédiments qui se traduit par la diminution des filtreurs au profit des détrivore

    Teneurs en 18O et concentration saline d'eaux paraliques et continentales égyptiennes

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    Plusieurs corps d'eau lagunaires et continentaux égyptiens sont comparés quant à l'abondance en oxygène-18 et la concentration saline (ici appréciée par la teneur en Cl¯) de leurs eaux superficielles.En Egypte, les eaux continentales de surface proviennent toutes du système nilotique dont les eaux, après leur longue traversée du grand Desert Oriental, se trouvent très évaporées et fortement enrichies en oxygène-18 à leur arrivée dans le delta.Dans les bassins alimentés uniquement par la mer (lagunes de Mer Rouge et du Golfe de Suez) soit par l'eau du Nil (Lac du Fayoum), les deux paramètres considérés augmentent conjointement depuis les zones d'alimentation vers les reculées marginales selon le déplacement des eaux.Dans les bassins à alimentation mixte, (Partie terminale du delta, lac Temsah sur le Canal de Suez), les eaux les plus diluées sont aussi les plus riches en isotopes lourds.Ainsi, dans le contexte climatique et géographique très particulierde l'Egypte, il est possible de reconnaître les eaux continentales, marines ou paraliques à partir des deux paramètres étudiés mais non à partir d'un seul, notamment la teneur en oxygène-18.The aim of this paper is to study some aspects of the geochemical behaviour (18O, (Cl-)) of waters of some basins in Egypt. Several types of basin are studied (figure 1).1) Basin with marine seawater input only, either wide open to the Red sea such as Zeit Bay (27°45'N, 33°25'E), relatively open such as Guesmah Lagoon (27°40'N, 33°30'E) or indirectly linked to the sea through a coastal sand bar such as the pools of sebkha Melaha (28°10'N, 33°10'E).2) Basin supplied by continental water without outflow such as Fayoum Lake (= Birket Karoum) (29°25'N, 30°30'E) which receives fresh waters from a Nile diversion.3) Water bodies with a mixed water input (continental and marine waters) such as the Nile delta and Temsah Lake (= Ismaïla Lake), (30°25'N, 31°30'E), the katter being on the Suez Canal and receiving waters from Mediterranean Sea and from the eastern branch of the Nile.Local means climatic parameter are those of Cairo, Alexandria, Queseir and Louxor (table 1).RESULTS AND DISCUSSION1 - Nile delta (figure 2 and 3)Sampling period was performed in August 1984.- At the beginning of the Nile delta the water at Beni-Suez (station 14) presents a low chloride concentration (0.1 to 0.2 g l-1) and a relatively high 18O content (+ 3 ‰) due to evaporation of the Nile water during its downstream course from the Aswan High Dam which collects waters in the upper part of the Nile watershed.- The content of both (Cl-) and 18O stightly increases in the delta region in relation to the anastomosis of branches of the Nile due to an intensive irrigation network.- In the coastal region, due to mixing with sea water or/and brackish water, the isotope content decreases while the chloride concentration increases.2 - Temsah or Ismaïla LakeTwo periods of sampling : March and August 1984. The general trend is a decrease of 18O and an increase of (Cl-) from the Nile waters to the central part of the lake, and an increase of both 18O and (Cl-) at the fringes of the lake, due to evaporation.3 - Coastal basins from the Red SeaZeit Bay and Guesmah Lagoon. Two sampling periods : March and August 1984. The isotope content and chloride concentration act in parallel and depend principally on the movement of water bodies. For the surface waters wind velocity and direction play a major rote in the spatial distribution of the chlorinity and isotope content. A slight enrichment is noted during the summer period.4 - Pools in Sebkha MelahaThe isotope composition and chloride content of the ponds water fed by sea water through the sand salt bar increased during the summer as it is the case in the first stages of evaporation of salt pans (PIERRE and FONTES, 1982).5 - Fayoun Lake : Birket KaroumTwo sampling periods : March and August 1984. Because of a lack of sufficient data (salinity and isotopic composition of the input, water flux of the incoming water, local values of the relative humidity and temperature of the atmosphere, isotopic composition of the water vapour...) a water mass balance coupled with a chloride and isotopic mass balance was not possible. Nevertheless, with our data measured (18O, (Cl-) lake levels), some estimations were made of the temperature, evaporation, wind velocities (from meteorological tables) and the isotopic composition of the input : δA in the lake (SIMPSON et al., 1987), and if we assume that the lake presents a long term dynamic equilibrium, it is possible to estimate with reasonable accuracy that : i) the total isotopic enrichment factor (ɛ) is between 8 ‰ and 24 ‰ (figure 12) : ɛ= ɛe + ɛk , with ɛe = equilibrium isotopic enrichment factor; ɛk = kinetic isotopic enrichment factor. ii) the salt content of the incoming water δA is ≈20 g l-1. The principal consequence is that the important loss of water observed between the sampling periods (1.5 m difference in water level) was not due to evaporation only, but more by seepage from the bottom of the take (≈ 560 106 m3 for a total volume of ≈800 106 m3).CONCLUSIONS1) On a diagram δ18O - CL- (figure 13 and 14) where all the data for the Egyptian basins studied are represented, the similarity in the geochemical behaviour of the basins with a single input, is noted; the relation between isotopic composition and chloride content is approximatively logarithmic. In the case of a mixed input basin (Temsah Lake) two branches on the diagram are distinct; the first branch shows the effect of mixing in the west part of the lake, between evaporated Nile water and water from the Mediterranean Sea. The shape of this branch is very similar to that of the Nile delta: the second branch represents evaporation in the east part of the take (figure 13 and 14).2) In the case of a semi-arid environment, this study shows that with two simple parameters only, such as isotopic composition and the chloride content of waters, it is possible to distinguish the marine, paralic and continental domain (figure 15)

