140 research outputs found

    Building a Nest by an Automaton

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    A robot modeled as a deterministic finite automaton has to build a structure from material available to it. The robot navigates in the infinite oriented grid Z x Z. Some cells of the grid are full (contain a brick) and others are empty. The subgraph of the grid induced by full cells, called the field, is initially connected. The (Manhattan) distance between the farthest cells of the field is called its span. The robot starts at a full cell. It can carry at most one brick at a time. At each step it can pick a brick from a full cell, move to an adjacent cell and drop a brick at an empty cell. The aim of the robot is to construct the most compact possible structure composed of all bricks, i.e., a nest. That is, the robot has to move all bricks in such a way that the span of the resulting field be the smallest. Our main result is the design of a deterministic finite automaton that accomplishes this task and subsequently stops, for every initially connected field, in time O(sz), where s is the span of the initial field and z is the number of bricks. We show that this complexity is optimal

    Planar ordered sets of width two

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    Computing largest circles separating two sets of segments

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    A circle CC separates two planar sets if it encloses one of the sets and its open interior disk does not meet the other set. A separating circle is a largest one if it cannot be locally increased while still separating the two given sets. An Theta(n log n) optimal algorithm is proposed to find all largest circles separating two given sets of line segments when line segments are allowed to meet only at their endpoints. In the general case, when line segments may intersect Ω(n2)\Omega(n^2) times, our algorithm can be adapted to work in O(n alpha(n) log n) time and O(n \alpha(n)) space, where alpha(n) represents the extremely slowly growing inverse of the Ackermann function.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, abstract presented at 8th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, 199

    Convex Tours of Bounded Curvature

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    We consider the motion planning problem for a point constrained to move along a smooth closed convex path of bounded curvature. The workspace of the moving point is bounded by a convex polygon with m vertices, containing an obstacle in a form of a simple polygon with nn vertices. We present an O(m+n) time algorithm finding the path, going around the obstacle, whose curvature is the smallest possible.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, abstract presented at European Symposium on Algorithms 199

    Choosing the best among peers

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    AbstractA group of n peers, e.g., computer scientists, has to choose the best, i.e., the most competent among them. Each member of the group may vote for one other member, or abstain. Self-voting is not allowed. A voting graph is a directed graph in which an arc (u,v) means that u votes for v. While opinions may be subjective, resulting in various voting graphs, it is natural to assume that more competent peers are also, in general, more competent in evaluating competence of others. We capture this by proposing a voting system in which each member is assigned a positive integer value satisfying the following strict support monotonicity property: the value of x is larger than the value of y if and only if the sum of values of members voting for x is larger than the sum of values of members voting for y. Then we choose the member with the highest value, or if there are several such members, another election mechanism, e.g., using randomness, chooses one of them.We show that for every voting graph there is a value function satisfying the strict support monotonicity property and that such a function can be computed in linear time. However, it turns out that this method of choosing the best among peers is vulnerable to vote manipulation: even one voter of very low value may change his/her vote so as to get the highest value. This is due to the possibility of loops (directed cycles) in the voting graph. Hence we slightly modify voting graphs by erasing all arcs that belong to some cycle. This modification results in a pruned voting graph which is always a rooted forest. We show that for all pruned voting graphs there are value functions giving a guarantee against manipulation. More precisely, we show a value function guaranteeing that no coalition of k members all of whose values are lower than those of (1−1/(k+1))n other members can manipulate their votes so that one of them gets the largest value. In particular, no single member from the lower half of the group is able to manipulate his/her vote to become elected. We also show that no better guarantee can be given for any value function satisfying the strict support monotonicity property

    Prime normal form and equivalence of simple grammars

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    AbstractA prefix-free language is prime if it cannot be decomposed into a concatenation of two prefix-free languages. We show that we can check in polynomial time if a language generated by a simple context-free grammar is prime. Our algorithm computes a canonical representation of a simple language, converting its arbitrary simple grammar into prime normal form (PNF); a simple grammar is in PNF if all its nonterminals define primes. We also improve the complexity of testing the equivalence of simple grammars. The best previously known algorithm for this problem worked in O(n13) time. We improve it to O(n7log2n) and O(n5polylogv) time, where n is the total size of the grammars involved, and v is the length of a shortest string derivable from a nonterminal, maximized over all nonterminals

    Time versus space trade-offs for rendezvous in trees

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    International audienceTwo identical (anonymous) mobile agents start from arbitrary nodes of an unknown tree and have to meet at some node. Agents move in synchronous rounds: in each round an agent can either stay at the current node or move to one of its neighbors. We consider deterministic algorithms for this rendezvous task. The main result of this paper is a tight trade-off between the optimal time of completing rendezvous and the size of memory of the agents. For agents with kk memory bits, we show that optimal rendezvous time is Θ(n+n2/k)\Theta(n+n^2/k) in nn-node trees. More precisely, if k≄clog⁥nk \geq c\log n, for some constant cc, we design agents accomplishing rendezvous in arbitrary trees of size nn {(unknown to the agents)} in time O(n+n2/k)O(n+n^2/k), starting with arbitrary delay. We also show that no pair of agents can accomplish rendezvous in time o(n+n2/k)o(n+n^2/k), even in the class of lines of known length and even with simultaneous start. Finally, we prove that at least logarithmic memory is necessary for rendezvous, even for agents starting simultaneously in a nn-node line

    Can holography reproduce the QCD Wilson line?

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    Recently a remarkable agreement was found between lattice simulations of long Wilson lines and behavior of the Nambu Goto string in flat space-time. However, the latter fails to fit the short distance behavior since it admits a tachyonic mode for a string shorter than a critical length. In this paper we examine the question of whether a classical holographic Wilson line can reproduce the lattice results for Wilson lines of any length. We determine the condition on the the gravitational background to admit a Coulombic potential at short distances. We analyze the system using three different renormalization schemes. We perform an explicit best fit comparison of the lattice results with the holographic models based on near extremal D3 and D4 branes, non-critical near extremal AdS6 model and the Klebanov Strassler model. We find that all the holographic models examined admit after renormalization a constant term in the potential. We argue that the curves of the lattice simulation also have such a constant term and we discuss its physical interpretation
