7 research outputs found


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    V organizaciji je potreben dobro zgrajen sistem nagrajevanja in je pomemben del vsake organizacije. Sistem nagrajevanja ima pomembno vlogo pri standardu življenja zaposlenih, ohranjanju dobre klime na delovnem mestu in dobrih medsebojnih odnosov zaposlenih. S pravim načinom motiviranja se doseže, da so zaposleni bolj učinkoviti in dosegajo cilje organizacije. Z nagradami se želi zaposlene spodbuditi, navdušiti in motivirati za delo. V sodobni družbi imajo nefinančne nagrade čedalje večji pomen in to predstavlja organizacijam nov izziv, kako pridobivati in zadrževati zaposlene. Namen diplomskega dela je bil prikazati področje nagrajevanja zaposlenih in proučiti razlike med finančnimi in nefinančnimi nagradami. Cilj je bil izvesti raziskavo v organizaciji Svečarstvo Jurkovič, d. o. o., proučiti sistem nagrajevanja in ugotoviti, kako so zaposleni zadovoljni z njim. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da so zaposleni zadovoljni z delovnim časom, z medsebojnimi odnosi, s pogoji in zanimovostjo dela. Nezadovoljstvo se kaže pri seznanitvi in pravičnostjo sistema nagrajevanja, kar bi se lahko rešilo z boljšo komunikacijo in postavitvijo jasno določena sistema nagrajevanja. Za zadovoljstvo zaposlenih s sistemom nagrajevanja je treba vključiti zaposlene in vzpostaviti boljšo komunikacijo med zaposlenimi in nadrejeni. Postaviti je treba jasno določen sistem nagrajevanja, kjer bi bila višina nagrade utemeljena in pravična. Nagrade morajo biti postavljene tako, da spodbujajo motiviranost in veselje do dela.Organizations need a well-built reward system, which is an important part of every organization. The reward system plays an important role for the standard of living of employees, keeping a healthy environment in the workplace and friendly relationships between employees. With the right way of motivating, employees are more effective and reach the goals of the organization. Rewards are meant to encourage, enthuse and motivate employees. In modern society, non-financial rewards have an increasing importance, which provides organizations with a new challenge - how to gain and keep employees. The purpose of the thesis is to present the field of employee rewarding and to study the differences between financial and non-financial rewards. The goal was to perform a research in organization Svečarstvo Jurkovič, d. o. o., to study their reward system and determine whether their employees are satisfied with it. The results show that employees are satisfied with the working hours, friendly relationships between them, with the working terms and excitement of the work. The dissatisfaction is related with insufficient information about the reward system and its fairness, which could be solved through better communication and more clearly set rules of the reward system. The reward system needs to include employees and establish better communication between employees and superiors in order for employees to be satisfied. The reward system needs to be clearly set in a way, where the size of the reward would be justified and fair. Rewards need to be set in a way to encourage employee motivation and make them perform their work with pleasure

    Curing of various fractions of liquefied wood

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    Zaradi okoljevarstvenih zahtev potekajo različne raziskave v smeri iskanja in priprave okolju prijaznejših premazov za les, ki bi bili alternativa klasičnim pripravkom za površinsko obdelavo lesa. Tako bi za premaze lahko uporabljali tudi utekočinjen les, ki ga pridobivamo s termokemičnim postopkom (s solvolizo). Vendar je pomanjkljivost filmov iz utekočinjenega lesa v tem, da so temno rjave oz. črne barve, kar močno omejuje njihovo uporabnost. V diplomskem projektu smo skušali pripraviti svetlejši utekočinjen les s postopkom ultrafiltracije. Z že uveljavljenim postopkom utekočinjanja smo utekočinili lipov les in ga nato ultrafiltrirali. Ugotovili smo, da je barva ultrafiltriranega utekočinjenega lesa precej bolj svetla od izhodiščne utekočinjene zmesi. Naši rezultati tudi nakazujejo, da bi bilo možno svetlejši ultrafiltriran utekočinjen les, kljub njegovi različni sestavi od nefiltriranega lesa, utrditi. Za iskanje najprimernejših pogojev utrditve ultrafiltrirnega utekočinjenega lesa so potrebne nadaljnje raziskave, da bi lahko pripravili svetle filme s sprejemljivimi fizikalno kemijskimi in odpornostnimi lastnostmi.Because of environmental demands, various investigations are carried out in order to find and prepare environmentally friendly wood coatings, as an alternative to conventional formulations for surface treatment of wood. So, wood coatings could be prepared also from liquefied wood, obtained by a thermochemical process (solvolysis). However, the drawback of liquefied wood based coatings is in their dark brown to black colour, importantly limiting their applicability. In this thesis, attempts to prepare light liquefied wood by means of ultrafiltration are described. Lime-tree wood was liquefied by the established procedure and the liquefaction product was ultrafiltered. We stated that the colour of ultrafiltered wood was quite lighter that that of the starting liquefaction mixture. Our results also indicated that the light coloured ultrafiltered liquefied wood could be cured. Additional investigations are needed to find the most appropriate curing conditions to be able to prepare light coloured films with acceptable physical, chemical and resistance properties

