31 research outputs found

    Mechanism for designing the content of the professional competence of teachers in higher education institutions

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    In the article, the article in the article on the development of modern approaches, and leading and leading factors in the context of the development of vocational competitors of higher education institutions, the professional competence of heads and internal training, and the professional competence of the degree and agrological approaches The issues of improving the organizational and governance mechanisms of the development are covered and the development of the professional competence of the professional competence, and the practical introduction of didactic mechanisms based on innovative and interactive technologies


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    In article are presented the devices and characteristics of channel of epithermal neutrons created on nuclear reactor WWR-SM INP AS of RUz for medical and biologic researches. Realized medical and biologic researches on neutroncapture therapy are discussed. Developed for treatment of radio resistant malignant tumors the Gadolinium neutron capture therapy (GdNCT) is based on the nuclear capture and reactions that occur when 155Gd and 157Gd, which are nonradioactive constituents of natural elemental gadolinium, are irradiated by thermal neutrons with low energy 0.025 eV. In this article, results of scientific researches on development GdNCT in Uzbekistan are presented. The beam of epithermal neutrons with characteristics satisfying the all requirements of IAEA was received. Neutron kerma for biological tissues Kbt n=1,35•10–4 Gr/s and for 1 mg natural gadolinium in 1 g of biological tissues KGd n = 3,1•10–7 Gr/s for this beam was calculated. As gadolinium delivery agent the well-known pharmacological preparation Magnevist was chosen. For absorbed dose calculation, the Magnevist pharmacokinetics was studied after intratumoral injection in mice and intramuscular injection in rats. Results of researches of influence epithermal neutrons beam on binding ability of transport proteins of human blood, on tumor cells С-180 at mice and on surgical material of human stomach adenocarcinoma are presented. Planned scientific researches with application of this beam in Uzbekistan are summarized.В работе представлены устройство и характеристики эпитеплового нейтронного канала, созданного на атомном реакторе ВВР-СМ ИЯФ АН РУз для медико-биологических исследований. Обсуждаются проводимые медико-биологические исследования по нейтрон-захватной терапии. В этой статье представлены результаты научных исследований по разработке GdNCT в Узбекистане. Был получен пучок эпитепловых нейтронов с характеристиками, удовлетворяющими всем требованиям МАГАТЭ. А также, была вычислена керма нейтрона для биологических тканей Kbt n=1,35•10–4 Гр/с и 1 мкг природного гадолиния в 1 г биологической ткани KGd n = 3,1•10–7 Гр/с для этого пучка. Известный фармакологический препарат Магневист (Magnevist) выбран в качестве средства доставки гадолиния. Для расчета поглощенной дозы, фармакокинетика Магневист была изучена после внутриопухолевой инъекции у мышей и внутримышечного введения у крыс. Были представлены результаты исследований влияния эпитепловых нейтронов пучка на связывающей способности транспортных белков крови человека, на опухолевых клетках С-180 у мышей и на хирургических материалах человеческого аденокарциномы желудка. Подведен итог планируемых научных исследований с применением этого пучка в Узбекистане

    Tepotinib in patients with non-small cell lung cancer with high-level MET amplification detected by liquid biopsy: VISION Cohort B

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    High-level MET amplification (METamp) is a primary driver in-1%-2% of non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLCs). Cohort B of the phase 2 VISION trial evaluates tepotinib, an oral MET inhibitor, in patients with advanced NSCLC with high-level METamp who were enrolled by liquid biopsy. While the study was halted before the enrollment of the planned 60 patients, the results of 24 enrolled patients are presented here. The objective response rate (ORR) is 41.7% (95% confidence interval [CI], 22.1-63.4), and the median dura-tion of response is 14.3 months (95% CI, 2.8-not estimable). In exploratory biomarker analyses, focal METamp, RB1 wild-type, MYC diploidy, low circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) burden at baseline, and early mo-lecular response are associated with better outcomes. Adverse events include edema (composite term; any grade: 58.3%; grade 3: 12.5%) and constipation (any grade: 41.7%; grade 3: 4.2%). Tepotinib provides anti-tumor activity in high-level METamp NSCLC (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02864992).Pathogenesis and treatment of chronic pulmonary disease

