8 research outputs found

    Nutrition of patients during radio and chemotherapy

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    The most common method of cancer treatment still includes surgical treatment, which is also the oldest way to fight cancer. Radiotherapy is currently one of the basic method of treating malignant tumors [1]. This method uses the action of ionizing radiation. However, the radiation does not work selectively and also damages healthy tissues. Chemotherapy - the youngest method of cancer treatment - consists in administering to patients cytostatics that block the basic life functions of the cell, mainly by disrupting the ability to divide and multiply cancer cells. Each of the mentioned therapeutic methods may cause side effects in addition to the therapeutic effect. Anorexia, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea or constipation are most often observed. During radiotherapy and chemotherapy, patients observe changes in taste, dry mouth and the possibility of oral irritation [2]. Through the occurrence of side effects of radio and chemotherapy, patients are exposed to the development of malnutrition and even cachexia. For this reason, intensive counseling and individual diet modification should be used in all patients undergoing radio and chemotherapy

    Early hospital rehabilitation in patients with a performed intestinal stoma

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    An intestinal stoma is an intentional connection between the light of the small intestine (ileostomy) or the large intestine (colostomy) and the skin surface. The aim of the study was to present the topic of early hospital rehabilitation in patients who had to have a selected stoma as a result of the procedure. Rehabilitation is a supplement to surgical treatment and conditions good functioning of the patient after surgery. The main components of the therapy are: respiratory exercises, exercises of expectoration and effective coughing, wound stabilization, learning to change position from lying to sitting, anticoagulation exercises, general development exercises, verticalisation. More and more often, the rehabilitation is complemented by the use of kinesiology taping. Properly conducted physiotherapy may bring measurable benefits to the patient in the form of functional improvement and return to efficiency before surgery, or reduction of the degree of disability. The patient improvement plan is subject to constant modification by the therapist and is adapted to the physical and mental abilities of the patient on a given day. An important element in the healing process of patients with a performed stoma is the interdisciplinary care provided by all members of the therapeutic team: a doctor, a nurse, a physiotherapist, a psychologist, a nutritionist

    The assessment of the patients disability degree using the EDSS scale in various forms of multiple sclerosis

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    Purpose. The aim of the study is to assess the patients disability degree using the Extended Scale of Disability in various forms of multiple sclerosis.Material and Methods. The study was conducted on a group of 40 people suffering from multiple sclerosis, diagnosed and treated in the Neurology Clinic of the 10th Military Clinical Hospital in Bydgoszcz. In order to assess the patients disability degree, the Extended Disability Management Scale was used. The other information needed for statistical analysis was obtained from the clinical observation chart established for each patient.Results. The disability degree of patients with multiple sclerosis is determined by many variables. The Expanded Disability Rating Scale is a good tool to assess the degree of disability of patients with multiple sclerosis.Conclusion. 1. In the group of people with relapsing remitting MS, the average value of the degree of disability in the Expanded Disability Scale was the smallest. 2. The childbirth during the course of multiple sclerosis causes exacerbation of clinical symptoms immediately after the childbirth. 3. Optic neuritis as the initial symptom of multiple sclerosis predisposes to a milder course of the disease. 4. Symptoms of the first relapse of multiple sclerosis that support faster progression of disability are: lower limb paresis, sphincter dysfunction and balance disorders. 5. Multifocal symptomatology of the first relapse of multiple sclerosis speaks for faster progression of disability in relation to patients with the first relapse characterized only by one symptom

    Problems of multiculturalism in the polish health care system

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    Introduction: Medical staff in Poland increasingly take care of a person representing a different culture. Aim: To know nurses' knowledge about the customs of people presenting different religions and cultural issues in modern health care. Method: The authoring three-part questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge of multiculturalism. Nonparametric tests were used for the comparison of variables: Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA and Wilcoxon pair order. Results: The overall level of knowledge of different cultures /religions was 8.00 for the whole study group. The highest level of knowledge among nurses was knowledge about Buddhism (1.00) and the lowest level about Hinduism (0.40). Conclusions: Most people did not have any lecture on multiculturalism in medicine during their education. The basic concepts of Judaism, Islam and Christianity are very well known. The knowledge of customs in different religions is small. Adaptation of multicultural education curricula in medical schools is an essential factor to ensure patients and their families appropriate conditions in the Polish health service. There was no conflict of interest

