216 research outputs found

    3D Scanning System for Automatic High-Resolution Plant Phenotyping

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    Thin leaves, fine stems, self-occlusion, non-rigid and slowly changing structures make plants difficult for three-dimensional (3D) scanning and reconstruction -- two critical steps in automated visual phenotyping. Many current solutions such as laser scanning, structured light, and multiview stereo can struggle to acquire usable 3D models because of limitations in scanning resolution and calibration accuracy. In response, we have developed a fast, low-cost, 3D scanning platform to image plants on a rotating stage with two tilting DSLR cameras centred on the plant. This uses new methods of camera calibration and background removal to achieve high-accuracy 3D reconstruction. We assessed the system's accuracy using a 3D visual hull reconstruction algorithm applied on 2 plastic models of dicotyledonous plants, 2 sorghum plants and 2 wheat plants across different sets of tilt angles. Scan times ranged from 3 minutes (to capture 72 images using 2 tilt angles), to 30 minutes (to capture 360 images using 10 tilt angles). The leaf lengths, widths, areas and perimeters of the plastic models were measured manually and compared to measurements from the scanning system: results were within 3-4% of each other. The 3D reconstructions obtained with the scanning system show excellent geometric agreement with all six plant specimens, even plants with thin leaves and fine stems.Comment: 8 papes, DICTA 201

    Consistent estimation of shape parameters in statistical shape model by symmetric EM algorithm

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    In order to fit an unseen surface using statistical shape model (SSM), a correspondence between the unseen surface and the model needs to be established, before the shape parameters can be estimated based on this correspondence. The correspondence and parameter estimation problem can be modeled probabilistically by a Gaussian mixture model (GMM), and solved by expectation-maximization iterative closest points (EM-ICP) algorithm. In this paper, we propose to exploit the linearity of the principal component analysis (PCA) based SSM, and estimate the parameters for the unseen shape surface under the EM-ICP framework. The symmetric data terms are devised to enforce the mutual consistency between the model reconstruction and the shape surface. The a priori shape information encoded in the SSM is also included as regularization. The estimation method is applied to the shape modeling of the hippocampus using a hippocampal SSM

    Ea-GANs: Edge-Aware Generative Adversarial Networks for Cross-Modality MR Image Synthesis

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    Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is a widely used medical imaging protocol that can be configured to provide different contrasts between the tissues in human body. By setting different scanning parameters, each MR imaging modality reflects the unique visual characteristic of scanned body part, benefiting the subsequent analysis from multiple perspectives. To utilize the complementary information from multiple imaging modalities, cross-modality MR image synthesis has aroused increasing research interest recently. However, most existing methods only focus on minimizing pixel/voxel-wise intensity difference but ignore the textural details of image content structure, which affects the quality of synthesized images. In this paper, we propose edge-aware generative adversarial networks (Ea-GANs) for cross-modality MR image synthesis. Specifically, we integrate edge information, which reflects the textural structure of image content and depicts the boundaries of different objects in images, to reduce this gap. Corresponding to different learning strategies, two frameworks are proposed, i.e., a generator-induced Ea-GAN (gEa-GAN) and a discriminator-induced Ea-GAN (dEa-GAN). The gEa-GAN incorporates the edge information via its generator, while the dEa-GAN further does this from both the generator and the discriminator so that the edge similarity is also adversarially learned. In addition, the proposed Ea-GANs are 3D-based and utilize hierarchical features to capture contextual information. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed Ea-GANs, especially the dEa-GAN, outperform multiple state-of-the-art methods for cross-modality MR image synthesis in both qualitative and quantitative measures. Moreover, the dEa-GAN also shows excellent generality to generic image synthesis tasks on benchmark datasets about facades, maps, and cityscapes

    Validity and reliability of computerized measurement of lumbar intervertebral disc height and volume from magnetic resonance images

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    BACKGROUND CONTEXT: Magnetic resonance (MR) examinations of morphologic characteristics of intervertebral discs (IVDs) have been used extensively for biomechanical studies and clinical investigations of the lumbar spine. Traditionally, the morphologic measurements have been performed using time- and expertise-intensive manual segmentation techniques not well suited for analyses of large-scale studies.

    Automated 3D quantitative assessment and measurement of alpha angles from the femoral head-neck junction using MR imaging

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    To develop an automated approach for 3D quantitative assessment and measurement of alpha angles from the femoral head-neck (FHN) junction using bone models derived from magnetic resonance (MR) images of the hip joint

    MRI white matter lesion segmentation using an ensemble of neural networks and overcomplete patch-based voting

