102 research outputs found

    A engenharia didática como metodologia de ensino nas aulas de matemática em turmas de proeja

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal elaborar, implementar e analisar uma sequência didática composta por atividades de Estatística para o Ensino Médio na modalidade PROEJA. Foram desenvolvidas e analisadas as habilidades dos alunos em relação à coleta dos dados e ao tratamento, à interpretação e à crítica de informações retiradas de situações cotidianas. Esse estudo foi idealizado devido à carência de material didático voltado especificamente a esse público. A abordagem metodológica adotada foi de natureza qualitativa, com base nos princípios da Engenharia Didática, a fim de realizar um acompanhamento do processo de ensino e aprendizagem, bem como uma análise dos resultados obtidos


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    Maria Eugênia Celso (1886-1963) e Anna Amélia de Queiroz (1896-1971), atuaram em diferentes movimentos intelectuais, sociais e culturais no início do século XX e se tornaram sócias do Instituto Histórico de Ouro Preto – IHOP, em 1931. O objetivo central deste artigo é através da perspectiva da História das Mulheres e da teoria feminista, acionando principalmente a categoria epistemicídio, analisar suas atuações que as levaram a integrar o Instituto Histórico de Ouro Preto (IHOP). Para tanto, utilizamos como fontes jornais da época e seus discursos publicados na Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro (IHGB), em 1928. A proposta é demonstrar que, mesmo com todas as amarras, duas mulheres intelectuais brasileiras ocuparam espaços e transitaram entre instituições, associações e federações em um universo majoritariamente masculino. Para tanto, recuperamos brevemente a trajetória e o ativismo político e intelectual de Maria Eugênia Celso e Anna Amélia de Queiroz

    Monitorização da vegetação endémica da ilha de São Nicolau

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    Com o objectivo de dar um contributo à gestão sustentável da flora autóctone da ilha de São Nicolau, realizou-se o presente Trabalho, com o objectivo primário de fazer a quantificação e a cartografia da vegetação endémica encontrada na ilha. Para isso, foram realizados inventários florísticos onde foram destacadas e georeferênciadas as espécies endémicas existentes. Fez-se a sua análise qualitativa e quantitativa, bem como a observação das condições edafoclimáticas, pedológicas e antrópicas a que estão submetidas. O resultado destes inventários levou à discrição de 29 espécimes, que se encontram enquadradas em 25 géneros e 15 famílias. Fez-se realce, sempre que possível, às melhores/maiores populações e o melhor/maior exemplar. Identificaram-se populações de espécies endémicas em várias localidades da ilha, merecendo realce as maiores populações de Limonium jovi-barba, com 450 espécimes, na localidade de Covoada; populações relativamente densas de Euphorbia tuckeyana no Monte Gordo e no Alto das Cabaças. Foi descoberta uma nova população, com 20 espécimes, de Nauplius smithii no Monte Sintinha, localidade de Cachaço. Foi ainda reconfirmada uma importante população de Conyza schlechtendalii, com 15 espécimes, no Alto das Cabaças

    Hierarchal Characterization and Generation of Blogosphere Workloads

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    We present a thorough characterization of the access patterns in blogspace, which comprises a rich interconnected web of blog postings and comments by an increasingly prominent user community that collectively define what has become known as the blogosphere. Our characterization of over 35 million read, write, and management requests spanning a 28-day period is done at three different levels. The user view characterizes how individual users interact with blogosphere objects (blogs); the object view characterizes how individual blogs are accessed; the server view characterizes the aggregate access patterns of all users to all blogs. The more-interactive nature of the blogosphere leads to interesting traffic and communication patterns, which are different from those observed for traditional web content. We identify and characterize novel features of the blogosphere workload, and we show the similarities and differences between typical web server workloads and blogosphere server workloads. Finally, based on our main characterization results, we build a new synthetic blogosphere workload generator called GBLOT, which aims at mimicking closely a stream of requests originating from a population of blog users. Given the increasing share of blogspace traffic, realistic workload models and tools are important for capacity planning and traffic engineering purposes.UOL (Bolsa Pesquisa 20060520221328a); National Science Foundation (072064, 0735974, 0524477, 0520166, 0205294

    Polyester/paper composites : study of manufacturing techniques for product development

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    Composite materials using vegetal fibers and industrial waste are being applied in different areas and structures, requiring, more and more, researches that highlight their characteristics. In this context, the study of manufacturing techniques becomes increasingly necessary in order to use the appropriate tools and obtain the best conditions of the materials. Thus, this article demonstrates the behavior of the materials, which used the polyester resin with ground paper residue to generate the two composites studied in this paper, Polyester/smaller paper (PO/ PME) and Polyester/large paper (PO/PMA). These two materials were molded by hot compression and subjected to manufacturing processes. Joinery equipment were chosen for the experimentation of cutting, drilling, screw insertion and sanding to analyze the performance of these composite materials. As a general result, it can be observed that the composites maintained their physical integrity, because the particles of the load remained well anchored in the matrix in the two composite materials tested, giving the finish an aspect without damages, cracks or imperfections after the operations. Therefore, it is concluded that the materials created can be submitted to the manufacturing techniques evaluated in this article, reinforcing previous studies that suggest its use in the development of products such as furniture, table tops, decorative objects and others. Thus, this study contributes to Designer has knowledge of the potential of the material and make the best use of it

    Desordens devido ao álcool em adolescentes: Confiabilidade de um instrumento de medida

