5 research outputs found

    Functional State Evaluation System with Distributed Intellect for Elderly and Disabled Persons

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    The main aim of this paper is to develop the system for recording and analysis of human vital signals. The decisionmaking algorithms are based on the complex system theory and distributed intellect and convolution of Mealy and Moore automata. In case of dangerous situation, a smart phone can send the alarm signal and analysis results to a physician’s server. The exceptional feature of the developed monitoring system is the synchronous analysis of multiple processes and integrated assessment of person’s functional state adaptation for user requirements at the individual level

    Elektrokardiogramos parametrų dinaminių sąsajų analizė

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    Mathematical modeling of human physiology is a tremendously ambitious task. The complexity of the problems often stimulates the use of innovative mathematical techniques that are able to capture accurately processes that occur at multiple scales in time and space. The main purpose was to present the analytical method for the analysis of dynamical interrelations of electrocardiogram parameters, cointegrating numeric time series to matrixes by each cardio-cycle. The dynamical interrelations were compared between healthy persons and persons with acute myocardial infarction, also during coronary angiography. The results indicated that ECG signal parameters dynamical interrelations, calculated for each cardio-cycle bring new clinical information, that is not visible in the initial data

    Angiografinio ir EKG diagnostinių metodų palyginimas ligoniams sergantiems išemine širdies liga

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    Pateikiamas įvertinimas koronografinių, echoskopinių bei biofizikiniu metodu. Metodo testavimo imtį sudarė 78 EKG pacientų su angiografiškai patvirtinta įvairaus laipsnio bei lokalizacijos vainikinių arterijų stenoze, 23 EKG pacientų, kuriems buvo angiografiškai atmesta vainikinių arterijų stenozė. Buvo rasta koreliacija tarp suminės širdies pagrindinių vainikinių arterijų stenozės bei kairiojo skilvelio išstūmimo frakcijos pacientams su stipriai pažeistomis arterijomis bei 2-3 pažeistomis arterijomis. [...]We’ve studied 23 ECG patients with angiographically confirmed of main coronary arteries and 78 ECG patients with significant stenosis. We have analyzed our material in two ways: the first the relationship of biophysical analysis data with coronary angiography data. The percent of the correct coronary artery disease detection by the biophysical analysis was up to 79. The second these acquired data allowed us to find the relationship between the total coronary artery damages and left ventricular ejection fraction (EF, which shows heart function capacity). It was found the correlation between EF and total coronary artery stenosis for severely damaged arteries and in the group with two and three damaged main coronary arteries. [...]Kauno medicinos universiteto Kardiologijos institutasKauno technologijos universitetasTaikomosios informatikos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Computer analysis of cardiological signals for diagnosis of ischemic heart disease

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    A new noninvasive method for early detection of ischemic heart disease based on singular value decomposition is introduced. The method automatically explores waveforms of an ECG by making projections of individual ECG leads onto axes formed by the first three components of the singular value decomposition performed for the whole group of ECGs, including cases with and without coronary artery lesions (460 ECGs). Detection of the presence of lesions is performed with 73% sensitivity and 83% specificity. Sensitivity and specificity become lower when specifying which coronary artery contains lesions: 69% and 77%, respectively, for the right coronary artery, 66% and 82%, respectively, for left anterior descending artery. 74% and 71%, respectively, for the left circumflex artery. The method is being developed so that it might be included into the programs of automatic ECG analysis, particularly for population studiesKauno medicinos universiteto Kardiologijos institutasKauno technologijos universitetasTaikomosios informatikos katedraVilniaus universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Biofizikinis neinvazinis kraujotakos įvertinimo vainikinėse arterijose metodas

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    Pateikiamas naujas metodas, sukurtas širdies pagrindinių vainikinių arterijų stenozės laipsniui įvertinti. Metodo esmę sudaro 12 derivacijų EKG biofizikinė analizė, kur širdies elektrinis aktyvumas vertinamas trimis dipoliais. Apytikriai šie dipoliai yra lokalizuoti geometriniuose centruose širdies sričių, kurias krauju aprūpina trys pagrindinės kraujagyslės, t.y. dešinioji vainikinė arterija (DVA), kairioji priekinė nusileidžiančioji vainikinė arterija (KPNVA) bei kairioji apsukinė vainikinė arterija (KAVA). Metodo testavimo imtį sudarė 95 EKG pacientų su angiografiškai patvirtinta įvairaus laipsnio bei lokalizacijos vainikinių arterijų stenoze, 40 EKG pacientų, kuriems buvo angiografiškai atmesta vainikinių arterijų stenozė bei 46 EKG 23 pacientų, kuriems buvo atlikta vainikinių arterijų plastika ir EKG buvo registruojama prieš šią procedūrą ir po jos. Biofizikinės EKG analizės metodu DVA stenozės nustatymo jautrumas sudarė 73%, specifiškumas – 74%, KPNVA – 83% ir 67% bei KAVA – 69% ir 67% atatinkamai. [...]There is featured a new method for evaluation of the degree of stenosis in the three main coronary vessels – right coronary artery (RCA), left anterior descending coronary artery (LADCA) and left circumflex coronary artery (LCCA). The method is based on biophysical analysis of 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) and electrical activity of the heart is described by three dipoles. Approximately the dipoles are located in the geometrical centres of myocardial areas suplied by RCA, LADCA and LCCA. Testing set consisted of 95 ECGs of patients with angiographicaly confirmed stenosis of various degree and localization, 40 ECGs of patients with angiographic rejection of stenosis and 46 ECGs of 23 patients that underwent the percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), and ECGs have been recorded before and after PTCA. The stenosis of RCA was ascertained with sensitivity 73% and specificity 74%, stenosis of LCCA – with sensitivity 69% and speificity 67% and stenosis of LADCA – with sensitivity 83% and specificity 67%. [...]Kauno medicinos universiteto Kardiologijos institutasKauno technologijos universitetasTaikomosios informatikos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta