49 research outputs found

    Tendenzen in frĆ¼hen kroatischen freien Versen

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    Relativno brzo u odnosu na doga|anja na međunarodnoj pjesničkoj sceni pojedini hrvatski pjesnici prihvaćaju slobodni stih kao novi medij pjesničkoga izraza. Usmjeravajući pozornost na manje poznate zbirke trojice pjesnika (V. JelovÅ”eka, B. Lovrića i J. BeneÅ”ića) s početka 20. stoljeća, autor pokuÅ”ava upotpuniti spoznaje o nastanku hrvatskoga slobodnog stiha. Analiza zbirki polazi od formalnih značajki pojedinih varijanata, ali osvjetljava i poetička polaziÅ”ta koja im leže u podlozi. Autor nastoji ustanoviti stupanj međusobnih sličnosti i razlika u upotrebi nove pjesničke forme kao i utjecaj dominantne stihotvorne prakse (vezanoga stiha) na verlibristička načela kojima se rukovode pjesnici prvih hrvatskih slobodnih stihova. U zaključnom dijelu članka dobiveni se rezultati uspoređuju s već postojećim opisima slobodnoga stiha, te se ā€“ kao Å”to naslov rada sugerira ā€“ pokuÅ”ava dati sažet pregled tendencija u formativnom periodu ranoga hrvatskog slobodnog stiha.VerhƤltnismƤƟig schnell, auch nach internationalen MaƟstƤben gesehen, haben sich einige kroatische Lyriker freie Verse als ein neues Medium poetischen Ausdrucks angeeignet. Indem er die Aufmerksamkeit auf die weniger bekannten Gedichtsammlungen dreier Dichter (V. JelovÅ”ek, B. Lovrić und J. BeneÅ”ić) vom Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts richtet, sucht der Verfasser zu einigen neuen Erkenntnissen hinsichtlich der Entstehung kroatischer freier Verse zu kommen. Die Analyse der Gedichtsammlungen geht von formalen Merkmalen einzelner Varianten aus, beleuchtet dabei aber auch die zugrundeliegenden poetologischen Konzeptionen der Autoren. Des Weiteren sucht der Verfasser auch Ƅhnlichkeiten und Unterschiede in der Verwendung neuer dichterischer Formen sowie den Einfluss dominanter versbildender Praxis (gebundener Vers) auf die GrundsƤtze, von denen sich die Autoren der ersten kroatischen freien Verse leiten lassen, festzustellen. Zum Schluss werden die gewonnenen Ergebnisse mit den bestehenden Beschreibungen der kroatischen freien Verse verglichen sowie eine zusammengefasste Ɯbersicht von Tendenzen in der formativen Periode der frĆ¼hen kroatischen freien Verse dargeboten


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    Pojava tzv. Ā»stvarnosnogĀ« pjesniÅ”tva, uz bok zaokretu prema sličnim proznim koncepcijama u hrvatskoj književnosti krajem proÅ”loga i početkom ovoga stoljeća, izazvala je dosta kritičke pozornosti, ali i podosta nesporazuma, kako u pogledu strategija neuobičajenih u poeziji prethodnih naraÅ”taja, tako i u pogledu odnosa prema poetskom modernitetu općenito. U jednom dijelu kritike takve su tendencije označene kao regresija u popularno, čak i trivijalno, budući da se odustajanjem od jezičnoga eksperimenta i ustrajavanjem na transparentnosti pisma željelo doprijeti do Å”ire publike. U članku se, na temelju suvremenih teorijskih uvida, pokuÅ”avaju razjasniti neki aspekti tih odnosa, prije svega razmatranjem referencijalne razine i načinima posredovanja socijalnih i estetičkih normi u tim tekstovima, a potom se i analizom dominantnih retoričkih strategija nastoji ustanoviti dubinski odnos Ā»stvarnosnogaĀ« pjesniÅ”tva prema popularnom i elitnom polu literarne komunikacije. Pokazuje se da je taj odnos znatno ambivalentniji nego Å”to se čini, s obzirom na to da su se u dosadaÅ”njim kritičkim čitanjima nedistinktivno promatrali učinci referencijalnoga i retoričkoga aparata te se mimetički aspekt te poezije neprestano nametao kao presudni, ako ne i isključivi faktor recepcije.The so-called Ā»realistĀ« poetry ā€“ appearing as it did alongside the preference for similar concepts in prose at the turn of the century ā€“ incited a substantial critical attention, but also gave rise to a few misconceptions as regards the use of strategies uncommon in the poetry of preceding generations, no less than as regards its rapport with poetic modernity in general. Branded by some critics as a regression into the popular, even into triteness, for the ostensible purpose of reaching a wider audience, it was characterized above all by relinquishing of linguistic experimentation and insistence on transparent meanings. Starting from contemporary theoretical insights, the paper proposes that the situation might be clarified if the referential plane of the text is considered in the light of the modes employed for mediating social and aesthetic norms, and if the deep relations that obtain between Ā»realistĀ« poetry and the popular and elite poles of literary communication respectively are analysed with respect to the dominant rhetorical strategies. The latter in particular are shown to be much more ambivalent than it appears when the effects of the referential and rhetorical apparatus are conflated ā€“ as is habitually the case ā€“ with the mimetic aspect imposed as the decisive factor in the reception of this kind of poetry