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a confiabilidade da versão em português do Teste de Identificação de Desordens Devido ao Álcool – AUDIT quando aplicada em adolescentes. Participaram do estudo 62 adolescentes com média de idade de 16,84 +-1,01 anos, sendo 56,45% do sexo masculino, matriculados no 3º ano do ensino médio de uma escola pública do município de Passos – MG em 2008. Adotou-se o delineamento amostral não-probabilístico. Os questionários foram aplicados em sala de aula, por um examinador treinado, duas vezes, com intervalo de uma semana entre as mesmas. A consistência interna do AUDIT foi estimada pelo coeficiente α – Cronbach. Para o estudo da reprodutibilidade intra-examinador utilizou-se a estatística Kappa com ponderação linear (p) por ponto e por intervalo de confiança. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5,00%. Todas as questões do AUDIT apresentaram correlação inter-item >0,20 e a escala obteve α=0,77. A concordância das respostas obtidas para as questões componentes do AUDIT variou de “boa” a “ótima”. Quando da classificação do risco de beber dos estudantes, a reprodutibilidade foi “ótima” (=0,92). Assim, entende-se que o AUDIT apresentou uma confiabilidade adequada no rastreamento do consumo de beber dos estudantes e sugere-se que o mesmo possa ser utilizado na pesquisa epidemiológica para levantamentos de informações sobre a utilização de bebidas alcoólicas por adolescentes

    Physical activity level and hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes patients

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    Introduction: The recommended management for individuals with type 1 diabetes (T1D) includes an intensive treatment with insulin therapy and the practice of regular exercise. However, this association is related with hypoglycemia episodes. Objective: The aim of this study was to perform a cross-sectional evaluation of the association between the physical activity (PA) level and hypoglycemia episodes reported in patients with T1D. Methods: Adult outpatients with T1D had their PA level assessed by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (long form), considering the intensity of the physical activity (vigorous, moderate and/or walks) in daily activities, such as at work, means of transport, domestic activities and at leisure, and answered questions about self‑care and hypoglycemia episodes. Results: The study included 126 patients who presented the following characteristics: mean age of 35 (28-47) years old and 16 (11-24) years of diabetes duration, 55% women, HbA1c=9.3 ± 2.1%, and body mass index = 25.0 ± 4.2 kg/m2. Very active patients had lower values of glucose and LDL-cholesterol when compared with the less active group. A greater proportion of active (48.1%) and very active patients (66.7%) reported practicing exercise regularly when compared with the less active subjects (13.3%; P=0.003). Less active patients had a three-fold chance of reporting hypoglycemia episodes when compared with very active patients (OR=3.49; CI 95%: 1.26-9.70; P=0.016). Conclusions: Less active adults with T1D presented more hypoglycemia, probably due to the practice of informal moderate and/or vigorous activities without specific self-care

    A comparative study of COVID-19 transcriptional signatures between clinical samples and preclinical cell models in the search for disease master regulators and drug repositioning candidates

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an acute viral disease with millions of cases worldwide. Although the number of daily new cases and deaths has been dropping, there is still a need for therapeutic alternatives to deal with severe cases. A promising strategy to prospect new therapeutic candidates is to investigate the regulatory mechanisms involved in COVID-19 progression using integrated transcriptomics approaches. In this work, we aimed to identify COVID-19 Master Regulators (MRs) using a series of publicly available gene expression datasets of lung tissue from patients which developed the severe form of the disease. We were able to identify a set of six potential COVID-19 MRs related to its severe form, namely TAL1, TEAD4, EPAS1, ATOH8, ERG, and ARNTL2. In addition, using the Connectivity Map drug repositioning approach, we identified 52 different drugs which could be used to revert the disease signature, thus being candidates for the design of novel clinical treatments. Furthermore, we compared the identified signature and drugs with the ones obtained from the analysis of nasopharyngeal swab samples from infected patients and preclinical cell models. This comparison showed sig- nificant similarities between them, although also revealing some limitations on the overlap between clinical and preclinical data in COVID-19, highlighting the need for careful selection of the best model for each disease stage

    Low linolenic and linoleic acid consumption are associated with chronic kidney disease in patients with type 2 diabetes

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    Aim: This cross-sectional study aimed to assess the association of the fat content in the diet with Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD) in patients with type 2 diabetes. Methodology: Patients from the Diabetes research clinic at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (Brazil) were consecutively recruited. The inclusion criterion was the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. The exclusion criteria were as follows: body mass index >40 kg/m2, heart failure, gastroparesis, diabetic diarrhea, dietary counseling by a registered dietitian during the previous 12 months, and inability to perform the weighed diet records (WDR). The dietary fatty acids (saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) consumption was estimated by 3-day WDR. Compliance with the WDR technique was assessed by comparison of protein intake estimated from the 3-day WDR and from the 24-h urinary nitrogen output performed on the third day of the WDR period. The presence of DKD was defined as urinary albumin excretion (UAE) ≥ 30 mg / 24 h or/and glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) <60 ml/min/1.73 m2. Urinary albumin was measured twice and eGFR was estimated by using the CKD-EPI equation. Results: A total of 366 patients were evaluated; of these, 33% (n = 121) had DKD. Multivariate analysis showed that the intake of linolenic acid was negatively associated with DKD (OR = 0.57; 95% CI 0.35–0.93; P = 0.024), adjusted for gender, smoking, cardiovascular disease, ACE inhibitors and/or angiotensin receptor blocker use, systolic blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose and HDL cholesterol. In a separate model, similar results were observed for linoleic acid, adjusting to the same co-variables (OR = 0.95; 95% CI 0.91–0.99; P = 0.006). Conclusion: The lower intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially linolenic and linoleic acid, is associated with chronic kidney disease in patients with type 2 diabetes