    Holistic approach to the treatment of cervical spine pain syndromes

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    AbstractSpinal pain, including the cervical spine, is currently one of  the most common causes of patient visits to physiotherapy clinics. The pursuit for material goods of modern society, stress, lack of time for physical activities and effective rest or staying most of the day in forced sitting position (at work, at home, in the car) are causes for such trends.Extremely important at the very beginning of the planning of the therapy process is the analysis of the underlying dysfunction that may have different origins. The very visual assessment of the patient's posture pattern during the first visit to the clinic provides valuable information, such as emotional state or positioning of individual body parts, which is important for the progress of therapy and the sustainability of improvement.The article presents a new perspective on the pain of the cervical spine as a disorder of the fascia, requiring tissue and emotional integration. Based on Kinesis Myofascial Integration (KMI), the anatomy trains (musculoskeletal chains), attention focuses on the essential components of cervical dysfunction therapy that may appear to be completely unrelated to the dysfunction seen only through the traditional treatment (symptomatic)

    Evaluation of the capacity of patients with pathological obesity, in a six-minutes march test, before and after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy

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    The aim of a study: The aim of the study was to assess the efficiency of patients with pathological obesity after laparoscopy sleeve gastrectomy in a six-minute march test.Material and methods: The study was conducted on a group of 30 patients with giant obesity hospitalized in the Surgery Clinic of the 10th Military Research Hospital and Polyclinic in Bydgoszcz. The patient was evaluated on the day before the laparoscopic gastrectomy and one month after the surgery. In all patients a six-minute march test was performed and the author's questionnaire was used.Results: As a result of the operation, an average weight loss of 10 kg was observed in the patients, an improvement in efficiency, as well as the resignation or significant reduction in symptoms of coexisting diseases. Based on a 6-minute march test it was found that the distance covered by the patients increased by 30 m.Conclusions: 1. Bariatric surgeries are an effective method of weight reduction for patients with massive obesity. 2. As a result of the procedure, the number of ailments complained about by the patients has decreased. 3. The weight reduction in obese people as a result of a bariatric procedure, increases the functional ability to walk, assessed with a 6-minute march test. 4. The 6-minute march test provides useful information on the functional status of obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery. It is a simple, safe and efficient method for assessing the performance of patients with severe obesity.</p

    Patient treatment using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in nursing practice

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    Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), which is nowadays increasingly used in the treatment of patients, remains an advanced and invasive method, at risk of many complications and adverse events, at the same time increases the chance to save their health and life. On the other hand, indications for the use of extracorporeal methods of supporting vital functions are characterized by multiplicity and their constant widening. Nevertheless, the application of these procedures requires extensive knowledge and high qualifications not only among doctors and perfusionists, but also among nurses. Continuous improvement of qualifications by nurses is necessary to ensure patient’s safety as well as the highest quality of treatment and care for the patient.                                                                                                        For many years, a lot of attention has been paid to the use of personalized treatment, which is the most beneficial for the patient, even if it requires transporting the patient to a more qualified center, where it will be available. Places are created throughout Poland, centers where the use of ECMO is possible. The importance of a mobile ECMO is also growing, which allows the described therapy to be used while the patient is being transported to the appropriate center

    Physical activity as one of the elements of a comprehensive obesity treatment

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    Obesity is nowadays a disease of civilization contributing to the increase in mortality worldwide, especially in developing and developed countries. There is a need to take action to normalise the weight of as many people as possible, bearing in mind disadvantageous to the health and the life, effects of exaggerated increasing the amount of the fatty tissue. In this connection, the need to shape patterns of pro-healthy behaviour should be particularly emphasised. The implementation of appropriate physical activity should be one of the basic elements of a comprehensive obesity treatment. Taking into account a wide range of exercises, it is important to choose the right activity for a given person, taking into account their abilities and performance, as well as indications and contraindications to a specific form of training. A key role in the weight reduction process is played by the determination to continue the recommendations made in a long-term and systematic manner. If attempts of the non-invasive treatment turn out to be ineffective, sick persons with the obesity can be qualified for the bariatric surgery. Implementing the physical activity in the period before and post-operative is bringing the sequence of beneficial changes in the body of the patient. It often improves the well-being of patients as well as results in the faster convalescence and lowering the risk of complications. Both the non-invasive and surgical treatment of obesity should be complemented by the introduction of appropriate physical activity. </p