    Resonant spin Hall conductance in quantum Hall systems lacking bulk and structural inversion symmetry

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    Following a previous work [Shen, Ma, Xie and Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 256603 (2004)] on the resonant spin Hall effect, we present detailed calculations of the spin Hall conductance in two-dimensional quantum wells in a strong perpendicular magnetic field. The Rashba coupling, generated by spin-orbit interaction in wells lacking bulk inversion symmetry, introduces a degeneracy of Zeeman-split Landau levels at certain magnetic fields. This degeneracy, if occuring at the Fermi energy, will induce a resonance in the spin Hall conductance below a characteristic temperature of order of the Zeeman energy. At very low temperatures, the spin Hall current is highly non-ohmic. The Dresselhaus coupling due to the lack of structure inversion symmetry partially or completely suppresses the spin Hall resonance. The condition for the resonant spin Hall conductance in the presence of both Rashba and Dresselhaus couplings is derived using a perturbation method. In the presence of disorder, we argue that the resonant spin Hall conductance occurs when the two Zeeman split extended states near the Fermi level becomes degenerate due to the Rashba coupling and that the the quantized charge Hall conductance changes by 2e^2/h instead of e^2/h as the magnetic field changes through the resonant field.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. This is a sequel to Physical Review Letters 90, 256603 (2004

    Spin-orbit coupling effect on quantum Hall ferromagnets with vanishing Zeeman energy

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    We present the phase diagram of a ferromagnetic quantum Hall effect liquid in a narrow quantum well with vanishing single-particle Zeeman splitting, ϵZ\epsilon_{{\rm Z}} and pronounced spin-orbit coupling. Upon decreasing ϵZ\epsilon_{{\rm Z}}, the spin-polarization field of a liquid takes, first, the easy-axis configuration, followed by the formation of a helical state, which affects the transport and NMR properties of a liquid and the form of topological defects in it. The analysis is extended over high odd integer filling factors.Comment: This revised version takes into account easy-axis terms in the energy and offers a corrected phase diagram of the ferromagnetic QHE liquid. Analysis is extended over higher filling factor