    Curing of various fractions of liquefied wood

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    Zaradi okoljevarstvenih zahtev potekajo različne raziskave v smeri iskanja in priprave okolju prijaznejših premazov za les, ki bi bili alternativa klasičnim pripravkom za površinsko obdelavo lesa. Tako bi za premaze lahko uporabljali tudi utekočinjen les, ki ga pridobivamo s termokemičnim postopkom (s solvolizo). Vendar je pomanjkljivost filmov iz utekočinjenega lesa v tem, da so temno rjave oz. črne barve, kar močno omejuje njihovo uporabnost. V diplomskem projektu smo skušali pripraviti svetlejši utekočinjen les s postopkom ultrafiltracije. Z že uveljavljenim postopkom utekočinjanja smo utekočinili lipov les in ga nato ultrafiltrirali. Ugotovili smo, da je barva ultrafiltriranega utekočinjenega lesa precej bolj svetla od izhodiščne utekočinjene zmesi. Naši rezultati tudi nakazujejo, da bi bilo možno svetlejši ultrafiltriran utekočinjen les, kljub njegovi različni sestavi od nefiltriranega lesa, utrditi. Za iskanje najprimernejših pogojev utrditve ultrafiltrirnega utekočinjenega lesa so potrebne nadaljnje raziskave, da bi lahko pripravili svetle filme s sprejemljivimi fizikalno kemijskimi in odpornostnimi lastnostmi.Because of environmental demands, various investigations are carried out in order to find and prepare environmentally friendly wood coatings, as an alternative to conventional formulations for surface treatment of wood. So, wood coatings could be prepared also from liquefied wood, obtained by a thermochemical process (solvolysis). However, the drawback of liquefied wood based coatings is in their dark brown to black colour, importantly limiting their applicability. In this thesis, attempts to prepare light liquefied wood by means of ultrafiltration are described. Lime-tree wood was liquefied by the established procedure and the liquefaction product was ultrafiltered. We stated that the colour of ultrafiltered wood was quite lighter that that of the starting liquefaction mixture. Our results also indicated that the light coloured ultrafiltered liquefied wood could be cured. Additional investigations are needed to find the most appropriate curing conditions to be able to prepare light coloured films with acceptable physical, chemical and resistance properties

    Development and optimization of analytical methods used for assay determination of benzalkonium chloride in complex pharmaceutical formulations using Quality-by-design principles