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    [EN] Accurate quantification of white matter hyperintensities (WMH) from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a valuable tool for the analysis of normal brain ageing or neurodegeneration. Reliable automatic extraction of WMH lesions is challenging due to their heterogeneous spatial occurrence, their small size and their diffuse nature. In this paper, we present an automatic method to segment these lesions based on an ensemble of overcomplete patch-based neural networks. The proposed method successfully provides accurate and regular segmentations due to its overcomplete nature while minimizing the segmentation error by using a boosted ensemble of neural networks. The proposed method compared favourably to state of the art techniques using two different neurodegenerative datasets. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This research has been done thanks to the Australian distinguished visiting professor grant from the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) and the Spanish "Programa de apoyo a la investigacion y desarrollo (PAID-00-15)" of the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia. This research was partially supported by the Spanish grant TIN2013-43457-R from the Ministerio de Economia y competitividad. This study has been carried out also with support from the French State, managed by the French National Research Ageny in the frame of the Investments for the future Program IdEx Bordeaux (ANR-10-IDEX-03-02, HL-MRI Project), Cluster of excellence CPU and TRAIL (HR-DTI ANR-10-LABX-57) and the CNRS multidisciplinary project Defi imag'In. Some of the data used in this work was collected by the AIBL study group. Funding for the AIBL study is provided by the CSIRO Flagship Collaboration Fund and the Science and Industry Endowment Fund (SIEF) in partnership with Edith Cowan University (ECU), Mental Health Research Institute (MHRI), Alzheimer's Australia (AA), National Ageing Research Institute (NARI), Austin Health, Macquarie University, CogState Ltd, Hollywood Private Hospital, and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.Manjón Herrera, JV.; Coupe, P.; Raniga, P.; Xia, Y.; Desmond, P.; Fripp, J.; Salvado, O. (2018). MRI white matter lesion segmentation using an ensemble of neural networks and overcomplete patch-based voting. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. 69:43-51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compmedimag.2018.05.001S43516

    Going deeper with brain morphometry using neural networks

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    Brain morphometry from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a consolidated biomarker for many neurodegenerative diseases. Recent advances in this domain indicate that deep convolutional neural networks can infer morphometric measurements within a few seconds. Nevertheless, the accuracy of the devised model for insightful bio-markers (mean curvature and thickness) remains unsatisfactory. In this paper, we propose a more accurate and efficient neural network model for brain morphometry named HerstonNet. More specifically, we develop a 3D ResNet-based neural network to learn rich features directly from MRI, design a multi-scale regression scheme by predicting morphometric measures at feature maps of different resolutions, and leverage a robust optimization method to avoid poor quality minima and reduce the prediction variance. As a result, HerstonNet improves the existing approach by 24.30% in terms of intraclass correlation coefficient (agreement measure) to FreeSurfer silver-standards while maintaining a competitive run-time

    Fabric Image Representation Encoding Networks for Large-scale 3D Medical Image Analysis

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    Deep neural networks are parameterised by weights that encode feature representations, whose performance is dictated through generalisation by using large-scale feature-rich datasets. The lack of large-scale labelled 3D medical imaging datasets restrict constructing such generalised networks. In this work, a novel 3D segmentation network, Fabric Image Representation Networks (FIRENet), is proposed to extract and encode generalisable feature representations from multiple medical image datasets in a large-scale manner. FIRENet learns image specific feature representations by way of 3D fabric network architecture that contains exponential number of sub-architectures to handle various protocols and coverage of anatomical regions and structures. The fabric network uses Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (ASPP) extended to 3D to extract local and image-level features at a fine selection of scales. The fabric is constructed with weighted edges allowing the learnt features to dynamically adapt to the training data at an architecture level. Conditional padding modules, which are integrated into the network to reinsert voxels discarded by feature pooling, allow the network to inherently process different-size images at their original resolutions. FIRENet was trained for feature learning via automated semantic segmentation of pelvic structures and obtained a state-of-the-art median DSC score of 0.867. FIRENet was also simultaneously trained on MR (Magnatic Resonance) images acquired from 3D examinations of musculoskeletal elements in the (hip, knee, shoulder) joints and a public OAI knee dataset to perform automated segmentation of bone across anatomy. Transfer learning was used to show that the features learnt through the pelvic segmentation helped achieve improved mean DSC scores of 0.962, 0.963, 0.945 and 0.986 for automated segmentation of bone across datasets.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Statistical shape model reconstruction with sparse anomalous deformations: application to intervertebral disc herniation

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    Many medical image processing techniques rely on accurate shape modeling of anatomical features. The presence of shape abnormalities challenges traditional processing algorithms based on strong morphological priors. In this work, a sparse shape reconstruction from a statistical shape model is presented. It combines the advantages of traditional statistical shape models (defining a ‘normal’ shape space) and previously presented sparse shape composition (providing localized descriptors of anomalies). The algorithm was incorporated into our image segmentation and classification software. Evaluation was performed on simulated and clinical MRI data from 22 sciatica patients with intervertebral disc herniation, containing 35 herniated and 97 normal discs. Moderate to high correlation (R = 0.73) was achieved between simulated and detected herniations. The sparse reconstruction provided novel quantitative features describing the herniation morphology and MRI signal appearance in three dimensions (3D). The proposed descriptors of local disc morphology resulted to the 3D segmentation accuracy of 1.07 ± 1.00 mm (mean absolute vertex-to-vertex mesh distance over the posterior disc region), and improved the intervertebral disc classification from 0.888 to 0.931 (area under receiver operating curve). The results show that the sparse shape reconstruction may improve computer-aided diagnosis of pathological conditions presenting local morphological alterations, as seen in intervertebral disc herniation
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