10 research outputs found

    Decoherence and Dynamical Entropy Generation in Quantum Field Theory

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    We formulate a novel approach to decoherence based on neglecting observationally inaccessible correlators. We apply our formalism to a renormalised interacting quantum field theoretical model. Using out-of-equilibrium field theory techniques we show that the Gaussian von Neumann entropy for a pure quantum state increases to the interacting thermal entropy. This quantifies decoherence and thus measures how classical our pure state has become. The decoherence rate is equal to the single particle decay rate in our model. We also compare our approach to existing approaches to decoherence in a simple quantum mechanical model. We show that the entropy following from the perturbative master equation suffers from physically unacceptable secular growth

    Effect of the Trace Anomaly on the Cosmological Constant

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    It has been argued that the quantum (conformal) trace anomaly could potentially provide us with a dynamical explanation of the cosmological constant problem. In this paper, however, we show by means of a semiclassical analysis that the trace anomaly does not affect the cosmological constant. We construct the effective action of the conformal anomaly for flat FLRW spacetimes consisting of local quadratic geometric curvature invariants. Counterterms are thus expected to influence the numerical value of the coefficients in the trace anomaly and we must therefore allow these parameters to vary. We calculate the evolution of the Hubble parameter in quasi de Sitter spacetime, where we restrict our Hubble parameter to vary slowly in time, and in FLRW spacetimes. We show dynamically that a Universe consisting of matter with a constant equation of state, a cosmological constant and the quantum trace anomaly evolves either to the classical de Sitter attractor or to a quantum trace anomaly driven one. When considering the trace anomaly truncated to quasi de Sitter spacetime, we find a region in parameter space where the quantum attractor destabilises. When considering the exact expression of the trace anomaly, a stability analysis shows that whenever the trace anomaly driven attractor is stable, the classical de Sitter attractor is unstable, and vice versa. Semiclassically, the trace anomaly does not affect the classical late time de Sitter attractor and hence it does not solve the cosmological constant problem.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, published versio

    Decoherence in an Interacting Quantum Field Theory: The Vacuum Case

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    We apply the decoherence formalism to an interacting scalar field theory. In the spirit of the decoherence literature, we consider a "system field" and an "environment field" that interact via a cubic coupling. We solve for the propagator of the system field, where we include the self-energy corrections due to the interaction with the environment field. In this paper, we consider an environment in the vacuum state (T=0). We show that neglecting inaccessible non-Gaussian correlators increases the entropy of the system as perceived by the observer. Moreover, we consider the effect of a changing mass of the system field in the adiabatic regime, and we find that at late times no additional entropy has been generated.Comment: 40 pages, published versio

    The Scalar Field Kernel in Cosmological Spaces

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    We construct the quantum mechanical evolution operator in the Functional Schrodinger picture - the kernel - for a scalar field in spatially homogeneous FLRW spacetimes when the field is a) free and b) coupled to a spacetime dependent source term. The essential element in the construction is the causal propagator, linked to the commutator of two Heisenberg picture scalar fields. We show that the kernels can be expressed solely in terms of the causal propagator and derivatives of the causal propagator. Furthermore, we show that our kernel reveals the standard light cone structure in FLRW spacetimes. We finally apply the result to Minkowski spacetime, to de Sitter spacetime and calculate the forward time evolution of the vacuum in a general FLRW spacetime.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Entropy and Correlators in Quantum Field Theory

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    It is well known that loss of information about a system, for some observer, leads to an increase in entropy as perceived by this observer. We use this to propose an alternative approach to decoherence in quantum field theory in which the machinery of renormalisation can systematically be implemented: neglecting observationally inaccessible correlators will give rise to an increase in entropy of the system. As an example we calculate the entropy of a general Gaussian state and, assuming the observer's ability to probe this information experimentally, we also calculate the correction to the Gaussian entropy for two specific non-Gaussian states.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure

    Decoherence in an Interacting Quantum Field Theory: Thermal Case

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    We study the decoherence of a renormalised quantum field theoretical system. We consider our novel correlator approach to decoherence where entropy is generated by neglecting observationally inaccessible correlators. Using out-of-equilibrium field theory techniques at finite temperatures, we show that the Gaussian von Neumann entropy for a pure quantum state asymptotes to the interacting thermal entropy. The decoherence rate can be well described by the single particle decay rate in our model. Connecting to electroweak baryogenesis scenarios, we moreover study the effects on the entropy of a changing mass of the system field. Finally, we compare our correlator approach to existing approaches to decoherence in the simple quantum mechanical analogue of our field theoretical model. The entropy following from the perturbative master equation suffers from physically unacceptable secular growth.Comment: 36 pages, 22 figure

    Fermion Propagator in Cosmological Spaces with Constant Deceleration

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    We calculate the fermion propagator in FLRW spacetimes with constant deceleration q=ϵ1q=\epsilon-1, ϵ=H˙/H2\epsilon=-\dot{H}/H^{2} for excited states. For fermions whose mass is generated by a scalar field through a Yukawa coupling m=gYϕm=g_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle{Y}}} \phi, we assume ϕH\phi \propto H. We first solve for the mode functions by splitting the spinor into a direct product of helicity and chirality spinors. We also allow for non-vacuum states. We normalise the spinors using a consistent canonical quantisation and by requiring orthogonality of particle and anti-particle spinors. We apply our propagator to calculate the one loop effective action and renormalise using dimensional regularisation. Since the Hubble parameter is now treated dynamically, this paves the way to study the dynamical backreaction of fermions on the background spacetime.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure, published versio