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    V zadnjem času se pojavlja vse večja težnja po strukturiranem razvoju analiznih metod z uporabo pristopa vgrajene kakovosti – »Quality-by-design«. Podoben pristop je danes že dobro sprejet in poznan pri razvoju farmacevtskega izdelka z vgrajeno kakovostjo. Številne smernice opisujejo, kako s strateškim razvojem pridobiti čim več znanja o procesu, z namenom postaviti smiselne kontrolne parametre in izboljšati robustnost procesa. Pri razvoju analiznih postopkov pa celovit potek razvoja z vgrajeno kakovostjo še ni popolnoma opredeljen. Razvoj analiznega postopka z vgrajeno kakovostjo začnemo z opredelitvijo namena analiznega postopka in definiranjem ciljnega profila analizne metode in nadaljujemo z analizo ocene tveganja in identifikacijo kritičnih dejavnikov, ki jih ovrednotimo z uporabo eksperimentalnih načrtov. Ti nam omogočajo celovit vpogled in postavitev delovnega območja analizne metode. V doktorski nalogi je prikazan celovit pristop razvoja, optimizacije in validacije analizne metode z vgrajeno kakovostjo na dveh primerih kromatografskih analiznih metod. HPLC analizni metodi za določanje vsebnosti benzalkonijevega klorida (BKC) v zdravilih smo z analizo ocene tveganja in uporabo C&E matrike določili kritične dejavnike metode. Tako dobljenim dejavnikom smo z uporabo različnih eksperimentalnih načrtov določili velikosti vplivov na spremljane odzive in s pomočjo statističnega modela poiskali točko optimalnih nastavitev parametrov in postavili delovno območje analizne metode. Delovno območje analizne metode smo grafično izrisali. Izvedba optimizacije kromatografskih pogojev z dvema različnima eksperimentalnima načrtoma nam je omogočila primerjavo dobljenih rezultatov. Primerjava je pokazala, da uporaba delnega faktorskega načrta daje bolj natančno opredeljeno delovno območje kot uporaba Plackett-Burmanovega eksperimentalnega načrta. Nadalje smo z uporabo eksperimentalnega načrta optimizirali korak priprave vzorca, ki je ključnega pomena za zagotavljanje točnosti in ponovljivosti rezultatov. S spremembo sestave topila in koncentracije vzorca smo izničili moteče vplive zdravilne učinkovine in placeba in izboljšali točnost rezultatov vsebnosti BKC. Optimizirano metodo smo validirali skladno z zahtevami ICH smernic in z novo analizno metodo analizirali več vrst farmacevtskih oblik z različnimi zdravilnimi učinkovinami, ki vsebujejo BKC. Rezultati dobljeni z optimizirano metodo so pokazali izboljšanje točnosti in ponovljivosti rezultatov. Pristop smo uspešno prenesli in uporabili tudi pri razvoju UPLC analizne metode za določevanje nečistot rosuvastatina v zdravilih. Z uporabo delnega faktorskega eksperimentalnega načrta smo optimizirali kromatografske pogoje analizne metode. Pri tem smo korak iskanja optimalne točke ponovili z utežitvijo pomembnosti posameznih odzivov in brez izvedbe dodatnih poskusov dobili končne optimalne kromatografske pogoje, pri katerih nam metoda zagotavlja ustrezno ločbo vseh komponent. Tudi to metodo smo validirali in pokazali njeno ustreznost glede na postavljene zahteve v ciljnem profilu analizne metode.An increasing tendency for structured development of analytical methods using the Qualityby-design approach has been emerging recently. A similar approach is now well accepted in the development of pharmaceutical products. Many guidelines describe how to gain as much knowledge about processes in order to set relevant control parameters and improve the robustness of manufacturing process, while the overall quality-by-design process for development of the analytical procedures is currently not fully defined. The development process of an analytical procedure with built-in quality starts with a definition of analytical method purpose and creation of an analytical target profile (ATP).Development is continued with a risk assessment analysis to identify all potential sources of variation and identification of critical factors. Evaluation of these critical factors is done by using experimental designs, as such approach provides us with a comprehensive insight of the analytical method operable design region. This thesis presents a comprehensive approach of quality-by-design development, optimization and validation of two different chromatographic analytical methods. All potential sources of variation and critical factors of a HPLC analytical method for assay determination of BKC in pharmaceutical products were evaluated using C&E matrix risk assessment tool. Statistical model was generated and used for sweet-spot analysis to predict optimal factor settings and defining the analytical method design region, which was also graphically presented. Different experimental designs were used to evaluate the effect of these factors on the measured responses. Using two different types of experimental designs enabled us to compare the obtained results. The comparison showed that the use of fractional factorial design gives a better defined design region than the use of Plackett-Burman experimental design. Additionally, sample preparation step of the analytical method was optimized using the fractional factorial experimental design. Sample preparation is a crucial step for ensuring good accuracy and precision of the results. By modifying the composition of the solvent and increasing the sample concentration the interfering effect of the active component and placebo were minimized and the accuracy of the BKC assay was improved. The optimized method was validated according to the ICH guidelines requirements. The analysis of two different types of pharmaceutical preparations with different active component with the optimized analytical method confirmed improved accuracy and repeatability of the results. The above approach was also successfully applied to development of the UPLC analytical method for determination of rosuvastatin impurities in pharmaceutical preparations. Fractional factorial experimental design was used for optimization of chromatographic conditions. Sweet-spot analysis was repeated without performing additional experiments, by weighting the significance of individual responses in order to find the final optimal chromatographic conditions that would ensure appropriate separation of all components in chromatogram. The method was validated and the results showed its suitability according to the requirements set in the analytical target profile

    Applying the methodology of Design of Experiments to stability studies: a Partial Least Squares approach for evaluation of drug stability

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    <p>The aim of the present research is to show that the methodology of Design of Experiments can be applied to stability data evaluation, as they can be seen as multi-factor and multi-level experimental designs. Linear regression analysis is usually an approach for analyzing stability data, but multivariate statistical methods could also be used to assess drug stability during the development phase. Data from a stability study for a pharmaceutical product with hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) as an unstable drug substance was used as a case example in this paper. The design space of the stability study was modeled using Umetrics MODDE 10.1 software. We showed that a Partial Least Squares model could be used for a multi-dimensional presentation of all data generated in a stability study and for determination of the relationship among factors that influence drug stability. It might also be used for stability predictions and potentially for the optimization of the extent of stability testing needed to determine shelf life and storage conditions, which would be time and cost-effective for the pharmaceutical industry.</p

    Applying the methodology of Design of Experiments to stability studies: a Partial Least Squares approach for evaluation of drug stability

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    <p>The aim of the present research is to show that the methodology of Design of Experiments can be applied to stability data evaluation, as they can be seen as multi-factor and multi-level experimental designs. Linear regression analysis is usually an approach for analyzing stability data, but multivariate statistical methods could also be used to assess drug stability during the development phase. Data from a stability study for a pharmaceutical product with hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) as an unstable drug substance was used as a case example in this paper. The design space of the stability study was modeled using Umetrics MODDE 10.1 software. We showed that a Partial Least Squares model could be used for a multi-dimensional presentation of all data generated in a stability study and for determination of the relationship among factors that influence drug stability. It might also be used for stability predictions and potentially for the optimization of the extent of stability testing needed to determine shelf life and storage conditions, which would be time and cost-effective for the pharmaceutical industry.</p