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    Pojava tzv. Ā»stvarnosnogĀ« pjesniÅ”tva, uz bok zaokretu prema sličnim proznim koncepcijama u hrvatskoj književnosti krajem proÅ”loga i početkom ovoga stoljeća, izazvala je dosta kritičke pozornosti, ali i podosta nesporazuma, kako u pogledu strategija neuobičajenih u poeziji prethodnih naraÅ”taja, tako i u pogledu odnosa prema poetskom modernitetu općenito. U jednom dijelu kritike takve su tendencije označene kao regresija u popularno, čak i trivijalno, budući da se odustajanjem od jezičnoga eksperimenta i ustrajavanjem na transparentnosti pisma željelo doprijeti do Å”ire publike. U članku se, na temelju suvremenih teorijskih uvida, pokuÅ”avaju razjasniti neki aspekti tih odnosa, prije svega razmatranjem referencijalne razine i načinima posredovanja socijalnih i estetičkih normi u tim tekstovima, a potom se i analizom dominantnih retoričkih strategija nastoji ustanoviti dubinski odnos Ā»stvarnosnogaĀ« pjesniÅ”tva prema popularnom i elitnom polu literarne komunikacije. Pokazuje se da je taj odnos znatno ambivalentniji nego Å”to se čini, s obzirom na to da su se u dosadaÅ”njim kritičkim čitanjima nedistinktivno promatrali učinci referencijalnoga i retoričkoga aparata te se mimetički aspekt te poezije neprestano nametao kao presudni, ako ne i isključivi faktor recepcije.The so-called Ā»realistĀ« poetry ā€“ appearing as it did alongside the preference for similar concepts in prose at the turn of the century ā€“ incited a substantial critical attention, but also gave rise to a few misconceptions as regards the use of strategies uncommon in the poetry of preceding generations, no less than as regards its rapport with poetic modernity in general. Branded by some critics as a regression into the popular, even into triteness, for the ostensible purpose of reaching a wider audience, it was characterized above all by relinquishing of linguistic experimentation and insistence on transparent meanings. Starting from contemporary theoretical insights, the paper proposes that the situation might be clarified if the referential plane of the text is considered in the light of the modes employed for mediating social and aesthetic norms, and if the deep relations that obtain between Ā»realistĀ« poetry and the popular and elite poles of literary communication respectively are analysed with respect to the dominant rhetorical strategies. The latter in particular are shown to be much more ambivalent than it appears when the effects of the referential and rhetorical apparatus are conflated ā€“ as is habitually the case ā€“ with the mimetic aspect imposed as the decisive factor in the reception of this kind of poetry

    High-pressure homogenization treatment to recover bioactive compounds from tomato peels

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    By-products of tomato processing are rich in bioactive compounds and their recovery might bring significant economic and environmental benefits. High-pressure homogenization (HPH) (1ā€“10 passes at 100 MPa) was used as a disruption method to recover valuable compounds from tomato peels, using solely water as process medium. Micronization of tomato peels suspensions by HPH reduced their size distribution below the visual detection limit, because of the complete disruption of individual plant cells. With respect to high-shear mixing (5 min at 20000 rpm), HPH processing (10 passes) caused an increased release of intracellular compounds, such as proteins (+70.5%), and polyphenols (+32.2%) with a corresponding increase in antioxidant activity (+23.3%) and reduction in oil-water interfacial tension (āˆ’15.0%). Remarkably, also the release of water-insoluble lycopene in the aqueous supernatant increased, enabling the recovery of up to 56.1% of the initial peel content, well above what reported in the literature when using organic solvents or supercritical CO2

    Masivna endometrioza koja klinički oponaÅ”a tumor ā€“ neuobičajen slučaj intususcepcije crvuljka

