5 research outputs found
Plasmonic quantum effects on single-emitter strong coupling
AbstractCoupling between electromagnetic cavity fields and fluorescent molecules or quantum emitters can be strongly enhanced by reducing the cavity mode volume. Plasmonic structures allow light confinement down to volumes that are only a few cubic nanometers. At such length scales, nonlocal and quantum tunneling effects are expected to influence the emitter interaction with the surface plasmon modes, which unavoidably requires going beyond classical models to accurately describe the electron response at the metal surface. In this context, the quantum hydrodynamic theory (QHT) has emerged as an efficient tool to probe nonlocal and quantum effects in metallic nanostructures. Here, we apply state-of-the-art QHT to investigate the quantum effects on strong coupling of a dipole emitter placed at nanometer distances from metallic particles. A comparison with conventional local response approximation (LRA) and Thomas-Fermi hydrodynamic theory results shows the importance of quantum effects on the plasmon-emitter coupling. The QHT predicts qualitative deviation from LRA in the weak coupling regime that leads to quantitative differences in the strong coupling regime. In nano-gap systems, the inclusion of quantum broadening leads to the existence of an optimal gap size for Rabi splitting that minimizes the requirements on the emitter oscillator strength
Nanowire-Intensified MEF in Hybrid Polymer-Plasmonic Electrospun Filaments
Hybrid polymer-plasmonic nanostructures might combine high enhancement of
localized fields from metal nanoparticles with light confinement and long-range
transport in subwavelength dielectric structures. Here we report on the complex
behavior of fluorophores coupling to Au nanoparticles within polymer nanowires,
which features localized metal-enhanced fluorescence (MEF) with unique
characteristics compared to conventional structures. The intensification effect
when the particle is placed in the organic filaments is remarkably higher with
respect to thin films of comparable thickness, thus highlighting a specific,
nanowire-related enhancement of MEF effects. A dependence on the confinement
volume in the dielectric nanowire is also evidenced, with MEF significantly
increasing upon reducing the wire diameter. These findings are rationalized by
finite element simulations, predicting a position-dependent enhancement of the
quantum yield of fluorophores embedded in the fibers. Calculation of the
ensemble-averaged fluorescence enhancement unveils the possibility of strongly
enhancing the overall emission intensity for structures with size twice the
diameter of the embedded metal particles. These new, hybrid fluorescent systems
with localized enhanced emission, as well as the general Nanowire-Intensified
MEF effect associated to them, are highly relevant for developing nanoscale
light-emitting devices with high efficiency and inter-coupled through nanofiber
networks, highly sensitive optical sensors, and novel laser architectures.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures, Small (2018
Instationaeres Motorgeraeusch I Die Geraeuschemission direkteinspritzender Dieselmotoren unter instationaeren Betriebsbedingungen - Ursachen und Massnahmen zur Verringerung. Abschlussbericht
With 129 figs., 8 tabs., 9 refs.Copy held by UB/TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman
Plasmonic Nonlocal Response Effects on Dipole Decay Dynamics in the Weak- and Strong-Coupling Regimes
The largest increases
in spontaneous decay rates of quantum emitters
can be achieved using plasmonic structures that are characterized
by closely spaced metallic elements. These systems can give rise to
the smallest optical cavities attainable, offering a viable solution
to achieve single molecule light-matter strong-coupling. On the other
hand, their optical response might be strongly affected by nonlocal
and quantum effects of the metal electron gas. In this work, we analyze
the impact of nonlocal effects on the emission properties of a single
quantum emitter coupled to a plasmonic system characterized by deeply
subwavelength gap regions, in both the weak and the strong-coupling
regimes. We find that the presence of nonlocality imposes strict limits
to the achievability of strong-coupling with single molecules in apparent
contrast to recent experiments, suggesting that a more refined theory
might be required. These limits are even larger if a <i>k</i>-dependent absorption is included in the calculations. These results
place boundaries to the applicability of hydrodynamic methods