    Tactics of Treatment of Neurotrophic Corneal Ulcers

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    Neurotrophic keratitis or trophic corneal ulcer occupies a special place in the structure of corneal pathology. Trophic corneal ulcer can be caused by both local (trauma, tumor, inflammation) and systemic processes (syndromic and endocrine pathology, consequences of damage to the central nervous system). there is often a combination of local and systemic factors . In most cases, the ulcer is accompanied by damage to the trigeminal and facial cranial nerves. Despite the treatment, trophic ulcer often ends with the development of severe keratouveitis and endophthalmitis with the loss of an eye

    Tactics of Treatment of Neurotrophic Corneal Ulcers

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    Neurotrophic keratitis or trophic corneal ulcer occupies a special place in the structure of corneal pathology. Trophic corneal ulcer can be caused by both local (trauma, tumor, inflammation) and systemic processes (syndromic and endocrine pathology, consequences of damage to the central nervous system). there is often a combination of local and systemic factors . In most cases, the ulcer is accompanied by damage to the trigeminal and facial cranial nerves. Despite the treatment, trophic ulcer often ends with the development of severe keratouveitis and endophthalmitis with the loss of an eye

    Reproductive Health of the Female Population and Ways to Optimize Obstetric and Gynecological Care at the Level of Primary Health Care

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    The study assessed the knowledge of primary care among visiting nurses (VN) on the topics: reproductive health and law, contraception and family planning, antenatal care (ANC), prevention of cervical cancer, sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Based on the results of the assessment, it can be concluded that it is necessary to improve the qualifications of VN for severe conditions in obstetrics. It is necessary to develop protocols for the management of ANC of pregnant and reproductive health for primary care, in particular VN, taking into account their working conditions

    Transport features of logistics

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    One of the most essential core services affecting logistic service providers has been documented as globalization expansion. The efficiency of moving products is determined by the transportation method. The advancement of techniques and organizational norms enhances freight movement, delivery speed, service quality, procedure prices, facility usage, and energy conservation. Transportation plays an important role in logistics management. In light of the current situation, a strong system requires an intelligible logistics border as well as appropriate transport implements and strategies to connect the fabrication procedures. The goal of this study is to identify the critical elements that influence the logistics and transportation sectors as a result of globalization processes in the global economy. In this articlewe intend to solve the problems of effective management of the market of transport and logistics services have been studied in a number of countries around the world, especially in countries where market relations are being formed

    Prevention of Vertical Transmission of Infection in Pregnant Women with Hepatitis B

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    The course of pregnancy and childbirth in pregnant women with hepatitis B is still considered an urgent issue in obstetrics and gynecology. Pregnant women with hepatitis B often experience complications such as threatening miscarriage, premature birth, premature rupture of the membranes, bleeding during childbirth and in the early postpartum period. The most basic and highest risk is vertical transmission

    Hemangioma in Children and Its Treatment

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    A general clinical examination, ultrasound, angiography, MCT or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) are performed to make a definitive diagnosis of the disease. The exact size of the tumor, the extent of its spread, and its relationship to other tissues and organs are then studied. In some cases, it is difficult to distinguish hemangiomas from candidiasis and candidiasis. A characteristic feature of benign tumors is that they develop very rapidly. But it does not turn into dangerous tumors. When a tumor appears on the face, ear supra, neck, fingers and toes, and other delicate areas, its size can increase and even disrupt organ function. Such side effects are especially common in newborns. Sometimes benign tumors can also be associated with large blood vessels, disrupting the circulatory system

    Mechanism for designing the content of the professional competence of teachers in higher education institutions

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    In the article, the article in the article on the development of modern approaches, and leading and leading factors in the context of the development of vocational competitors of higher education institutions, the professional competence of heads and internal training, and the professional competence of the degree and agrological approaches The issues of improving the organizational and governance mechanisms of the development are covered and the development of the professional competence of the professional competence, and the practical introduction of didactic mechanisms based on innovative and interactive technologies