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    Appendiceal intussusception is a rare clinical entity that, in women of reproductive age, may be caused by endometriosis. We report a case of a 36-year-old woman presenting with abdominal pain. The patient underwent laparoscopic surgery, during which a suspicion of a cecal tumor was raised. A laparoscopic right hemicolectomy was performed. The patohistological exam showed an intussuscepted appendix, and the cause of the intussusception was massive endometriosis involving the colon, ileum, and appendix. It is important not to mistake appendiceal intussusception and appendiceal endometriosis with other intraabdominal pathologies whose symptoms they can mimic.Intususcepcija crvuljka je rijedak klinički entitet koji u žena reproduktivne dobi može biti uzrokovan endometriozom. U članku je prikazan slučaj 36-ogodiŔnje žene koja se javila u hitnu službu s bolovima u abdomenu. Učinjena je laparoskopska operacija tijekom koje je postavljena sumnja na tumor cekuma te je napravljena desnostrana hemikolektomija. PatohistoloŔki nalaz je pokazao intususcepciju crvuljka čiji je uzrok bio opsežna endometrioza koja je zahvatila debelo crijevo, ileum i crvuljak. Važno je prepoznati intususcepciju i endometriozu crvuljka, jer ih je lako zamijeniti za drugu intraabdominalnu patologiju, čije simptome mogu oponaŔati


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    Zahtjevi za većom proizvodnjom i potražnja potroÅ”ača za zdravijom hranom potaknuli su posljednjih godina intenzivna istraživanja alternativnih promotora rasta životinja. Trendovi istraživanja su orijentirani na razvoj novih proizvoda obogaćenih dodacima stočnoj hrani s ciljem poboljÅ”anja zdravlja životinja i boljeg prirasta. Mnogi od tih spojeva su nestabilni u prisutnosti svjetla, zraka, vode ili visokih temperatura te ih je potrebno zaÅ”titi tijekom procesiranja, skladiÅ”tenja i primjene. Inkapsulacijom u mikročestice dodaci stočnoj hrani se Å”tite od Å”tetnih vanjskih utjecaja, a ne umanjuju im se stabilnost i funkcionalnost. Tehnologija mikroinkapsulacije se koristi za zaÅ”titu dodataka i poboljÅ”anje biodostupnosti kontroliranom i ciljanom isporukom u probavni trakt. Posebno je pogodna za dodavanje u hranidbi preživača, jer se pravilnim izborom materijala mikročestice omogućava oslobađanje dodataka u tankom crijevu, a ne u buragu. Uz pravilno koriÅ”tenje, formulacije mikročestica su učinkovit alat u hranidbi životinja koji isporučuje hranjive sastojke i/ili lijekove na određeno mjesto željenom brzinom. U radu su sažeta laboratorijska istraživanja primjene tehnologije mikroinkapsulacije dodataka stočnoj hrani u hranidbi preživača i monogastričnih životinja. Brojni rezultati primjene inkapsuliranih bioaktivnih spojeva pokazali su pozitivne učinke na zdravlje životinja, povećanje produktivnosti bez Å”tetnih učinaka na konačni proizvod i zaÅ”titu okoliÅ”a.Demands for higher production and consumer demand for healthier food have encouraged intensive research for alternative animal growth promoters in recent years. Research trends are focused on the development of new products enriched with feed additives to improve animal health and enhancing production. Many of these compounds are unstable in the presence of light, air, water, or high temperatures and need to be protected during processing, storage, and application. By encapsulatied in microparticles, feed additives are protected from harmful external influences, and their stability and functionality are not diminished. Microencapsulation technology is used to protect payload and improve bioavailability by controlled and targeted delivery to the digestive tract. It is particularly suitable for the addition of feed additives in ruminantā€™s nutrition, because the correct choice of microparticle material allows the release of the feed additives in the small intestine, and not in the rumen. With proper use, microparticle formulations are an effective tool in animal nutrition that delivers nutrients and/or drugs to a specific site at the desired rate. The paper summarizes laboratory studies on the application of microencapsulation technology in feeding ruminants and monogastric animals. Numerous results of the application of encapsulated feed additives have shown a positive effect on animal health, increased productivity without negative effects on the final product, and environmental protection

    Glycemic Index in Diabetes

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    The Glycemic Index (GI) is a rating system that ranks carbohydrate-containing foods according to their postprandial blood glucose response relative to the same quantity of available carbohydrate of a standard such as white bread or glucose. The concept of GI was first introduced in the early 80ā€™s by Jenkins and coworkers. Since then, numerous trials have been undertaken, many indicating benefits of a low GI diet on glycemic control, as well as lipid profiles, insulin and C-peptide levels, inflamatory and thrombolytic factors, endothelial function and regulation of body weight. As a result, a low-GI diet may prevent or delay the vascular complications of diabetes. However, despite many studies supporting the benefits of the Glycemic Index as part of the treatment of diabetes mellitus, several areas of controversy have been raised in the literature and are addressed here. Clinicians treating diabetic patients should be aware of the potential benefits of low-GI foods in the prevention and treatment of diabetes and its complications